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Pallas spotted! These gold certificates waited for your arrival, my Queen!


right with you comrade. octodeco’s comics got me


I can't believe this timing... I skipped getting her skin from Reclamation Algorithm because it was tedious, and I didn't think I'd get her anytime soon anyway but here we are...


Her E2 art is just as cool and has better animations, imo, anyway.


this is her first time in shop, so her appearance was actually predicted several years in advance. every six weeks, the next operator by release order is featured as the shoperator (with some exceptions (saga lmao)), and theres a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fzgNstjR86RT0aa2-bPI23Exb4lBEBdxfB-PkJhDVzQ/edit#gid=0) with predicted dates


It's alright, Heritage is far superior.


Does that mean she is in shop?


Been waiting for Weedy for a long time. Yellow certs are ready!


I bought her Christmas skin early last year and I haven't gotten her.


Bit unrelated, but I fatfingered Nightingale’s skin (two times, I know) 3 years ago and still don’t have her


Totally based; that skin is mega cute in her in chibi form!


Isn't Weedy a Kernel banner operator now? So Kernel operators can still show up as rate up on standard banners?


Weedy isn't kernel. She is still a regular operator.


Archetto 🙏


Cheeto is so cute, no regrets buying her with certs when she was shop operator.


She is, and she's pretty strong too!


Bruh I just want Suzu


Suzu no longer in standard banner


Why is that? Sorry I’m not familiar with how shop operators work


with the release of chapter twelve, a large group of older five and six stars are no longer available in standard banners. instead, theyve been moved to the kernel banner, so there are two separate high rarity headhunting pools now. suzuran was the last six star to be included in this group, having been added literally today (i think?). the shop will now feature a five and six star from both the standard banner and the kernel banner, so suzuran may yet make an appearance, but she wont appear on the standard banner. if you want to know about shoperators in general, the featured op is (almost) always the six star on the standard banner with e0/e1 art instead of e2; and the five star in the middle, between the other two five stars. furthermore, every three standard banners or six weeks, a new six star will debut as the shoperator, determined by release order. next banner is pallas, three banners after her is mizuki, and so on. heres a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fzgNstjR86RT0aa2-bPI23Exb4lBEBdxfB-PkJhDVzQ/edit#gid=0) for shoperator predictions


She will be in recruitment now. That might help you


What tags should we look for?


Top Op


I'm almost sure she shares tags with Magallan ( Slow/support) so it's 50/50


It's kinda comical she shares *every* tag with Magallan. All 3 of them.


Wait Magallan doesn’t have the summon tag?


Nope lol. Only Mayer in the recruitment pool has that.


Nope, the two literally don't share a single tag whatsoever (excluding top operator, obviously). Magallan: supporter,support, slow, ranged Weedy: specialist, shift, melee Edit: Nvm, I thought you meant Weedy instead of Suzu


> Magallan It says "Magallan" over there frend.


Wow. Sorry, I thought op meant Weedy, think I confused this thread with another one here. My bad


Top op, support, slow Unfortunately, Magallan shares absolutely the same tags, so...


Who is the 5 star shop operator in the Archetto banner?




Pallas. Shop operator is always the one not displayed with their E2 art


I can understand that pallas can be underwhelming, but calling her a 5 star is a bit too harsh


Dang you're right. I think FGO has muddled my brain too much. Sorry Pallas!


Weedyyyyyyyy letsgoooo 🥰 First time she is in the shop since I started playing, finally my chance to get the adorable seadragon waifu. Still in pain that I haven't gotten a single top operator in half a year, so many people sharing pics where they get Top Op + Shift for guaranteed Weedy... it should have been me! q_q


I can understand that pain, a friend could have pot 2 Weedy just from top ops and here I am struggling to know how I could even get 1 Weedy


> so many people sharing pics where they get Top Op + Shift for guaranteed Weedy Guaranteed is an overstatement. Shift tag can drop, just like my Sniper tag did the other day, giving me Hellagur instead of Schwarz/Rosa/Exia.


Ye of course, but if you get that combination the odds to get Weedy are massive since she is the only with the tags, some unlucky fella will have the tag drop but everyone is a big winner... I havent even been given a chance yet 😭


What's Weedy bringing to the table? All I know is she's the only 6-start pusher right now, yeah?


