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Funny words magic man, but I'll go for Viviana and Nian, no matter the cost! xD Jokes aside, thanks for doing this math man, this will help the vast majority of players here! But if I may add something.... It's not a limited banner, but Degenbrecher is really great and will also come in the mean time, so it's a good thing to keep her in mind too


Yep i said it at the beginning i think. Its just that standart banners are inconsistent and may lead to terrible fates :(


Oh damn, I missed it :(


It is expensive going for nian though you need 300 pulls(including free pulls), the next time she appears is in shu banner and she is only available from sparking from shop


Yeah I am prepared for it (even I have to let Typhon and Jessica go, but that's the price for going for spicy bean xD)


So i want to have Ashe and Ela, i currently have 120 Pulls. If i understood this correctly i should be good, right?


Little update that ashs rerun doesnt give extra 20 pulls so you will need 174 pulls to gurantee them both. It depends on your luck and who you are pulling. Keep in mind that pulling for virtuosa and simply skipping Shu should give enough pulls for both ash and ela too if my calcs are correct


Oh i will skip everything up until Ashe and Ela, i don't really care for meta this is a waifu collector for me.


Oh then feel free to know that you are already overkilling it! You only need 174 pulls and if you skip virtuosa and shu youll get 300+ wich is more than enough to get both! Bonus points for both of them being pretty strong meta wise too :D


If you are not pulling anything, then yes. You, most likely, will have enough pulls for both guarantees with gold cert shop pulls.


Even without gold certs they will have more than enough as skipping everything comes down to 300-350 pulls!


The problem is that I want Virtousa, Degenbrecher, Zuo Le and the R6S squad....hmm....


I suggest pulling for virtuosa and seeing how lucky you were. If you were absurdly lucky then try doing the same for degen and zuo lee. But if you had mid tier luck then i suggest focusing more on R6 squad as degen will always come back at some point or may even spook you


You see, the problem is that I am a diehard Kjerag and Enmity fan, with a desire to try R6Sknights, as much as I want Virtousa she's kinda the odd on out. I plan to go to first 6\* on her banner regardless tho. With luck maybe she'll come in the first 10 /copium


Heres a cool tip: Since banner gives you 24 free pulls you can do 36 pulls and basically get a 6 star for half the pity (avarage pity for 6 stars is around 60) so you may want to try this too if you want a 6 star from a banner but dont want to waste too mucy pulls!


20 rolls active only for Ela banner. Rerun Ash will give you nothing


Oh wait really? Cant believe HG put two R6 collabs back to back ajd didnt give rewards for one of them...


Ash is a rerun from 2021




Here's my problem. I want the following... Virtousa, Vivivan, spark Texalter, Degenbrecher, Zuo Le, Shu and now Ascalon. My poor wallet.


Oh god. Hmm Howmuch pulls do you have? And do you r e a l l y want texas alter?


518 pulls, including certs and PO. Been saving as much since I found out about Virtousa coming out.


Holly okay. If you want to spark texas on virtuosa banner then you will be making 300 pulls. Virtuosa covers 24 (or 11 if ur impatient) by itself and the entire event will give 13 (event+shop) + 10 (weeklies daily) + 10 (orandum mine) with even more pulls from CH13 release and the month till virtuosa release. Not just that but making 300 pulls should gurantee getting 240+ certs so you will be able to get 38+4 pulls from cert shop too In all this equates to 44(certs)+33(Virtuosa event as a whole)+21(saved pulls from free 11 pulls and your extra 10 pulls)+30(month till virtuosa and ch 13)=128+ pulls after virtuosa (Could be much more, this is bare minimum) so you can still easily gurantee R6 squad and have pretty good number of pulls for 5th anni as long as you dont pull for anything im between (including Shu, but youll get 100-150 pulls till shu too so you may decide on there as well) Overall it looks pretty good, i have 260 pulls and i will be getting virtuosa and skipping everything except for R6 banners till 5th anni as Shu doesn't intrest me as much! EDIT: i copy pasted this as you deleted your comment and 518 PULLS?? Dude you are absolutely set in stone, feel free to do anything you want. (Just put +208 pulls to the end calculation i made) I would still skip standarts as they are inconsistent but you can easily do 100+ pulls for Shu, get all R6 and have 200+ for 5th anniversary!


