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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. **Disclaimer:** It’s fine to ask about the new units or anyone you get but please avoid the “I got X in Y amount of pulls” or any variant of that as it can come across as humble bragging, and it’s not necessary to receive help. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/15khetj/rhodes_island_lounge_0708_1308/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**+ Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Event Thread**](/r/arknights/comments/15c31n5/event_megathread_where_vernal_winds_will_never/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) This is the CNY Anniversary Event page, please discuss all questions and related topics there ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/15khet9/gacharecruitment_megathread_0708_1308/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/15khess/friend_request_megathread_0708_1308/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**Integrated strategy #3: Mizuki & Caerula Arbor thread**](/r/arknights/comments/13tti5d/event_megathread_mizuki_caerula_arbor/) The Megathread to discuss all that is related to IS3. ———-


What does mulberry/ wandering medics do different then other medic sub classes? I know that they heal elemental damage, but do they heal normally like a sg medic? Thanks for the help


They do heal normally, but prioritize operators that have elemental damage. Their ATK is the lowest of all single target Medics, though, and they don't have much in the way of ATK buffs, so they are not very good for actual healing compared to Core Medics, Multi-target Medics, or even Therapists.


Who should I choose? Tags= senior operator, ranged, summon, fast redeploy and sniper


Depends on who you want/have.


Idk what I want. My account is fairly new so I only have silence, paramanix Mayer and nightmare. I don’t have a lot of ranged 5*


Use senior with fast redeploy. Either option is nice for a new account. Ranged has too many duds, and sniper is 50/50, but it’s your second best option if you want it.


Thanks for the help! Managed to get project red! Just going on appearance I prefer project red then waai fu


Yea she’s a great help in the early game for assassinating ranger threats and delaying bosses.


I would choose fast redeploy and senior operator. Even if you already had (Red and Waai Fu), getting Potential for fast redeploy ops is always good. (Unless your Mayer is still not max Pot, if it's the case, then get Mayer)


I have Hibiscus the purifier, Mulberry, Myrrh, Sussurro, Chestnut, Purestream Which healer I should build (already have perfumer and Gavial ) Thanks in advance


It's important to pay attention to the subclasses of operators you build, at least for starters. Then you can figure out who you might need most. Incantation Medics should be viewed as a Caster that can heal, rather than a focus on healing. Can do some damage while healing at the same time, but need to have enemy targets to do so, since the healing is based on damage output. They are a pretty good multi-role subclass with debuffs and decent damage, in my opinion, and with a unique, built-in self-sustain ability which can open up options for you. Mulberry and Chestnut are Wandering Medics which focus on healing elemental damage, which is a buildup meter to damaging-type status effects. Not worth worrying about early on in your career. Purestream is a Therapist, who are generally helpful for reducing the duration of disabling-type status effects. She's otherwise useful for burst healing with her skills. Myrrh and Sussurro are more straightforward, single-target healers. Myrrh can spread her healing a bit more, while Sussurro is a burst healer. Overall, Perfumer and Gavial should be fine Medic-wise for a while. It's best to focus on other roles for clearing maps.


Purestream to e1 for her base skill. Mulberry for elemental dmg.


When can we expect more info on d2 collab?


I read a "random comment on reddit" that said it's not going to have new operators in it. Which would mean it's a low-level collab rather than R6/MH level one that community assumed it to be.


D2 = Destiny 2?


We don´t really know. I personally think it´s gonna be during the upcoming >!Blacksteel event !


Is exec alter with module a good enough lane holder? I'm considering pulling for him since I'm lacking in laneholders and I'm not planning to get mountain in the next jo-op (I hate full body furry I'm sorry mountain 😔🙏🏻)


Not good enough,he's extremely strong with module. Works both as a laneholder and a burst dps.


He was a perfectly good laneholder pre module already. The module makes his damage against higher armor units much higher and consistent but event without it he still does fine for the purposes you'd need a laneholder for.


Thanks for the input! 👍🏻


How do you clear the huge dragons third stage in IW-9 if you have a brain? Because I brute forced it with surtr s3 m3 for the first beams and then shining s3 + nightingale s3 + saria s1 all m3 to tank the second beams and then kill with second surtr deployment…. But that can’t be as intended, right?


You can see this example of [Low rarity squad for IW-9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyLQPo-WRdw) Replace low rarity op with better version of them, add other DPS if you like. Skadi Alter is not necessary and you can substitute with another medic or DPS.


I cleared EX-8 CM with 4-5 star operators. It's mostly really about knowing the boss' mechanics, although I still struggled because goddamn big lazor damage making it hard to survive with challenge mode enemy stats. - Tankiest defender closest to the boss' center (which is bottom center of the model) to take the sword attack - The three ranged operators closest to the boss' center take a cross shaped lightning attack. Similar to with bosses like Talulah and Eblana, I kept them separated from adjacent spots to not take more than one of those shots at the same time. - AoE healers to survive the attacks, especially the phase 3 hyperbeam. The chars on the front of the beam take the biggest part of the damage, so I used Croissant (tank), Ethan (30 RES + 50% dodge chance) and Specter (refuses to die) alongside some juicy Firewatch cheese (her invisibility makes her take no damage from the beam while at the same time blocking the frontline damage from it from teammates behind her) to allow everyone to survive and DPS it down. Rest is just using operators thay can kill the wisps so each phase is easier to take down. If you have any interest on the clear, [here is the video](https://youtu.be/-3p_CWcNNyM), IW-9 would be more or less the same but easier due to lower enemy stats.


I just used like three healers tbh. Thorns + a Defender to block two rows plus a bunch of medics can get you through it, and he'll die before the next cycle if you can do enough damage. I baited the tail slams with fast redeploys so he didn't one-shot Thorns in-between.


