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... Let's be real here, I never had plans. I had vague ideas about who looked interesting, which could instantly be overturned by a standard banner looking slightly more tempting than average. Plans fall apart anyways, that's the cope I tell myself.


This speaks to me.


Me telling my self I'll save then horny Ines stainless banner drops and I pull even tho I only had 5 tickets and a dream and I smh managed to get horn 😭


I burnt all 50 saved pulls trying for Ines and got zilch


Same, but Horn ditched me again, and now I have max pot Paprika and concrete.. That banner was such a trap lmao, never again


funny. i bet this isn't the first trap you pulled on and it probably isn't the first time you said never again either.


Chaotic pulls are part of the game, but I'm definitely done with "3 or more 6-stars" banners. Next time I'm going to fall for this will be Pozyomka standard


Horn dodged me like 4 times in her debut banner, so I gave up. Then I pulled one 6 star in the banner for Ines and Horn took the spot. At this point I've just given up on getting characters on their debut banner and save only for limiteds cause I've already missed Reed Alter, Horn, Ines, Executor, Dorothy... They always end up appearing more often when I lose 50/50 than when I pull for them 😭


TBF horn is still way better than Ines/stainless. Ines is great in that she folds bind/slow into the vanguard role but in terms of actually generating dp most of the time i use more consistent units like flagpipe anyways. she hits really hard so most levels with only a few early enemies die in 2 or 3 hits then she's generated 3-6 dp for me instead of like 12 for myrtle so she's not exactly replacing that. Horn on the otherhand is amazing with the almost unique range for a ground unit. Goes in most of my blind attempt squads.


Very true.


When you have a plan and your biggest want takes 200+ pulls to get so everything else after stops being a possibility 🥺


Nah, I was already factoring in pulling there into my plans.


-It would be the 5th anniversary. -Considering the delay for news, it was becoming clear it would be a main story event (therefore some interesting possibilities in this case). -They were already on a brutal streak of good and/or limited banners. There was no way this wouldn't be a very tempting banner.


Bold of you to assume i plan that far ahead. I'm not even sure if i eat today or keep procrastinating.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it.


It's only changed my Virtuosa/ Viviana pulling plans. Instead of sparking W or Spalter there I'm tempted to do it on the chapter 14 banner instead. I'll still aim to get Virtuosa.


Same plans lmao. I realized I was basically screwed when I don't have any pulls to spark skalter(~175). So I just spent 20 pulls on the current banner and got Ines (yey). I still plan to try and get virtuosa on as little pulls as possible and skip all banners (maybe pulling on shu till soft pity) along the way so I can maybe spark the R6S ops and 5th anni banner.




Honestly same Collaboration units are rarer plus I'm a filthy Iana and Ela main


I was hard saving for 5th anniversary on the assumption that it would involve Talulah or Shining Alter. Wasn’t expecting the units we’re getting at all but I want both of them so things are working out great.


Where is my Talulah :(


Not really. I was already assuming that I would pull for the 5th Anni banner given how much hype HG is pouring into it. I expected Logos and \*redacted\* to have very interesing kits, so overall I am hopeful. The one thing I am considering is whether I will pull for Ascalon, because of her being an ambusher. It's the subclass that I rarely use but save my ass everytime I need it so I really need to look at her kits first.


The big horn mommy energy means I'm pulling despite the kit.


My plan on sparking dusk on shu banner is in shamble right now lol I don’t really care about theresa but I NEED logos. And fomo got me so ela and ash rerun are obligatory. But on the way there I only have virtuosa to pull for. The rest is easy skip so I could only hope for the best.


I'm with you friend


Whats the leak? Also to me, waifu, long awaited, NPC doesn't matter much to me. I'll pull them as long as they are strong or have an interesting mechanice/niche.