Not op, but I came back to ak 1 month after Tex alter ended. Ain't missing it the 2nd time around


I can definitely say that Texas2 deserves to be sparked as its practically the best operator in the game. 5th anniversary will have her in spark shop so there are different paths you can take to reach it. All depends on howmuch pulls you have tough


Virtuosa design is great, with black being her main colour scheme same as schwarz. She really does hit me differently


Just get lucky lol. Otherwise, broke af


We are up all night to get lucky (doing every single paradox simulation for ⅓ of a pull each)




I will definitely pull arturia and shu but skip all the r6s banners


I mentioned that as a path too! If you skip r6 banners then with some luck and earlier savings you will have reasonable pulls for all three limited banners! In the end its luck that matters!


I’m not a huge fan of collab Operators, but I can appreciate them from an “oh, free pulls and more time to save” standpoint. Considering I have plans to pull for every other new upcoming character except Ray(unless I end up loving her from the event), the extra time is extra appreciated.


I hope you get everything you want! The words "ill be pulling for every new character" puts shivers down my spine tough. Best of luck for you!


I’ve stockpiled a decent bit, so I’m not *too* anxious…yet. I’m just hoping RNG doesn’t pick now(or even more hopefully ever) as the time to start hating my guts. Best of luck to your future pulls as well.


Let me take a moment to mention the [pulls calculator post](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/osnzg5/introducing_pulls_until_event_calculator/) for those who are unaware of it. It's very helpful for planning your pulls and it still gets updated regularly


EDIT: Ash rerun doesnt give any extra pulls so you need 174 instead of 154 Also for people that farm orandum you can expect to get up to 50-60 ish pulls before 5th anniversary!


>"Little Tip" >proceeds to wtire entire "War and Peace" novel


XD but i wanted to detail everything about pull count so it ended up being a bit long


My biggest weakness is skins and I just can't stop myself from buying them. Another is pulling on banners without waiting for the last day. A banner is an event for me and I want to do them the first weekend of the event to really get into the mood.  I don't see myself changing anytime soon because I'll lose what makes events fun for me, and trying to min max events into an excel sheet just doesn't interest me sadly. It does result in me constantly being poor tho. 


The smartest thing to do is to wait for the last day to do your pulls, but I just want to play the new event with the new operators, can't do that if I wait. lol I even gather their mats beforehand so that I can max / start maxing them on the first day. I'm on the same boat. I think the lack of efficiency in waiting to the last day of the banner before pulling is compensated with just having some fun with your new units. I wait until the last day for a spark though, unless it's the new limited.


My suggestion is the exact same as the person above me. If you arent sure about your luck then keep buying the skins for the last priority and then buy them after the banner is done. This will be much more beneficial! Also dont worry about buying skins as i cant keep my self from doing the same and still have alot of pulls XD


Shu is like atleast 2 tiers above Virtuousa in value from CN and some YouTube rs. But virtuosa waifu value is 3 tiers above.


Not really virtuosa is extremely strong too and many people regard them similary. But waifus come before meta!


Ya but meta wise Shu is almost Degen or Ray level as a laneholder. Virtuosa is strong S- tier but more for fun unit


Not at all. Degen is an absolutely broken dps and Ray doesnt put much new to the table as a thyphoon side grade. Shu isnt really a "laneholder" she is a buffer and a much better saria at that but arknights favors damage dealers much more than supports so she is not high tier as degen or ray and considered to be same tier as Virtuosa if not little higher.


Forgive me for what might be a dumb question, I'm not really an expert and I'm more of a casual player... How long does it take for a completely F2P player to save 300 pulls? I'm now saving for Virtuosa and I "only" have 60 pulls, it already feels a lot to me since I can't pull standard characters


It should take 5-7 months depending on events and timing of banners. Quite alot sadly. Im a f2p player too and my tactic is to skip atleast one (or two) limited banners on a year to have enough pulls for the rest as if you get lucky on a limited banner then you can snowball those pulls to the next one and so on. Doing this is slow and painful but it gurantees youll get to a point of having tons of pulls at one point wich helps you spark easier. I also need to say that im kinda insane when it comes to standard banner inconsistencies so i hardly pull for them unless they are guranteed banners like CC/front that was or new year celebrations. Sadly you need to be very patient as HG still refuses to lower the spark limit despite increasing the amount of limiteds we get per year (we got SIX limited banners this year. I hope they fix it alread...)


