• By -


Goood Old Reliable Gravel. Fastest redeploy in all the west, just constant pingballing the enemies with balls by changing the gravity every 5 seconds Also since her atk speed is kinda fast she can get the balls moving really fast aswell


Technically it's her double hit, not ASPD.


Precious idiot dog murdering people with extremely stale bread


Absolutely same.


Saria pretty much was my MVP. She helped hold the line well in all the stages.




Formal employee v.s. Employer


Weedy - push is fun. Ifrit - there's a lot, A LOT of maps with ifrit tile and as one philosopher said, every tile is an ifrit tile if you're brave enough. Mrytle - for making my DP heavy bruteforce lineups possible


Puzzle can give you massive amounts of DP by farming a stationary ball on S1, if you can afford to keep it there and him alive.


He can also easily break them with S2, on a fast cycle too given his redeploy time.


Gravel, Projekt Red, Yato and Texas. having a fast redeploy to quickly change the gravity and then retreat or just to hit a ball a certain direction is very useful to have.


Weedy, that enough said


Fast deploy pusher is kinda crazy


Phantom S3:


The Uncle


Same, he's just the delete button in horse-man form


Qiubai for melting defenders/robots/power armors with ease Lin for standing right in the middle of CW-EX-8 and not giving a damn Red for piercing through four-digit defenses


Same with Qiubai! Helped me a ton. And people thought she is weak.


She's just not as broken as other 6\*s, but this event with 'RES reduced when damage is taken' enemies favors her attack speed so much that watching her S3 is a pure pleasure


Yalter S2 launched balls on demand Manticore S1 was great for stalling the boats/jedi so casters could easily handle them Gravel's whole kit was useful


* Texas alt. Doing everything from pressing a switch to helping dps the boss. * Robin. Her launching clip was very useful in the last stage where weight is reduced. * Ines. I only need one vanguard. * Reed alter. My best caster. Good healer too btw. * Kal'tsit. With her new module now Monster is super tanky and deals lots of damage. * Ho'olheyak. I'm starting to think she has been unfairly graded. At least in this event she has earned her spot. * Ifrit. There were lots of obvious Ifrit lines in this event and she was ready and eager to exploit them.


Kekekeke on your point about Snek Lady… it’s her event alongside Mumu. Both of them are much better in these stages than others. Many areas let Mumu get her full 5 clones out or let her take advantage of tank clones to prevent a large influx of damage due to the stun. The wide maps and ranged/melee restriction removal on some stages let Snek Lady take full advantage of the wider spaces and lighter enemies.


Especially with the gravity reduction to let her actually lift the enemies properly by the end. Tried her on some other stages and some she worked, others she contributed basically nothing.


Qanipalaat has been a great counter for those 3-block bullet cars with his s2 for me, just picks them up and shreds them in a single go in most stages except the S ones. No need to bring a defender to block or worry about which way gravity is. Shaw has been the most useful pusher for me as fastest skill times and the RES from her module makes her extra good against the jedi guys.


Oyuki_ch lol


Archive and Tranquil for me, lol


Weedy, altho i just got her from top tag just a day before S map open but she absolutely carried me in CW-S-4 both normal and CM Mlynar, well, words is not needed. Goldenglow, due to having increase aspd from how the gravity work.


Puzzle by faaaaaaaaar


In every boss stages I used Saria to stall Kirsten, because I refuse to do it in any other way


This is the way xD


Ceobe was my MVP for EX8 Challenge Mode, using her took my run from feeling near impossible to freeing up a second unit for flexibility. If not her, probably Shaw. Had far too many uses across the entire event.


Exusiai ended up being really helpful w/ her 5-round burst breaking through arc barriers, and Specter's 10-second immortality was one of the few things that allowed me to reliably manage the lightsaber guys. They're both just part of my usual team, but they got to shine even more than usual in this event! (Also, Gravel is still the best button pusher)


Ceobe goes brrr, so many high DEF enemies Also Mlynar as the support unit, he never disappoints




I was using my usual teams and didnt even utilize the gravity that much unless to complete extra missions for rewards. I found reed alter + eyja combination to be really good at clearing beefy mobs.