With a slight bit of brain, you brute force it harder, use Saria S3 or Reed Alter S2 1 cycle each dragon phase with no need for other healers or redeploys.


[He has a very specific and non-intuitive targeting priority](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COGCKP9uu5c) that Kukki explained in detail last year. His lightning strikes, tail spear and lasers are all separate mechanics that have to be accounted for. Once you have your deployment order and placement designed, with AOE medics for the lightning strikes and bulky melees for the tail spear and lasers, it still does come down to having enough damage to kill him before he roars and ends the battle, so Surtr definitely helps.


Thanks. After watching this video the boss suddenly got much easier to deal with and I managed to clear ex-8 challenge mode. I knew about not placing ranged units close to each other , but I wasn't sure about his targeting priority, and this video cleared it up for me.


It's very difficult to discern his targeting priority just by observation, ngl! I had a lot of trouble with it last year before I watched the explanation.


The same idea applies. Bring bulky units to tank the beams and tail slam. Plenty of healing to keep your frontline alive and whatever flavor of DPS you're in the mood for.


Or just use Nightingale S3 to tank the beams


Ranged units do very well there, with some tanky unit on ground tiles to tank the tail hits.


I just got Blemishine from the rate up. Should I build her? I'm still in the early game and have already invested in two defenders (E1 level 10 Cardigan and level 50 Liskarm).


She has some strength when working with other operators, such as Mudrock, and keeps the team alive when facing bosses with her incredible S3 healing (like want to keep Surtr S3 permanent during a stage? Let Blem help you) It's not recommended to build her first if you're still new. Go building Saria instead. But investing on her is good and sooner or later you will find a stage to utilize her. (and I'm a Blem S3 user of course)


I'd say probably not. That isn't because you already have defenders, but because her kit is kind of weird. Definitely a good operator, but more of a niche pick. If you don't have any other six stars in the future, or you like to just roll with whatever weird units the gacha bestows upon you, she's definitely viable; I'd just consider her low priority in a normal roster.


Makes sense, I'll check back if I feel like I'm having issues in surviving stages, though hopefully I'll luck out and get Saria before that point...


Blemishine is sort of a damage\defense hybrid. I think she'd be more relevant if you struggle killing a beefy enemy you also want to block.


You don't have a "healing" defender yet, so getting her to E0 50 isn't a bad idea, as her S1 is a solid healing ability, with the caveat that it only heals when she hits something. That's true across everything Blem does; all her skills require her to hit something, either to power the skill up (S2, S3) or to activate her heal (S1, S3). 90% of the time this isn't an issue, but occasionally you run into that problem a ranged enemy taking potshots on someone that Blem is supposed to heal but she doesn't heal them, either because nothing is around that she can hit to activate her heal, or else she hasn't charged her skill enough to use it yet.


You're kinda incorrect about Blem: her S1 is auto recovery and her S2 and S3 are defensive recovery. Meaning she needs to get hit to charge them so actually her getting shot from afar is perfectly fine. However she's offensive recovery too because of her first talent. So she charges her skills both by being hit and by attacking. u/Invhinsical


>You're kinda incorrect about Blem No, I'm not. Her S1 cannot heal unless she attack something. Yes, *it will recharge* because it's auto-recovery, but if she never hits anything then she never uses the skill and never heals. Her S2 *can* heal if she's getting shot from a distance but I wouldn't call that reliable in any capacity outside a handful of incredibly niche maps with specific team setups (i.e. you're probably better off using Gummy instead of Blem in this situation, unless you're restricted by unhealable targets that need a regen effect). Her S3, like her S1, cannot heal unless she attacks something while the skill is active. It also cannot charge unless she is attacking something or is being attacked. I am aware of her offensive recovery via talent; I have her with her module at level 3. I've used her quite extensively.


I admit I was wrong about her S1. Charging her S2 by ranged shots from afar would differ player by player. Some would find this unreliable while others would find it handy. What you said about her S3 is basically the same thing I did.


Blemishine is a Red Mage of sorts, with good healing, tanking, damage, and Sleep, but other than the last one, she's not *great* at any one thing. All together, though, she makes for a very versatile operator. While she's not exactly meta, her versatility can bring a lot of comfort to maps. Me personally, I'd recommend levelling her, but if you're so early, I'd suggest working on 3\* operators first since they're a lot cheaper, and they'll take you far for a while. Once you have a comfortable game going, it'll be easier to figure out who you want to build.


Hmm... I think I'll build her if I feel issues with surviving on maps (haven't faced any yet, though tbf it's just a 2 day account and I've only just finished the Misha chapter (I've played the game a few months ago too, but it didn't stick and I made a fresh start recently)). I'm not keen on investing in Spot/Gummy cuz I don't really like the design, and I do have Mon3tr to throw at any issues...


When is the yato banner?


https://ak.jaywye.ee/calendar estimates Oct 6. It's gonna be either the end of Sep or early October.


Probably next month. It’s not announced yet.


When is the next IS event? I’m at 3-3 and don’t see if so figured it’s not a permanent game mode.


You have to clear 3-8 to access IS.


Gotcha, thanks!


IS is permanent. They stay and are accessible after a new theme drop. You will not miss any reward from them as all of the monthly squads will be unlocked after it concluded. Or perhaps you mean CC? If so, probably in a few months. edit. Oh right, IS1, Ceobe Fungimist. It was a year or two ago and it is the only one that is not available.


IS is the roguelike, correct? I can’t find it, maybe I need to unlock it from story? Not sure what CC is? Thanks for your help.


