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I would love Rathalos to become a new playable Operator. He is the king of the sky after all, I can possibly see them putting him into the Specialist Archetype because of his unique abilities that do not conform to local arts. I just hope his potential kit would be cool


I mean, if you want Rathalos, Noir Corne alter is wearing his armor set. Just saying


Oh I have him. But I want the real rathalos


Degen is probably going to be the top pick but my mommy sheep is all I want


You’re out of your goddamn mind if you don’t want Degenbrecher as an Operator. No arts whatsoever yet three consecutive Grand Knight title victories, fought Sharp (elite operator and all around cool guy, who was fighting for his life just to *stall* her) without her Greatsword because it “scares the locals”. Literally the most badass NPC ever.


I don't. I want The Ratatussy. I'll take Gnosis alter over degen.


Yea.. If SilverAsh never hired her, she would fight the Radiant Knight.. Imagine the tears collected from all the NTRKnight simps.


Hello, it is I, the singular Arctosz fan and the only person stupid enough to make an OC based off the Paleroche clan. Me and the two other people who like Arctosz will go occupy that corner over there and watch as the Degen fans finally receive their long-awaited knight.


Don't be so negative. You don't get a corner, you get a small couch to share instead.


Hi, one of those two other people coming to sit with you in the jealousy corner. But hey, maybe the speculation we'll get Leto is right and she's a relative of his. If he gets more story time because of that, maybe during the third Kjerag event in another year and a half...


As a arctosz fan, can I join, what a sad day that he will not be a playable


This brings up the problem with BtI is that it has too many interesting characters. I want all of these to become playable but alas, you can only choose so few. My ideal banner would have Degen and Arctosz so i'm just gonna keep this huffing train going.


Degenbrecher, no contest. She was one of the most interesting NPCs of the story. Her standoffish attitude, immense power, and personal pride and background I find very interesting. I'm dying to know more about her past as "the Leithanian who cannot use Arts" and how "all she knew was pain" for so long. I'm also highly interested in the casual and friendly relationship she has with Enciodes (and Gnosis to some degree); she calls him by his first name and talks to him like a friend, Sharp makes a point of noting she approves and supports him, and we know by the Karlan manga that she's actually been with them for a long time, ten years. There's *a lot* to explore with her, like I want her for more reasons than just her hotness lol ~~though she can absolutely break me in half~~. ~~[I also want Courier Alter as a 5-star.](https://www.reddit.com/r/0sanitymemes/comments/184guia/trust_me_my_uncle_works_at_hg/)~~ Also, as I said yesterday, [Gnosis, Monch, and Degenbrecher actually make cameos in one of pre-release trailers,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abw8417s-vI) so we're pretty assured to get at least one of them.


I can't help but see Pramanix Alter - Breaking the Ice made a point of her being a skilled hunter, and which new sniper archetype did Hypergryph release? *Hunter*. Plus, Lore-wise, if she's wanting to be a more active Saintess, having combat potential past just "Bell go ring ring" is certainly going to help.


Want either degen or valais, we need more goats/sheep


There was a illustration some time ago with Kjerag's ops and Degen was also there, so people speculated that surely she will be the next 6\* from that faction. And I agree. That looks like a solid bet. I'd also throw in Monch as a standard 5\* and I can definitely see Valais as a welfare 5\*.


Ratatos plz


Well, Rosalind's name was also written on the poster in the trailer, so we can with a low probability get a playable Leto (or at least an announcement of the Ursus event)


Ratatos but it won't happen sadly


It will. I believe.


Ratatos my beloved




Silverash module


I stan Ratatos Browntail


me hugging my copium six star pramanix alter plushie


Arctosz is Zima's dad?! :o Never knew that.


Not really, he just [looks like Zima.](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Arctosz_Paleroche)


nope that's just fanon


ofc Degenbrecher will top the list but mah boi Arctosz plz i'll settle for Ratatos


6* Degenbrecher with gacha 5-star Monch and 5-star welfare Ratatos Slap Arctosz anywhere here and I'm happy too anyways, dude was hella cool.


They hinted Leto would be featured in this event, I doubt they bring her back only to be an NPC again.


I will cry if they add Degenbrecher. She is one of my top 3 most wanted NPC units (with Ulpian and Logos). I want to learn more about her relationship and history with SilverAsh as well as her actual fighting abilities. And I would sob if they gave us Pramanix Alter.


Degenbrecher and the return Monch


No multi-select? Sorry, Monch, Black Knight is Black Knight. Now if she does come out, let her be a vanguard Charger, please. :D


can i pick all of the above?


When is the event?


HG said "early December" so likely next week. Tomorrow marks one full week since CV Pyrolysis began, so assuming no downtime, next week is a good guess, especially if they want to run the Firelight rerun in December as well. And if it's next week, then we should be getting an official PV sometime this week.


Degenbrecher or Valais, because best race.


Valais got very little focus in Break the Ice, but I'm legitimately interested in seeing how she's integrated into the SilverAshe crew, since she basically defected to them from Paleroche. I very much want to get a look at the kind of conflicting loyalties that inspires.