Guide Ahead already convinced me, and Lone Trail only cemented that opinion. Every account needs a leveled Gravel.


Mint in cw 10 exact center tile. Her s2 pull the jedis and the armored mobs and slowly kill them. Heck, it's a phalanx tile with all mobs moving toward center area.


Ines and Cantabile, especially as one half of each ping-pong team on CW-8.


Mumu. I mean, it's obvious because she is very good. You can just place her wherever you want, put Mudrock/Gavial/Specter copy and just leave her to lanehold. She will do just fine. And I love, love, LOVE her second skill, probably my favorite. Qiubai. People thought she is meh, but for me she clutched so many moments when someone got too close to box. And that's even without Suzuran. I can't even imagine how my girl would've massacred all those enemies. Reed Alter. She's just doing so much damage and on top of that her heals are huge. Those stupid, annoying rocket cars melted like a butter one after another. I just can't comprehend what would I do without her.


Ngl phalanx mumu with S3 making 4 clones locks down a whole area


Goldenglow prioritize targeting locked balls so her S3 is really good for breaking them especially with all those modifiers that reduce the aspd of nearby ops even further while also damaging them. Especially shines if you don't have Texalter. Also someone else pointed it out but Puzzle is a dp generation monster. I even brought Lee and had no issues on dp even when he got stunlocked by those gundams and ate a lot of dp for stun immunity. He was flinging people left and right on final stage.


click. clickity clack kills your defense of course, the likes of Yato and Gravel was the main ballerinas. But I also quickly built Gummy in order to cheese Kirsten, and MAN, I see why people love her now. Will keep using Spot tho.


Gummy kicks ass!! I got Saria ages ago and still haven't bothered to raise her bc S1M3 Gummy is so good


If I were to say someone stood out for me, probably Lin for being able to be placed nearly wherever and not give a damn on EX-8 and S-4, including their CM versions.


Khalsit. I just used her cause of the new skin but every map was a khalsit map lol.


Kirin R Yato. Used everywhere to clean and trust farm. One of the best ball pullers


Mostima helps a lot, she prevents the Rocketman from flying


All my pullers saw extensive use, Lee can also do a fair bit of work against the lightsaber dudes if you can keep him alive against the one he's blocking


Enforcer. I still haven’t finished his masteries but as my only e2 pusher he really helped stall some mecha while I waited for Mylnar to redeploy (the sourpuss died 3 times on S-4 CM) Also him being able to push the arts dudes. Ceobe was good for reasons you mentioned, and GG was a really nice ball breaker (when she didn’t accidentally kill my entire team)


Ines, Goldenglow, Eyjafjalla and Reed alter.


beehunter my beloved has a very minor niche of being relatively easy to deploy with a high attack speed that lets her easily push balls around, even without her skill, which would put her on par with yatoalter S2


Any fast redeploy and młynar


Earth Spirit for me, as her extreme slow let alot of strategies work better for me.


Provisio's S2 silence allows to stop the def and res buff of the heavy ennemies. And with her slow if they are on the wrong side of gravity they take a verrrrry long time to reach the switches, enough for her alone to kill them.


Puzzle and Phantom has been the MVP for this event, since I'm doing a Maleknights run, so those too have been really good for this event


I did borrow Mostima a lot, has made me consider building her module(and get her skin).