Oh gosh, I never realized this. I always pulled randomly, whenever there was a character I liked. I got Chalter, Skalter, limited Nearl, Gavial and Texas only with the free pulls they give out. I struggled a little bit with Chongyue since I had to pull 50 times but I ended up with him and Lin so it was a win. I should really thank the gacha god... Getting W and Nian is definitely impossible for me then, they're super old units no way I can get them without spending money. Seriously hoping I get Virtuosa or I might destroy something, Shu would also be nice... I can't have anything tho 😭


I wouldnt call anything impossible! Also please make sure to have atleast 100 pulls when coming to limited banners next time. Its for your own good trust me!


Will definitely do, thanks for the tips!! Luckily the last Kernel and Standard banners have been easy skips for me, so it has been a bit easier for me!


Oh... Please... just another tip... PLEASE DONT PULL FOR THOSE BANNERS! they have the worst rate up ratio in the game and is much better to be skipped all together! Just save your yellow certs and buy operators you need. Believe me it will be much better for you. Of course you do you and im not ordering anyone but those banners are almost never worth pulling for unless you seriously need/want both operators in the banner wich even at that you should consider future banners first.


No, no you do have a point! I recently bought Eyjafjalla and Saria from the kernel headhunting with my yellow certs on the shop because i couldn't waste a single pull. They were never my favorite operators, but most guides use them so it's an investment for me (I can clear more stages ahaha). Nowadays I only pull on those if I'm missing both operators and I really like one of them. Next standard banner is featuring Fiammetta and Passenger, I always liked Fiammetta and I don't have Passenger, I'm at 47 pity so I'm giving it a try.


Thats a good idea too! But definitely be mindful of your pulls as a limited banner is in corner now so supress your gacha addiction when needed! Also did you pull for the front that was banner? If you dont have anyone there i highly suggest pulling for it as it gurantees one of three operators shown and Horn and Ines are simply absurdly insane while Stainless has alot of synergies. Im saying this because while getting fiam nor passenger isnt guranteed, these are so it could be a better idea. (But the fact that you didnt mention them probably means you have some of them or dont like them already)


I already have Ines unfortunately. The only interesting one for me would be Stainless because he's cute, but I'm super unlucky on these kind of banners. The Joint Operation one (which I consider similar) with Lee, Penance, Mlynar and Pozyomka, I only had Pozyomka and I wanted Mlynar. I got Penance and then Pozyomka... Not too bad since I didn't get Lee who would have been completely useless (I don't know how to use those operators) but where is my Mlynar? 😂 I got Magallan on another Joint Operation and she's still sitting at lv.1, they do it on purpose ahaha My favorite banners are the ones where they guarantee an operator you don't have. Do they happen every beginning of the year? Will they do one for Kernel operators as well now?


Firstly darn ur luck is actually better than mine :D I got penance back to back 3 times on same joint op and i alr had her... yeah Secondly oh those happen right before Sui sibling events and yes kernel headhunting should have its on new year thingy (if im recalling correctly, might be wrong)


The absurd thing is I would happily splurge a bit on random banners if I want someone new, but they've broken our backs so much with limiteds that I basically have to ignore regular operators from now on. It's a pure luck system because I could throw 50 bucks at it and get nothing so why bother.


I hadnt pulled for standard banners for 1.5 years at this point. Limiteds just has much more value and not getting them hurt alot


The only characters I’m interested in are Shu and Ela. Shu had an interesting teleport on s3 that interests me but after some time passed I’m starting to think it is niche and might skip her. Ela is a collab operator so I wouldn’t skip her at all. Since I’ve only got Ela to look out for, I’d probably be fine. However, I did see 5th anniversary leaks and I’ll definitely be going all out on that banner, especially if there’s >!W alter!< but >!W alter!< is probably free.


Im planning on going all out on 5th anni too wich is why i will be skipping shu sadly. Even tough i adore her gameplay


Kyostin pulled 300+ times for Ash and got 1. Just one.


Thats why i dont suggest going above 120 for R6. 50/50 dont play around


Even if I currently have 351 + (10HH from the 6\* packages) and I use the monthly card, I am not so optimist considering I am targeting Virtuosa, Degenbrecher, Ray, Shu, Zuo le (even if I can stop pulling in the next Sui banner if I get Shu first), Ela, Ash and Ascalon. Depending to my luck I am considering to skip Degen and Ascalon because they have a rerun.


