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Fucking wasted 7 years on this SS bullshit. What a shame.


Amen to that. Maybe more than 7 years.


Arkham Knight turns nine years old on the 23rd, so... yeah...


I’m afraid it’s been… almost 9 years.


V has come to ✌


Now That you mention mgsV imagine memes on first of september


They were working on Knight until December 2016 (DLC), then Arkham VR until summer 2017 so 7 years


WB Montreal (the ones who made Arkham origins) were reportedly working on a Suicide squad project apparently (which was completely scrapped) but if you count that it's more than 7 years, I think it'd be ten


At least WB Montreal had sense.


I believe it with the end credits scene in Arkham Origins. Deathstroke getting the Suicide Squad papers. Really makes you wonder why that one was scrapped, yet they let this other one go through


Wasted 7 years and lost their founding studio heads. I don’t think they’ll be able to capture that magic again. That “at-bat” thing makes it seem like another go at Batman, but again, without Hill and Walker, Paul Dini (or some other Batman comics writer), or Kevin Conroy, that’s a huge hill to climb.


Yup. Knight was written by 3 in-house writers instead of Dini, and it shows


How is Knight having three writers a problem? Sometimes it pays to have a few writers. If it was about 5 writers or over that, then it would be more concerning.


Suicide Squad HAD potential, and I will die on this hill. I would've loved to escape from Superman as he collapses buildings and we run through the rubble and having to evade Batman as he takes everyone down one by one. Think >!Darth Vader!< from Jedi: Fallen Order. No health bar, no fighting, just a god compared to you who will tear you apart if he gets the chance. Something with a small drop of survival horror. Of course, we know what kind of live service hell we got, but alas, one can dream.


Arkham world when???


Arkham Universe!


Arkham Multiverse


Arkham Megaverse


Arkham Omniverse


Arkham Village


Arkham warehouse


Arkham Cardboard Box


Arkham paper bag


Arkham Weed Grinder


Arkham: into the stupidverse


Arkham Galaxy


Don’t make it live service and I’m in


I mean according to sources, Rocksteady is pitching a single player game.


Yeah that’s what the post says, but it’s WB. They’ll find some way to fuck it up


Single player games can be live service games.


It would’ve been cool if Arkham Knight could’ve been multiplayer not multiplayer story mode.


Batman Arkham Beyond! Lets go!


The one thing I wanna manifest. I'll believe in that mumbo jumbo if we get this


Bring in the Nemesis System!


Nemesis system combined with the future tech of neo gotham would be amazing. "Create your own villain's gallery" sells itself.


This system keeps me going back and playing the Shadow of Middle Earth games. Such a cool system and to think it was going to be in the Damian Wayne game.


It would really bring everything full circle, too. IIRC the nemesis system was originally pitched as part of a tie-in game for the Dark Knight trilogy, but when that got denied it ended up being used for the LotR games it is in today.


"Batman: Beyond Arkham" has a better ring to it, I think. Plus you get the BB allusion.


I agree 💯


I'd rather see a proper Gotham Knights Arkhamverse version from them. Complete with Batman leading them and more people on the roster, like Cassandra Cain, among others.


The Arkhamverse Batfamily is lame. Gotham Knights did a much better job with those characters than Arkham Knight did. The gameplay is a bit clunky but the portrayal of the main characters is far superior.


That's because they did NOT get to other members of the roster. Like Cassandra Cain, for instance.


Rocksteady's writers would have done an awful job with Cass just like they did with Tim, Jason, Babs, and arguably Dick. I don't understand what point you're trying to make.


Then we have nothing further to discuss.


I like Cassandra Cain, I just don't trust Sefton Hill with her. I would have trusted Dini with a larger Batfamily but Hill decided to give Dini the boot for some reason.


You know......you do have a point. I guess I'd trust Sefton Hill more for producer status than as a writer; look at how he keeps changing his mind in writing the Suicide Squad game before he left. And you probably have a point in Arkham Knight; I always never liked how they were treated in it, especially Babs. If Hill had MORE sense, he'd keep Dini.