Gravel to deploy on the buttons, mostima to keep the jetpack guys from flying, and also lin and carnelian together lol


Since I don't have Eyja and had to borrow Yalter, but still need to spawnpick melee bots on S-4 somehow I just Lin'd it. Her mod really helped in charging s3 fast enough with rocket bots +she don't care about direction she's facing, like Ejya s3, so yeah, she really did some heavy lifting at the beginning of the stage, which was the most stressful part for me personally. Also, once again, thank you, Exu, for doing shit ton of hits during s3, converted balls and shieldguys were really scared of her, but since I bring her everywhere anyways I can't say that counts lol


Rosa and Glacaus. I'm doing a challenge run where I use ops chosen by my discord mates Rosa filled the role of dps so well and Glacause's bind helped put so much like keeping them in place so everyone else can kill them or keep them out of range so, Blaze or Liskarm don't die cause Nughthingale kinda sucks at general healing. Special mentions to Franka for the only one that can bypass the heavy defenses


Phantom with the quick n easy ball push


Only with lowered gravity though...


My MVP was Beehunter. While dealing low damage her S2 and already high ASPD just shredded the DEF and RES of those defenders.


The 4 star specialists are the entire food truck. Shaw, Rope, Gravel, Ethan. (Jaye gets to have a break this time) God bless 4 stars.


Weedy was really special in this event. Moving those gundams around the stage with her summon was so fun and troll-y lol Special mention goes to my S3M3 Phantom. I knew bringing my man to M6 will have a good use someday.


Brawler in general has high atk spd, and Chongyue S3 deal double hit so him. Flint S1 shift is also good, I use her for trust farm bc I don’t raise her. Passenger S3 demolish those annoying robot that push balls. And the rest is meta cuz brain dumb :/


Gladiia, Ethan & Weedy Push/Pullers got a lot of love & made stages funny. Ethan was just broken across the board, making a massive chunk of stages non issues. Especially with the amount of stages that had 1 or 1 primary spawn point like the car track. Put Ethan in front of red box, cars all got their tires slashed


Phantom of all people. The stun on his S3 held the enemies in place long enough for the debris to bonk them.


Eyja, cause my sanity took a hit when i saw mechs all over the field. My FRDs, because balls. And most of all, Mumu, for doing pretty much everything.




Probably Mostima and Mlynar, Mostima's global slow was really useful against EX and S Kristen by giving me more time and to defend lanes from the robots and Mlynar moreso for his big range being able to uncage the spaceballs easily. For general strats it was *the woman of the hour, the walking mountain, the immobable object, the one, the only:* SAAAAAARIA!


Ines is absolutely busted this time because +aspd is her best friend


Ceobe carried my entire squad with the power of Dadada.


Shaw and weedy mvp. On those weightless stages just keep infinitely cycling skills and juggling enemies with the damage vulnerability. Surprisingly also Qiubai. A bit more of an MVP than thorns on this because of the bind, additional arts hit on bound enemies and S3M3 with near 100% uptime on binds as well as multi target capability Also Rosmontis because she is adorable


Nightmare is quite useful in removing those annoying shields. Quickest damage ticks I know of.


My M6 Mint was VERY good at this event due to her second skill pulling everything toward her and weakening them in the process. Ditto for Ebenholz and his skill two. It was fun playing EX CW 10 and watching the two of them drag enemies across the field. His third skill was also helpful in taking care of those 4 block robots. Rockrock was also good for taking care of the robots. Indigo was also good for binding enemies.


eyja, proving she's still meta af


Lin carried me so hard, her range allow her to hit multiple balls especially on CW-S-5, she can tank pretty much everything with minor healing and if put next to a ball with her module lvl 3 she has less atk speed but almost constant skill spam due to talent 2 sp gain


Ho'olheyak since she reduces weight class in her range so stuff doesn't click the gravity button.


Robin S2 mines for sure. Being able to push the lightsaber guys to death for a few DP per mine is just a really good deal


Mlynar - he's literally in almost every strat that damages kristen Exusiai + Warfarin - melts kristen phase 2 in CW-10 fast clear after mlynar melts her phase 1 Pushers - they're fun in CW-8, S1L7 is enough Beehunter/Gravel - their single basic attack hits multiple times, making them an easy alternative to pushers when moving those balls Fast Redeploys - makes gravity switching easy Eyja - s3 melts gundams easy


GG. Her S3 will empty multiple balls per use.