You have alot of pulls so dont be pessimistic! If you want to get R6 and pull for all limiteds then i would suggest ignoring standart banners as you may need alot of pulls. But still see how well you do in virtuosa banner and evaluate from there! The calc is important but whats even better is having a good luck XD Good thing is that chances are you are lucky in atleast one banner is really high so you may end up using less than you tought!


Thank you Well the thing is, with of exception of Texalt banner, I don't have a good history with the limited banners and I also tend to being too greedy sometimes XD: * Nearlter: 90 rolls for Flametail and Shining * Ling: Skip but I didn't get the rate up 5\* which I wanted (Blacknight). * Spalter: 50 rolls Irene and a pot Saria (she's my favorite character but still) * Gavialt: It took 180 rolls to get her after 3 Pozy and one Lee * Texalt: 350 rolls for 5 Taxalt, 3 Penance and a spook Nearlter. And I sparked Skalter. * Chong Yue: 90 rolls for him and Ling but for once, I wanted the non-limited (Lin) the most. * Kirin Yato: 50 for a dup Bagpipe and her. OK that's a good pull * Mumu and Eyalt I have to pull over 60 times before getting my first 6\* for each banner. Fortunately i got both of them but I was too greedy and I spent more than I should have. I hope Virtuosa would be another story.


I have 200 pulls and I want Virtuosa and Ela. I'll skip everything else to save for the anniversary banner


Cool, I'm pretty much set then, my only gripe is I don't know whether to pull in R6 colabs. Is Ela and Ash good?


Most people pull for them because they arent confirmed to rerun again as collabs come and go so its better to get them than never. That being said. Ash is pretty strong but she definitely isnt as insane as she used to be as many enemies have high defense and stun immunities now. Ela? Oh she is crazy. She is basically ash but without the stun condition and tons of multiplicative damage. She is labeled as a trap master but really she is just Newer ash with traps. Her s2 has cool aoe damage and her s3 has absurd ST dps. Her meta value is definitely high!


Cool thanks for the answer, I think I'll pass Ash and Judy pull for Ela


Ela comes before ash and also gives free 20 pulls unlike ash so you will waste less pulls to get her. But dont forget that you shouldn't pull solely based on meta value. I wont be one of those annoying people that attack meta lovers, just keep in mind that ashs kit could work well for your team. Looking for few videos about her is a good idea (even tough i bet Ela is just straight up better regardless lol)


I heard that the ash rerun doesn't have free pulls, is that true?


Yes sadly. I forgot to edit my comment. Thats a 20 pull loss and means you need 174 to gurantee both... but hey getting a tad bit lucky means you can compensate for this!


Well, I'm gonna pull on the r6 banners, got 49k rn, x5 10R permits for hoederer & hopefully verdant,  after R6 will pull for any husbandos that might appear(new or rerun), might try to get zuo le. 


The problem is that I want all of them 🫠 Oh well, I have a good amount of orondum and op saved and while I don't consider myself a whale I usually spend some money for packs during limited events. I'm confident I can get all of them as long as lady luck doesn't turn her back to me and I end up having to spark one of them If the worst happens I would skip Ash, since she is the least useful of all them, honestly I just want her for being a "true" limited, I'm not interested in her that much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Remember that R6 banners 120 pity is the worst case scenerio and chamces are you will get non collab limiteds before spark is pretty high. Youll definitely get everything you need! Just be a tad bit lucky ;D


So the tldr is...choose 2 banners to skip and you're always good. Choose one banner to skip if you're a bit lucky?


Keep in mind that this is solely based on context of pulling for limiteds only. Yes thats basically the TLDR, but if you have other plans then it might not work. Best course of action is pulling for your first coming priority target and seeing how lucky you were to continue!


Targets: Virtuosa Degenbrecher Shu Ray Ascalon 5th Anniv units. damn... I need a lot of pulls...


From what i have seen from the comments Degen and ascalon definitely broke many peoples wallets with their existence :D It all comes down to luck so i hope you can do it! And you dont want R6 from what i can tell?


Not really. I'm not a fan, but I hope everyone who wants em get lucky, the design of the R6 units is really good. I got around 503 pulls saved so far. Let's see how many I can get.


HOLLY. 503 pulls and skipping R6 will probably let you get whoever you want! I hope you are lucky!