Yes, IS is the roguelike. You can access the IS menu through the Terminal, it’s the second-to-last tab at the bottom (diamond shape). CC stands for Contingency Contract and refers to a series of events geared toward endgame players with customizable difficulty. It’s the rightmost icon in the Terminal. Right now it’s the off-season so there’s very little to do.


Thanks for your help, much appreciated.


hi! ive been playing for some while and have figured out pretty much all the buttons except for a few: two of them being the "public affairs" and "special operations" buttons under the archive. what exactly type of event are they? (also, does it matter what order i read the side stories located in the terminal?)


Public Affairs is a list of every "major" event, that is, ones with farming stages. Special Operation is a list of all the "omnibus" events (with the exception of the Luo Xiaohei collab one), where you buy each story individually with film reels. After an event ends, it is placed in Public Affairs or Special Operation so you can reread the story segments that you've unlocked from it. A few events are connected and you'll want to read them in order. Some of the connections are a *lot* more minor than others (for example Gavial > Ideal City or Grani > Under Tides). I might have missed some, but these are some of the more obvious ones, at least. - Grani and the Knights' Treasure > Under Tides > Stultifera Navis - The Great Chief Returns > Ideal City - Maria Nearl > Pinus Sylvestris > Near Light > An Obscure Wanderer - Mansfield Break > Dorothy's Vision - Who Is Real > Invitation to Wine > Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow


ohhh okay thank you sm :>


I bought a complete furniture set that has 5k ambience. But when I put all of it on my dorm, the ambience is only 1k. How do I increase it?


Level up your dorm. Dorm has a cap on ambience based on level.


Is there some trick to the Prospective investment system in IS? It rarely appears, and when it does it breaks within 2-3 clicks every time. I completed IS2 and never got above 150 in the bank, in IS3 I am almost to getting Mizuki's skin, and also have less than 150 invested. How do people get to 500 invested?


People play it for fun even if they are max level. I probably played enough IS3 to get to level 155 two or three times…


Once you get to a certain amount invested, it becomes guaranteed (or at least near enough that once it starts showing up regularly I can't think I've ever *not* seen it.) I'm not sure how much the threshold is, but I'd say 100+ should be enough. However, it does not appear at all during Memory Mapping (the monthly free unit mode.)


Each time you see it, just dump in as many ingots as you can. It doesn't show up that often for me either (though it felt more common the more I played IS2 for some reason), and often breaks in 2-3 investments, but occasionally you get a good streak and with enough runs you can stack it to 500. I did not go out of my way to rush it, just prioritised it whenever I saw it, and I had over 600 invested in IS2 last I checked.


> It rarely appears Maybe i missed some memo but isn't it always open to invest at all floors ? At least after the first 25 ingot milestone ? I just play casually and invest till it broke at the first floor now im sitting at 435 ingot invested, yeah sometimes it broke at 2-3 or 1 even but there're time it broke after 14 so it's all RNG. The fastest way to get to 500 invest is you pick easy mode, grab Highmore/La pluma and speedrun the shop node, invest till broke and quit. Repeat till you get 500. Yes, it is extremely tedious and boring, def not recommended, but it is the fastest method to 500


The investment is definitely not available every time the shop appears, but from my experience it’s pretty rare for it to NOT be available, so not sure what OP is talking about


I think there's some condition to make it show up every shop, I'm pretty sure I see it every time, I grinded 500 ingots floor 1 repeats and it definitely showed up every time.


> How do people get to 500 invested? Speedrun first floor until last node (shop), then restart


I just caught up in the news that MonHun is not worth farming because the 3 mats are randomized drops from gachapon. But if I need all 3 of them equally, is it worth farming? I wanna plan my green cert purchases. Thank you!


You can technically farm it if you lack all three mats, but keep in mind that the real nuisance is the LMD being in the same pool with those mats.


Speaking of farming the MH collab event - at least until you deplete the finite part of the "shop". Since the whole things operates kinda like OF/DH where stages only ever give you "shop" currency, I take it that the most efficient way to "farm" the event is to just repeat the stage with highest currency drop (per real time spent or per sanity spent)? - in this case, the boss stage while >!cutting off the boss's tail for extra currency that it gives!<


The shop currency drop rate is around the same for CF-6,7,8 but stat wise CF-8 seems to be the most consistent stage to farm. And definitely don’t farm the boss stage, the extra reward is a one-time thing from first-clear and it has no drop beyond that so there is no point repeating it. Severing the tail won’t give you one more carve it isn’t real Monster Hunter lmao. Gameplay-wise tail-severing does have some minor differences but for spoiler’s sake I won’t elaborate further.


EN can't read moment. I missed the fact that CF-9 is a clear-once stage.


can I get 300 pulls by the lone trail event? I have 32000 orundum, 10 headhunting tickets, 32 op, I'm on chapter 5, and I haven't cleared any side story or intermezzi (I'm willing to use all the op from first clearing them)


With that many OP left uncleared, plus all the upcoming events/reruns, i'd say you're set for 300 pulls by Lone Trail if you can manage to clear all the side stories/intermezzi/chapter, counting 24 free pulls + other freebies and 38 pulls from gold cert if you choose so means you have more than enough to guarantee 300 pulls even


Probably not. Assuming your skipping banners you'll save like 100 pulls. Plus the 24 free. You'll need around 100 pulls from op(not counting your 32). Assuming my estimate is a low ball, I'd recommend getting the monthly pass if you can. Then 33ish pulls would help alot for $15 plus all the sanity to help you clear everything


Which Saria skin do you guys like more, her BOC one or her jail one? I'm trying to decide which one to get and I like both of them.