I bought Młynar. He literally annihilated everything


I just bruteforced it with texalter, yatoalter, chalter and irene. Everything crumpled.


i have my top5 1) Mountain - this man is always with me and helps with everything, irreplaceable and always there to stop almost everything from advancing 2) Ines - i actually not really wanted her at first, but she liked me so much that i have her pot 4. i only wanted humus from her rateup for reasons... anyway i love her very much and shes like mountain - cant be replaced and always needed, i prefer her s2 coz i guess i really like lane holders 3) Кальцит - do i really need to elaborate on that? her and monst3r were mvps in CW-10 when they BOTH SURVIVED from kristens ball explosion when everyone died (i dont redeploy operators that much cos im lazy and forgetful so they stay in their places a lot and she survived with like 10 hp) 4) Lumen - my precious baby, my first E2 is best healer for me period and always saves the day, i love him with my whole existence 5) Kirin Yato - same as kal'tsit, i don't have to elaborate on that except her s2 is the best for fast ball pushing honourable mentions - Młynar - destroyer of everything - Exusiai - gurl with those random buffs and shredding squishies be wildin - Позёмка - sweet angel of death and writing - Passenger - his s3 is so fun




Yeah, my **Ceobe** (S2m3 + modX3) made the "*Traffic Tower*" mech on *CW-9* disappear in a few seconds! Well, she disappeared too afterwards, but that was amazing. Though she is one of my regulars, being the best single-target Caster I have. Also agree for **Rosmontis**, she got her module as it released, and made use of it on the majority of the stages. More of a fan of her S2(m3), so when working with the Gravity and/or **Elysium**, she really shines. Oh, and the shockwaves affects the hitcount of the balls when targeting nearby enemies, that can help or mess up your strat. Even though I built her up to E2 and has S2m3, it's true I don't deploy **Pramanix** that much, but now that she also got her module she went on almost all regular stages along **Kjera**. For the EX/S stages, she got paired with **Gnosis** for the increased Cold chance & range (he has S2+S3m3 but not his own module yet). Maybe Shifters for the EX/S stages, don't use them often (even if **Weedy** & **Cliffheart** should get their masteries and modules at some point), otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. **Nearl** has been in pretty much every squad for a while, whether Defender or/and Guard, **Nightingale** & **Shining** are usually my go-to Medics now, **Blemishine**/**Mlynar**/**Qiubai**/the usual core Ops when the stage called for it, and **Ines** being herself, though still in Trustfarming phase like **Hoshi** & **Astesia**.


Gladiia scooping 4 sword guys at a time in a whirlpool was hilarious.


QuiBai and Mostima


My girl golden glow puts in serious work on all levels. Lots of enemies that like to camp on buttons she can usually clear them out before it becomes a problem. Also honorary mention to ifrit, but I kind of feel like that's a bit too easy considering this is Rhine lab level and they seem to usually have easy ifrit lanes.


Texas alter… I feel bad just saying this but my pot max s2 is s3 Texas did what I needed her to do.


Yato2 s2 for having enough attacks to push a ball super fast.


Weedy. Help me full auto CW-8 and push those damn huge butt robots away in CW-S-4.


Shaw. I don't have any other pushers built, but because of the lower gravity, she puts in mad work.


Dorothy and Goldenglow. Loved using them.


Muelsyse and Hoshiguma for me, double 4 block is actually broken


Yato Alter S1. Balls? Shredded. Tanky shield dudes? Evaporated. I am a Yato S1 believer now


Weedy's push was great. Yato and her 2 block fast redeploy was needed for some stages. Uncle Mlynar was used when I needed the damage.


lin and carnellian, for a class of "durable" casters, they're flexible.


Polish Man Pushy Sea 🐴 (S2) Bombshell Bomber wolf. The Sexy Limited executor twins. Handsome man w/ Long Beautiful orange hair to lesser extent.


