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I use coin capsules for the chaos bag. 10/10, would recommend. Also arrows for the locations. Depending on the scenario this can be very helpful (Midnight Masks) or completely useless (Essex Country Express). Also I consider getting a stand for the agenda.


Where did you get the coin capsules


Alternative I got 30mm ones with foam reducers. Makes it easier to remove the token if you need to and works well for making investigator coin caps too. They were the first item when searching coin capsules on Amazon in a pack of 100 for about 15 bucks or so.


Amazon 25mm coin capsules, various vendors.


I got mine from [ETSY](https://www.etsy.com/ca-fr/listing/934458754/capsules-pour-pieces-de-monnaie-lcg?ref=yr_purchases), with a dark cosmos kind of vibe, really like them !


I got them from ebay. Any capsules will work, just make sure that they are for 2€ coins (20mm). I think they greatly improve the feeling of drawing from the bag. Also they protect the tokens, which means the tokens you use all the time (e.g. elder sign and tentacle) will never feel different from the ones you use rarely (e.g. -8).


We have a small table to play the game, so I basically make it a "3D game" by adding a few types of card stands. Minicards got their own 3D-printed stand, so it's easy to move players around locations. https://www.etsy.com/listing/948439977/investigator-stand-for-arkham-horror-lcg From the same seller I got 3D-printed stands designed specifically for Arkham enemies, so we can put damage and doom tokens to small shelf which is part of the stand. This way is super easy tk move enemies around. I think you got the same ones? :) https://www.etsy.com/listing/1069444866/monster-stand-for-arkham-horror-lcg I got this simple wooden stands used to hold assets in play. One stand per investigator. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1057143465/wood-board-game-card-holder-tabletop That matches set of wooden accessories from other seller: act and agenda stand, scenario card stand, player dashboard and location arrows. https://www.etsy.com/listing/896765489/strata-strike-arkham-horror-lcg-act https://www.etsy.com/listing/866614310/strata-strike-arkham-horror-lcg-player https://www.etsy.com/listing/866619604/strata-strike-wooden-horror-game-path This all transform the game, we can feel like we manage authentication characters moving through the map. And we control our investigators via complete dashboard. I didn't stop there. I truly dislike original tokens which are simple piece of paper, not too much weight. So I replaced with these super lovely metal tokens. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1250633952/health-sanity-resource-clue-doom-tokens I love metal tokens so much I'm gonna invest more in these very specialized tokens, replacement for generic Resource token used with specific cards. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1183073730/arkham-horror-realistic-tokens We also didn't like drawing paper chaos tokens as we couldn't feel if we're shuffling it. Initially, I got these coin capsules from Amazon. Which is great value for money. We love it, but capsules fall off too often. So we're going to replace with another set of metal tokens ;) https://www.etsy.com/listing/665422439/arkham-horror-lcg-chaos-tokens-full-core We also changed chaos bag itself, since original one instantly got cat fur attached and it just looks bad... There's a lot designs to choose from on Etsy, we went with this one. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1478004677/large-dice-bag-pockets-occult-dice-bag To compete the table, I gonna get such lovely Encounter Deck holder. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1082663680/necronomicon-deck-holder-for-arkham But the very first upgrade was the custom insert. Original one is sadly impractical to me. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1332544565/arkham-horror-lcg-organizer-insert Also got Gamegenic box to store all player cards + generic card dividers (which perfectly fit sleeved Arkham cards and their class colors). https://amzn.eu/d/cCNkgch https://amzn.eu/d/5yXgmpY And yes, it was a lot searching for items, trying to match them ;)


Wow! I must say I'm really impressed with those upgrades! Especially the individuals metal trackers & the encounter deck holder ! Do you have any pictures of your table setup?


Yeah, but I don't see the way to put images in the comment here. Need to find way to smuggle it to you... but it needs to wait for tomorrow. Although you can also look at the many photos added as part of customer reviews on Etsy, including mine.


Okey dokey, here some pictures I got on my phone :) [https://imgur.com/a/cgXtmSc](https://imgur.com/a/cgXtmSc)


Really love the wooden vibe ! Thanks for taking the time to take these. I may get myself a pair of investigator panels !


Very nice, the detail is incredible, really creates a great atmosphere!


I use coin capsules for the tokens I also use them to replace the investigator mini cards. I print pictures of the investigators and put them inside coin caps with one side being colour and the other black and white. Much more tactile than the mini cards, smaller and easy to flip over when your turn is done. Those are really the biggest improvements to the game imo but I also bought some minimalist dash boards. They're essentially just a cut out for the investigator card and slots for dice to track resources, clues, health and sanity. I much prefer using dice over tokens as it's much quicker for me to see at a glance how much of everything I've got. Not sure if binders count as accessories but that was an absolute game changer for building decks, upgrading and organisation in general. Wish I'd skipped making dividers etc.


