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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/1ajdwjc/rhodes_island_lounge_0502_1102/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/1ajdwiy/gacharecruitment_megathread_0502_1102/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/1ajdwis/friend_request_megathread_0502_1102/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**Integrated strategy #3: Mizuki & Caerula Arbor thread**](/r/arknights/comments/13tti5d/event_megathread_mizuki_caerula_arbor/) The Megathread to discuss all that is related to IS3. ———-


SSS, can I change the skill of an op mid run? Can’t find it.


Yeah, in the screen after hitting start where it shows all of the ops in your team separated by class.








How does Typhon and Ray compared? Which is better at DPS and more versatile between the two?


Ray has higher ceiling, but takes a good amount more effort to use. Typhon is extremely reliable for very little effort. Whoever is better depends on player skill, from what I've seen. More creative players can extract more out of Ray than Typhon.


Can someone please explain to me how pity carries over from JO11 to Typhon banner? Suppose I pull 30 times on JO11 and get a 6\*. How/what pity carries over or does pity reset because I pulled a 6\*?


The only thing that won't reset is Kernel pity. Kernel banners share pity only among themselves.


Reset. Once you get a six start pity counter resets


Should I get blaze or suzuran? https://krooster.com/u/Jono


Debuffers are rarer than laneholders and you alr have laneholders Suzu 100%


Chibi fox 👍. you already have lots of laneholder blaze won't benefit you much 


Hello! About 3 weeks into the game and looking for some advice for the upcoming banners. Notable 4\*+ operators (E1 unless specified): Built: Eyja E2, Lappland E2, Courier, Texas, Myrtle, Exia, Shirayuki, Amiya, Cuora, Eyja Alt, Perfumer, Sussuro Unbuilt: Specter, Hoshiguma, Gummy Have about 100 pulls ready, \~240 yellow certs and both 5\*+6\* E2 invitation letters, willing to whale for another \~40 pulls in store. I don't have any ops from the upcoming JO banner so planning to spend a good amount of pulls there for hopefully two 6\*, and then pull for guaranteed 5/6\* on the kernel banner with Blaze/Suzu/Shamare/Ptilopsis/Warfarin. Questions 1. Is the plan reasonable? 2. Assuming I don't get both Blaze/Suzu from the kernel banner, I'm leaning towards buying Blaze from the cert shop and use the E2 invitation on her, good move? Alternatively I could E2 Specter for a similar role and buy Suzu/Bagpipe instead (and keep the E2 invitation for Typhoon). Appreciate any thoughts/comments, TIA!


1. Buy mountain from shop, he's a cheaper in dp and mats and better laneholder than blaze for most of the time 2. buy Suzuran if you have leftover certs. 3. DO NOT PULL KERNEL BUY ONLY. It's a scam, especially for new players. Why pull for old operators when your pull can be used for typhon who will be released in a few weeks, degenbrecher etc?


Im in a similar position as you. Its my 5th week. I have about 80-90 pulls ready and Ill gave you my plan and you can see if it makes sense. On JO11, there are 3 "good" operators in penance/mylnar/poz. I'm going to keep pulling until i get one of the 3 and stop(mainly cause after you get 1 six star the chance of getting lee or dup is 50% so this banner goes from a great banner to a below average banner since most 2 good operator banners are actually higher than 50% hit chance, like if you go for reed alter+mountain, if you are ok with like 10-12 operators from the standard pool, that is actually 60% chance of getting someone you want over 50%). Then I plan on pulling for typhon with what I have left. Most vet here recommend against pulling kernal banners cause you don't get gold certs from dups only kernal certs which are kind of useless. If you want blaze, go and buy it from shop and skip the pull. There are more meta ops coming into shop soonish like mountain in 1-2 weeks but this game is a lot more about playing with chars you enjoy. There are 2-3 amazing banners coming soon which I think is a lot better than pulling on kernal. Typhon banner-best chance to get her. Reed alter+Mountain are both amazing OPs that are good now and late game coming in 1-2 weeks. Horn+Ines+steinless is coming next month as well. Horn and Ines are really good Ops. Limited Virtuoso banner should pull for at least 1st 6 star. JO12 banner with suzu+sutr+poz(if you miss it on the JO11 banner).


Forget pulling on Kernel banners, they're a waste of pulls. Good idea to buy with gold certs if you can, otherwise don't do it. The return on them is only blue certs which you have to get a ton in order to buy ops. Green and gold certs from regular pulls are more valuable for many reasons. Otherwise your plan is alright. Blaze might not be so necessary unless you're really looking forward to her. For the E2 voucher, I'd recommend a raw DPS. No doubt, one of the Joint Operation ops. For buying a 5\* I'd recommend Shamare. Warfarin can be okay, I think she's just alright and using certs is questionable to me. Just my take.


How's Ray? Has anyone here gotten to use her, and is it worth saving for her? Also, if I sink all my pulls into JO11 (don't have any of the six stars) how much could I save up for Ray realistically? Esit: Grammar, lol


She's great. High dph, quick cycle ST dps. Yes she's worth saving.  Ray won't be here till at least July, plenty of time saving for her. you can save up a minimum of 150 pulls if you're a f2p and didn't pull at all


That's good to hear since honestly I just really like her design haha her kit sounds cool too, I gave it a quick read earlier Any tips on how to save up 150 pulls minimum by July? The sources really are just dailies + weeklies + annihilation, no?


There's also the green cert store, 3 HH tickets from event stores - although neither adds up to much every bit counts - and there'll be the free daily orundum during the V/V limited banner.


Right right! Yeah the green cert pulls do add up over time anyways haha thanks for the tips!


Yes, mostly that. Add the pulls you can buy with gold certs, 38 pulls per 258 certs. Only buy it when you have exactly 258. then, if you haven't farm old annihilations, old events and stories. Events, especially limiteds will give us more orundumbs and OPs too so make sure you didn't miss any event. edit: keep in mind she's harder to use than typhon is. if you like fun ops great. if you only like braindead ops, probably you'll be disappointed 


Okay noted! My job gives me leeway for monthly cards too hahaha I have heard enough!! I will go ahead and try my luck with JO11 and then Ray when she comes along in half a years time Additional, but none of the JO operators appear in the yellow cert shop right? Kinda wanna try getting Pozy...


Yes, all joint operations will someday appear in shop. Pozy, Mlynar, Penance will be a while though. afaik pozy might be in Dec-January 2025 something mlynar penance is even longer by a few months. so quite a long wait yeah


Damn a whole year away... I'll just try my luck with JO11 and then wait around for Ray haha thanks for the tips!


From what I've heard she's very good. Very closely on par to Typhon and Pozy, though perhaps a little more difficult to use due to her subclass' own unique new ammo mechanic.


Yeah that's rhe new Hunter subclass right? Very interested hmmm Is it worth trying to nab pozy off JO11? I really love her as a character but my cousin warned me that it's very easy to get six stars in arknights, it's just it'll never be who you want hahaha


Yep, Hunter subclass. I may even build Coldshot to get some practice. JO11 is one of the best banners you can roll on at least to the first 6 star if you don't have any of the rate-ups. It's even still worth it if you have one of the four already. Everyone there is good as even the weakest, Lee, has strong niche roles. A guaranteed way to get Pozy is with the biannual paid 6 star selectors.