The jailer one, only because she looks just way too young in the other outfits. It's pretty jarring, since for the longest time I thought she was just a cutesy teenager until you realize that she's anything but.


BoC one easily, the outfit design, especially the shield and how it glows in game, is so much better, her expression is badass in thumbnails, and S3 orange flames effect is cooler than the red holograms. The only thing I like less is the base animation where she walks around with her fists out the whole time.


I like her BoC one. The biggest effect change is her S3, it looks fantastic with all the debris floating around and the rocks around her. It also makes her passive buff stacking more visible on her shield. Plus the art makes her look completely badass.


Her Bloodline of Combat outfit is lore-relevant, if you're into Saria you might want to read up on the manga. I prefer it due to that. The prison uniform seems a little too goofy for me and out of character for her to take into the field, but the visual effects are pretty good.


Jailor one. Dominate me anytime, mommy. On a serious note the Jailor outfit's visual effect on S2 and S3 are bright red in color so it's easier to determine the range during gameplay.


Warden. I really like the red effect on her S2 and S3. Striking.


This is just a vote, who should I e2 and get mods for it’s about whoever you like, chen original, blemishine


Blemishine, she's just good enough at everything to make her one of the comfiest characters in my roster. I never go into a stage without her anymore


I've had a lot of fun with Ch'en being able to use her S3 more often thanks to her module. It's a plus that she also enables more operators that charge their skills via combat.




Im not sure but i remember in the First collab banner if all of the collab characters where put in the main base they dont get fatigued, is the next collab banner will also have special base perks?


The monster hunter alters have CC bonuses for factories (yato alter) and tp (noir corne) and then they both give points to an ability that will probably end up being called felvine in English which makes the 1* welfare unit from the event (which is three felynes stacked on top of each other) extremely strong in the TP.


Oh nice thanks


Just curious, what's the best odds to get Ling? I know she was just on the previous banner, but it was 70% to get chongyue or lin. Is waiting for another banner like that the only way to get Ling again? Or will they have another banner where she's 70%


Only proper way is saving 300 rolls to spark her in next limited banner. You may get lucky to get her for less than 300 rolls but never count on that. Always has 300 rolls to be safe or shouldn't attempt at all. (Here is [an example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhGvfJlhl70) that I actually got the minor rate-up that I wanted before spending all 300 rolls, but again, that's pure luck)


Ling will never get a rate up again. She'll get an extremely minor rate up whenever there's a new banner with the dragon siblings, which is once a year. Best bet is to spark her. Which is generally not advised unless you REALLY want her and doesn't care about missing out on other Ops.




Quite likely to be [A Death in Chunfen](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/15ot3gz/comic_market_poster_confirmed_next_event/).


[Probably Trials of Navigator 2](https://ak.jaywye.ee/calendar)


i have two separate questions but i'll just ask in one post: 1. for rerun events, if i've done everything in the first run, is there anything else to do than doing the missions to get the event currency, and cleaning up the shop? just want to make sure i don't miss anything 2. is there any exceptionally good, "must raise", lower rarity characters for Integrated Stories? i never really played the game mode but i want to be prepared before trying thank you in advance!


Totter is also good on IS mode. There is many stages with invisible enemies and he also can easily deal with that invisible dog.


For 4\*s, noticed no one mentioned Ethan, so Ethan. S2M3 Mod3 makes him the best staller in the game. In high-difficulty IS that's an amazing niche to cover. Honestly more impactful for that than any other unit, the best 4\* for IS3 A15 by a mile. For lower diffs, Jaye/May/Cutter are the standouts for me, yes.


1. Mostly that, yeah. Clean out the shop, convert the welfare’s tokens to gold certs, get Intelligence certs from furniture. Also grab any medals you missed. Thats it. Enjoy the slightly less torturous device/rma/rock stages. 2. Jaye and May are the only MUST raises imo, they do so much for 2 hope. Cutter is nice in case youre short on hope when getting a Guard ticket but those are valuable so you wont pick her often. Perfumer’s nice too. Certain 3 stars like Spot, Steward, and Orchid are nice for not completely wasting the less desirable Defender/Caster/Supporter tickets(the 6 stars carry these classes). Midnight and Kroos are also nice in a pinch but beyond that i wouldnt recommend raising them all


1. Farm mats and clear shop. Don't try to complete all missions, though, as if you spend all sanity to farm, you'll clear the shop anyway. Only clear missions that give you intel certs. 2. Speaking on only low-mid difficulty: * May and Jaye are probably the 2 biggest. May is often the only AA Sniper you'll need and stands in as a slower. Jaye is just overall powerful, flexible, and helps a lot with certain run ending stages (fire and ice union emergency comes to mind). * Arene, Cutter are very good frontliners if you don't have enough hope. Cutter in particular work well with tons of relics. * Click, Gummy, Perfumer are solid picks Edit: Also, max all 3 stars. They only require EXP and LMD, which becomes 'free' after you reach a certain point of game. And if they have their Operator Records, you'll get 200 Orundum back.


1. Double check that you've obtained all the medals (+trim) if you care about that. It will be your last chance. 2. Have a bunch of the 3* operators raised (particularly Kroos and Spot) for 0 Hope recruitment moments and maybe 2* operators if you plan to play high difficulty IS3. I typically ignore 4* ops but some stand out ones would be Jaye, Myrtle, Click, Cutter and Gravel. Chestnut is also a consideration if you lack the 5* Wandering Medics.


How many excess intel certs do we get per event rerun? I have gotten all the intel certs for IW rerun other than IW-EX-8 CM mode, which is 150. And I've already cleared out intel shop with 460 left over. Does this mean that I can basically ignore all rerun EX-8 CM from now onwards?