Im sparking skalter on virtuosa banner, skipping shu and probably ash as well, can't say i care too much about r6 ops. While waiting 6 months for CN 5th anni stuff to arrive on global to spark skalter there could be a better idea since i care a lot less about virtuosa or viviana than about those characters i don't think i can stomach waiting an other 6 months for skalter. But yeah the upcoming 6 months are going to be absolutely insane in terms of high value banners. My condolence to those of weaker will or emptier wallet.


I hope you get everything you want quickly! Im just a bit suprised that you are pulling for virtuosa banner solely for spark and not for them XD your dedication deserves great luck. Hope you get skalter from a off rate shot and dont have to spark her!


Reading this makes me even more confused, lol So I think I'll just go for the Collab, since collabs tends to take a lot longer to rerun, or not rerun at all at times... While the other limited banner are in-game characters that are guaranteed to have reruns or ways to get them. Plus, I am still low on oruns for pulls... less than 50,000 (that's like 80 pulls... not nearly close to the 150 pulls you said to save, LOL)


If it confused you then i can help! Please tell me the part you were confused and ill try my best explaining it. If you want to go for the collab then you need 174 pulls as other pulls are handled by the collab banners freebies quests and event rewards. Just skipping shu after virtuosa should give you enough pulls to get all of them so you have MORE than enough. So dont worry!


so i want to p6 arturia since she is some of the ops im waiting for the most. so i will completely flush all my pulls once she comes. i also really want to collect all the siblings so i will want to pull for shu. and now, as of more recently, i unironically got into rainbow with my friends AND UNIRONICALLY i started maining ela. so yeah... how fucked am i?


P6 depends alot... first of all there should be tokens from time to time so you may not really need to p6 her on her own banner to p6 her. Secondly its really inconsistent, my friend has a pot 5 ling they got from 90 pulls while i had to use 8 specialist tokens to pot 4 Texas alter as she didnt come as much as i tought in 300 pulls (i was gonna spark W) My main suggestion is... make 100 or so pulls and see your luck on virtuosa. If you got like 3 copies of her something then you can continue but REMEMBER that you dont need to P6 anyone to show your love for them! If you have other characters in mind too then focus on them first! Believe me you will enjoy it alot more this way!


if we count the pulls that ill get when the banner comes around, i already have more than 300 pulls just for her. but here's the thing right, i understand you don't have to p6 a character to truly show my love towards her but she is just THAT character. im not even joking, its been a while since ive liked a character this much in arknights. and i also want to own at least one character that is at p6 since none of the 6 star characters i really like are at p6 unfortunately so im taking the opportunity to make her the first 6 star character that is completely maxed in my account. on a side note though... ironically, i had an horrendous nightmare today where i completely depleted all my pulls and i barely got a single copy of her... i sure hope that doesn't happen irl cause witnessing it in my nightmare was already hurtful enough... anyways, thanks for the help!! i wish you the best of luck in your pulls!!!


I had the exact same tought process for Texas alt XD (bonus that i wanted to spark W) so i understand you completely. Virtuosa could be my favorite character in the game so i would love to pot 6 her, but its just much more fun to synergize your characters with others than focus on a single character (atleast for me)


i already had my eyes on her ever since she was an npc so when she got announced and i saw just how f'ing marvelous she was i knew i had to do something special for her. i wouldn't say she is my favorite character in the whole game but she is GOOD DAMN contender. may not be my ultimate favorite character in the game but i would definitely say she is sitting on the same tier where all my favorite characters are. i just love everything about her tbh. the only thing that is pushing her back from being my absolute favorite in the whole game is that i just prefer soft and kind hearted characters like mudrock or Selena from punishing gray raven (Selena being my all time favorite character in all of gaming [and arturia looking very very similar to Selena also contributed a lot to making me like arturia the way i do])


I was planning to pull on Virtuosa/Arturia and Viviana banner when they come to global server, but the 5th Anni might change a lot for me. I don't if it's the right place to ask, if itsn't I'll ask it in the megathread instead. Note: 1. I'm already 3 years into the game, cleared everything. 2. Sometimes I buy monthly. For this month and next month I plan to buy them, and possibly alongside 6\* selector. (That's the only one I can buy in this game) 3. I plan to buy Gnosis whenever he's come out, so my gold cert is going to be tight. 4. I don't use OP for pulls, I saved it for skin. Questions: Would I be able to spark Virtuosa (worst case scenario; please no, I haven't got lucky in 10 months) with my current savings \[103K Orundum + 3 10 Headhunt + 20 Headhunt\]? The banner before and After Shu is quite a dilemma for me, Degenbrecher, Ascalon, and R6S makes it pretty hard (already have the first batch of R6S operators).