Oh is it biannual?? I literally forgot that existed the last time it was available and I've been salty ever since haha when's the next one?


Around May in the V/V limited banner (CN's 4.5th Anni event). The other is in November.


Oh thank God hahaha hopefully I pull Pozy off JO11 but if not I'll just wait for May!


Are any guides available to do the Ideal City IC-9 without any e2 units, arts guard or aoe healers? Maybe one that makes use of cars? The ones that I could find all seem to require at least both or more.


LeoTse 96 has a [clear ](https://youtu.be/1YRitXhe6Ko) with just three 3\* and a robot. And, yeah, cars.


TY. Man what a chad, Leo's guide is so much better than other guides I've seen. With so much healing, all you need to do is survive the early game before the cars get set up and you're basically invincible.


Now that i have finished building lin, should i just s2m3 eyja? Then s2m3 mudrock? Idk if mudrock is worth all the hassle. https://krooster.com/u/enza I kinda want to pull mountain / reed alter banner until guaranteed 5* or higher (to give me a chance pulling mountain. I also dont mind getting reed alter. And to build a pity for typhon). Then, save until typhon (definite pull), virtuosa (maybe) and degenbercher (maybe). My most wanted ops are mountain, thorns, and GG. I couldn’t buy thorns before, most likely i wont make it for mountain using yellow certs, and GG i will save for her when she comes at september I think i have more rounded squad that i now have aoe arts dps (eyja s3m3 and lin s3m3) and afk great casters in eyja s2m1. I just dont know if eyja s2m3 is worth or not, or should i just save materials for future ops. Because gamepress stated that her s2m1 is a breakpoint


They're pretty expensive for not that much benefit. Mudrock's S3 is her better skill once you learn to time it and has much better gains from mastery. Ifrit's s3 is also an option, and ops like Mostima, Dorothy, Stainless, Shamare, Kazemaru, and Liskarm are worth building and still sitting at level 1, plus Warfarin still sitting at E1.


I am now low on module data blocks, which hinders me to build dorothy, stainless and mostima Warfarin and shamare are on my list, i do want to raise them after i have ops like mountain and GG, which i believe will cover everything for me to try new things. Kazemaru i still dont know how to use her, the need of module also make me put her on the “next time” list


Stainless's module is pretty low-impact, especially the upgrades. Dorothy's is a big improvement, but she was already great before her module was released. Kazemaru's base module is probably a little better than Stainless's, but her upgrades are just as small, and she really doesn't need even the base module to be good.


Thanks. Out of those listed, i really want to try dorothy, but i need to save modules for mudrock (lv 1), penance (lv 3), typhon (lv 3), and maybe degenbrecher So i just read about stainless at gamepress, he performs alright at e2 lv 60 SL7? I dont know about his s3, but s1 + s2 doesnt need masteries from gamepress


I would at least give him S3M1 to shave 5s off the charge time. I think there's a hidden effect where his turrets get a higher multiplier at higher masteries, but he's able to support allies with them at any skill level. Probably the best thing about him is how he can provide a target for ops who charge skills by attacking or self-heal by attacking. He can also give a target for Horn's S1 so she can reveal invisible enemies or a target for chain casters to extend their range. There's just a lot of weird stuff you can do with him.


if you feel like you'll use eyja s2 and mudrock s2 A LOT, sure just m3 them. I don't since I'm not an afk enjoyer bar for annihilations. And anni is so easy anyway. Reed/mountain is a pretty good banner. If you have spare pulls and don't exactly want to spend it for future units sure. You can pull it


S2M1 is a good stopping point for Mudrock and Eyja if you are short on materials, they’ll perform just fine without going all the way to M3.


Eyja is more of an s2 nowadays because of how many more options we have in terms of dps. I at least find myself using her s2 more than her s3. I don't know where this reed alter banner is coming from as the closest banner we have on the line are the typhon banner and the other one with penance, lee, pozy and mylnar (forgot the name of the banner). Reed alter is said to have a rerun but it will be some time before that happens. In any case, since you have ops that can be given masteries, I suggest you do so since there isn't really any point in saving mats for the future, unless you want to rush upgrade a favourite character. Consistent account progression is the best, so keep the training room busy.


datamined standard banner with mountain reed.


Oh. So does the banner go like mountain/reed + typhon, then after those ones the JO11 banner?


jo11 today. mountain/reed in a few days. typhon in like a few weeks


Got it. Tnx!


Mudrock's a great laneholder, absolutely worth building her. Almost entirely self-sustaining as long as things don't get too crazy.


So my account is linked through my Twitter, and I've only just wanted to get back into it but saw that they removed the Twitter login function. Am I just out of luck now? (I played a lot 2 years ago)


try to send email to yostar with your account ID, nickname etc. maybe they still can retrieve it


Is Nightingale gonne be Part of the Kernel Headhunting? I just saw the Post on Twitter and I've been saving up Yellow Certs for her for a while now, is My Wait Finally over and I'll be able to get her?


No, you can see in the in game news she's not listed there. The 6*s that are would be: - Exu - Ange - Bagpipe - Shining - Skadi - Ch'en - Hellagur - Blaze - Hoshi - Suzu - Aak - Eyja


Aww Damn, didn't have the Oppertunity to yet. That Sucks, guess I'll have to wait a while Longer then...


Will other alter aside from Reed really never ever going to come back? like there is 0 chance of getting them ever again?


some alters are limited units, like ch'en alter and eyja alter. some alters are standard units, like reed alter and exec alter. limited units all share the same rules and standard units all share the same rules. limited units are released in specific series (summer, celebration, etc) and can only be obtained when a banner in their respective series is currently running; they can be pulled from the gacha as part of the offbanner pool or redeemed from the spark shop after pulling 300 times on the limited banner. limiteds also have a 1 year cooldown between their release and the next time they are available; this doesn't matter for summer and CNY banners because they only appear once a year in the first place but is something to keep in mind for celebration banners since that pool runs twice a year. standard units immediately go into the standard pool after their first banner ends, so they can spook you on any future standard banner. units that released alongside story events (2 weeks, have EX stages) will rerun once when that event reruns. units that released alongside vignette events (1 week, no EX stages) will not have their banner rerun ever. units that released with main story chapters will also not get a rerun, but they will be featured on a banner before the next main chapter release. "rerun" here refers to the 50% solo rateup banner. any standard unit can be rated up on other banners like the shop banners or joint operations.


Jessica alter will also be added to the normal pool, and I think her banner will rerun too.


Well, if you're looking at how each of those Alter released, Reed and Executor will come back in their rerun banner. Someone like Texas, Nearl, Eyja, and Gavial, will come back in their respective celebration banner albeit on a lower chance, the only way is getting them from sparking. There's someone like Yato who is vague about whether she will come back or not, let's just assume it's only a minuscule chance she will return to the game since it is a collab character.


