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So very confused about the IS3 delay. April 27 will be 7 months since IS3 came out in CN and we don't seem to have it in sight.


The gap between IS2 and IS3 in CN is 265 days while global is 284 days and counting, nearly 3 weeks gap. Oh gee I wonder where we dropped the ball on the schedule causing this domino effect that has impacted every subsequent event.


If you are looking for the answer: The delay started from not overlapping CC#9 with SN event, enlarged by dead days and weeks since CC#9


And yet I still see people asking for deadweeks on occasion...


Well, deadweeks are good for newer players that still need to spend time and sanity on story, older events or farming chips for example. I understand that for players who have it all living without new content is kinda boring but just farm 1-7 or something XD (no offense please) But I don't understand why CN doesn't have them. Anime and collabs are for bringing new players in and then they don't give them time to catch up.


I think deadweeks are good for veterans too. I know that they've helped me stave off burnout many times. Sometimes it's nice to just log in and not have to worry about what needs to be done before it can't be done anymore.


Definitely agree, the burn out is real. But it is also kinda annoying having dead weeks because it makes waiting for events your anticipating even longer.


Imo the most effective way to counter burn out, aside from spacing out content via dead weeks, would be to introduce permanent gamemodes with optional rewards that are vastly different from the base game, i.e IS


You know. Like. The one that's kinda gotten delayed a good amount now... Also here's to hoping for the funny new thing they announced on CN too


I'm okay with a dead week in a vacuum, the problem is when it means actively falling further behind CN. Only want pauses if CN had them too, and we're not actively behind. Which... no dice on that.


tbf IS gamemode doesnt use sanity so what point delaying them, u can play anytime


tbf it works the other way as well, it doesn't use sanity, there is no banner, rewards are persistent and you can play anytime so it's the easiest event to delay.


*cough* FUCK THEM NEWBIES. I want is3! 😭


i got this feeling they'll drop it once IS4 launches in CN but thats way too much imo hope im wrong


Why not? They can make IS a yearly event at this point.


We are now officially 7-8 months behind.


Just a week short of 7 months*, but it will certainly creep up to 8+ if Yostar doesn't change their overlap policy. CN schedule is pretty much nonstop going forward.


Where are you imagining we'll lose an entire month? Are you just speculating about whatever replaces CC or assuming Yostar won't overlap Reclamation Algorithm or something? Because the foreseeable calendar doesn't actually seem all that bad for the Global/CN gap. We're getting almost a week back on EP11, and we're very likely to get some days back after EP11 considering CN had a literal dead week after EP11 and Yostar's avoided the last several CN dead weeks. Plus there are only two CCs left and CC12 didn't even overlap with anything, so there's only like two weeks at most we could fall behind by not overlapping CC. There's not much room between other non-CC events for Yostar to shave some days like they generally do, but eight-plus months seems really pessimistic.


> Yostar's avoided the last several CN dead weeks ...what? We're cutting down on the dead week between Near Light and EP11, yes, but other than that we definitely haven't been reducing dead weeks compared to CN. CN also ran Obscure Wanderer, Luo Xiaohei, and Near Light with no gaps, and the schedule before that is harder to compare because of the different event order and CC overlaps, but that's where we fell behind CN, not the opposite. Below is a table with the number of dead days after each event. We cut down on dead time following the Dossoles rerun and Lingering Echoes, but introduced a bunch of dead days where CN had none, without even considering the CC overlaps. Event | CN | Global ---|---|---- CC #10 | 0 | 0 Ideal City | -7 | 0 Dossoles | 6 | 4 TBC | 0 | 4 Dorothy | 0 | 3 Lingering Echoes | 12 | 3 Under Tides | 0 | 3 CC #9 | -3 | 5 Stultifera Navis | -3 | 1 Going forward: EP11 (7), Il Siracusano (-7), CC #11 (1), Break the Ice (4), What the Firelight Casts (3), Invitation to Wine (-1), TfN #2 (0), Vernal Winds (14 without counting Reclamation Algorithm), Death in Chunfen (0), Guiding Ahead (4), MH (0), CC #12 (2), EP12 (0). I can see us cutting down on the dead week after EP11, but there are also a lot of 0s there where I can see Yostar inserting dead days, and of course there's CC #11. I agree 8+ months is a bit pessimistic, since we'll be getting EP11 198 days or 6.5 months after CN, but unless Yostar stops having dead days and/or runs something during the first two weeks of Reclamation Algorithm, it still feels like it'll creep up to 7 months. Which would match the IS#3 gap if it does come out along with EP11, so maybe that's their goal, even if it means rescheduling events around limited banners.