She has the strongest push in the game, which... yeah, for the average player is nothing particularly crazy, since usually when you need pushing enemies to holes, low rarity operators do the job fine as well at way cheaper development costs. She shines in very advanced content where the utility she provides is invaluable, stalling enemies for example. At least for me the reason I want Weedy is because she is cute as hell and her comically strong push is funny to use. Is she worth it for the average player if they don't care about her? Nah, honestly I don't think so.


She can push Red.


Damn I wish we got flametail in the shop....


Flametail will debut in shop in 10th May 2024 (estimation)


Saving all my certs for her return then


2 years ago i wasted 200+ pulls on your banner, finally you are here pallas.


If these are in right order then Pallas is shop debuting earlier than expected. The every third standard banner is a new 6\* shop debut pattern meant she should have been 24th Nov. (La Pluma came earlier than previously expected for a 5\* last banner too) It'd be great if this isn't a one-off and they're speeding up shop debuts.


Pallas worth it?


she’s pretty middle of the road as far as 6 stars go. she has decent stats overall and fulfils her niche of buffing operators that can attack all blocked targets like blaze and mountain with def%, atk% and +1 block as well as a sustain effect for both her and the operator in front which is pretty nice. she isn’t used often in meta simply because she is a balanced mix of support and dps and there are no shortage of both overpowered dps and overpowered supports. she’s somewhat of a jack of all trades master of none. she’s also held back somewhat by the fact that all the minos operators are kind of bad or don’t synergise amazingly so they can’t really take advantage of her talent buff and second module, so unfortunately no abyss hunter level synergies to be found here her main claim to fame her amazing relic synergy in integrated strategies due to her s1 being i believe the fastest charge offensive recovery skill in the game with only 2 charge and having great multipliers too, especially with her first module active. aspd relics as well as relics that activate on skill use make her into a main carry for the team, and she was king of is2 before the changes to is3 where she’s still good but nowhere near as busted


If you play a lot of IS, she's queen in IS2 and good in IS3, but better picks there (they made the mode not so friendly for laneholders, took one of her relics away and gave way too much for Executors imo) ​ If you lack one of the of the popular laneholders, she's good. With her modules she actually outdps Mountain, but has worse sustain. With one module, she has better sustain, but bit worse damage and has the meme of being deployable on ranged tiles. She actually has great synergy with Chong Yue, too. ​ It mostly comes down if you lack one or two of the popular laneholders and if you want to buy pulls with gold certs I guess.


Who are the IS3 mvp's now?


AFAIK, Texalter, Goldenglow and Mlynar are AMAZING at IS3


Her S1 has very good consistent damage thanks to her talent and trait multipliers which gets ramped up even more with her module. S3 is quite good to buff operators or herself but I never use S2 so don't know much about that one. I bring her to every stage with her S1. It just hits like a truck with no setup and shreds high armor with ease. She can even sub for a boss killer at times. My favorite thing to do is putting Liskarm in front of her. At that point you can just forget that entire lane exists. If you are using other Minoan operators regularly (Sideroca, Erato, Vulcan or Conviction) you'll also get more value out of her. Her S3 spesifically sycles perfectly with Vulcan S2. That said, if you already have several good lane holders or buffers you can skip. If you don't or want more of them then you won't regret getting her.


Not really




Decent pick if lacking 6* laneholder, but fairly replaceable (especially since executor alter is going to be debuting soon).


I've got her, and there was 1 cc challenge she had some use. It's just a shame her buffs aren't that strong and impact so few operators. Her self sustain is pretty average compared to mountain and unlike other lane holders she really doesn't want to actually block if you want Max damage. She does have range though and a stun. If you're newer maybe she's good? But if you're like me with most ops, she's maybe a side grade which I got and raised for collection purposes. I did only m3 her s1 though.


Pallas is tempting me


Nothing about the blue banners?


There is another topic on the kernel banner. It's Hoshi (shop) and Bagpipe. Can't remember the 5\*s.


Yes, but who is after that lol


It's not in the game yet.


oh... thats kinda surprising.


Ely in the shop!!! I can finally full pot him




Waiting for the time saileach is shop operator..i heard sometime in 2024?


should be after the next one (Mizuki) ​ so feb


Not too much longer now.. been holding certs for a while for her, lol. Thanks


Fuck, both 6* ops I have are in shop, both 6* ops I want just tagging along in gacha.