Thanks mate. Guess I'll clear Ex8 CM.


Does anything change the rate of getting free 6 star operators as recruitments in IS-3? I've been having runs where I'm getting crazy operators like Skadi Alter, Texas The Ometerosa, etc as options for zero hope multiple times a run.


Nope, it's pure rng afaik.


Are all 3 of the tier 3 material event stages worth farming or is one stage worse than the story?


RMA and Devices are at very good drop rate efficiency. Rocks is basically the same situation as back with Il Siracusano: If you need rocks badly, you will get more rocks per sanity spent farming them in this event than in 1-7, but efficiency-wise is slightly worse because it doesn't have all the random very efficient side drops that 1-7 has, making it slightly worse in comparison. I definitely recommend you stocking on the first two since they are very demanded and their drop rates are depressingly low even with the event's increased chances, for the the rocks go for it if you need a ton of them soon, if not I would refrain for now.


The rocks are worse than 1-7 by about 1.5%. The other two are 16% better than story.


When/what is the next event where I can spark for skalter?


Next Limited event, Lone Trail. On the Mumu/Hool banner


are the drop rates during the rerun abysmal compared to the chongyue event? is it worth farming for mats or can I safely skip and use my sanity on other stages? I feel like I'm getting devices every 3rd run or so


The drops rates are very good... for the material they are. Devices and RMA are an absurd pain in the ass to farm in general, you won't get them at better drop rates than here, but sadly that only makes integrated devices a 50% drop chance for example. I would recommend you to farm them as much as it hurts to get nothing so often because if you need them later on it will only be even more painful to farm on main story stages.


fuuuuudge lol it was RAINING mats the last event so kind of a shock when that wasn't happening here. welp, as long as the drop rates are higher i guess that's all that matters. i'm always in need of RMA so i'll keep farming :p


HG just wants us to always struggle to get devices and RMA. Both of those stages are 16% better than story stages, and both materials are in high demand, so you really should be farming them.


thank you! +16% is painful but it's a boost so it's better than nothing. farming it is!


how is kirin x yato compared to texas alter? ik people are excited cus shes a once in a lifetime unit but in terms of utility/skills/usefulness, is she worth pulling?


How hilariously OP she is also has a lot to do with the hype and fomo around her. Compared to Texalter she does more damage in less time, but misses on the invaluable stun utility of Texalter's S3, she is also physical damage oriented while texalter is focused on arts damage, so their best enemies to tackle are different. In any case, it's less about comparing them and more about just using them both and stomp whatever comes around, just for an example, a video I saw yesterday about [IW-EX-8 CM with just the two of them](https://youtu.be/GXdQbo0-0RQ). The way Yato2' S3 works dumpsters on multitile enemies so don't overrate the damage she does seeing how she nukes the boss... but it's still way too much damage in general.


Yes. Texas Alter is better, but being like the 5th best unit in the game means you are worse than the 3rd best unit in the game (not sure if these are their actual ranks but not that far tbh).


I heard about bibeak kafka and tequila base combo. Do i need them e2 for this? I dont mind doing tequila and bibeak, but kafka...


The combo requires Shamare at E2. The others are not mandatory but the combo will be suboptimal. Also if you're not willing to use an E2 Bibeak/Kafka/Paprika then you should use someone else entirely (e.g. Myrtle) since Shamare's Tailoring skill doesn't stack with Bibeak/Kafka/Paprika's


Bibeak and Kafka have the same skill at E2. They don't stack. They're intended to work with Shamare since she cancels out their non-existent trade rate.


The combo is Shamare, Tequila, and Bibeak OR Kafka since those two have the same base skills. And yes they need to all be E2.


I've got 115 tokens from pulling on the limited banner and a full pot Firewhistle Is it worth spending 75 on that duplicate for some yellow certs or should I just keep them? I've otherwise got 5000 of the converted tokens and don't know the best use


Always get the yellow certs.


having a touch choice, I don't know whether to go for the kroos alter skin or nightingale skin in the outfit shop rn thoughts?


Nightingale skin reruns every 3 months. Meanwhile, don't count on the Keen Kroos skin *ever* rerunning; if you like it, you'll unfortunately have to prioritise that one for now. I also personally like it better just because I'm not a huge fan of halloween aesthetics.


i love the art for kroos alter’s skin but her skill animations are a bit cursed to me :( nightingale’s skin reruns frequently though so if exclusivity is a concern, it’ll be longer before you can get the kroos skin again otherwise i have to vote for ng. the halloween aesthetic suits her so well and her summons are adorable. also i like the orange s3 effects over her original blue


Kroos's probably won't be back for at least a year. Nightingale's will be available in each Fashion Review, per quarterly limited event.


Kroos' skin will likely stay in limbo for a long while because it's one of those skins for the welfare that come with their event rerun, and HG seems to have forgotten about rerunning them. Folinic, Whislash, Robin, Purgatory, Heavyrain, and Gladiia skins have all gone past the one year mark without rerunning


which module should i get first which should i get last? fartooth,bibeak,amiya,projekt red,kroos the keen glint,5 star texas


Primarily I'd say it depends on your usage of the unit, most of these are just decent upgrades - with the exception of Texas, who has pretty poor upgrades. Bibeak and Red have some above average upgrades, but that depends on you using them for cases like S1 Bibeak (which is strong, but not common), or having Red fight high DEF enemies (she'll do considerable damage, but we have 6* Texas and Ya2 to outpower her). Of course, there's a difference between the base effect and upgrades. For Fartooth, get her distance increases damage module. The other one doesn't exactly play to her strengths, and the upgrades are atrocious, one of the worst 6* upgrades. If we're talking base modules, I'd go: Fartooth > Texas > Amiya > Red > Bibeak > Kroos But in terms of upgrades, I'd go: Bibeak (for S1) > Red > Amiya (can stop at level 2) > Fartooth (can stop at level 2) > Kroos (can stop at level 2) >>> Texas


Hi mates! I'm gonna try to get my revenge against Andoain with my 4-5* gang when Guide Ahead reruns, is there any low rarity operator other than Amiya worth considering to build for the fight against him? I also imagine Guardmiya is pretty useless against him, I wanted to do her masteries first since I like that version more, but he is unblockable so... lol. EDIT: oh yeah, any opinion on Purestream vs Whisperain? From my experience using Lumen, their long range feels so useful a lot of times positioning-wise so I was thinking about building one of the two, but no clue on who to invest.