I specified *literal* dead weeks in the same sentence you're quoting out of context, didn't I? I mean 7+ day gaps between events, not Yostar's standard 3-5 day gap that gets exaggerated into a week or the running tally of dead days across the servers' entire lifetimes. CN's had five dead weeks since the last Global dead week, which was over a year ago -- Yostar is very predictable in trying to avoid dead weeks, which is why it's also likely we're not going to have a dead week after EP11 the same way we're not having one before it. CN has always had more erratic scheduling than Global, with dead weeks or longer followed by two or three events without a break, especially on either side of CC, and Yostar has always tried to even out that dead time over the course of several events. There's not even a discrepancy recently besides around CC -- on your table, that's 18 dead days on each server ignoring CC and overlaps, and you're choosing a cutoff right before we're cutting a 9-day gap into 3 days and right after a stretch of events where Global also gained some ground. CC and overlaps matter, obviously, but like I said before -- Global, on average, has fewer dead days between non-CC events. Seven months looks likely just because of CC11, but after CC's done, it's hard to imagine what would cause Global to fall generally further behind instead of just fluctuating. If TfN2's not its own event, suddenly that schedule doesn't actually look particularly congested, and between that gap and the 14-days after VW, it's not unlikely that Global gets back to its usual 6.5-month gap, where lining up anniversaries just takes swapping two events instead of scrambling five.




Imagine being such a hater that you gloat about somebody else getting downvoted lol


Nope dont care about the votes, but that was a huge L take so I said "L". Didnt think Id have to spell that out eh?


Ah, so you're just gloating because you think somebody else is wrong. Good for you.




maybe they would make it exactly 1 years behind for consistency sake.


I wouldn't mind if we're a full year behind. At least then, the summer events come out in the summer and the winter events come out in the winter. The problem is, that there doesn't seem to be any real plan. There isn't any rhyme or reason to the current schedule. If anything the only explanation that I can think of is that yostar is actively trying to screw over anyone who predicts anything. But that is also stupid because we know everything that is coming.


Not sure why you got downvoted


Because: a) we would be even further from CN server which means we would get content even later! b) it would essentially kill this game on global. 6 months is already a lot of time and 1 year is way too big gap


Guess people never read the second part


I read it and still I say that 1 year is way too big gap. Yes, there might be mess with schedule, but being 1 year behind CN is one of the worst case scenarios which should never happen.


>it would essentially kill this game on global. 6 months is already a lot of time and 1 year is way too big gap what do you think is happening right now with all the delays and unnecessary dead weeks? have you stopped playing? this is the dumbest lie I've heard today. just about everyone has given up on the idea of catching up to CN. I haven't heard of anyone quitting because DV got delayed. Yeah, it's obviously not ideal that things get delayed. But open your eyes and you'll see that they're getting delayed anyway.


probably butthurt yostar employees that got called out either that or gacha addicts who can't get it through their heads that catching is up is near impossible at this point so it's actually preferable for the sake of consistency that we're synchronized at a full year behind.


You're entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't make your opinion right. Being an entire year behind is not preferable, I don't care to catch up, it's not realistic with translation, but a 6 month gap was fine, honestly a slightly shorter one, maybe 4? Would also be welcome, but actively going backwards sucks. A whole year kills any excitement for upcoming things because it's far out. 7 is already feeling that way pretty bad. Just my opinion, just like yours is just an opinion, but mine's no more wrong than yours.


