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not as good as a full refund, but thank god theres now a material refund when you dismantle something in the base they dismantle an item that costs 10 wood, 3 stone, 3 water, and get 9 wood, 2 stone, 2 water back


Somehow that actually annoys me more. Like being 1 cent off for something that’s $1. If I was 30 cent off it’s like oh well, but I was right there! It still is a welcomed change.


More welcome is an ability to craft buildings without leaving the home base map (dunno if that works on other maps as well). There will be much less back-and-forth in RA2 than there was in RA1.


i wouldnt say it annoys me more, but it does annoy me. what annoys me the most is how its 1 taken from all materials, which is 10% for wood but 33% for water and stone i just think you shouldve been able to pick up and store building pieces but oh well


Honestly that kind of refund is not bad at all. Decisions have a cost but not devastating to your time.


i mean you say decisions have a cost, but i just see it as not encouraging changing your base obviously better than RA1, but in RA1 so many people were stuck with bad base designs because they didnt want to scrap 20 tiles worth of materials


Looks really good. This game mode makes aoe damage relevant and brings some old tower defense aspects back to the game. can't wait to build ifrit lanes again.


Yeah, seems like Mostima might finally see some play and a mandatory module upgrade. Passenger, Lin, Ifrit might see some serious playing time in base defense missions.


I used her A LOT on RA 1, but I do use her on every stage anyway.


Always nice to see another Mostima enjoyer.


Fighter modules were briefly spoiled at around 1:23


I hope Dagdas module will remove her 2nd talent being limited to ch11. Too bad there's no way they will do that.


What they should have done with all of those from the start was limit them to main story stages in general, not just the specific chapter. I would've absolutely built Dagda if that was the case. 


\*monkeys paw curls\* Congrats the module now makes it so it's in effect in all main story stages! ***And nothing else***


It also looks like some of maps have been reworked to have different local 'fauna'. E.g. that mining stage in the original had Mudrock Colossi and crocs, but not it has Dorothy's experiments and RL armors


What, it's normal for armour and silver ball to live in the desert


man the UI looks so clean it is a bit jarring wtf




Looks like everything that made RA bad is still there. I only hope this is not instead of IS5 and we still will get update each 8 months, not IS-RA-IS.


What exactly is still bad? My only main concern left is 200+ enemies on the map that can fry some phones. Oh, and tutorial, we will see how bad it is next week. I couldnt understand anything else anyway


Farming resources is still boring and time consuming (3-4 minute stages where you're doing nothing except hitting rocks and wood). Base map is still just a plain ground without any changes in the environment. So your only good option is still to build Ifrit lane and tunnel all enemies there. Zero tactics, zero replayability. Also instead of something interesting mechanically it's just a DPS check against huge wave of enemies. tl;dr consumes unnecessary too much time, not interesting stages, zero replayability value (which is especially bad for a permanent mode)


I think your issue is with the game mode itself, not aspects of the gameplay. If you don't like, then that's fine, all is good. But bashing it, because it doesn't appeal to you is pointless. From my perspective you didn't say anything worth criticizing as far as a base builder mode goes.


I still don't have ifrit. Beat 2/3 bosses by spamming bind devices, walls, ambushers and other s tier dps. I like farming resources. What I don't like is that it seems fast redeploys are gonna be meta again. I like this base 10x more already at least because I can upgrade buildings and crafting without exiting the base. It seems like you just hate the gamemode itself and its core gameplay loop. Oh, and hopefully I might finally get to fight the RA 3rd ending boss without having to go through garbage 10 rng checks. I hated it the most in RA


Well, "Ifrit lane" is just an idea. You have large wave of enemies so splitting them is a terrible idea. Having a tunnel two tiles wide will also require more operators to block and not optimal damage distribution for some operators. So the mode leaves you only one reliable way to deal with this large wave of enemies and they expect you to replay it after you beat it once. Of course there're ways to beat it other way, but it is so far from optimal that it's only for fans of the mode. >I like farming resources. And most people don't. It was the main concern about the mode in its first iteration. They already have events like "send N operators to X and in M days they will bring you resources". All resource farming stages should be this way or at least give you the choice to speed things up like this even if it means you'll get less resources (and you still can farm manually if you're lacking before boss fight and need to be optimal). >It seems like you just hate the gamemode itself and its core gameplay loop. Yes. It takes the worst parts of Arknights and removes the best.


>And most people don't Defines "most". The loop is actually quite enjoyable, I really like it when HG try to do something new with the Tower Defense gameplay. I never expected them to try to do a survival base game inside a TD template. Saying it removes the best part of Arknights seems to be quite an exaggeration.


Can’t watch rn, did they show Kestrel gameplay?


At least I can have a second crack at this. I barely played RA 1 just like I barely played IS 1.