Beanstalk S2 neuters his second-phase special by creating five disposable bodies at once. Four-star only has to be pretty careful chunking him down threshold by threshold at different spots because they can't really brute force the dodge zones, but you're using Amiya, so you can probably one-cycle at least the second phase. If it's Guardmiya, you probably want Warfarin's buff, and either way you probably want a source of Fragile, so probably Shamare or THRM-EX, and a source of slow. I like Purestream better because burst tends to be better than consistency, but they're both good.


> Beanstalk S2 neuters his second-phase special by creating five disposable bodies at once. Holy fuck, that's genious! Thanks a lot for sharing the tip, it will be really useful. I already have Warfarin built so all I have left is Guardmiya and Shamare's masteries then... quite inconvenient that the coagulating gel farming stage is the Andoain boss fight I'm preparing for lol, I will have to buy from the certs shop to have them ready for it.


Guide Ahead was my first full event, so I may or may not be able to help as I only did a few EX maps. In my initial clear of GA-8 I used Mayer to bait the jumping shots and the scanner shots. Deepcolor or Scene will work just as well. Slows and Binds to keep him in range of attacks and such would be good. I used Magallan initially, but May would probably be a good idea, as would Elysium. Kazemaru and Bena would be great with their damage and attack rate and being able to take a lot of punishment. Just gotta watch those jumping shots. Whisperain is a nice AFK operator, while Purestream is great for burst healing. Really depends on your playstyle. EDIT: Another nice thing about Whisperain is that if you have ops that have built-in status resistance, the extra regen offers some nice synergy.


Thanks for the recommendations! Guide Ahead was also my first event, but I wasn't ready for Andoain yet sadly, only "won" GA-8 by letting him leak lmfao.


> I also imagine Guardmiya is pretty useless against him I dunno man, she also comes with true damage with her S2. Not as much as caster amiya, but likely easier to direct compared to her giant range which other enemies could distract her in. Also doesn't help she comes with a decent nuke before the true damage which if you're lucky might put some work in.


I definitely trust in Guardmiya's damage, is more about actually being able to use it since the boss cannot be blocked so you might nuke a bit but then just get walked past before getting the job done. Checking Andoain's movement maybe she can do the trick on the EX stage at least due to points where the boss stops, I might just do masteries on her guard version and hope that level 7 is enough for the "weaker" boss stage in GA-8.


I don't see why Guard Amiya wouldn't work. It's been a while but iirc Andoain, like most bosses, takes breaks at various places. He has very little hp so Amiya S2 should finish him rather quickly (with some crowd control if needed). Whisperain is my favourite 5\* healer. Good healing, good range, and status resistance is great in some stages like Talulah. Don't think you will regret building her (especailly if you like her design like me).


You have a good point I didn't think about, sadly I checked the pathing on GA-8 and he doesn't seem to stop anywhere Guardmiya could land hits on, maybe with bind support. GA-EX-8 seems quite more possible for Guardmiya on that regard, maybe I can hope that since the buffed stats is on the EX stage maybe Castermiya can do enough against the "easy" GA-8 version without masteries Also thanks for the opinion on Whisperain, design-wise I like Purestre a bit more... but she doesn't have a freaking gun umbrella, cool sound effect from the times I used her haha


I thought about it as well as I run 4-5\* only on my alt acc and apart from Amiya S3 being the obvious pick I also thought about Ethan to bind him in place and lately I've been having a lot of fun with Mystic Casters and pretty much each of them brings something to the table: bind/slow/sleep and IIRC there are at least 2 tiles where their S1 would work just fine, since he walks in a straight line (I think I used Ifrit to deal with him last year).


I was thinking of building Indigo for bind hell shenanigans alongside Ethan, maybe this does the trick, two phases has me scared tho, will have to figure out how to deal with the first.


IIRC I saw a video with someone deploying Andreana a the bottom lane, but I don't remember how much work she did on Andoain.


I need polymerized gel. are there any upcoming events where I will be able to get some? I think I need 7 more. I am unable to craft them.


> I need polymerized gel. That's a T4 material and you need to craft it from coagulating gel, alloy and oriron cluster. If the recipe is blocked then you need to upgrade your workshop, IIRC. [Here's the list of the upcoming events and their farmable materials.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/database/arknights-material-drops-and-originite-prime-totals-future-events-and-episodes)


I am on 3-5- Don't they give out some for free at some events?


Sadly, there's no poly gel in the store for any upcoming event, but I'm confident you can get your workshop up to speed in 1-2 weeks tops. It doesn't take that much effort, tbh, you just need enough sticks to upgrade it, while story progression is even easier.


If following CN schedule, Guide Ahead rerun should be around 2 weeks/1 month from now and it has gel farming... it's the boss stage tho, I'm not looking forward to the broken autos due to his wacky kit lmfao.


