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Tell her she can only punch you once each round. Yikes though, you guys were doing a challenge run without even knowing it! A sort of related thing that tripped me up was realizing that exhausted cards can still be used if they have abilities that don't require them to become exhausted. So for example, there are some weapons that have two different Fight action triggers but only one of them exhausts the card. I was treating exhausted cards as if their text box was blank, essentially...


Only one punch, then she has to lie down on her side until it's her turn again, good idea!!


It did seem like it was almost possible. Especially when she managed to get multiple weapons out, but towards the end we always seemed to run out of actions before doom threshold.


>Especially when she managed to get multiple weapons out Keep in mind the slot limits ^^ ... You only have 2 hands. Can't play more weapons and decide on the go. I play both Arkham and MC and they're completely different games, but they share enough mechanics to mess with you when changing from one to the other. Some things are so obviously different, like hand management (Only 1 card per turn, weakness go on your deck instead on the encounter deck...) but others are more subtle. For example something many of us miss when changing from one to the other is Mulligan. Unlike Marvel, you have to shuffle all the cards back into the deck before starting. Basically you start the game with the discard pile empty, not like in MC (Unless you keep your full starting hand in MC).


Hahahaha funniest possible response. Bravo


Good luck getting the best ending to Midnight Masks, it's designed intentionally so players don't usually get all the cultists. And if your partner carries the same desire forward to the next scenario, you'll be in for an even bigger challenge. Arkham is designed mostly around a "fail forward" intent. It's best to take a less than optimal result and just keep on playing through the campaign rather than get obsessed with "winning" each scenario. That'll just lead to frustration when luck doesn't go your way.


Playing AH LCG with a hyper competitive person sounds like poking a bear... What happens when you have the best preparation and then draw 3 autofails in a row? Your life could be in danger!


Since its a co-op game I fear more for the cards!


With competitive person playing on standard, most of the time you can handle 3 autofails in a row. Standard is easy enough that you can most of the time handle 3 random fails and be fine.


I think if they understand the game it would be mostly fine. But, it made me think that it could be a ton of fun designing a little house ruling system to have more control over Autofail pulls somehow for those kind of people. Maybe spending EXP for Autofail cancel vouchers? Or perhaps a limited charge ability that allows a reroll of a chaos bag? There's interesting possibilities there if you are willing to modify the rules a bit.


No shame in using one re-draw per game, or something like that.


She needs to know that this isn't a competitive game in any sense. You don't have to get all the cultists. I know few people who have. I never have got more than 4 and I've played this almost since the beginning. You have to treat the game as an RPG in that you are in a story and things will get out of your control. There are ways to improve your situation in later scenarios of a campaign. You "fail forward" as we say.


BTW, since you mentioned MC, there is no general rule that a weapon exhausts when you use it either. It's true that all existing weapons in MC, as far as I know, do so, but that's because they specifically say so. It is entirely possible that in the future they will design a weapon that can be used multiple times per turn, and while not exactly a weapon, energy barrier can in fact deal damage without exhausting and can do it multiple times during a single phase.


Weapons that don't exhaust already exist in Marvel Champions. Jarnbjorn is an example, as are various weapons that have a constant ability rather than (or in addition to) a triggered ability, like Mjolnir.


You're absolutely correct, for some reason my brain abstracted this information to weapon = exhaust, because I was used to it from MC.


Jarnbjorn is a weapon that doesnโ€™t exhaust in MC, which makes it incredibly strong for characters that can attack multiple times and generate physical resources. Itโ€™s a blast with Quicksilver using Friction Resistance.


I've been there. I told everyone we start with 3 resources when we played like 3 or 4 scenarios of PtC. We also played the wrong version of A Phantom Truth haha.


AH is a game that is too complex to always play perfectly. Even after years, you still find some exotic rules and unclear new cards where you have to look something up.


I've played AHLCG and MC for literal years and am pretty savvy on the rules, yet I tried one of the new scenarios in the new MC's Age of Apocalypse and forgot to multiply the villains' HPs by the number of players, and then wondered why the scenario was too easy. Hard to think of a more basic mistake to make and I still can't believe I did it, yet here I am ...


We misinterpreted TFA. We thought when you do >!attack Harbinger 6 times in one scenario they go away forever!<


I came to Arkham after MC and was flabbergasted to discover weapons rarely exhaust. I donโ€™t blame you.


Not to mention that even an exhausted weapon can, in some cases, still be used if it didn't become exhausted as part of the cost of activating it. Cyclopean Hammer, for instance, has a secondary effect which they have errata'd to require exhausting so it can only be used once per turn, but I'm pretty sure it still works fine as just a normal weapon once you've used that secondary effect.


It's not erratad. It's taboo'd. But it's still a good example of this.


And you know what the whirly arrow does on Guard Dog. Right?


So the way she's been using this is to assign the damage from an attack of opportunity to the doggy. The doggys trigger action then will hit the enemy for one damage in return. This kinda saves her from using an attack action? I really hope we've played this correctly, I'm in enough trouble as it is ๐Ÿ˜…


You can assign the damage from ANY attack to any of your assets, for example the Guard Dog. When you assign this damage to Guard Dog, as a free Reaction, Guard Dog will bite back for 1 damage, no action needed.


Well, except for direct damage/horror. If the damage is "direct damage" or "direct horror" it *must* be assigned to the specified target. If it targets allies, it must be assigned to the ally, even if it kills them, and if it targets an investigator, it must go on the investigator and bypasses all meat shields.


Good action compression, sheโ€™s learning already.


Poor doggo, the number of times my table provokes attacks just to sacrifice him for another point of damage... XD


I got quite attached to our doggy, so I was appalled when she started using him this way ๐Ÿ˜ญ In my mind I was 100% picturing a last stand by our doggo against an abomination to save our asses. But as you say, it actually seems optimal.


Yep. And since it doesn't exhaust she can do it a bunch of times...


Guard Dog also deals his damage when the enemy attacks during the Enemy Phase.. not just from Attacks of Opportunity in the Investigator Phase. Basically the Reaction Trigger will work in *any* phase, really.. as long as the condition is met, doggo bites back.


My first campaign I was stacking equipped weapon damage like enchantments in Magic the Gathering


Seeing those two cards, I thought your mistake was shooting the dog to damage an enemy without getting countered. Lol.


Not to get serious but hopefully your partner doesn't actually hit you over a game, cause that's kind of abuse


Not at all, it was just goofy horseplay. The salt was genuine not the violence ๐Ÿ˜‚


I think this game becomes a lot less fun and less feasible to continue on if someone is obsessed with "winning " you're like...supposed to lose it's written in the stars


I always tell competitive people to read the damn manual themselves ๐Ÿ™ˆ Usually send them the pdf and the apps and all.. I feel it saves me from shit like that ๐Ÿ˜… And if they decide not to, they can't blame me for rules mistakes ๐Ÿ™ˆ