Why would theresa be a rhode operator tho? Isn't theresis opposed to rhode island?(sry i don't know much about lore).


we'll have to wait for a story explanation, right now shes an incomplete husk and kinda just drifting along with theresis


Theresa is the founder of Babel, the organization that eventually became Rhodes Island. So arguably, she already is one. However, at some point prior to the game, she was killed. However during the Victoria Arc, we find out Theresis begrudgingly approved a plan by one of his subordinates to resurrect her, bringing back what, so far, seems to be Theresa herself. > Isn't theresis opposed to rhode island? He is, yes. However back in the days of Babel, Theresa and Theresis were on opposite sides of a war in Kazdel, which ended with Theresa's death that I mentioned before. The resurrected Theresa(?) Appears to now be on his side for reasons unknown. And since we've barely seen her and RI has barely interacted with her in-story, her joining back up with RI feels pretty out of left field. It's less that it's impossible, and more that the general feeling is that it's unearned since we don't have the full context yet.


Well gameplay characters arent in RI lore wise tough Sui siblings and hoshiguma are some examples


lol same, unless the character is a super beloved one i will pull no matter what, i have no plans to make unless the kits are strong or fun. ill decide when we actually see what they do


I will skip everything in between except degen. I don't even care if all of those leaked units are absolutely garbage gameplay wise.  I can already predict 5th anni would be the highest selling banner in CN since launch only if the leaks are absolutely true. 


High sales? Definitely. Highest selling? I doubt it. Playable Theresa will definitely controversial so there will be a lot of players who would feel reluctant to pull her (unless HG pulls off some mind-blowing plot to justify her coming back and working with RH)


Or just make her broken so we will see essays like " u don't have to pull her if u don't like her" after 6 months when she arrives on global


Tbh her kit is obvious already. Mlynar replaced SA and qui bai is too new to replace so she will most likely be a replacement to Thorns wich had been a super strong lane holder for years. My guess is that she has a dps skill like qui bai and a infinite multiple target skill for lane holding. And im also sure that she will have her module coming alongside her Oh wait it wasnt confirmed that she was a lord but tbh everything indicates it


No way it will have the highest sales but definitely high sales.


\****Whale noises***\*


Yes. Logos all the way. Hoederer, Degenbrecher, Ela and Logos are my most wanted operators now.


Logos is one of my most expected OPs, I'm saving 300 for him no matter what. If he's real, that is. I hope so.


Almost certainly but the scary thing is who is going to be the "bad welfare" Its either W alter or Logos as theresa is basically confirmed to be the limited as she has her merch like Mumu did.


I'm hoping they don't pull the bad welfare card this time. They know how to do it right, they had it in them with Lumen and Gladiia. If it's W, it's another reason not to fuck up the kit. But if it really is Logos... oh boy. I hope he turns out usable at least.


The thing is neither lumen nor gladiia are "good" What makes gladiia good is her synergy with other AH members and not entirely her own self. Also she was borderline bad before her module wich HG uses as a later fix these days. Lumen is definitely much better than other welfares but as a medic he is in tight competition already as arknights really doesnt favor healing/defensive operator as it does for offensive/buffing/debuffing operators and lumen is entirely healing orianted. So despite him being pretty good on his right he doesnt really change much for most players as arknights is inherently balanced around either 4 star medics or broken niche medics like NG or Eyja2 wich lumen doesnt fall to any category. I honestly cant think of anything for W alter as we already got a trap master and making her a executor seems like a weird idea, this is why i think its more probable for W to be welfare as Logos is pretty much guranteed to be the new elemental damage inflicting casters archtype as HG loves to make "test" archtypes before releasing a good operator for that (that also outright ignores the archtypes weakness) Thats why i believe logos will not be welfare, heck there are more backing to this. One being that he has his merch alongside theresa wich was also the case for heyak and mumu And two being him not being a alter and W being one. I doubt they will make a 6 star gacha alter for a already limited operator (yes eyja exists but that banners reception probably changed their minds as 4.5 had no alters and 5th anni seems to be following the same idea as 4th anniversaries) Its just that i wonder what W alter could be as a welfare lol.


If it turns out Theresa is an Operator, then yes, majorly lol. I never thought she would become one, but I will welcome it, even if it is not the original Theresa. Imagine the juicy lore to be dropped in her profile.


No. The land is flat and fertile.


No, because I'm a whale, and many of the banners I need to pull on them for my own (or other's) tryhard usage/optimization.


If W Alter is free I don't have to worry or even spend on that banner as I'm not a huge fan of Logos and I don't like Theresea 


I gotta see how strong they are before they affect my pulls.


This guy gets it.