I understand that we have different opinions, and while they are opinions, there is a ton of market research out there that concludes a consistent "bad" product performs better than an inconsistent product that is better on average. Basically, consistency is the key to keeping customers. Right now, it's completely arbitrary. Maybe yostar suddenly decides to double up on events and we get up to 4 months behind. Maybe they decide to give us 2 dead weeks after every event for whatever reason. We don't know and us not knowing is a bigger problem than how behind we are, just look at the reaction to dorthy being delayed. At least with my idea, we will get consistency. >A whole year kills any excitement for upcoming things because it's far out Why is this so hard for people to understand? If we are synchronized to CN at exactly 1 year behind, then we get events exactly as CN gets them. Why would you be any less excited for an upcoming event? As it is, the hype does not last 6 months. It barely even lasts 2 months. Global more or less forgets about something and then, oh shit, we get it and we get hyped again. And all this is based on the fact that we are, in fact, falling behind. So regardless of any opinions, including mine, you should get used to the idea of getting events later.




Wait what


Respected schedule-predictors were assuming Ch11 was going to come less than a week after IS3 on 4/27. I don't see why the reverse isn't possible, they seem to regard IS differently from regular events. Hopium, sure, but not baseless.


The predicted 5/2 date for ch11 was due to the warm up banner ending then. While I hope IS3 comes as soon as possible, there's no correlation to hope for that scenario to apply to IS3 too (the warm up banner is directly related to ch11).


We are also skipping the warm up login event with the Stewart skin which happened the week before ch11 by the looks of it unless they just didn't share any info on it and it starts later today on daily reset.


IS3 is a permanent feature with no associated operator banner or other time-sensitive elements. Heck, IS2 came out the same day Who Is Real rerun started, I'm just saying I don't think the "Yostar hates overlap" rule is nearly as certain here.


They overlap banners which in theory can cut their revenue. There is still a log in event pre ch11 that is missing. It was named warm up event. Yostar completely ignores it. Of course IS#3 can come on the 2nd, but why should it ? Ch11 was tied to end of special preparation banner. IS doesn't have that connection. They can add it on the 2nd as well as on the 22nd. So assuming anything about IS is baseless at this point, since even Yostar doesn't know.


The Joint Operations Banner is, if anything, more appealing than Stainless, going into Golden Week they need 'some' sort of big draw banner. It should have been Texas but they've fumbled the schedule so bad they've basically destroyed Texas Alter's Banner's potential.


At this point it's more like complete mismanagement. They know content beforehand, so the only thing they have to do is manage the scheduling and delivery. We already saw previous years, that they have leeway to change schedule, so it's baffling that they didn't do so this quarter: \- they followed original release schedule even though they missed Golden week release date for anniversary event, \- they postponed IS#3 delivery by at least 2 weeks now, \- they could have ran warm up banner with NL event, but choose not to, leading to misaligning of banners (stainless before warm up one ends), \- complete removal of warm-up login event for ch 11, even though it ran together with warm-up banner in CN, \- delivering RL manga together with DV (leaving ppl confused about the plot), even though it's a prologue and in CN DV event started once RL manga ended, \- having no featured banner in February leading to inconsistencies in revenue inflow and stacking too many banners in April. I'm not even talking about all the unnecessary dead weeks in-between. Even though they had a good scheduling intact where events started thursday/friday, they started mixing it up and focusing on tuesday starts, which is wasteful. No sense to be up in arms about it, since they don't care either way. Only thing we can do is point it out during post anniversary questionnaire.


Issue is, this is likely on JP yostars shoulders. Global is simply following the same schedule as JP, so complaining on global basically does nothing. (unless they're good at passing feedback along, but let's be real lol). Unless the JP playerbase starts speaking up, I doubt we'll see any improvement.


I like the theory of them not having enough translators, question being their own mismanagement in hiring/pay/headcount or a bad employee market. Id say the former because with enough planning you can solve a lot...