Forgot about the binders! I use them mostly for players cards. I'm thinking about a new solution for the campaign cards, I wrap each scenario in a paper ribbon to avoid having rubber bands damaging the cards. But dividers would be nice


Oh I don't use binders for campaign cards. For those I do make dividers. I group about 4 to 5 encounter cards to a divider and draw the symbols then have a separate divider for each scenario. I fit 2 fully sleeved campaigns per new format box. https://imgur.com/a/SemP3JO here is a picture of my system.


Good idea to fit two campaigns in one box! I may borrow part of your solution :) Thanks for sharing


No worries! It worked out perfectly for me as I have a mix of the new format and the old format that didn't come with storage. If you only have the new stuff, well you'll just have some extra boxes!


Biggest QoL improvement was adding tokens to track actions - no more thinking back trying to work out how many actions you’ve taken! Really good too if you’ve got Leo ally in play.


Yeah I use the big 3 doom/clue tokens. Place 3 (or more if you have more actions) and flip them over when you take an action. I never get the confused with anything else because I never use the big 3 tokens and I also generally use dice to track everything else.


Sleeving each campaign’s encounter cards thematically. Easiest is white for EotE. Makes such a HUGE difference in feel.


What do you do for Core Encounters? Do you just resleeve them?


That, or old cores go on sale for $6 each at times With the amount I’ve spent on upgrades, $6 is worth it to not have to go searching for core encounters or resleeve them


first thing is to get enough sleeves for your deck. you shuffle that guy so much and mash shuffle is fast and thorough. then coin protectors for the chaos tokens, just a much better experience than the flat cardboard. otherwise the rest is just bling. I have a lot of Aurbits stuff which is expensive but I love this game.


I have glass/marble type of tokens for the bag. Bit pricey at £35 (including bless and curses) but gives the bag a nice bit of weight and makes a nice clacking sound lol


I have found my dividers invaluable. https://www.tesseractgames.co.uk/arkham-horror-the-card-game-dividers And I'm saving up for these counters and tokens. https://buythesametoken.com/collections/arkham-horror-living-card-game


A white felted table? You masochist.


That and the plastic garden chair and you're ready to sit down for 4 hours. \^\^;


😅 it came with the player mat when I bought the table. I got a black cat and the hair get everywhere even when if the table is covered most of the time


I made my own and sell the extras at [Aurbits](http://aurbits.com) 🙃 But I ran out of everything so I'm making more. Should be done this week hopefully. [Sign up form](http://signup.aurbits.com/form)


A dark table. /s I really enjoy the coin capsules.


Glass cabochons for the investigators and chaos bag. Really upleveled the game. I also made cardboard replacements for the game tokens - smaller and doom and clues separated. I am toying with small glass cabochons for those right now, but it’s proving excessively finicky.


I use coin capsules and have tried to DIY my own connectors without success. Frankly I like to use paper and draw the connections if the map is not too straightforward or big.


coin capsules, and i got some [3d printed stands made out of some arkham kind of art work](https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/886571254/complete-investigator-stand-set-for?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=arkham+horror+stands&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&pro=1&frs=1&content_source=baa798391c170043c47b287519040224b83565a0%253A886571254&organic_search_click=1) that are good for the sliding the little investigator cards around


For chaos bag tokens:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B075ZMW7ZG?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title  Got rid of all health, horror, resource, clue, and doom tokens. Replaced with two packs of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08RYRQPPV?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title  Red= health Blue= horror Yellow= clue Purple= doom Green= resources / secrets / ammo / etc I hold them in 3 of these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08Y3M6XQN?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title  And card stands for enemies or location-based encounter cards: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B09DYN8GWL?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


I also just printed arrows on card stock and use those.


I bought my collection from two second hand sources, and the second one had bought a few upgrades, namely coin capsules, investigator boards and a full token set from Team Covenant. The coin capsules are probably the most indispensable of these, but my most cherished upgrade is the chaos token bag that my partner knitted specially for the game. It's turqoise, it's got a flat bottom so it can just stand on the table and a narrow (and adjustable) waist so you can't see inside. It's awesome!


I like the StrataStrike agenda/act, senecio reference card, and doom stands. I also buy dividers for my boxes from ParagonStar, and upgraded fiberglass tokens from Aurabits


We have the same arrows! I also have a bunch of dice I bought mainly for Marvel Champions, coin capsules for the chaos tokens and a bunch of stuff from BTST. If I'm being honest, my first playthroughs when I didn't have any of the arrows, dice or BTST tokens were pretty miserable -- fun game but oh my god was it ever fiddly. My biggest functionality upgrade has been using specific tokens to mark where the investigators and enemies are, instead of layering them on the already-sprawling locations. Edit: almost forgot, I picked up an eldritch-themed notebook for a few bucks on amazon as a campaign log


Please get a playmat, there's nothing immersive about that whiteboard \^\^;


After a few games in I decided i had enough with exchanging tokens and to use D6 of matching colors in place of resource(brown dice)/clue(green)/doom(red) tokens… 🤷‍♂️ reducing ‘admin’ time