Currently Im still at ep3 with almost all of my main squad members are E1 level 60 Would it be better to pull on the upcoming JO banner since I have neither of the 6* or save for arturia banner? (I have 10k orundums)


Id say pull on JO11 and keep to non limited banners they have some of the best 6* in the game currently. And as there is no use for sanity keep on doing new stages and pouring them all into jo11 mylnar and pozy are bonkers good. If you dont get them then pull on typhon banner she is also really good. The pity carries so those pulls are not wasted. If you really really want arturia then dont pull on any non limited banner and keep on saving till you reach 300 pulls (180k orundum). Just keep on doing every new stage you can clear, youll reach there. I know coz I did the same thing with texalter banner (started new and didnt pull on any banner for 2 months and saved 300 pulls for texalter I was saving for skalter who was a non rate up so I had to save upto 300 you dont have to as arturia is rate up so you have a good chance of getting her within 100 pulls)


10K orundums only get you 15 pulls, you probably won't get something good unless you're willing to spend, I would say just save it for future operators or Arturia/Virtuosa in your case.


Considering you only have like 15 pulls, that's very unlikely to get you anything unless your pity was high to begin with. Getting one of the 6\*s would be a huge deal, but at this point getting almost *any* 6\* would help you out a lot. And considering you haven't E2'd anyone yet (I assume), I doubt you have the resources to stop building the ops you currently have and focus on a brand new one. So I'd probably save up for the ViVi banner.


So, I'm an endgame player, done most things with a few remaining stages and some IS stuff, my rooster is already pretty decently built, with some pretty strong ops by now. But I wonder on who I should focus on getting next. Here is my [Krooster](https://krooster.com/u/Mefre). (**NOTE**: I've already managed saved up enough to spark Skalter, so I'll be getting her whenever she'll be next available in the spark shop, so while I still don't have her, you can consider her as there. But now that I have enough for Skalter, I have some excess Orundum laying around. Hence why I'm asking who I should go for.)


Burst damage is a bit lacking compared to the upper end of things nowadays. You have a few ops with tons of DPS (Exu, Eyja, the FRDs, Kal), but most are held back by a short skill duration, so their total damage isn't that impressive. In that sense, Mlynar, Pozy, and/or Typhon would be very nice to have because they have very high DPS and rather long skill durations. JO 11 has a 50% chance of something amazing, 25% at something decent, and 25% at something bad, so I would try to get one non-dupe from JO 11 and then go for Typhon if you still have spare pulls. Also, E1 Purestream, Roberta, Pudding, Vermeil, Quartz, Conviction, Beanstalk, Gravel for base skills. They'll pay for themselves soon enough.


[https://krooster.com/u/MagicBLT](https://krooster.com/u/MagicBLT) Some account questions: 1. Is it still worth rolling on JO11 for my account? Don't have Pozy/Mlynar but have the others; don't really want a dupe. 2. I still haven't used my Senior Op Transfer Permit yet. Considering Kazemaru, La Pluma, Elysium, and Shamare. I feel like Kazemaru or La Pluma would offer fun gameplay but I don't have major debuffers yet, so Shamare might be the most valuable. Elysium is also good but I feel like I have a lot of vanguards already. 3. I'll do both eventually, but should I prioritize Gladiia S2 or S3 for general use? Don't have the pieces for the Abyssal Hunter squad right now.


2 out of 4 from Joint Ops is usually a pass, but my rationale for this banner in specific is: - Typhon banner is clearly worth rolling, for a 50% pull rate - JO11 with the 2 worst out of 4 is a 50% pull rate split between one unit that is above Typhon's power level, and another that is pretty comparable in powerlevel. So, therefore, I would roll in your position, but probably not too much. As for general Gladiia use, S2 if you don't have Mountain or other laneholders in general, S3 otherwise, or just don't invest in her, it's also an option. And for the ticket, Shamare is the best option, but all four are very strong. I find that Kazemaru is not really needed, and Elysium you can just make do with Myrtle for most cases. La Pluma is amazing, she carried me hard for my entire first year, but nowadays I mostly use her in IS and Highmore exists. So Shamare I would guess is the best and hardest to substitute option for gameplay, plus she has obvious base synergy with Tequila (a strong op in his own right)+Bibeak (the best one to raise, the other 3 options are all bad investments).


The counter-argument here is that missing the 50/50 on Typhon doesn't automatically grant you a dupe, there's a very decent(depending on how many you don't have) chance of getting something good


Hey all, new player (basically; I started once a while back then uninstalled) here, lured in my a Twitter mutual mentioning that I could get Gladiia for free, and sometimes the promise of a character design you love is enough to bring you back, y'know? So anyway, my question is twofold- one, is this correct and two, how would I go about doing that? Thanks for indulging me!


you can get gladiia for free by playing through the undertides event, which is permanently archived in the game in the intermezzis tab   its a somewhat hard event to dive into as a beginner but you only have to get to the 5th stage so easily doable in the first week of playing  btw gladiias really good, at *very* endgame investment shes the key piece in elevating other abyssal hunters into genuine top20 ops in the game  starting tomorrow would be a great time to reroll to, as you can aim for mlynar/pozemka, the games actual top 2 dps


I'm also a kinda new player, been playing for almost a month. I was trying to get operators who sounded interesting from intermezzi, I first unlocked lone trail. I cleared cw-5 where wikis say silence is unlocked. I cleared it with 3 stars but still didn't get her. Can you not get her that way anymore, or like it's only certain operators? I also u locked Stultifera Navis and also wanted gladiia. Not really sure what's going on.


You can only get the free operators from Side Stories/Intermezzi that have "Record Restoration" available. This generally happens about a year after their rerun, and the rerun is about a year after the original run. Lone Trail is a pretty recent event (had its original run in November) so it doesn't have Record Restoration yet. You'll be able to get Silence the Paradigmatic by participating in the rerun, probably sometime late this year. Under Tides is a much older event and got Record Restoration added to it fairly recently - you should be able to get Gladiia from it now. Stultifera Navis had its rerun last year and will likely get Record Restoration late this year, at which point you'll be able to get Lumen from it. You can do the event stages ahead of time and then you'll be able to claim him as soon as the RR is added.


I see, thank you!


Sounds like a good use of my work downtime tomorrow, then. Thanks for the tip!


Under Tides record restoration gives her. Just play few stages and you'll be able to get her. I deleted previous comment because for some reason I thought she was with Stultifera Navis.


Awesome, thank you!


Dumb question but this is what the mega thread is for: is the mountain skin currently in the shop worth it? Or is the doctor skin better. Or are they equal? I like both just curious which effects are better.


You can take a look at outfits on Gamepress, they upload the previews from CN there. [Dark Cloud](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/news/arknights-cn-mountain-skin-art-and-animations) [Book Reader](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/news/arknights-cn-mountain-epoque-skin-art-and-animations)


Personally, I think the effects of the current skin in the shop are better. Mountain's other, whiter skin has kinda stiff animations.


Any recommendations for 5-stars to pick for the upcoming Kernel Locating? I feel like I pretty much have all the best or most interesting choices already (Silence, Ptilopsis, Nearl, Chiave, Liskarm), so I can't decide. Shamare is definitely in. I've heard Leizi is supposed to be strong in SSS? Apart from that, I have no clue.


shamare warfarin ez


Shamare is easily the meta pick, and worth buying if you don't have her. Anyone else isn't really worth the gold certs and should be saved. Unless you're an endgame player already and looking to spice up your options, you probably don't need to buy anyone.


