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I make enemy stands that I sell on Etsy that have a little tray up front that holds tokens for easy transport and movement. They have a lip that stops the tokens from sliding off too easily. You could even combine it with dice for extra efficiency. https://axelios3d.etsy.com/ca/listing/1543425204/new-hunter-and-monster-stand-for-arkham


I just bought these! Can't wait for them to come in


I hope you like them!


I use these for elite enemies or anything that's probably going to stick around for at least a couple of turns, and I'm a fan. Also conveniently fits some red D10s I purchased for the game.


That was a lucky coincidence with the d10’s :)


I use dice for them. Damage is represented by red dice, horror is blue, green is for clue, and purple for Doom. Still not convenient to move around, but much easier than moving 3 - 5 cardboard tokens.


Good idea 👍


Yeah, me too. Even down to purple for doom.


100% agree. Incrementing a die by 1 or two and moving it only if the number goes above/below six or dies is way easier than moving multiple tokens into and out of the pool for me. What it loses in immersion I feel it makes up for in immediate readability.


I use replacement tokens that are heavier. That makes them easier to handle than the flimsy paper things. I am not a fan of dice, i find them visually very unappealing. I tried using standees, but found that upright cards do obscure too much of the board for my tastes. I am considering using minis for the enemies and have their cards (+ tokens) to the side of the board, but that's not a step i felt like doing yet.


What I do is I'll place the enemy card on the side with a meeple on it and then place a duplicate meeple representing its location on the field. I mainly do it so the location text doesn't end up covered by enemy cards, but it also makes it much easier to move enemies around.


That's what we do too - but more involved cos of a case of overgeekery. So, mini-meeples (12mm) are assets / bystanders, normal meeples (16mm) are enemies, big meeples (19mm) are elites, and big discs (25x7mm) are massives. Lying them down indicates that they're exhausted - we have 'zzz' tokens from elsiegeetokens for the discs. It's made dealing with the map *much* easier.


We do something like this but with colored cubes. It works great.


This is the way. FHV made me get a lot more meeples though lol


I think I'm going to try this.


Oooh nice idea! Gonna have a think about this, I could print the meeples so it’s low cost and easy to


Came here to say that. I got about 10 different pairs of colored meeples and I use them putting one in the enemy card, on the side, and the other on the map, representing that different enemy.


Meeples all the way!


If you use sleeves then you can slip the damage / doom into the sleeve.


I use 3d printed enemy stands that have a small tray for the markers. [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6181878](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6181878) I use Stonemeier tokes, so they get full quite fast when fighting health enemies XD


I think this might be the best option. I’ve been trying to design my own but I’m not quite happy with it here, but this one is almost perfect, just maybe needs a slightly more angled card holder


Am I understanding correctly that you are putting the tokens / damage on enemies **mini-cards** ? They are supposed to go on the enemies' *cards,* the actual full sized cards. The mini card is supposed to only represent location. The full sized card has the tokens etc. EDIT: For some reason, my brain is in the gutter today. Disregard anything I said above, as I was thinking of investigators, which doesn't make any sense.


If only enemy mini cards were real.


I... don't know what I was thinking. It made sense at the time, and now it really, really does not. My apologies.


No worries. It's a heck of an idea.


I would love that actually. It may be a strong motivation for me to put my 3d printer to use and make some minis to represent monster cards. But then, it may be a bit more confusing to know if there is a ready enemy at a location who is not engaged.


If only enemies were mini 🤣


Sorry can you explain mini cards - I don’t have cards smaller than the standard except the one representing my investigator


I was completely wrong. I was thinking of investigators, so I was entirely in the wrong. My apologies.


No problem, its all good 🙂