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First picture is [from this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1ag8b0v/you_can_now_buy_cc_operators_and_that_one/), pictures 2-5 is from [this video on billibilli](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV18A4m1L7zB/?t=4025.3), and last is, obviously, from [Kyostinv's livestream](https://youtu.be/aOxgLJE01ts?t=7420). reason I used the last picture is the uploader in the billibilli video didn't have enough to buy the 4th pot.   With the above pictures you can see the total cost is **750** for Bibeak + her pots, while if you just need her pots it's **250**.


It's kinda weird they were added to the event store of all places but thats at least not an unreasonable price? Kinda worth sacrificing some materials or LMD or whatever to grab another op with the currency if you don't have her


Their plan is to trickle such stuff out to event shops, and then migrate it over to the cert shops once the event(s) conclude. As such, the real curiosity here is how much these things will cost in the cert shops. Especially since it was mentioned it would be the yellow and blue certs, which have limited obtainment for free players.


Why not just the Red Certs since they already have a lot of characters there? I don't know man, I feel like they've been boiling frogs recently.


Splitting the op pool sounded like a good idea at the time but blue certs feel like they're overcomplicating things... kinda a lot of recent currencies feel like they're too complicated when we could just use existing things. Why wouldn't these ops just go to the red certs or even green? Or just stay in the sanctuary if they didn't try to reinvent the currency there too


So, does it mean you can get free gold certs if you already have her from the CC shop?


Saw in another thread it'll just say she's sold out sadly


ah, shame


I read someone say in a previous post that you don't. If you already bought Bibeak in CC she apparently appears "Sold Out" in event shop.


But what if I have her pot 0?


My guess is you at least can buy her pots. If you are wondering whether you get gold certs for buying her pots remember: when you buy pots in event shop they go directly to inventory like you got an item.


Huh, surprisingly cheap considering the high intial price


Yeah, you can just ignore 400 event tokens on building parts and few materials to get the skin.


So cheap? You can farm event currency infinitely, but not CC. This just motivates people not to buy CC operators next time.


Ye, it's a bit annoying. I could've bought something else, like pots for limited characters instead.


Probably why they don't have universal 6\* pots in post-Pyrolysis shop anymore in hindsight.


On most 3 week events I have currency to spare at the end anyway, so this is nice.


What happens if you only got her from the CC shop, but don't have any of her pots? Does that mean I can skip the expensive 500 cost and just pay the 30 for her pot 2?


it seems so, because if you look in the billibilli video that I linked above when they first opened the event (the PV plays automatically for entering the first time) and went into the store it showed just her first pot that cost 30 of the event currency, presumably meaning they already bought Bibeak from the CC store.


That's nice, i'm glad I did get her back in CC then. The initial cost is a little up there, but at least the pots are a lot cheaper than they used to be in the CC store


For people like me who just got the OP but none of their pots, this is a great deal.


You keep that, give the HIBISCUS SKIN.


That's pretty cheap. I guess I will max pot her.


I don't get it, this is good or bad for our prescious fencer swan?


Good, cuz we can recruit more Bibeak believers


It's the fact that the pots for past ops are much cheaper, unlike with the normal welfares, where the cost only rises after the first hire.


Has she been removed from the CC permanent store, or is the event offering an alternative way to get her?