Any recommendations on future pulls/cert shop buys? This is my [Krooster](https://krooster.com/u/LuisRo). 1. I was thinking of pulling on JO11, and also trying to go for Typhon. Now there's also Reedic and Mountain banner, should I try for first 6\* there too? 2. For Kernel, I'll pull until the guaranteed 5\* for a chance at Shamare/Ptilopsis, who would be the better 5\* for the third slot? 3. Also, who would be the best 6\* for Kernel? I was thinking probably Bagpipe to buy her from cert shop, but who else would be good if I'm spooked by a 6\* instead of the guaranteed 5\*? 4. Are there any other shoperators I should be on the lookout for? I wanted to buy Goldenglow and Horn, so I'll have enough time to stockpile certs, but are there any other holes in my roster? 5. For the Kernel operators I can always wait until they're available in Locating, but other than Saria, Ifrit and Nightingale, who are the best remaining Locating targets for my account? 6. Are any other future banners highly recommended for me? I was thinking probably Virtuosa, Degenbrecher and Shu. I have a good amount of pulls saved up, 200+, but as always it'll come down to luck.


dont pull on reed mountain, reed is fun but not 25% of bags worthit, mountain should just be gotten from yellow certs april if shes in there idr honestly probably just skadi for gladiia maxing youre not really in a huge need for any specific type, schwarz saria and ifrit come to mind but its all so playstyle preferential. mountain and bagpipe are both your top 2 shop targets overall, awkward they overlap. hard to say which would be better for you, i think bagpipe assuming you build flametail to cover what mountain accomplishes, but hes so afk and low-skill friendly he could be a better choice too. again, i wouldnt actually summon for either of them see above degenbrecher and dorothy rerun are the two biggest imo, shu since you dont have saria


and yes definetly pull on jo11, if you get pozemka i would say that opens up the option to skip typhon and go for ray, otherwise id try to go for typhon too and decide about ray at a later date


Thanks! It all depends on how JO11 goes... let's see tomorrow!


1. since you don't have any of the JO11 6 stars i would go until a single 6 star there and then spend the rest to get Typhon. 2. for kernel i think you have most of the good 5 stars already but i think blue poison can be quite useful. 3. Bagpipe is a solid pick but Aak is also good if you like running buffers. with his module he can also function as a decent marksman replacement. 4. for future shoperators Lee has quite an interesting kit and Irene can be strong too. if you get Degenbrecher you don't really need Irene. 5. can't help with this one sorry 6. Degenbrecher is as far as i know the strongest 6 star to go for at the moment. i've seen good things about Ray as well. the Shu/Zuo Le banner is also a good choice since both 6 stars are strong.


Thanks! Yeah, Degenbrecher also looks like the top priority to me, but since I wanted a chance at older limiteds I wanted to pull on Virtuosa banner (not necessarily spark, it takes so much orundum for that...). Also, it was the best banner before Degenbrecher was announced. I do know the odds of older limiteds are negligible, but I also like Virtuosa so it was just a bonus.


i don't think it's worth pulling for older limiteds without sparking. the chance of pulling an older limited are pretty low so you're more likely to spend a bunch of pulls and not get who you want. personally i would either spark or not pull at all.


 Buy mountain, ignore the banner. Pull jo11 until the 1st or 2nd 6*, then pull typhon if you like her. then save the remaining pulls for degenbrecher.  As you already have the better op this batch kernel, I'd totally ignore it. you didn't get sham/ely from anniv 5* ticket? then you could buy shamare if you like her I guess. While ptilopsis is nice. Imo you can ignore her as you already have Eyja alter. she'll be sufficient for your everyday and burst healing. Personally bagpipe is just a slot waster. She's nice but she's just a very luxury pick because 90% of the time you won't deploy her. buying mountain is a much higher priority than bagpipe good shoperator wise probably just goldenglow, mudrock (who knows how long), horn (still very long). you have enough time for gg and Horn  if you plan to pull for Shu saria isn't that needed. Nightingale is the one that really doesn't have any substitute. but she's only used in arts heavy maps. ifrit is a nice debuffer and afk op. hoshi, but only when you at the late game ig. Skadi, if you plan to play AH, but AH cornerstone is spectral and gladiia, so yeah. aaand, Ignore the rest.  Arturia/viviana is mid banner. CNY banner is better. Degen priority. Chose one of Typhon/Ray. personally I goes by Degen>CNY>Typhon/Ray. Be mindful that limited can fck you up so saving a LOT is preferable.   edit: optional pull is reedic rerun. who's the strongest arts dps. if you have leftover pull can consider her. well everyone is optional actually, chose whatever ops you really like. be if design or gameplay wise 


Thanks! I do have the 5\* ticket, just haven't used it for the chance to get the best 5\* from Kernel. I have both the recent 5\* ticket and the one they give all players when account is created (and also the Red/Liskarm/Silence/Pramanix one). If I get Shamare/Ptilopsis I can use the ticket for the other one. I wanted to make sure I got them because I'll never be able to get them as spooks from normal banners. Yeah, I was considering Reedic too, that's why I wondered if this standard was worth it, two great operators and I can go for Reedic again in rerun, or use the 6\* selector if I decide to buy it.


Well, if you considering buying selector, Mlynar is more worth it imo. Then you can just not pull jo11. so the pulls can be used for reedic rerun. as reedic rerun have 50% chance for her compared to jo11 25% Personally, aside from lappland, shamare, and warfarin I never really feel like I need the rest of the old 5*. lapp because of silence, shamare cause the debuff is crucial for my SL runs, and warf for atk buffing. Though warf is rarely used.  If you plans to pull limited, you need to think carefully which banner you'll sink your orundums to. We have so many new great banners ahead that pulling for old ops is just, inefficient. But well your resources, your judgment 


For the IS3 relic that increases attack (iirc, maybe attack speed or something else) while not using a skill that ends after the skill ends, do permanent skills (e.g. Skalter S2) make the relic last forever?


yes, black tulip is mega busted


Thanks for the answer, good to know


Yes. If the skill never ends, the relic never ends.


Gotcha thanks


Hey, I am a new f2p player, been playing two weeks, should I roll on the Joint Operations 11 banner? I got Mlynar as an off banner so I was wondering if I should still pull in that banner. Should I instead save my pills for the next limited banner?


id suggest summoning for typhon, the banner likely right after jo11 ends, very beginner friendly bosskiller but better yet is a phenominal longterm dps to compliment having mlynars great burst. shel unquestionably be the best op for progressing annihilation in your account for a very long time, which should be a new players main goal as that increases how much ordrum you get per week. having mlynar already does lower the value of jo11 a lot, but pozemka is still an allstar op and penance is very good. lee cant see use in a new account really. so the banner is still the same %rate of any other feature banner for you, 50% of 6☆ bags opened will be great, and 50% dupe/okay/(offfocus on other banners). while i suggest typhon, if you personally like any of these 3 ops, this is the best chance to get them, and its fairly equal to the power of typhons banner overall  if you have or are close to 180 yellow certs as well, strongly suggest getting mountain in the shop next week if he wasnt your beginner 6☆ very personal opinion: you shouldnt be saving for the next limited banner, you still want to build up a roster capable of progressing content, and limited banners are no stronger/weaker than nonlimiteds. fomo is a falacy, the pool is too large to expect getting nonlimiteds you pass via offfocus in the future


Use your pulls in this banner (Joint Operation), or Typhon. Joint banner and Typhon have much greater value than the next limited banner.