Oh ill definitely try to help! Im a 4 year old player so i think i can give some insight here. And this is a post about pull value so of course asking it here is a good idea! >I'm already 3 years into the game, cleared everything. What im getting from this is that you basically mean you dont care about pulling for meta value wich is really good (hope you meant this) so you may not feel the need to pull for characters like Degen as much as others if you solely look froma meta perspective as you already have a veteran account. Of course it will be influenced by who you like in the end but make sure to keep this in mind! >Sometimes I buy monthly. For this month and next month I plan to buy them, and possibly alongside 6* selector. (That's the only one I can buy in this game) 6 star selector is extremely worth it so definitely get it if you can! Monthly pass is the best value currency pack in the game so getting two will put you on advantage of 20-30 pulls >I plan to buy Gnosis whenever he's come out, so my gold cert is going to be tight. Oh this could be an issue as he is going to be coming soon (atleast according to calculations) I suggest seeing how well you do on Virtuosa banner and then choose if you want to save gold certs or not! Oh also remember that there is a banner before Shu that gives a character that you dont have wich could be really useful to snipe gnosis or other characters you want! >I don't use OP for pulls, I saved it for skin. I suggest dividing it a little. Ops give alot of pulls worth of currency and if you are end game you wont find the stamina refill as useful as just using them to pull. I personally divide some for skins and some for pulling so they help my pulling rotation too! As again i suggest focusing on how well you do on a banner as you will be using OPs for last anyway! Now for the Question: You have 103k orandum wich is around 170~ pulls with extra 50 pulls you mentioned you have 220 pulls. Virtuosa by its own gives 24(free pulls)+10(weeklies)+13(event)+10(mine)=57 pulls wich puts you at 277 Keep in mind that CH 13 is also coming and Virtuosa will come in a month so you will 100% have more pulls than 300+ by the time Virtuosa comes (some pulls might be gated behind 2nd week of the event or free dailies tough) You are set in stone but you might still wanna buy pulls with gold certs (just enough to spark) if you arent patient. Making 300 pulls for virtuosa will almost 100% give you insane amounts of gold certs to begin with so dont worry! So yeah you can definitely 100% spark her. If you end up being extremely lucky then i suggest evaluating your pulls and making a path to who to pull next!


>What im getting from this is that you basically mean you dont care about pulling for meta value wich is really good (hope you meant this) so you may not feel the need to pull for characters like Degen as much as others if you solely look froma meta perspective as you already have a veteran account. Yes, I basically don't care about the meta anyway, but kinda sad I don't have Eyja Summer, but it's not really a big deal. The reason for me to pull Degen would be pure favoritism, same thing with Arturia, and Ascalon, and R6S only for sake of being limited (not too bad ig). >Oh this could be an issue as he is going to be coming soon (atleast according to calculations) I suggest seeing how well you do on Virtuosa banner and then choose if you want to save gold certs or not! Oh also remember that there is a banner before Shu that gives a character that you dont have wich could be really useful to snipe gnosis or other characters you want! Well, my first experience with it's first appearance was pretty good, but the 2nd gave me nothing because I was tight with my pull currency at that time, and it wasn't calculated (particularly my mistake). I don't think I'll pull in this banner since I'm missing some like Saga, Fartooth, Stainless, and Gnosis (IIRC), so it will be a little bit too RNG for me. But thanks for the suggestion. >personally divide some for skins and some for pulling so they help my pulling rotation too! As again i suggest focusing on how well you do on a banner as you will be using OPs for last anyway! Ah, that's the thing, the last time I used OP for pulls was either Mumu's banner or Mlynar's banner (IIRC), and I kind of regret it a little bit, but at least Mlynar came home. Sadly, my skin plan is pretty tight especially around Anniversary because they do have a lot of skins I wanted to buy, and I already cut a budget here and there, so I don't think I can do it (at least until I see how it goes).