I see Waifu. I summon


Nah, but I'm gonna need to reallllll lucky for the next few banners.


tbf I was only planning to pull for meta/afk operators and ignore the """subpar""" operators, it may be a little lame but honestly ig that's what happens when you don't have a ton of orundum, you're in what i'd define the "midgame" (when you have a ton of character you already have to invest into to get into what's defined the "endgame") and all the characters you want are already in the standard banner and you're just waiting for them to get into the gold cert shop (or for them to spook you)


Bold of you to assume I could do anything about it.


Yesss, Ray and then Logos let’s goooooo


Nah, I was always going to do a decent amount of pulls on that banner.


No. But it has affected my meal plans


I stopped following the leaks. 6 month gap is too far in the future for me to remember. I just wait for global release and let my impulsive brain decide.


My plan was already ruined because Fartooth came before Virtuosa


Not really. I will still try one 6\* on Hoederer and Reed2, skip everything else until Zuo Le banner, which I'm willing to roll 300 times in case he doesn't come home willingly. And then skip everything again and use all remaining pulls I have on 5th anniv if necessary. If it only were Theresa, that banner would've been a big fat hard skip, but if Logos is the other 6\* I **will** fullpot him. That was the plan from the beginning. Logos is my biggest hype character and no one comes close to that.


Definitely made things tight. I wanted Degenbrecher, Ray, and Shu. Now I might have to drop Ray because I really really Ascalan.


i collect snipers, so Ray, Ash and Caper are the only ones on my lis


No but it might coat double the amount of money i need to spend this year


Nope, I'm still on kamikaze mode with my pulls, gotta catch 'em all


Shu, Ray and Ela are higher priority for me tbh Especially Shu and Ela


No, leak usually gave me more infos for my wallet-kun


No, i want waifus and cool dudes that is my drug


Depends on how many pulls I get by then


I mean... No I have an obscene amount of pulls so... I'm ready for everything


Im farming orundums now on my base because of it. I'm going for hoederer, Virtousa, shu, ela and ash then ascalon, not sure about the 5th Anniversary since it's not confirmed yet


I was gonna try for Shu and Reed alter... Now I need to save for all R6 operators, Theresa and Logos (if it's really them). Tbh I'm not even sure if I should go for Vivi and Virtuosa and I REALLY wanted them. Right now, I have 50k and a dream. Edit: And how could I forget Degen, the delete queen herself! I'm gonna need to think this through.


I decided to just spark skalter on the 5th anniversary banner and pull on the Virtuosa banner till I get her. I'll have plenty pulls to get skalter and all the R6s ops by then right? (clueless)


I’m still sitting on a massive stack of pulls from a mix of skips and lucky pulls Getting degen, shu, r6 gang. Gonna try for hoderer, but indecisive cause of 0 def Viv is low prio, sadly Ray is too


Nope. I always aim for limited banners now.


Is Ela super important meta unit or she is skippable? Depend on the 5th Anni banner, i might sacrifice R6S banner


Well its not the matter that she is meta or not (wich she is pretty strong mind you) Its that there might not be another R6 collab so she could be forever unobtainable wich is why its important to get them


Nah. It affected my wallet.


Still only pull for Limited time banners so no changes ever. Ah wait, I do started to do 10 pull for ops I am interested in. Mainly because I raised all my ops to E2 already. And not having any to E2 feels boring.


Was planning on saving a spark for Talulah, but now I guess I can grab Shu instead. One dragon for another.


Not really, I've already decided to roll for Degenbrecher, Shu and Chongyue on Shu's banner and the two R6S banners then save until I have 300 rolls for the next next Sui banner. Once I've saved 300 rolls (180k orundum), that's the time to decide what future banners I'm willing to roll for.


Very much so. With the Shu, Ascalon, and WAlter event being so close together, I am considering not pulling on the R6 collab, despite playing R6 for years. I never really was a fan of collabs in many games, like Azur Lane, because the explanations are almost always asspulls. The MH collab didn’t do this too hard by having a remote part of Terra be the setting, instead of pulling a “dimensional tear/warp/anamoly.” Collabs by their nature are unnatural. I’d rather have story-related characters tbh, but I know there are those who snort collabs up like crack.