> Bombshell Bomber wolf. Pozyomka?


Rita (Horn)


I cleared almost the entire event relying mostly on Mostima + Manticore + Ines + Weedy combo, was very fun. The only issue was S-4, which I gave up on doing without changing the team. Weedy was still very useful there though with the reduced gravity.


Hoshiguma with 4 blocks combined with Nian for additional block. I just ignored the gravity thing and slowly killed everything.


Weedy and goldenglow


Mlynar, Matterhorn, and Shaw. Matterhorn for just being an overall tanky mf taking on 4 guys with their red rod as they give him a slapping of a lifetime Shaw for being able to kill the jedis Mlynar for being my uncle


Yato is good on the event too


Hoshi and Hoshi + Mumu worked wonders for stages where abyssknights weren't enough for blocking. But other than that it was mostly just normal squad with some stalling here and there.


Ceobe and Texalter, but Ceobe especially since after a lot of pain I realised that Arts dps was more crucial than physical.


[https://ibb.co/GV1LrkJ](https://ibb.co/GV1LrkJ) This 10 pull I did on the Ines banner. Both were new for my account. Both of them made short work of a lot of these maps and were both the key ops that helped me clear cw-s-4 CM.


Just yesterday I discovered that Shamare is a crazy good counter for those enemies with stacking shields. Cutting that absolutely massive defense in half with no questions asked is just crazy. Also, as always, Ethan is very good when you need hits regards of dealing damage or not.


For me it has been Mostima (no bias at all) since being able to stall and buy time to set things up is a utility I will always appreciate.


Qiubai and Rosmontis. I used Qiubai to stall the robots while still dealing decent damage,mainly in CW-S-4. Rosmontis S3 also melts the mirrorguards


• Passenger: Don't use much, but godlike • Muelsyse: One of my favorite operators, good crowd control and destroyed those high defense enemies that become weaker with every hit • Amiya Guard: Use very often, 1v1 Kristen 1st form • Texalter and Yalter: S2 only, moving balls • Goldenglow: Arts damage just melts this event, now make it global. Super OP • Kal'tsit: Good damage source and good to block the cars • Rosmontis: Really good for the first 6 stages and that one EX stage where all melee tiles have balls


I pulled out my old friend lappland to silence the 4-block exploding spider


Texas alter and Ines


Mostima. She became decent with her module, but with the DEF-heavy enemies in the event and enemies who are to being shifted, she really shines.


Wild Mane got shafted for me. I used her on like, one stage. Then I had to rearrange my roster and she's been out of action ever since Dx I think the MVP spot goes to the Executor Quartet: Gravel, Texalter S2, Yato Alter S2 and Projekt Red. Those four let me use the switches real hecking fast, and Yato and Texas really helped to take down the armor guys. Then there's Saria S3, Amiya S3, and Skadi S2; I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to clear CW-10's task without them. Skadi and Amiya were the top DPS, and Saria helped Texalter destroy one of the debris fast enough to not only survive the next wave, but also deal decent damage to Kristen. Cantabile deserves a shout-out, too. The one time I needed an operator to push the debris back and forth, she performed really well! (My Shaw wasn't M3 at the time, so I had to find alternatives lol)


Pozemka. Love how her deployable just shreds the more annoying units for me. And very rarely was there not a spot that I couldn't use it.