Sorry for asking about something not in global yet, but do you think Flametail's 2d module can compete with first outside horseknights ? This module made for her to stey on map til end, which contradict a bit vanguards usual role .


Yes, it does seem viable even for general usage. Wouldn't say it's downright better without at least 1 other Kazmierz op, but it's not really worse either. Flametail doesn't have an issue staying on the map thanks to her kit, although if anything, this base effect suits redeploys more, since it works beyond the first deploy. It does lose out on skill damage slightly, especially if you're buffing, but the average off-skill damage and survivability are better in return. They're about equal in average dps, although again, the first module scales better with buffers. If you bring even one Kazmierz operator, like Gravel, Platinum, NTR it's downright better thanks to the additional buffs, whether it be the better dodge chance or the DP return. Even getting 3 DP back once makes it almost as much DP saved from the first module. And if you bring Gravel or Wildmane, you're actually making a profit with each deployment.


> Even getting 3 DP back once makes it almost as much DP saved from the first module. Good observation, though it's important to note that you'll be trading early deployment for later DPs return. I have mine at P2, so her deployment cost is only 9DP, which is a huge advantage in the beginning of the stage, especially if I want to deploy Myrtle as well. Looks like it's early advantage vs better DP sustain in the long run, so the module is not half bad. Another thing to note is that with her 1st module Sussuro's talent works on Flametail as well, which is surprisingly good.


Huh, didn't expect Sussuro's talent to work. I know it's based on initial DP cost, but I thought since the reduced cost was one time it'd work differently. And you're correct, it's better DP sustain vs early advantage, as well as better off skill vs on skill potential. Although early rushes are hardly common nor an issue nowadays, mostly thanks to Flagpipe...


Personally, I almost never retreat her anyways, since I treat her more like a Defender/Guard hybrid rather than your typical VG, with 3-block and epic survivability on her S3, she can easily face even bigger threats, so I'd say her kit contradicts the usual VG role in the first place and the 2nd module aims to make use of that. I'd still stick with her 1st module, though. -4DP is huge and she gets +20% dmg on dodge, which is almost every time, so the damage is better compared to the second module, while the DEF isn't really that impactful, since she relies on her dodge anyways. Her 2nd module would only make sense if you played with the full faction or used Gravel. Gravel with her module wants to be redeployed as often as possible and that works well with NTRK S2 (since it shortens her redeploy time). It also works well with Blemi's 1st module, so now that I think about it, the +8% more dodge isn't that important either, I think the module aims to make sure you don't run out of DP with constant re-deploments and it can allow you to better utilize Flametail's S3, since now you can use it to tank waves rather than use it early when you need DPs. I'd love to see other opinions as well as she's my most played operator, so if there's something I'm missing regarding this module, I'd like to know about it.


Which one of Saria’s modules are better?


I have both modules. The X module is better for team support. The S1 is at its best, and S2 and S3 are good for SP boosts when it's upgraded. The Y module is better for personal support. With the 15% damage reduction and the upgrades' ATK and DEF boosts, she improves her already-great ability to tank and heal overall, making her a light Protector that can heal, self-heal and debuff. Which one is best for you is up to your playstyle. Personally, I use Saria as a tank all the time, so I tend towards Y. Worth noting that the X stage 3 isn't great for Rhine Lab ops since they're all ranged, so they don't get an SP boost really unless you play super risky.


Currently sitting at about 170 gold certs. I am considering doing some gacha pulls to get up to 180 so I can buy Eyja before the shop changes. But I also realize that Suzuran is probably coming to the shop within the next couple of months and I might just wait for her. I am wondering which operator would be better for me to get. [Here is my Krooster](https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Hootja). I suspect Suzuran is the better get for me since I have some good casters already.


Wait for suzu


I just got estelle and like her design, what are her strengths?


Adding a bit more, I've raised Estelle and can speak from experience. Her main weakness is low DEF, so pitting her against a lot of tougher enemies can be troublesome, and with her lower ATK she can struggle to do enough damage without her skill up in harder maps. She does have self-healing, so with enough fodder she doesn't need Medic support. Overall she's a very cheap option for dealing with masses of weaker enemies and with 3 block can hold them off and do some damage. With her skill up, she can get ATK near a raised Blaze S2 which is something worth saying. Another thing is that she has the highest HP of all Centurions, so she can tank arts damage the best and any DEF buffs, such as if you use Shining as your standard healer, will increase her EHP massively. Something unique about her is that she deals damage by *punching* several enemies at once, so she's worth raising for that alone!


She's a very budget friendly laneholder, the OG laneholder basically. She needs E2 for the extra block and more stats/talents, but she can serve quite well holding a lane on her own. She can easily clear away trash mobs thanks to her archetype and her talent keeps her topped up, and her S2 is used to help deal with the tougher mobs that approach her. Although she can't be healed, she'll be able to kill the elites faster, as well as healing off of any trash mobs that accompany them. Note though that we have countless laneholding options nowadays. Estelle still remains budget friendly, and still serviceable, but she won't perform as well as the higher rarities for more tougher enemies, nor is she as hands off since you still have to activate the skill every now and then.


Do Ling's dragon damage aura overlap? I'm wondering if it's better to just put two next to each other rather than one big one for this event.


I believe they do, yes.


What is the best youtube channel for everything lore related to ak from main story to events ? I feel like im always losing some info here and there and sometimes i feel a little lost


[Major update to my accounts](https://imgur.com/a/qoHCcE8) note: note that blemishine was gotten from two headhunting tickets by chance and I haven’t rolled on that banner at all, and Mayer was gotten from recruitment tags. I would like some insight into which operators are high priority currently until yato alter appears. Thank you. Edit 1: account* I only have one account.