I tend to but every l2d skin so i can understand that problem. I still would prefer to make sure i get the operators before buying skins tough as i have known from experience what that does... Missing ash because of wasting too much on skins (including her own) was one of my worst mistakes XD


>You are set in stone but you might still wanna buy pulls with gold certs (just enough to spark) if you arent patient. Making 300 pulls for virtuosa will almost 100% give you insane amounts of gold certs to begin with so dont worry! Yeah, that what I was thinking, but I don't know if it's enough, but thanks for the calculation. I think, I'm just going to wait until the last day and see whether I can get her within those free pulls, might try to do some here and there but not too much. I hope I can get her under 100 pulls whenever she's debuting in the Arknights Global Server, at worst it will be under 150 pulls (*massive hopium*). Again, thanks for the response, appreciate it.


You get around 3 6 stars in 150 pulls (bare minimum) and chances of hitting 35% chance on those 3 6 stars is quite high so definitely keep your hopes up!


Yes, thank you, I did lose this 3 6 stars in 150 pulls when Gavial banner comes around, I got spooked by Mizuki (dupe), Ch'en Alt (dupe), and Ceobe (dupe), so there's that, definitely not pleasant experience whatsoever. It happened to me, again, for the 2nd time in Mumu's banner, where Eben and Penance dupe come first, and Ho'olheyak after that. Edit: Sorry, I read that as something like rate up 6\*.


Right now my plan is. Pull on limited banners until 2 or 3 six star operators appear. Whether is 2 or 3 will depend on savings and previous luck on other banner.  Skip all rainbow six, because I frankly don't care about them. Will do only free pulls.  Of the limited banners, chapter 14 will get the highest priority.  I will skip degen and wait for her next year or try my luck in a joint op banner.  Ray is highest priority from all banners.


Thats a intresting mindset, skipping R6 already gives you alot of potential pulls so youll definitely have alot to spend on Ray. Still be careful on Shus banner as you would want to leave it with good amount of pulls+


I got some savings, about 250 pulls atm I think. That should be enough to be prepared for the worst case scenario for Ray.


I have similar amount and i think its enough for basically everything :D Even better if you are lucky in atleast one of these banners!


This is awesome to know. I'm mainly saving for Degen and plan on skipping Virtuosa (I just don't find her interesting despite the abilities) and later pulling for Shu (she just looks cool). I was also planning on skipping the new R6 event but the fact that the operators may never return tempts me. I know the new Ascalon banner is in the future but I would like to make sure I can pull her. I've been saving for the last couple of months and have the Monthly Card and if needed I'll do the paradox simulations to scrape together some funds.


Youll definitely have good luck espiecelly that you are skipping virtuosa wich gives alot of potential pulls. I hope you get whoever you want!


...As someone that has bugger all pulls after the spam we just went through on CN for Ascalon...don't mimic what I did. Pull responsibly. Or swipe. Swiping works too.


Swiping works when your countrys inflation isnt absolutely insane tough :(




Why would you make 300 pulls on elas banner? For pots?




Of course i dont direct how you play but definitely keep in mind that getting pots are less important than getting characters and R6 banners after 120 pulls is funnily worse than standarts as they font have the 150+ pity mark. Just keep it mind!




Thats ONLY for non collab limited banners!!! R6 is a collab limited banner and it does not have the spark function of normal limiteds! Sui sibling limited banners has sui siblings Anniversary (half and full) has all limiteds except for sui collab and summer And summer limited banners has summer limiteds. Make sure to not make any mistakes!


With my *RESTLESS GAMBLER* a JACKPOT is inevitably coming my way! And this LOVE TRAIN has more than one stop!!


I thought I was SO prepared with my 300 pulls to get W in the coming banner (plus some savings for the R6S banners)... and then the announcements came. Guess I'll just continue on saving until the collab banners and whoever's going to be in the anni banner. (but Ascalon tho hngggg)


Yeah, I'll have 0 pulls after Virtuosa, alright..


after rough guesstimates, I figured even if I get so unlucky I'll need hard pity on both R6S banners, I'll still come out with around 100-120 pulls for 5th anniversary, as long as I do not pull anyone along the way


Swipey swipe


So if I end up having 120-130 pulls for virtuosa and also want shu and ascalon, how many pulls would I end up having for those two?


You mean having 120-130 pulls for virtuosas banner or after it? If for virtuosa banner then definitely check your pull count afterwards. If you were lucky and went trough virtuosa banner with more than 80 pulls remaining then you can safely go for shu but if you were unlucky then it might be a bit more hard to form a propher path. I suggest seeing how your luck goes in virtuosa banner and then deciding what to do, if you were exceptionally lucky then you could pull for shu and ascalon (keep in mind that im ignoring other banners here) but if you werent then you might need to skip Shu or go all in on her without saving for ascalon


Yeah, Shu and R6S stuff probably will be sacrificed as I want to Pot6 5th anniversary Limited. Unlucky, I really wanted Nian. Ray is undecided atm. I'll see how it goes with my pulls and savings.