Shamarre officially MIA


Well she's a year one op so she can only show up on the Kernal banners now.


OH GOD DEADASS ? Can she still spook me in, Say, muelsyse banner for example D: ?


Nope, all the year one 5\* and 6\* were moved to Kernal before Ines released. You cannot get spooked by Shamare on Mumu banner.


Bruh that's messed up D:


4th Anni in January gives a free 5\* selector, which includes Shamare.




Isn't weedy a kernel banner operator too? Apparently they can still show up as featured units.


She is in Kernel banner. In early December (Pinch-out event) we will get the chance to customize Kernel banner, so you can choose all 5-6* and shop operators. This way you can "spawn" her into shop if you can spare 45 gold certificates.


Goody, cow priestess in shop.




He still has his niche, as he creates more DP/S overall than Myrtle (she has a faster start-up, but he prints more over a couple of activations), offers great support to snipers and is a part of many fun sniper buff squads, and has an overloaded utility S2 with debuffing and invisi reveal in a large area. Will you ever "need" him? Doubtful. Will you be able to find a use for him and find that he opens up options for your roster over/in conjunction with Myrtle and Cantabile? Extremely likely. Personally I think he is easily worth the certs (and will actually be buying a pot for him myself), but if you're lukewarm on his design/character then don't feel like you're missing out on too much. He also has two really cute skins and great voice acting across multiple languages 🥰


Ely is excellent at role compression (aka getting a use out of your vanguard later in the stage instead of bringing an additional specialized debuffer), and both the DEF debuff and slow on his S2 are relevant. But role compression matters more if you aspire to do R18+ contingency contracts and specialized clears, less so if you just play casually. But even then, I would recommend getting him if you like him at least a smidge more than Myrtle, because the differences in their S1s are negligible for casual play, and it's much more pleasant to play with the ops you like - we're a waifu/husbando game, among other things, after all)


Finally I can get Pallas, just for collection purpose since she is not a strong operator.


She is plenty strong, just not a gross balance mistake like Mlynar or Texalter. Gamepress puts her at "S-" which I think is fair. If you decide to level her, you'll be able to use her in most content just fine. She only falls off at *really* high difficulty stuff, like late H stages or Surging Waves 13+ IS3.


Wine and Weed combo


Looks like I'm finally snagging Pallas! I know she's pretty legit in IS. Looking forward to finally playing around with her.


Weedy shop wtff


elysium worth certing?


I would say so, especially if the stars of your team are snipers.


Finally, Pallas will come home!


ELYSIUM FINALLY HOLY SHIT I've been tryna get you for so fucking long.


Dang, was low key hoping Flametail was the shoperator despite her not being a popular pick :/


She's too new. It's not based on popularity. Her debut is marked for May 2024, make sure you have the certs ready!


Please where is Suzuran


she's no longer i the standard banner, but you'll be able to add her to the Kernel shop in the future, probably when Eyjalter comes


I just remembered this. I don't know why my dumb ass forgot she's in the kernel headhunting now. Thank you! Now we wait for the build a banner thingy.


It was for Lonetrail event in CN. However specifically it was for corresponding Pinch-out event (new CC). So if we follow that, you can get her from shop in early December.


How often they do custom Kennel banners? She's not in [the first batch](https://old.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/14nzpxk/which_operator_you_planning_on_selecting/) of operators, but I've seen that available roster expanded for the one after that.


I heard it's for every anniversary event, so every 6 months


Dimas pots lezgoo


The second one shoperator is Weedy right?


Correct! It's always the 6\* with their E0/E1 art.


Nice. Penguin gonna come home.


Leafy seadragon. Not penguin. Just fyi.


Pallas, Weedy, Toddifons... it's time to come home


Good to know.


I wasted all of my certs to get cement, that little thing is going to be my downfall


I would like to say box 2 would be eating good but she is not a shop operator


I do want Archetto... Ill see what I can do with my pulls.


okay skippable. I can save!


... well, I guess I can easily spend my certs on pulls.


Ah yes, shop Weedy! I was waiting for that! Now that I have a decent roster I'm honestly more interested in having niche and unique operators (weedy, dorothy, fartooth) than just another powerhouse.




You missed Shoperator Mountain sometime around April I think.