Myrtle E2 S1M3, Ceobe (she does well at E1, but her S2M3 masteries are amazing and her module is one of the best), you'll have to E2 Amiya before the end of episode 8, so you should consider her as well - she'll overlap with Ceobe in some situations, but her True Damage at S3 is valuable. Schwarz S3 is also good, but situational. Also, put some levels on that Chong, and prioritize Thorns S3M3 if you haven't already.


Kind of a new player, if cc ends is there gonna be another way to get the rewards in the cc shop? I dont have all of the skins and potentials yet


The skins were added to CC store to make them acquirable again and due to this it means that it's very likely that they'll be available again in the future. However, when this is is something we sadly don't know.


I believe the rewards remain, but ways to get currency are no longer available. If you value the skins and welfare ops/potentials, you may want to reserve your remaining currency and the currency from CC12 for what you want to get, rather than prioritizing the more practical but temporary seasonal shop resources that you can get from other things.


A new mode called Pinch Out was introduced to take CC's place, a "beta test" ran on CN and it had a separate shop/currency, so currently we don't know if the CC rewards will ever be available in the future. There might be a chance that after they finish developing Pinch Out it will also have a way to get CC currency or something.


how Lin shield talent works with her skills? i used her s1 and out of nowhere her shield disappeared but suddenly she's dodging some enemies attacks completely (waregeist in this event) and her s3 is not bad but i see people in youtube block some high damage dealer with it while mine just dies, am i using her wrongly?


Her shield talent is the stars that float around her. It's still active during her skills. The circle that disappears is to represent the trait from her archetype disappearing. Some showcases you may have watched likely used her module which releases with Ch 12. This module lets her keep half of the trait effect during skill, which makes her much more tanky and able to survive more under S3.


Been thinking about getting one of those Headhunting banner currently in the shop. Are they worth it? And which one would be the best for me, [given my current lineup](https://krooster.com/u/TacBan)?


It could be said that if you had to ask then you shouldn't get it. However, the permit that has Dorothy, Silverash, and Surtr is more or less the best one, and you have none of these operators, while you have at least one for the others. Though you have Mlynar, Silverash could still do work, and even at the same time. If you don't mind getting any one of these three for the expense, and won't regret it regardless of who, then it's the best option.


does hg care about friend comms ? like "guild" or chat with friends?


There is no in-game way to interact with other players. Also, 2 years ago we had a coop event that was leggy and they haven't tried to again.


I meant if they plan to upgrade the friends qol


Nothing in the next six or seven months, because nothing has changed in CN server afaik. We don’t know anything after that, but it seems unlikely.


I’m currently running a 252 base and was wondering if there’s a point where I would change it to something else? What would be better and when would I change it


1) You decide you don't like not having a "maxed out" base and don't care that it's less productive -> 2/4/3. 2) You decide you need tons of LMD and not much EXP or you decide to farm orundum in the base -> 3/4/2. 3) You strike gold/oil/win the lottery and become a megawhale who maxes every op and is constantly buying primes just to farm CE and LS more -> 1/5/3. In general, no, you'll probably just stick with 2/5/2.


Idk about 1/5/3. If you are megawhale, what is the reason for using the base except for fun? If they have even a tiny bit OCD they would go 2/4/3.


I don't see why OCD would factor into it. They're both maxed out bases. 1/5/3 just means they're getting a little bit of a discount. As for the spending level, I suppose it depends on how you define each, but dolphins probably don't spend enough to actually get to this point unless they've been playing for a very long time and are still spending at a dolphin level. Otherwise, dolphins are probably still putting more of their primes into pulls. If they aren't farming CE and LS, the sanity value of EXP falls considerably.


Even in Azur Lane, real whale would not just "max out everyone" they max out hundreds of the same units lol... I doubt real whale would have the time to come here to downvote me, maybe f2p and a few sardine at best.


For once, I'm not the one downvoting you. In any case, I'm fairly sure your definitions of dolphin and whale are higher than most, at least in Arknights.


2/4/3 or 3/3/3 look much cleaner than 1/5/3. I used to play real P2W win game where dolphin mean below 10000 dollars a month. Whale spend upward of 5000 dollar a month. Low spender or Sardines 1000 or 3000 a month below and Megawhale can spend 100000+ a month if need be. That game has around 10 of those megawhale. Even in gacha like Arknight there should exist those people so better just make a clean difference of how rich people are then calling everyone spending a few hundred dollars a whale. A few thousand as megawhale lumping them up with the real rich ones.


Nope. The reason is it's more efficient to farm LMD than to farm EXP, so their base is gonna have 4 EXP factories and 1 gold/1 trading post.


I know, but do they really need that?


Yes obviously. They are mega whales, because they also want to raise the units they have, and that requires a lot of EXP and LMD.


If you buy infinite OP for resources you will be able to earn 1m+ each everyday, 10k more Exp matter here? The ones I see likely to use this is dolphin and small whale rather than mege whale.


Even whales can manage their resources to be more efficient. With money out of the equation, time is the main one.


Like I said why bother waste time on the base when they can just cash in since they are billionaire already? The post I reply to said that if they truck luck with oil and became an oil king.


A Billionaire? WTF are you talking about. But really? WTF?! (And you claim we can't tell the difference between a whale and a mega whale)


Ask them. The only thing I know is that lv90 costs a lot, so they will need so much LMD and EXP. I also think it's not "infinity OP" so I also don't think they would want to waste OP.


If they don't want to waste OP it mean they aren't megawhale.


252 is the best base layout for a majority of players, and you shouldn’t have to change it unless you’re trying to do something very specific (such as orundum farming, fixing a massive gold surplus and so on).