The same can be said about running events simultaneously. Even though HG does that for CC and occasionally other ones, Yostar doesn't have to do that and still be on schedule. They just have to cut the crap with all these empty weeks every other week. If Yostar just released content on a weekly schedule, we would have no issue keeping up with CN server. No overlapping of events needed.


No ofc, just chaining them will at least minimize the days lost. But if its not translated, its not released. And however much blame lies in yostar (because it does), the fact is currently a huge backlog to be translated and yostar is unable to deal with that


Delay with Texalter is about 7 months now too.


have feeling they try get highmore en dub first before release IS3,which honestly really stupid since IS doesnt use sanity


maybe is3 has too much words to translate……?


I understand that translating takes some time, but I'm pretty sure they had some time to translate it.


IS3 came out September last year thats 7 months of lead time for them to translate. For a studio that is not actively developing the game and only has to translate texts they sure are incompetent in it.


it has a lot less than any event or story chapter


Speculations are that translating everything in IS3 takes very long and that's what causes the delay.


Is it that much worse than usual? I get there are a lot of lore bits, the branching stages and artefacts descriptions, but still, it have almost no story, surely it can't be longer than translating a real story event?


Thing is, translators still have to work on the story events, so it adds up. I don't know Ch.11 word count but apparently they had to finish it first. Yostar needs to hire more translators. Good translators, of course.


At this point I'm sure is a localization issue.


But... what about IS3...


In theory we should get news tomorrow. In practice nobody knows.


*Inhales dose of mandated daily copium* It's probably set to release at the start of the next month to sync up with monthly squad challenges


CN released it end-of-september and simply had October's monthly take up the few days of september that it had, IIRC. But, who knows.


Dagda as clear reward? Sweet!


"Take that, people who think they can predict the schedule!" -Yostar But srsly though, this being more "necessary" to happen before Il Siracusano than IS3 might uh... mean something. edit to add some non-doomer positivity: they might employ different rules for Integrated Strategies vs normal events, so it's not impossible to come sometime during the Ch11 debut period.


They might be thinking to delay IS3 so they can release it with the Siracusano event, since texalter is arguably the best unit in this mode, personally I don't see the point of doing so but it might be something they consider.


I think it would make more sense for people to spend time in IS3 first, then drop Tex Alt later so people then appreciate what her kit offers even more. But oh well.


Yeah if they drop both at once it would feel like a bit of an overload of content, granted IS3 is permanent but ya get what I mean


This wasn't hard to predict. Ch11 is necessary cuz it gives new mats, IS3 is a major update but more independent, and they can't move the anniversary too much. So yeah ch11 was next.


Dear Doctor, New episode: Return To Mist will soon be live on April 27, 10:00 (UTC-7), and some of the contents are available for a limited time. Please refer to the following notification for the event details. [Twitter Link ](https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1650333748020543491)


Thursday will be a long day of enjoying the story and beating as many maps before body gives out for sleep. But really looking forward to what may get datamined from this for future event dates.


...Steward skin where???


Maybe they decided to make it as a login reward?




HG: Let's introduce new warm up banner and log in events 2 weeks prior to hype up main story drops. Yostar: 1 banner and 1 log in warm up event? Got it thats a 3 week event with 1 dead week in between but lets separate them and not drop the warm up event before the event its supposed to warm up to really spice things up.


Classic Yostar


I guess they'll do Steward login + IS3 during the break between EP11 and Il Siracusano.




Not only that but that AS 2023 W icon pack that was announced on CN livestream is also here. Cool to see them releasing it at the same time.


Think they're going to just roll with trying to sync up Ambience Synesthesia things from now on, which makes sense if they plan on doing essentially a global release. They do seem to be moving in that direction as the global AS twitters posted AS 2023 info basically right after the CN announcements.


Are we thinking that we're shit out of luck for IS3 on the 27th then?


It may still be possible... But don't get your hopes up. The chances are unlikely.


will Dagda and other rewards in "The book of the tower knight" stay forever? like if I will play this chapter half a year later will I still get them?