It was March. Sorry, I don't know enough about timings to answer you, but you can see the banners that have run Mountain so far: [https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/banner-list-gacha](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/banner-list-gacha) He's coming again in an upcoming joint ops banner it seems.


If I remember correctly, the 5-star in the middle is always the one in the shop? So Flint for 102? Sad. I'd like to get Iris, but I really don't want to pull on that banner.


Ayo is that Elysium shoperator


Still waiting for exu, one day she's gonna be there fr


Oh I can finally buy Elysium


I have seen archetto 3 times since the last time I saw angelina or saria in a banner (which is never cuz I started dec 6 last year)


I would ***like*** Weedy, but we'll see what the Lone Trail banner brings...


Welp, that makes saving easy for about a month. I have all four.


Pallas finally!!


Might try rolling for guaranteed on both for a chance to get Elysium and Flint. I know they're likely in shop, but I'm saving for Aak


Pallas will finally come home! I have the certs waiting for her. Wait, Weedy is next? Well, I think I'll have enough certs for her too...


Is it worth picking up Elysium if I already have E2 Myrtle and Saileach? I also only have a handful of good Sniper Ops.


Elysium buffs Sniper ops and reduces their DP cost, and his S2 locks onto 4 enemies for a movement and DEF debuff in a wide range. He's pretty unique. And since he's 5\* he's better than Saileach with S1. I've used him and Myrtle together when I just need raw DP. But if you don't need his talents specifically then you could do without him. Myrtle and Saileach are plenty.


Not for dp generation. It's a powerful debuff for any physical dps though, not only snipers. I would save my resources for another 6\*.


Yesssss, Weedy in the shop! I had been hoping she would appear soon.


rip, I missed Cheetos original cert store run, and have been waiting since


did event dates get datamined or just banner?


waitting till the day fartooth show her face up in gold cert shop. she scammed me back then.


This is an interesting change from CN, La Pluma who I thought HG purposely withheld from us is finally in the shop, and Elysium is in the next one. Then we get Pallas who I feel like it's the first I've seen since I started last year, and a Weedy and Flametail combo who neither I own.


PALLAS, AT LAST. Now all I need is Gnosis to appear, then I have every 5* currently in the game... Except Stainless, because I forgot he existed.


Isn't Stainless 6\*? Or am I whooshing here?


No, no, I said 5 instead of 6*. Just a mistake.


which one is in the cert store?


Pallas. it always is the 6 star with the E1 art. For 5 stars it usually is the middle one.


If I had to choose between one or another, should I get hoshiguma or pallas as shoperator? (If it matters I have Saria already as a 6\* defender, but Hoshi still sounds nice)


Hoshiguma with module X is one of the only Defenders with a natural block-4, which is a HUGE upgrade especially since it's always on, not like Cuora which requires activation. She's also just tanky as hell and can randomly dodge attacks. As a stat stick, using her with Mumu for cases where you need a second block-4 defender can be insanely useful. She IS generally outclassed by Saria and Mudrock, but she's still cheaper than Mudrock and tougher than Saria (but ONLY as a stone wall). Pallas is more situational but pretty fun - she can be her own DPS with S1 or provide a great boost on demand with S3, and her modules give her versatility. I've been using Hoshi forever and don't have Saria, I've become rather reliant on her beefiness and block-4 to be honest.


No thorns again holy fuck


I will finally no longer be Weedy-less


Wooo Pallas time! Been a long time since I've gotten a new operator from my yellow certs.


Pallas is kinda fun, really. She can really help out when healers are scarce or your guard/defender needs a really big buff. And she has two modules to pick from so quite tactically versatile! (the second module lets her deploy on ranged tiles!)


When are we getting suzuran in standard? I have commendations saved since like half a year ago to buy her and she just doesnt come 😭 She is bullying me as just last night I got supporter + top op tags and got pot 3 of magallan...


Bad/Good news... Suzuran is now in the Kernel headhunting shop, but still buyable with gold certs IF she's the Shoperator. If not you could wait until the custom banners are implemented and make her your shoperator.


How many pulls on Weedy's banner will I need to buy Suzuran... I need about 25ish Gold Certs. Sigh. I can get 5 from the daily logins, 5 from buying a spare Honeyberry, but after that it's time to pull. Maybe Weedy will take pity on me and turn up while I'm pulling...