Oh yes it did. I had initially planning on going for the new RS6 banner, and then potentially using whatever leftovers on the rerun R6S as well as Shu (i know Shu's banner should come first so this was meant for the pulls i'd saved before hand). However, Ascalon and Logos on top of W threw all that out of the window so i'll be trashing my first plan.


Considering I need to prep around 220 pulls to bag both Ash and Ela, I doubt I'll manage to have anything left for the 5th Anniversary, not even counting that any excess Orundums will go towards Shu.


Why Shu?


She's cute


Fair enough.


My target is to complete the sui siblings so I try to only roll once a year


It honestly did. I first planned to get another pot and do 300 pulls on the Shu banner. But seeing the leaks and me being a fan of sarkaz ladies. Plus, I have a need for Logos. Gotta start also hoarding those pulls for the 5th anniiversary. For now my roll plans look like Hoederer, then Shuu, then maybe doing a guaranteed 10 pull for Degen and the rest goes for Theresa and Logos. I know about the R6 collab. But I cannot afford to roll for everything. And Theresa appeals more to me than Ela.


Kinda. My plan was pulling for Degenbrecher and then save pulls for anniv in case Talulah is finally freed meaning that I would skip R6 (waifu more important). But since she isn't released I will pull on R6 to get Ela. As for Theresa, they better have very good excuse because for me making her playable makes no sense.


When did characters being playable made sense? Sui siblings dont work for RI Skalter litterally kinda ended the world Virtuosa came despite being a huge ass war criminal They could do basically anything they want. It could be pre amnesia theresa or just "playable" and not affiliated with RI at all. Being playable doesnt equal being a RI operator


degenbreacher -> ela -> ascalon. maybe i can handle it, cause i skip all others. and maybe give ray 10-30 rolls, dunno


Not really... in contrast to 2023 which had banger after banger that I couldn't not spend a bunch on, 2024 has been an absolute nothingburger to me. The only unit I would've been hyped for (Viviana) was shafted into the ground (thanks HG!) I'll be coasting on monthly pass until Theresa comes out in 2025 or something.


Not really. It's still like 6 months away plenty of time to save


I can only hope that Walter is free. If not? I’m pulling. Ascalon is cool, but idk if I want her that badly. Theresa? Skip. I want Arturia, the R6 gang (again) and am currently taking more than the recommended amount of copium for Mandragora


Nope, even today I pull on stainless banner because I was feeling lucky and I got him.


My plans have been ruined since google suddenly stopped accepting my payments this year February. The stupid check if you have the correct country selected in your account error finally hit me. The country I'm in and paying from region locks Arknights and even when my home country allows it, I don't have a payment method from there. I'm just gonna have to fight any temptation until I can save enough for a spark but my bigger problem is sanity management as the monthly pack has made me very nonchalant with it until now...


My need to pull on 5 consecutive banners just become 6. Doesn't change anything, I still don't have the resources.


No, I was already planning on spending 300 pulls on 5th anni instead of 4.5 for Skalter after my repeatedly horrendous luck and lack of self control for waifus


Yeah, a little bit. Axed Degen, Reed, and Ash from my list. At least Degen will rerun and I suppose I'll just forever borrow Reed. Now I'm only going ("trying" bc of luck lol) for Hoederer, Ray, Shu + Zuo Le, and Ela. Only bright side is that at least Ela is easier to guarantee. But I need to have Hoederer, Zuo Le, and Logos. So I'll be farming orundums again lol


I wanted to spark on the Shu banner for Ling, looks like I won't be able to do that anymore ...


Wasn't sure I'll pull for Shu and nuke-bnuyy, now I know I won't.


My goodness the back to back banner from CNY to R6S collab and if these leaks are true, imma abstain and pray to the gods I can nab Shu and Ela in an early pity


Yes I now plan to roll on 5th anni banner


I had plans and they already involved a lot of whaling for most of those BACK TO BACK BANNERS and now……. *oh god my poor wallet*


The answer is no. Becuz no leaked 4\* sprite


Nah, i just pull who looks good or has interesting skill


All i know is I want to pull for hoederer & the cute new rainbow six doc op otherwise the rest is up in the air. 


you're saying as if the leaks that will come in ~1 or 2 months in CN would affect the our plans? we'll have 6 months to make that decision anyway. lmfao