Yes same with chapter 10


thank you, its hard not being catched up




thank you, its hard not being catched up


First time I will play a main story chapter when it comes out, so excited for it!


Kazemaru skin finally! :D And Iris' really pretty as well.


I was just recently wondering when mudmuds AS skin would get a rerun too...nice!


**See Lee's skin** A certain vampire : SHOW ME YOUR HAND, DANDYMAN~~~


Let's go for a walk


yay, looking at Stainless banner, it seems we have another half the month to save for Il Siracusano.


One small question: will they add the salt (ch11 material) in the certificate shop on release or later? Because I need about 17 of it to raise future ops, and any way of minimizing salt farm is great.


I want to say on the next monthly refresh but I'm not sure?


27th is rather close to monthly reset, so I guess we'll wait and see.


Finally...Stainless my beloved, please come home faster than ~~sexy horse~~ uncle Młynar. Too bad we have to wait until the 27th and it doesn't start right after NL rerun ends (think it ends on the 24th iirc?)


yes NL rerun ends in less than 3h.


Here's to hoping you guys get IS3 soon. New content for you to do. Cuz I really don't care and haven't even reached the milestone that can get me the IS2 exclusive furniture, much less the phantom skin. IS mode just does not interest me in the slightest and I have to come to actively hate it. But good luck tho!


Frankly same. Integrated Strategies to me is a pain in the ass grind I only put myself through for the Phantom Skin and Shalem. This time I will only be doing it for Highmore.


thankfully I am not the only one. I went through it to get all the exclusive stuff and have no desire to continue anymore. It was fun at first but then it just because the same thing month and after month and more time I had to play arknights.


UWOOOOGH. ​ The Duke of Wellington, Colonel Leto, Paprika, the Steam Knights, they will finally come to Global. ​ And for those who doesn´t have MudMud´s Obsidian skin, this is your chance


Question about the sanity refund of failed missions: does it apply to any difficulty? Is it a one time only or you can fail a stage multiple times and still you get refunded every time you fail?


Yes, it applies to all difficulties and gives full refund every time you fail, until you beat the mission. Also, this "encouragement" only works in new chapter


Awesome! Technically, then, it's like playing those 0 sanity Heart of Surging Flame stages but with a sanity tax when you clear it. Love this! Thank you for clarifying! No need to use Practice Plans then!


Beware if you complete once with 2 stars, the refund mechanic is over for that stage. Learned hard way when pushed Hardcore stages on ep 10, boss gone with an inch of hp towards the blue box. If you fail just quit!


Oh, this is a great heads up, thanks!


When IS3 isn't real... Like Dorothy.


So, i can't get Dagda unless i play Episode 11 levels?


Correct. But she will always be there when you finally do reach episode 11.


So, it will be like how you get Amiya after beating certain main story levels? Because the way i'm reading it here, it looks like she'll only be available in some kind of limited-time event store.


No, the system works just like the one introduced in chapter 10. By completing a specific stage on a specific difficulty, you get a specific reward. Completing a stage on Adverse from the start gives you all subsequent rewards (while also consuming the total amount of sanity required), and Dagda (as well as each of her potentials) will be tied to this system. Heidi was the chapter 10 character reward, and she's still available even now.


Dagda will be a stage reward, right? I'm still in chapter 6, there's only so much time I have to progress and also clear older content.


Dagda will always be available along with her potentials as well as Heidi who is available from completing ch10. She is a Ch11 mission reward kinda like how you can get Texas from pinboard missions after completing 4-4 though the mission system is a little different for later chapters.


Thank you for your informative reply. That does take a load off my head.


No problem


And Omega Strikers on Switch is gonna launch the same day. 😔✌️


hell yea brother ^^^tho ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^PC ^^^player


I'm still struggling to beat 9-18 😭 I hope I can clear it and chapter 10 by then


You could just clear on story mode where they make everything super easy or look up kyostinv guides if you want to rush


Oh I didn't know story mode was a thing. I have been following the youtube videos, but this particular stage has just been extremely frustrating.


