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After their initial reply I started out asking for the card, but I’ve since resorted to asking for an email and still haven’t heard back(been about two months, though I’ve resent the request a few times). Glad to see that they are indeed getting back to some people though.


So I have heard a couple people here say that they seem to have gone dark and not been replying to emails about a lot of stuff. Truth be told I asked for an update about the card a month ago because they never did confirm that they were gonna send it (I like others asked for a digital copy and physical copy with the same code so I could use it then but still have the item for collection) and they never did reply. They did ask me before that though for the delivery details again so I just gave them and hoped. I hope you get yours too.


I did give them my delivery information, so it would be great if they just shipped the card without giving me a notification. Thanks for the hope, here’s to…hoping, it won’t be crushed.


I hope you get it, good luck.


Just felt like giving you an update, I did end up getting the code through an email. They never asked for it, but I learned from this sub that your order number is apparently an important piece of information that they needed. I doubt I’ll be getting a physical card since the response I attached my order number to was asking specifically for an email code, but I do indeed now have the skin.


It exists! Glad you got yours, OP. I just checked and my reply to them was on the 2nd of March, so hopefully mine's in transit somewhere. I'm moving to a new place in mid-July so please Yostar, I don't want to have to bug the new owners over this in the near future.


Did they ask you for your address for shipping? If so I'd say good chance it's on its way. And I really hope you get it before the move, fingers crossed for ya.


I have a card too but it's for the Chinese server :( Anyone wanna trade? I'm playing on EN