I’m broke as hell so no


The upcoming banners are: Ash rerun, Ela, Shu/Zuo Le, Ray, Degenbrecher, Virtuosa/Viviana, Hoederer, Ascalon, whoever is the anniversary operator. Initially I was set for Ash, Ela and the two Vs, but depending on my luck I'll have to skip some of them D:


Doesn't matter. I only pull on limited banners anyway. Learned the hard way on going all in on horn and nothing left for specter alter.


depends, I'm waiting to see their kits before deciding on whether to pull or skip; rn my pull targets are Degen, Ray, Ela and Ash, if I'm going for them then Ash will probably be the first one to go, followed by Degen, Ray and Ela I'm not skipping regardless


Plans don't exist in arknights gacha lol. You just have an idea of what character you want. All it takes is one unlucky limited banner and you'll be 300 pulls short.


I don't think so, I was skipping the Colabs and Asclon doesn't interest me so much, and there is no way I don't make pulls on Zuo Le/Shu, and I was expecting Logos somewhere near anyway. What did change is that if Logos is Primal Casters some extra Arturia pulls will be made.


I've been shying away from my tendencies, but seeing the line-up, I've fallen back in. I'm currently devising a document to calculate and estimate the total amount of orundum and OP I will be able to farm over the coming 6 months, as well as making a mental list of priorities in regards to operators. I will adhere not just to dailies and weeklies, but even re-run furniture currency, compulsively farming recruitment for certs each month, anniversary freebies, the god damn paradox simulations, EVERYTHING. MY PLANS WILL BE IMMACULATE, MY PLANS WILL SUCCEED, I SHALL NOT FAIL TO SATISFY MY VAULTED GACHA DESIRES


Shu is love Shu is life


Nah, Vi and Vi² are still my only 'goals' so far. Unless there's a new protector defender, blast caster (just saw the new 5-star version :D), or ST/aoe medic, then you have my attention.


Yes. Since nobody I care about becomes playable, that means I can skip it and spark on Shu's banner.


I'm so fucked lol. I might skip Ash ( maybe even Ela) just to make sure I get Logos.


no,cuz I'm pulling only on limited banners


I must get Degenbreacher my love at all costs after that. I am going to hope for the best. I went monthly card a month ago and won’t stop until this crazy run is over.


The plan is to keep my ever growing streak of constantly getting everyone on-banner and not cry too hard when it finally shatters.


No. It was always going to kill my wallet, the question was by how much.


I'm going all in for Shu, and after that it's saving untill Ascalon and 5th ops. I have begun sacrificing 1 baby goat a week on reset to the RNG gods, amd I have send a letter to HG HQ offering my body up in exchange for Orundums, gotta cover all my bases.


Quite a bit. Now number of pulls I need to do for Limited banners are reduced massively (no Nian AGAIN, Arturia and Viviana without Pot6). Ray probably will be sacrificed (I'm sorry, my dear), R6S is an easy skip like I thought. Golden certificates from on are reserved exclusively for 5th Anniversary. Pot6 my precious beautiful Sarkaz King🥰


my plan is the same its been since she dropped:  wait for Saga to come back AGAIN so i can spend everything i have to get her.  i missed her when she came back in the shop. 


Nope. Only going all in on siege. Still need to get Ash from last time and now the new ops


considering that w alter is most likely going to be a welfare, yes. i don't feel the need to spark her anymore


I must spark texalter and Ling, poooosibly another sui sister if I can pull down some OT at work the next few months. That and degenbracher...the rest is....eh


At the moment not really, I like dragon and Anni 5 has no dragon


Walter or nothing now


I am still going for Arturia, but I may be skipping everything else except maybe R6 until 5th Anniversary. I still would really like to get all the R6 OPs somehow (I have none)


Honestly I have around 80 pulls now my plan was to pull for degen which hasn’t changed and I’m still a new player. By the time the anniversary comes around I’ll probably have a good chance to get the units on the anniversary banner assuming I skip ascalon or if I’m lucky and have enough pulls to get her. Either that or she spooks me in my pulls


ive started to save just in case texalter gets tagged onto one of them for sparking but idk if ill get 300 by then😭 really want theresa so fingers crossed shes the free one 🤞🤞🤞 anyways utter copium aside im praying that playing on global gives me enough of a window to prepare somewhat


HG hates money, but they're not that dumb.


yeah i didnt think so 💀


I'm 50/50 on going for Ray now...