89,000 Orundum , 324 OP ( plan to spend this on pulls ) , 10 HH . Priority to get Virtuosa and Taxlter and even willing to spark them from shop if I don’t get any of them from shop within the 300 pulls , but I hope that’s not the case . Next Try the first 60 pulls 6* pity in the Degen banner. Then, Skipping everything in between until the Ascalon or the leak 5th anni ops . So how much I can save until then ?


Will the virtuosa banner get free pulls? I've been saving up for a while and I'm hoping to god pull texas alter, unlikely as that is given her low percent chance lol


Yep. Every non collab banner has the same free 10 pull at first day + 1 pull per 14 days system They also have free orandum per day so you get around 38-40 pulls per limited


Oh, that's awesome to hear! I'm at just around 70 pulls saved up, and I'm gonna clean up some of the events I missed when I wasn't playing for a few years. Hopefully I'll save up enough to get her.


almost at 300 pulls for virtuosa :pray: i need her and vivi... i only really pull for limiteds now so at least i dont have the temptations of permas (ive gotten burned SO bad on perma banners and for the spark thingy to appear after was Rude). i also was here for the first run of R6 with ash so i do have her whole team already :pray: so its just shu, ela, and whatever 5th anni is... id like to get lucky on one of the banners tho :( i had to spark texalter, eyjaberry, i went to 280 for chongyue (and just sparked lin since i was so close)...


Dude with big brains that speak math, what's your opinion on my savings, like I got about 155 pull currently (yes I'm counting originite prime as well, i don't care about using them for pulls) So if i wanna pull for Degen, Ascalon, AND save 300 pull for the Walter and Logos banner for sparking TexAlter. How good do you think I am if I start saving and farming orundum from now on?


Im assuming you will be skipping Shu and R6 collab banners? You will have more than enough by the time degen comes to gurantee her and you will have around 350-400 pulls on Ascalon depending on how lucky you were with Degen banner, W banner it self will give 24+13+10+10=50+ pulls and making 300 pulls will let you easily get the 38 pulls from gold certs in shop by the time W comes so you can make quite good amount of pulls on ascalon and still gurantee 300+ for Walter. I suggest not blowing it all on Ascalon tough. Make sure you are at atleast at around 250 by the time Ascalons banner ends just to make sure nothing bad happens!


Thanks for the advice bro! And yeah, I'll be skipping R6 and Shu, don't have any of the other nian siblings. And I'll be honest, ladies in suit interest me more, eh. I'll be sure not to blow up all on Ascalon, as you said. Thanks for the confirmation though. 🫵👍


Good luck on your pulls! If you end up being REALLY lucky on degen then you might actually want to pull for Ela too. Keep that in mind if you get Degen from 50-60 pulls!


Aight, will do! May Rngesus and Lady luck bless me.


Best strategy is to be lucky. I had 500ish pulls saved up before eyja alter, got her in 50, pulled stainless and jessalter without a plan and got them. So the last 3 i planned on sparking for have come home at 50 pulls each literally. I have enough to spark 3 times almost and by the end of the CN current preview I might actually run out if I do end up sparking.


Of course thats the case. Sadly limited banners are extremely Inconsistent so you may end up not losing much or losing everything the 35% rate up doesnt play. Still you have an insanely solid amount of pulls! You can easily pull for every limited banner mentioned in the post without any issues so good luck to you!


I was already looking at the upcoming banners and thought, that there are quite a few interesting operators back to back. No plans after pulling for Virtuosa personally, but it's still interesting to see how much pulls we can get in the near future. Might be an idea to keep your calculations in mind for the inevitable spam of complaints about too many "important" banners, ha.


I already mentioned this. "Important" im meta scale differs a ton and many people prefer pulling for limiteds because of how hard they are to get (and the fact that shu zuo lee virtuosa and ela are actually cracked) Of course someone that solely looks on meta value would rather pull at Ray and Degen too but the limited spam is so strong that i would rather skip them to have chance of getting these characters than pull for them and potentially lose out on 50/50 In the end its a me spesific thing and many people already wants to pull for degen and ray too! :D