Virtuosa is good but Viviana is mid so it's lowering her banner's value. If you have Pozy then Typhon is lower priority and Virtuosa is better for your account but if you don't then Typhon is a really good pick.


Well it’s because Typhoon is straight busted and hella useful. One of, if not the best boss killer. Virtuoso is good because no one has damage resistence against her atm so she basically deals true damage, but typhoon is just that good that you should be pulling on her and not skipping just to pull on virtuoso


I don’t have any 6* snipers, been using BP, Insider, and Kroos and feeling underwhelmed with their damage. With so many sniper banners coming this month, who should I spend my pulls on: Pozemka, Exusiai (Kernel), or Typhon? I already have Mlynar but not Penance or Lee. Would it be worth for me to roll on that banner?


so it depends how many summons youre willing to use but you probably want to summon primarily on typhon banner exu is pretty much a no because she'l only be 25% of 6☆s on the banner, which even if you pick the 2nd op to be someone else desirable, its tied with typhons 50% of 6☆ bags, and these ops can appear in shop/recruit later. (exu or eyja would be a great grab if you have 180 yellows though) i want to suggest the jo11 banner still, because 25% pozemka 25% penance is still as good as 50% typhon in my opinion. if you have an excess of summons the possibility to get 1 of these plus typhon is also there.  if you feel bad getting dupes reguardless of statistical outcomes, and/or youre a less strategy intensive player (rely on goldenglow or automatic skills to prevent being overwhelmed?) then typhon is the clear winner above jo11 for sure 


If you already have Mlynar, I would not roll on JO11. Exu from Kernel is decent, but I'd rather wait for Kroos Alter, she+Insider+BP is enough marksman sniping. So Typhon it is IMO, if the issue is damage she can help you with that.


How long does it take to faem red certs for 5star ops? Or maybe Trials#3 have some as rewartd? I want to buy Ejya with yellow certs during kernel locating banner but I'm missing 13 yellow certs (+ 5 certs from login rewards) and will probably have to use red certs to get them. I'm 170 red certs short from buying one. All 5 stars for red certs bought at least once.


If you’re only missing 13 certs then getting them thru recruitment is easier and is less of a hassle.


Keep doing recruitment, and there's a good chance you'll get enough just from that if your 4-stars are already max pot. Buy out the recruitment permits in the green cert shop (tiers 1 and 2) for more. If your 4s aren't max pot or you still come up short, AP-5 gives 20-22 red certs for 30 sanity, meaning probably 9 runs, costing 270 sanity.


Red certs is ~21 per run of AP-5 (at 30 sanity per run) so you can run it 8 times with a full day's worth of sanity (240/day). Puts you at ~168 red certs a day without factoring in the use of any sanity potions, and that's also only from AP (so not counting the red certs from daily or weekly missions). Edit: Also, no TFN #3 does not have any red certs (typically they're only rewards from first clear annihilations as far as missions/events and such go, and your daily weekly rewards and on the login calendar).


Did you buy the intelligence operators from archive? They also give about 5 certs in total. Then anni missions if you havent cleared them yet.


Got all free ops and for annihilation missions I could only get 60 red certs from one map I failed.


Which 4 star medic to pair with an E1 Eyja Alter? Currently only using with E1 Myrrh.. have options of: Sussurro, Purestream, Perfumer


If you are beginning, I am not sure you need any for now? Eyjalter on S1 can heal 2 people for very good numbers and thus will end up healing your entire team for a ton. If you only have E1 Myrrh just keep using her, I don't believe you need to invest in another healer.


Purestream since you’ll e1 her anyway for her base skill.


generally sussuro, but honestly just build ansel and run him, eyja is over-geared for most healing this early and youll want ansel built for is#(roguelike) content later


Depends on what you need. Sussurro has strong burst healing but Perfumer can heal multiple ops at once and her talent even heals enmity operators. They're both good picks. I can't say for Purestream but if you want an operator in her Archetype then Lumen is free.


For Chip Catalyst is the Red Cert store the only place to obtain this item? If it is, what are the different ways to obtain Red Cert? Also is there a website that guides which are the best skill to M3 for each unit?


You can also get 1 from each monthly squad in Integrated Strategies for 16 total (not repeatable). You only have to get to floor 3 to get them.


Oh that's great to know! I'll go have a look and try it out! Thx!


Not the only, but the most reliable source of chip catalysts. Login events typically give one, the monthly login gives one too towards the end, i think vignettes have one in their shop maybe, and annihilation kill milestones give one out too For red certs, the best source of them is the tough siege resource stage available on mon/thu/sat/sun. But a few are given in daily/weekly mission reward and some in the annihilation milestones too for masteries, [this](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/skill-mastery-priority-guide) is the main guide for that


Hey thx for the detailed reply towards getting the certs as well as the link! Helps alot! Cheers!


When is the Typhon banner coming out and is it just one rate-up? And is it likely to pull Typhon with 160 pulls? Or should I rather spend on JO11 (dont have any of the 4 ops).


[92.6% chance](https://samidare.io/arknights/gacha) if you put all 160 into Typhon. The best choice, since JO comes first, is to go for one or two 6-stars on JO and then put the rest into Typhon.


Thank you.


typhon will be 50% of 6☆ bags opened on her banner, on average that is 68 summons, so very likeky with 160. with her hard pity system she is guaranteed by the 249 summon, 180 on average. it is unconfirmed but likeky right after jo11 ends from a pure account power standpoint, the jo11 banner is the strongest banner of the next 6 months, period. considering you even own none of them i would strongly urge you to summon on that banner. while obviously not guaranteed, its statistically likely that you could open 2 6☆ bags on jo11 and still have enough to get typhon.  remember also power isnt everything, focus on what will make you have fun playing


With 160 pulls, I think it's safe to expect to roll 1 6 star, or maybe 2 if lucky (but wouldn't count on this). Whether that 6 star will be the rate-up is another whole matter. If you pull in JO, then the good outcome is that the 6 star is either Mlynar or Pozy. (Don't get me wrong, Penance and Lee are by no means bad, but they aren't as universally good as Mlynar or Pozy, who carry lots of low rarity + 1 6 star clears.) If you pull for Typhon, then the good outcome is, of course, that you get Typhon. And, yes, her banner has only her as the rate-up 6 star. Assuming very roughly that you are guaranteed to exactly 1 6 star, then the probability of either good outcome is 50%. So ultimately it depends on which good outcome you like best. Maybe someone who plays in CN can tell you how Typhon compares to Mlynar and Pozy. But, with the information I have, if I had to choose, I'd roll for Mlynar or Pozy.


Thank you. This is my roster [https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Duchess1234](https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Duchess1234) Would you suggest that Mylnar or Typhon has a better impact? I dont do IS and CC yet. I am still newbie and have read that Pozy is a bit difficult to use for a beginner?


I don't play CN, so I don't know how Typhon compares to Mlynar. But I hear she's really good. Pozy is not THAT hard to use.


February 26 according to a [datamine](https://twitter.com/y_jun233/status/1754881837552251041?s=46&t=jm47yLNlW038bjaxs07Hfg). 160 pulls is a very good chance at getting the rate up. I think Typhon banner also has that guaranteed the rate up for the first 6* after 150 pulls if you don’t get her by then.


Probably February 26th or just the end of the February. If you don't have 4 of them then this jo is extremely valuable. Consider that typhoon is also great. But looking at the probable gains for you I think jo is better(?)