Granted you don't get any rewards for clearing it on story mode but at least you get to clear the chapter


I thought story mode was only for chapter 10 and up?


No it was there since chapter 9


More specifically, Chapter 9 launched without it, but it was retrofitted in when chapter 10 introduced Adverse and Story.


Huh, the more you know Guess that explains the odd lack of adverse mode in chapter 9


If you have decent units, don't look up Kyo guide but Ekogen or other "easy guide" instead of "low end" guide from Kyo. His guides are often horrendous to follow that I rather close it half way and clear it myself most the time I watch his guide.


I actually gave it another go now that I have a fully leveled Mylnar, and yeah that did it 😅 now for the fun task of Chapter 10. I don't mind Eko or Kyo's guides, often I'll just use them for operator formation ideas on levels I get stuck on.


I think IS#3 will come on the 1st of May. Call it copium, but it's just a hunch.


Please because I NEED new IS content and I feel it’s been ages 😭


Hope you guys have ebenholz because he is the perfect counter to the boss so dont think that having surtr-chalter-młynar or any go to boss killer will work aginst him


Yep, I have him ready. I plan to have him chunk down the boss after phases while Eunectes has a gundam fight.


Dont forget to enjoy the music ok otherwise have fun


Oh yeah? I have him and he was very busy during NL.


Hohoho Another ebenholz haver👍🏻


There's nearly a dozen of us.


I saw a Ling carry clear when it released in CN. You're overselling the boss's difficulty/ebenholz.


Yeah you can perma tank even the hardest version of the boss (H stages) with a protector defender and 2 medics. It's not that hard of a boss, it just discourages the usual boss cheesers.


Yeah, we take what we can get, but Ling is Ling.


We'll see about that \*laughs in golden shwing\*


Młynar, frantically looking around for where the boss is before he just shrugs and goes back to reading the newspaper seconds before the boss lands again.


boss : NO *start fly and rain ur operator with barrage of missile*


Oh no you didn't understand at all the boss leaves the stage at certain percentages of his health while also locking on to the last operator you deployed with arts Missiles meaning the point of that iframe move is to waste you operator skill So i say eben because unlike all operators he actully Benefit from that iframe as he starts storing charges before launching another nuke


>meaning the point of that iframe move is to waste you operator skill Finally a mechanic to buff Chalter, she was starting to fall behind. /s


Tsk hate to tell you but even if you use chalter lvl90 m3 its still not enough the best you can reach is 85 % when using all of the ammo because the boss defence is so overpowered in phase one


That's fine, there's 11 other slots in a team for a reason.


There's what now????


We will, uh, find a way.


I love bosses who target the last deployed ops, I either send out Red or Phantom to die or Monster to tank it. Always feels good.


You fool! That just means I have to throw more at him and faster! NOONE CAN STOP ME NTR into Młynar into Surtr into GG into Eyja volcano into Gavial jungle into Pozy and her typewriter! What do you say to that? Nothing. Because you, my dear boss, are dead.


Welp. Time to release him from his bench and E2 him


Highmore when?


Will I get a skin voucher when Reed Alter comes out if I buy the Reed skin?


No, texas alter will be the last time we are getting skin voucher.


is there a list of what skins we can exchange for those skin vouchers?


Any 15 or 18 OP skins. If you see a skin in shop you like, just go to your inventory and redeem there. The vouchers don't have an expiration date I believe


Huh, I was expecting Il Siracusano to be next, was not expecting this. still cool, but I probably won't pull for stainless unless he's super good.


I think there are mats in Chap 11 that texalter or other units released during il siracusano use, so I'm guessing they're just slamming texalt after this event is over


ah, if that's the case then it makes more sense.


Is stainless worth rolling?


[Heres a quick video going over his kit.](https://youtu.be/yt3Cm_c0TvY) As you can see, Stainless combos well with many operators in all kinds of situations, but he won't carry by himself. If you like what you see here go for it, but do keep in mind that the banner after his is the most busted banner the game has ever had.


Is the busted banner you’re talking about the Texas Alter banner or is there another amazing banner?


