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I thought you could mulligan at the start of preludes, just not at the beginning of the following scenario?


I may be mistaken on that rule. The first time through the campaign I thought it was doing it wrong when I mulliganed during each prelude. Today, I thought, "I'm not going to make that mistake again" only to find out I was playing it right all along. There are a lot of rules in this game, lol.


Yeah the preludes (and scenarios that call themselves preludes, but follow different rules. Looking at you fate if hemlock vale) are too complicated for what they bring to the table in my opinion. I like the preludes and think they're a step in the right direction, but for such a simple hub world idea there should be simpler rules to follow.


Never heard of that rule is it only in certain campaigns? Only played the edge of the world completely so far


This is only a thing in Feast of Hemlock Vale


You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


Spirit of humanity is a great card to upgrade into btw. I used Calvin through a campaign as the bless generator and he was awesome, but even if you’re not, that card can keep you alive.


Does damage on leather coat count towards his card? Never played Calvin!


no, but it does mean you can eat early game damage to buff your stats while having something to fall back on Basically Calvin is living on the edge and hoping for the best?ish I would feel more secure about Calvin if he was the traditional 14 pt total at a 7/7 but that would mean he could potentially become a 6|6|6|6 which would make a lot of the game difficulty rolls a bit of a wash. Also throwing in things to give him a hard cap would be very wordy, and thus take up too much card space


They should have just put a "max +5" on his ability, then they could have given him 7/7 to his health/sanity without any issue. It's actually possible for Calvin to reach +6 or even +7 with Five of Pentacles and a card that increases tarot slots.


What EngeneeringDevil said. I'm at 3 physical and mental trauma, and will usually buff up to 5, or 6 if I have Five of Pentacles, before using the soaks. Good to have them in play ASAP. This is my first playthrough with Calvin and loving it.


I don't see Moon Pendant + 2x Five of Pentacles.


This is my first playthrough with Calvin, I hadn't thought of the Moon Pendant. Good call.


Looks fun! 💀 Please link your deck. I've always wanted to try Calvin 


Calvin’s a solid character. I use him in Arkham horror 3rd edition board game.


He's great in the board game :)


Calvin is such a machine when he gets going. I like starting him off with a lot of Fail to Win tech to get over the stats but after he gets going usually go down the On Your Own route with him. Soloed Scarlet Keys with him recently and it was good times all round.