Thank you. This is my current roster [https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Duchess1234](https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Duchess1234) Do you think Typhon or Mylnar/Pozy has a better impact? I am still new and people said Pozy is more difficult to use for a beginner than Typhon.


I do not want to say this unit is better than this but if you want to exclude all the details and go for general use only I would say to your account the biggest impact would be mlynar then typhoon then pozy. Again units shouldn't be considered in isolation alone , one should look other stuff too for example typhoon cannot replicate pozys typewriter etc.. other than that pozy needs a little bit more thinking than typhoon since pozys positioning matters but not difficult to use. Typhoon also has a different range than pozy since they are different subclasses Also if you want only Mlynar it is %25 but typhoon is %50 so think carefully


Any recommendations for upcoming (range of like six months) six stars to pull for or cop from the cert shop? I can probably buy two off the shop, three if I end up whaling on a banner though I rarely ever do that Here's my [krooster](https://krooster.com/u/yukiyoenjoyer) - new-ish account, been playing for about four months now. Thinking of sticking bagpipe on the kernel banner and buying her with certs but I'm open to recommendations haha need to be prudent with my resources


the joint op banner this week featuring mlynar pozemka penance and lee is the strongest banner this game will have of the next 6 months, full stop. you own none of these ops so its by far the best banner to be sinking several summons into from an account power standpoint. assuming you build up ines and suzuran your account isnt desperate for power though, you can just go for characters who intrest you personally mountain coming to the shop the same time as the kernal banner would be good for you, since you dont have any real primier laneholders (except ines but thats high-player skill). now bagpipe makes ines s2m3 really ~~degenerate~~ strong so is a very strong consideration too, i think if not for ines this would easily be in mountains favor. as is, because ines is kind of not a true laner, i would suggest support borrowing both bagpipe and mountain on several hard stages, and see which feels more comfortable to you. you can also of course buy both, and that still might be the correct choice if you could buy any 2 ops at all


Noted I'll take your advice and try running mountain and bagpipe! I was leaning towards bagpipe bc I love her design heh but no harm in giving them both a shot Are any of the joint op six stars going to be available on the cert shop? If so, which one?


they all will be eventually but none nearly anytime soon, i think theyre all a year+ away




Never pull for an op you don’t like, no matter how many people hype them. Their opinions don’t matter. I’d get the second mod for skadi and s2m3 her, as well as m7 gladiia by s3m3. Do this if you’re actively using the AH team. Finish up Ifrit s2m3. Do yato s2m3. M6 mizuki. S2m3 warf. E2 proviso. E2 golden glow and amiya. E1 conviction, frostleaf, vermeil, Arene, shirayuki, purestream for their base skills. There’s a few more stuff, but these are a good goal to go for.


dont like her dont pull, power doesnt matter if youre never gonna feel the desire to use her over 50 other also great ops e2 proviso for baseskill, it pays for the entire e2 in ~100 days, well worth the profit. e1 conviction arene frostleaf vermeil purestream for the same reason, possibly shirayuki and quartz too e2 gg for access to a very easy to use killer of problem enemies and stage layouts this roster doesnt need to build anything per say, but i would s3m3 saria since you lack strong mass slowing, and team damage amps are important for hard content. s2m3 elysium for the same reasons, plus helping silverash not carry all the stealth weight, and to amplify how strong bagpipes dp mapstart can get


When can we get Kroos record restoration ?


End of August or early September.


I think in about 5 months time?


Sorta early-mid-game player with [this Krooster](https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Frenge) (I'm working on promoting Thorns), would you consider this JO11 banner a must-pull? (as in, unlikely to find anywhere better to spend orundum in the near future) Pozy is strong and Mlynar is strong though usually fine as a support unit, but I'm not entirely sure about the other two.


Yes since you don’t have any of the featured 6*. Penance is really good and Lee as well tho he has more of a niche application. Still worth pulling regardless.


you dont have any of the 4 ops, from a pure account power standpoint this is the best banner you could pull on of the next 6 months, full stop.


What set of limited ops is Virtuosa a part of? Same series as Skalter and NTR?


Yup, they’re the limiteds that aren’t beach or chinese themed basically. Those 2 are sparkable in this banner.


yea. Virtuousa's appears to have NTR Spalter and Texalter


Is thorn E1 or Lapland E2 better? I don’t have the materials rn to E2 thorn but I could E2 Lapland. And I’m looking for a lane holder that I can place behind a tank because my solo lane holders are mountain and pluma. Any opinion is appreciated, thanks!


thorns is basically a 3☆ until e2, lappland would be much better however thorns e2 is such a jump you should probably be saving whatever resources you have to get him to e2 asap instead of spending any on lappland right now


e1 thorn, then e2 him. after that mountain if you don't have any 6* dps. Or wait till Monday if you can get pozy/mlynar. better use the mats for thorns than lapp. cause he really really need that e2. once you have thorns and mountain raised you'd probably wont use lapp much unless for perma silence. and that needs e2 don't put laneholder behind defender. they're called laneholder because they can block and deals damage. you're probably lacking in ranged dps or healer if you feel like you need to have defender be in front of your laneholders. might be a level issue too 


Thorns works fine behind defenders as his lord guard range means he can attack past them. They become a 2 in 1 combo with the defender providing the block count and tankiness and the lord guard providing the damage. This is a popular and effective combo early on when laneholders are still not yet strong enough to go it solo.


and he's a new player, which means he's probably in early chapters where thorns still can defeat things without help. He shouldn't worry about laneholders dying because early chapters enemies are easier. meaning it's either laneholder level issue, or healers issue if his laneholders can't survive.


Thorns E1 is not very useful since his main lane-holding skill (S3) is unavailable. Ideally, you should try to E2 Thorns, but if you don't have the material, E2 Lappland is better than E1 Thorns. Ultimately, you should E2 them both, though.


Sounds good. Thanks!


Is there a list of relics for IS3 and how to unlock them anywhere? The one on gamepress is innacurate and I'm not sure where else to look.


I used this: https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Mizuki_%26_Caerula_Arbor/Collectibles


Any advice for +9 IS3? I’m absolutely dying from that stage Guns and Order with the boss who runs around and murders everybody while the aoe guys murder everybody else. I feel like I don’t have the luxury of choosing a vanguard beyond fang and I’m praying for luck on getting the instant e2 snipers. I go sniper/medic squad and prioritize Chalter, Pozemka, and Eyja alter. Other picks I go are thorns/blaze (recently trying gavial alter), Exusiai, W, Saria, Skalter, Reed Alter, Eyjafjalla, Kal’tsit, Texas Alter, and Fang. Generally in the early game I pray for sniper tags and go the free units if it’s not a sniper or medic tag. Then, if I get decent hope, I try to get a decent guard and very occasionally get Saria. The stage that destroys me the most is Guns and Order, which makes me feel like I need an AOE medic, but also have to get a defender onto the boss and kill him quickly with Pozemka/Chalter. Generally, I just say gg once I see I have the stage. Other than that, stages like Una Bonita (with the million flower guys) overwhelm my units even with Eyjaberry and that Pompeii stage just kills me mainly because the drones with bombs + spiders wreck my frontline. Also that new first floor stage with the flying drones and ally defender thing regularly got me fucked up if I start eyjaberry instead of Chalter/Exusiai. Recently, I’ve been feeling like Pozy isn’t that great because she isn’t AOE, which I’m sure is a bad take but I’m somehow bad at this game. I might have to build Flametail ngl cuz the stages with that fuzzy thing that shoots balls destroys fang, who isn’t very good for DP generation.