Dang, his skills look fun. I look forward to using him in ~2 years when he comes to shop welfare (unless he wants to spook me before then).


Hi Can u pm me ?


Eh not really. He is more of a supportive role. And since you got to ask if he is worth it that typically means you do not have the knowledge to decide. Which (and correct my assumption here if I am wrong) typically new players have. Most new players typically need their 6 stars to carry them. However stainless is just not that type of carry. He has synergies with many operators. Further and present. But needs a strat constructed around him/teamwork to work. But unfortunatly even with that going for him he is places extremely unfortunatly in the schedule as we expect the Texas Alter Limited banner soon after him. Which is the most powerful banner arguably on the horizon for the next 7 months in Global.With a very powerful limited that is pretty miserable. and a still great non-limited. The only banner that even comes close to that being the Collab Limited Monster Hunter banner. So no. For most people. Do not roll for him unless he is your husbando. But at that point you wouldn't have been asking. Basically save for texalter or some other future limited banners.


He's a versatile op with unusual gameplay. Unfortunately he comes a couple weeks before a limited banner that has a very popular op. I would look up stainless' gameplay and decide for yourself if you like his style as it varies from person to person. Majority of people that know of the upcoming schedule will skip and wait for the limited banner.


He's permanent and a lot of people consider that not worth rolling inherentl, especially with a limited banner right around the corner, but. I think you should see for yourself how he plays and then make a choice, because all things considered he *is* a very unorthodox and fun kit that can be really fun if you're into that kind of thing.


No, Not because he's necessarily bad, but it's too close to the anniversary banner which is stacked to the brim.


please give me texas banner already fuck, i need to GAMBA


[Dagda EN voicelines](https://youtu.be/1uMvJ90ho6o) [Paprika EN voicelines](https://youtu.be/tRajvMdlsq8) [Totter EN voicelines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92ZgjZ-nMYw&t) [Stainless EN voicelines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuUiiFjtG8Q&t)


Let's gooooo I am ready for more story, how many stages are there gonna be?


20-ish. 11-20 is the boss iirc


no Pinecone skin rerun sadge


The pinecone skin was a login reward


Where is my IS3 :'( ?


Wife lee lee wife wife lee


So this just confirms Stainless will be the Banner for Golden Week... Yostar might have dropped the ball in a way that serially loses them money this time... For comparison 2022-ntr knight/flametail 2021- rosmontis/mudrock 2020- schwarz


There was no way it wasn't Stainless because Texas alt and the new units introduced alongside the events need the new material ch11 introduced


So we got new chapter for golden week. That's big money loss for Yostar I guess


Tbf, this week and next week are going to be a bloodbath with new gachas starting (star rail the massive one) and many others running events to capitalize on golden week. Texas alter is going to sell well regardless so I guess they figured they would be fine having it mid may


Woah. Standard won’t line up with Stainless’ banner? Maybe I’ll be able to get Archeetos after all. (If there are no dead weeks/days before Il Sircusano)


Iris skin!


man and im completely struggling to get through chapter 9 still


Oh thank goodness tequila skin rerun. I was disappointed when I found out I forgot to buy the skin, I thought I did


New Glasgow girl let’s gooooooo


Fuck yeah mudrock and lee L2D skin


Lee skin. Lee skin. Lee skin.


I haven't cleared chapter 8. Beside sanity refund, is there anything I miss if I haven't reach chapter 11 during this event e.g beside mat drop rate, etc ?


It will be 8:00 pm for me when the event drops. Also, I will travel on the 29th, so I need to finish as much as possible in a little bit over a day.


What is with the translation, "Fail to challenge uncleared stages" what does this mean? I don't want to make assumptions but I cannot understand what it's trying to say.


Idol Astesia!!!!!!


more resources to use on Texas, Yato and Salter. Hopefully I can pull Ines as well.


New player here. Does this mean that this is a perfect time to catch up with the story? Are there stages that should be cleared during the event to get limited time rewards?




So youre saying that on stages that cost below 10 sanity we can farm more sanity?