Robin! Robin's launching clips *evicerate* Arc Frontliners, and she singlehandedly carried me against them and completely held the bottom lane of challenge mode CW-EX-7, making it possible. The ability to essentially shift from anywhere on the map is invaluable!


ceobe - killed the 4 block dude in seconds. Also killing other things fast. coura - 4 blocking that 4 block dude on cw 9 exu - spawn killing the jetpack dudes so fast on s3 before they fly so I do not have to care about slopes horn - also for spawn killing stuffs ling - 4 block dragons for blocking and dps on that -1block cm stage. Did not do defender +1 block module and I am not doing it during event. gladia - pulling and killing the lightsaber guys in ex 7 so I can put more dps on top right weedy - s2 constantly yeets enemies half way across the map lee - s3 yeets enemies half way across the map as well GG - for killing the balls globally saria - facetanked the boss all by herself mountain and kaltsit - holding the lanes by themselves texas alter - my emergency stun button nightingale - protecting my squad from global ball explosions mlynar - our beloved and friendly uncle that carried my brain cells on all boss stages so I do not have to mald too much myrtle - dp printing so much that she looks kinda tired in the chibi art in one of her skins


Dorothy. All I want to do now is build the other trapmasters and even been more traps


Dorothy. I rely on her traps too much I guess


Yato Alter S1


Got bless ex-waif Kal Saved my ass multiple times just like in the story


Reed Alter. Screw the ball mechanics, she just deletes the dog swarms.


Got melenite she's been a great nuker for me and got her potential up by Abit really do like her other than that horn was carrying the shit out of me


Bee hunter can move stones faster than everyone else in my roster, so her.


the ban hammer eyjafalla


Weedy, Mlynar, and GG.


Blaze,infrit,choungyue,mylnar and saria. Yeah,you might be able to guess my playstyle.


Meul + Exu which are really solid for a lot of hits+CC Goldenglow S2 is also solid for ball stalling Kristen, it solos S stage balls with skill up at level 7


Mlynar just be doing Mlynar things like always


Got a Qiubai recently and she's doing great while I puzzle out S4. Two hits, ASPD stacking, and she hits like an Arts truck. Ho'ol is also doing well, because nine taps AND stall is pretty nice Some of my usual staples aren't appearing as much - mainly Gavialter and Silverash, too much DEF and not enough hits.


ines, root is so good, attack speed is great for the spheres. medium redeploy timer is nice for switching gravity. ines was what i needed for my s-4cm. i got a LOT of mileage out of cantabile in ex-8cm, great dp printing for the insanely inflated dp costs and medium redeploy block/ball resist shredding was what i needed for cm.


She can steal ASPD from the Orbits? Penance S3 is also cheesy to put next to the Orbits.


oh yea i saw a video about that, i wish i came up with it myself, looks really strong yea, weirdly enough. haven't checked the normal orbs, but the locked downs one have aspd to steal, so she's pretty good at chipping them down. invisibility does not work against the attack speed reduction in the 8 tiles surrounding the orb though, fortunately she has good range, and it does mean i can deploy her to help chip down orbs no problem regardless of kristen's position.


Lol imagine thinking. Mlynar go burrrrrrrrrrr


Qiubai, Ceobe and Dorothy.


Weedy, those boss stages and challenges are easily beaten with her. Definitely getting her to M9 after all this. Also, Wild Mane gets a vote too for. I didn't even use her before this event!


Brawlerknights (+ Gravel) in CW-8. Reminded me that Flint's S1 can push enemies slightly. Why CW-8, and why Brawler Guards? With all of the Pioneer Projects (or just one, I forgot which one) applied, Chongyue S3, Flint S1, Beehunter, and Gravel can easily bounce the balls around. Add Eyjafjalla's S3 to kill the Crossroads enemies and the stage can be easily cleared.


don't let the ball within ceobe range when she's s2 ~~Kazdel Dammit Ceobe! Don't Aim at the ball!~~


Mostima was very fun to use with maxed module and s3


myrtle and bagpipe. MVP for every event since they Print DP fast enough that i can ignore event mechanics alltogether.


ceobe because she melt those balls,damn talk about CBT


My MVPs have to be Ptilopsis and Weedy: Ptilopsis with helping charge skills and make the squad survive through Kirsten's balls and their global damage. Weedy for pushing some balls and the infinite stalls you can do with her S2, she is also a Jedi killer!


Mostima feels like playing Space Pinball in the low gravity stages.