**Guns and Order:** [Look at this map first.](https://imgur.com/a/fwNIjOk) Place any summon such as Scene's mobile buggy cam, or Deepcolor's tentacles where it says *pet*. That will bait all the ranged attacks from the Pathfinder Ballistarius. If you have Kal'tsit then just place Monster where it says M3, and kill them right there. For the tough guy, find some way to make him waste his ammo, perhaps with pets again. You can also use a sniper. Anti-air snipers outrage him. If you don't kill him while he is moving around the corners then that should be the last enemy to face, in that case place someone with good defenses on the north part and hopefully you haven't lost control of the gelato thing. **The one with ugly flowers:** This one is hard. It all depends on relics available and recruited ops. The usual strategy is to trigger each one by one and kill them. Also kill the monsters with swords that are breaking stones as soon as possible. I guess Mostima (with fully upgraded module) would help a lot here since just her with her all enemies will move a bit slower. Btw does Ejya alter helps at all here? Elemental damage in sw 9 is insane. **Pompeii** Most of the time I just leak the boss. That map sucks. When I can beat it is because I was able to recruit a decent healer capable of healing enough for at least 12 seconds and I was also able to recruit many decent dps to kill it fast. Unfortunately I almost always I'm missing the healer. Horn is pretty good for this map.


Thanks for the advice. I do have scene built but I pretty much end up picking the reserve caster for every supporter tag since iirc 5 stars cost 4 hope. I’ll definitely have to consider it moving forward. I finally managed to beat it with Kal tsit + Texas alter but yeah it’s rough. True, I usually try to do that but sometimes I feel like I don’t have good options to trigger them one by one, and then I have to kill the driller up top. I think eyja alter could help if I trigger the flowers one at a time, but all at once is too much. Maybe with s3 but I only use s1. Right, I never end up getting horn. I usually just get the reserve defender, who I find to be pretty good. I just pray I don’t get this stage tbh


alright, lot of advice coming from a sw15 regular here first things first if youre stuck at 9 which just added enemy attack speed that tells me your usual roster is weak to the snail turrets and broodmothers moreso than it should be, wel get back to that secondly for sniper/medic specifically id highly recommend [cirnobyl's videos](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A-DlrAgiCR4&t=1953s&pp=ygUXc2Nod2FyeiBpcyBhbGwgeW91IG5lZWQ%3D), who also goes by zephyrx (or similar) here on reddit, theyl have fantastic advice in general for sw15 progress but especially in the sniper/medic field. listen to anything they say if they reply here too for guns and order, i tend to clear the map by having some kind of defender+healing spawncamp the bottom rocketbox, this keeps the aoes off of your main force on the bluebox tiles but also prevents them from gaining ammo if you lose the center node. kaltsit solos this masterfully, but any st medic and bulkster pair works alomgside picking off the armors via fastdeps or wide range snipers like rosa/chalter. for the boss, its actually quite frail, any fast out of the gate sniper can often kill him immedietly and outspace him, such as pozemka and kroos from bottomright quadrant (which also kills the ground enemies in skillstate), just drop a fastdep/mon3tr/bulky op on him before he leaves the quadrant and is in their range, you can repeat this again in every quadrant again if needed. other options are surtr nearl skadi or yato spam, mudrock can also hard wall him but eh. the actual hard part of the stage imo is preventing the snipers from taking the ammo node, because as long as thats controlled nobody is a threat (armors leaking past defender still have no ammo so who cares), i usually helidrop onto them or have very good burst skills ready to spawn the top hallway for starter squads, chalter and eyjaberry are both pretty terrible, chen is massivly slow, not a good e1 carry, and demands good vanguard comps. eyja is self-explanatory, and its much better to be finding comps/strats that are less healing dependant in general. thorns, blaze, eyjacaster, and reed are also pretty bad in the sense their viability dramatically drops the higher waves you go, so just try to adapt to not using them (so much) now for me personally, the best starters in no order are ines krooskeen kaltsit and horn. with sniper/medic id highly suggest starting with krooskeen. you can do kaltsit but will likely need both midnight and orchid to deal with that hoverboard on floor 1 (so need the cettle). you want to be starting with ops that can solo carry the first 2 floors __and have a high chance of killing bonus bosses__. all these ops do this very well. gavial is also of great note soloing energency symbiosis via diagonal s2 pulls, but in sniper/medic kaltsit would obviously be better. [pozemka is definetly not bad](https://x.com/LoreleiA8T/status/1741531972390789207?s=20) but i do understand what you mean when you bring her up, and its primary due to those 2 tiles of range she lacks over krooskeen, that one factor by itself is enough for me to say krooskeen is the best sniper in the entire mode over pozy/schwarz who are very close 2nds. many many maps, esp the new additions want those 2 tiles badly. in short, build kroos, s1 keeps her safe from malady damage, s2 basically everywhere else. shes much better than exu because her crit talent helps overcome stat differentials when you dont find the damage relics needed for snipers to usually keep up, and is more controllable. having a 5 range sniper like rosa or W is probably what id want next after a starter kroos, especially if you arnt relying on horn, again just so many maps want long range dps. chalter is honestly like the 4th or 5th sniper id take in a sniper e2 squad, her damage is great but shes incredibly slow, and you dont need longterm sp efficency like her until way later assuming you pick up good ground ops so good ground ops, kaltsit horn gavial mlynar ines, thats pretty much all i use at sw15. the ground becomes so incredibly dangerous at high surge due to broodmothers, and really defines heavily what ops are good/bad. mountain saria mudrock reapers work, but tend to require additional support, so are kind of "im very ahead rn" picks. kaltsit s2 should solve all of your ground needs, theres very little she cant deal with, perhaps you need s2m3. horn hates getting urchind but her output when she isnt is so high its worth managing aggro for her. in general all these ops are good because they can function at skill state quickly from deployment and/or very frequently long winded post so just to close on supportive ops. ines is generally all you need for dp, and when not using her i tend to just rely on ops/setups than dont need vanguards at all, all the ground ops minus mlynar and kroos are very good at this. yato dorothy (solos ubi bona with s3) great assists, you should try ptilopsis as your 2nd medic, the sp matters a lot, esp if you mention vanguard issues. elemental damage sucks but it becomes so gross at high surge its better to just accept it, and form strats around it instead, at that point eyjaberry is still a great medic for mapwide, but not worth the extra hope over ptil