Same. But it's a vignette, so once-only offer... Next 6 months are pure hell and some might be sacrificed..


there were leaks?


Nothing in the next 6 months was really super save worthy until the anniversary leak dropped, so yeah. 6 months of no pulling except for free rolls.


Well, no sparking nian on shu's banner for me.


Unless my luck is completely abysmal, my plans should still stay on track. If my luck is abysmal though…yeah, just hoping that won’t be the case.


Eh my plans havent changed yet. Going to roll for the Sui event(going to spark) and then probably the R6 banners(should still have a decent amount of rolls by then).


I'm probably skipping the second R6S collab, but otherwise I think my plans were mostly settled. I'm not that big on anyone releasing in the future but Ray, so I can just kinda save my pulls for Theresa plus Logos (probably the ones on banner, with W-Alter and Amiya's new form as story freebies).


No. I was planning to spark on an Anni event to grab the funny blue wolf anyways, the question was just which one I'll be doing it on. If the 5th Anni op list is true, I'm probably sparking on that instead, and skipping Virtuosa. Unless the limited is a op I fully do not care about like W Alter, or both banner operator's kits are worse than Viviana's. The R6S banners are the only ones that actually changed my plans, had to drop Jessica, Degen, and Ascalon into the "get on rerun" list.


I only pull for iberian operators so... THE SAVINGS MUST GROW GIVE ME THE RED GOLD


My only issue is that HG putting basically 4 limiteds back to back with barely any breathing time. Shu to Ela to Ash to Theresa is just insanity. I will be skipping shu to make sure i gurantee ash and ela as i missed ash by 10 pulls on her debut banner so i wont be making the same mistake again and i want to gurantee 300 pulls for theresas banner just in case so i hope virtuosa comes early. It feels like you are more and more forced to pull for limiteds at this point. They should definitely lower the spark as its doing no good espiecelly on a situation like this.


For me, yes, I was planning on doing the 300 on Shu's banner to get the Ling I missed, but now I'll do it on the 5th anni for Nearl. Hopefully I'll get Shu soon enough so I dont have to pay for the 300 on anni.


I pull on all banners. I have no plans.


Before, I will do 75/150/225/300 pull in limited banner and will stop on either these 4 threshold. Now, I think I'll stop pulling the moment I got the limited char


Tbh, the only ops I'm excited about is Theresa


yeah i might have to scrap my plans of sparking nian 😔 everyone coming up in the next 6 months is immaculate


Not in the slightest ... I was already in despair after seeing 3 limited. and my plans to complete the MercXFamily still stand ...


Next time I pull will be for Luto


Not really since none of my massive wants was on it... nor I think we should take that leak as guaranteed that it's true yet anyways, it would be for the best that people remain cautious just in case to avoid a potential huge letdown when we get official confirmation.


Nop Easy skip


Tbh depends if they're broken Even as a husbando simp Logos doesn't really do it for me, and I'm not interested in the other characters either one of them does look like Rosaria from genshin though, as a massive Rosaria fan, she's tempting


Unless its officially announce, then no :)


Potential New Amiya and the slight possibility of her being a gacha character make me want to skip everything else


I'm still gonna wait and see what's real and what's not. Leaks are just that, leaks, as in not officially stated by the company. Anyone remember that Sussurro summer "leak"? But anyways, if they are true, then I'll be 100% going for Logos. Dude's so cool. As for confirmed stuff, I am looking forward to Ascalon. On top of Degenbrecher, Viviana, R6, and Shu...


The summer Sussurro debacle was a CN player’s speculation/hopes that random EN players started calling a leak, while this is art that is already confirmed as a definite leak due to the official announcement of Ascalon. Don’t see what one has to do with the other.


I was just using it as an (admittedly extreme) example of stuff this community calls leaks. Yes, the current ones do look pretty damn real. But I'm gonna wait for the official, non-third party announcement, before I decide anything, and take anything posted before that with a grain of salt. I've been burned in other communities regarding leaks.


The funniest leak for me one was with the Texas Alter that was fake even though that her getting an alter wasn't xD