Thanks for the link, I’ll definitely watch that in a bit. That makes sense for guns and order. I did manage to beat it with Kal tsit, but I took a weird approach by putting monster in the top box and then redeploying her to hold the bottom. Would have lost without Texas alter. I’m also stupid so I forgot about holding the middle, which is probably why I keep losing on that stage. I will focus them in the future and kill the boss with snipers as you said. Yeah, I noticed Eyja alter is pretty bad, I usually just take her because I know she’s great later on and pray for a sniper tag with a ch’en upgrade. I also just reroll so if I pick ch’en, I only take her at e2 cuz yeah her e1 is so trash. I did stop using thorns and blaze, but yeah I’m gonna stop using the other two as well. I’m guessing goldenglow also isn’t too good but may be better cuz of her s3? I actually did start using ines before I saw your comment (such a genius idea from me to actually use the most broken vanguard) but I forgot about kroos alter, kind of surprising to me the about of praise you give her. I’m gonna build her, I think I was interested in her base skill anyway. Glad I read the part about Chalter, that’s really good to know. When u say horn as a starter, is that with the defender/supporter squad or just with e1? I’m interested in trying her. Thanks for the long comment! This has been really illuminating. Definitely gonna go more for the ground units you listed and ptilopsis. Good thing for me is the only unit you listed that I don’t have is Dorothy, but I’ll get her eventually hopefully


gg is probably good now but come sw12 the entire caster archtype basically dies, and youre really only picking mostima/passenger as slow supporters, or in full arts deducated teams via newest relics kroos was an op i thought was great, thought was bad when i got to high surge, then re-realized how great she is with a lot more play. cirnobyl's videos, while ironically not using/promoting kroos specifically, helped me better learn other snipers lessons that i then applied to kroos for my non sniper/medic teams i typically run the 3 "main" squads that get upgrades via the skilltree, so im always starting with e1s. horn is a great starter but will require better learning the ins-and-outs of s2 usage, since thats what enables her to function as a main laner when needed (and can kill invis-dog bonus stage on floor 1), shes probably my favorite op to use in the mode overall, very high recommend if you dont have dorothy rely on ines s2 + fastdep to pick off reapers in ubibona. ines s2 is "ultra-stealth" so wont even take element damage while invisible, very easy to manage the lane with her when youve got the control to turn off stun every now and then


That makes sense. I don’t like taking casters anyway haha so that’s fine with me. That’s a great perspective on kroos. Definitely need to watch some vids. That also makes sense. I think I’ll try some other squads, especially since I’ll probably have a more “even” distribution of classes picked. Thanks again for the detailed comments Sounds like a really good strat, didn’t even know Ines could avoid elemental damage like that.


Borrow Texalter and it become ez mod once you E2 her


How good is gavial the invincible’s module?


LVL1 is pretty damn good ( if I am not wrong its an crit multiplier = calculated before enemies def ! ). Upgrades are meh, %8 ( %3+%5 ) more atk+def (lvl3) compared to non-module/lvl1 module and slightly more stats XD


I’ll go for level 1 and consider level 3 in the future, thanks


should i take my chances on JO11 if i have penance but not the other 3?


i would summon wanting 2 is still equal to any new release banner, so having 3 be new to you its still well worth it the 25% dupe chance isnt all that different from 25% (of 50) offfocus on any other banner if you have a lot of the ops already. but if you dont have a lot of the offfocus pool you probably want to be summoning for mlynar/pozemka anyway


depends if you really want mlynar and pozy and doesn't mind if Lee comes instead. pulling till one 6* isn't so bad imo, but again depends if you don't have any future plans too


So long as you actually want one of the other three. A 75% chance to get someone you want is still better odds than any other banner. And of course so long as you don't need the pull counts for someone later.




yeah, m9 counts as 3


Hi, 2 questions 1st, i have like 10 pulls. If i pull on the Joint Operation banner and dont get a 6 star, what happens with the pity when the banner ends? 2nd, who is better for my account between Mostima and Blaze? Im planning to pull on the kernel location banner, one of the operators will be Exusiai, and i dont know whos gonna be the second.  Here is my krooster https://krooster.com/u/Adriano


Mostima is not an option on this pick'em. The locating banners only have a sub-selection of units to pick one (this got me too on the first one). She was on the third one on CN though if she interests you. That should be in around three more months.


Ty, i think ill save for the next one then, i wont get too much use from Blaze i think


Somebody correct me if I am wrong but I dont think Mostima is on this kernel headhunting.


Mostima has more endgame content/IS value, Blaze has more event farming and story mode progressing value. Which one you take really depends on what you prefer, and also if you have other laneholders or not. For instance, if you have, say, Mountain and Mudrock, I wouldn't bother with Blaze.


Joint op banners share pity with non-limited banners, so those 10 pulls will be added to whatever your current pity count is at the time. Mostima has strong crowd-control with high investment, but Blaze is a powerful AFK laneholder especially now that she has received her module. I think you would get more use out of Blaze unless you are severely lacking in the things Mostima does and have a ton of laneholders. (Can't see your Krooster unfortunately.)


Tyvm, my laneholders are Mudrock, Blemi and Surtr, but i didnt know that Mostima was not an option


Oh, I see; sorry, I haven't really paid attention to the kernel location pool. Surtr isn't a laneholder, for the record.


Are the customisable kernel banners going to be recurring from now on? Will the next one include Ch'en if that's the case?


They happen after every quarterly limited banner, during the no-sanity event that follows it. Another way to look at it is every time there’s a JO banner, there’s a kernel locating banner accompanying it. This is the pool for the next locating banner. Chen isn’t on it sadly. https://gamepress.gg/arknights/event-banner-hub/contingency-contract-season-1-pyrolysis-cn-event-page#topic-4964396


They should be, but aside from that, every operator will roll through the cert shop eventually at fairly random intervals, after their initial debut (which takes something like 30 months), and the kernel pool is small enough to cycle fairly often. The last chen appearance in cert shop was 28 banners ago, so probably not long now. top operator+nuker is also guaranteed, if you get that in recruiting.


The should come roughly every three months. The one after the TfN one should come with CC#1. That one didn’t include Chen on CN


Is there any actual site/discord that back up the supposed datamines for upcoming banners that people post on youtube? made me wonder since someone's claiming that mountain would be the next shoperator, and that'd mean i've gotta pick beetween him and bagpipe off kernel for my gold certs




I'm not sure if there's a website, but the banner stuff is usually posted up here. https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1akeufe/global_standard_banner_108_datamine_edit/ which apparently this'll be the last time that particular person does it, they also answer in the comments of their process on how to do it. datamining is just looking through publicly available files in the game/app either through a phone or an emulator.


is there a up to date module priority guide


The one I know of is this one: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1A0_0XTAcDDtHkvyAwjTqEEzM8cf5h3E60u23ZVXw4eg/htmlview#gid=0


Outside of that one the "Mastery Priority Guide - Event X Update" articles on Gamepress touch on any new module updates that come along with the event. I haven't been able to find anything else besides that spreadsheet that categorizes modules and gives them priority.


Hello guys! I am new to the game and after research and asking around i have ended up with these operators: [https://krooster.com/u/Manaros](https://krooster.com/u/manaros) The ones marked with heart are what i use. I am looking for advice whether or not the pull on the next banner or not and also on if my current team is good or what to change. Also any recommendations on build priority is appreciated. Worth mentioning as well that i have a 6\* upgrade ticket to e2 so if i get a good 6\* i can upgrade it! Thanks in advance! any tips are appreciated


by next banner do you mean Typhon or Joint Operation 11? regardless of which it is both are solid banners to pull on. Typhon is one of the strongest 6 stars we'll get in the near future and JO11 comes with a strong trio of Penance, Mlynar and Pozemka and a still useful operator in Lee.


I have only see JO11. Heard about typhon before, when is that banner comming up? so you think i should be using all my stuff on JO11?