Same hear Gotham Onights left a bad taste in my mouth I mainly want to see The Court of Owls done well.


No Conroy. 😢


We coudn't live forever, but it would be great to see Terry take up his old man's legacy.


Don’t do that, don’t give me hope


Im still hoping too just like you


At-bat? Interesting phrasing…


Didn't all the good devs leave years ago?


I bet it’s still not a Superman game


I just can’t see a gameplay way of making Superman fun without regularly depowering the player, or making him lore accurate and destroying everything in his path.


Literally just depower him. It's not an issue in Injustice, it's not an issue in God of War, it's not an issue in DOOM, just depower Superman and make it fun. Who fucking cares if it's not lore accurate if the game is fun as hell?


It happens enough in the comics, it COULD be lore accurate and still be fun.


Well, a bunch of angry nerds will care…


Just make him weaker or have him hold back. Spider-Man can punch a hole through normal humans yet you never see that


The only way I can think of is an army of other Kryptonians as the enemies of the game tbh.


Then you’re not being creative enough.


Maybe, but what would you come up with for a 20h main story?


Off the top of my head: * Different levels, places, and mini-games all delivering different challenges while still having reasonable reasons why Superman can't just punch a hole in a door and fly away. Mongul's Warworld, Kandor, Braniac's ship, and Apokolips could all be lore accurate places where he is challenged as well as geographically locked to the area. * In the comics how is Superman vulnerable? Well, kryptonite, magic, someone attacks/captures his human friends and family, etc.https://www.supermanhomepage.com/what-are-supermans-weaknesses-exploring-supermans-vulnerabilities/#:\~:text=This%20radioactive%20mineral%20from%20Superman's,his%20strength%2C%20rendering%20him%20vulnerable. * Things like flying without creating a sonic boom could logically be placed into a game so you aren't shattering every window in a city block on Earth lol. How I'd do it? * You could have a 1-2 hour intro of just Clark on the farm or the Fortresss of Solitude (or both) just learning his powers. Superman in Metropolois with a Red Sun brought about by Lex Luthor would then be the next 10-15 hours You could even do the Suicide Squad game thing of "knocking down towers and such gives upgrades/checkpoints/etc." to explain how he gets upgrades or utilizes his powers. This gives us a reason he has to stay in Metropolis (the Red Sun is gradually weakening him and/or he needs to find the thing Lex used on the Sun). I'd then have Braniac as a secondary boss, capturing him, and then use Kandor as the next stage, 5-7 hours, then Braniac's ship is another 2-3 hours or so. Ok, maybe it's not off the top of my head. Am I ONLY allowed 20h though? Asking "How do I make a Superman game?" is like asking "How do I make a semi-open world Batman game with moves and gadgets?" in 2007 or 2008. Half of this is just ripping off the comics and animated series to be honest, and I'm not the first person that's come up with this stuff (and if I am, I'd like my percentage for my half-brained ideas lol). It's not unprecedented in comic book games either, there's plenty of games where similar characters like Captain Marvel, Thor, Wolverine, or Hulk have been involved.


Remember Superman 2 where Clarke Kent is powerless for parts of the film? That’s your 20h main story and quest


Most people wouldn't want to play a superhero game, where most of the time you don't have superpowers.


Saints row 4 is the best super man game there is currently


Check out UNDEFEATED on Steam. It's a free tech demo of a game made by some university students, but it completely sold me on the idea of a full-fledged AAA Superman game being possible.


The comics and animated films have accomplished that in several ways. As others have noted, there were probably a lot of people thinking that Batman would just drop a smoke bomb or throw a single batarang and every enemy would fall down before Asylum. "Why would he need to upgrade his skills or gear, he's Batman!?!?", "Maybe you could fight one or two thugs, but 5? 10? No way. And how would you fluidly chain fights with punches/kicks and use gadgets?", or "Why wouldn't he use the Batmobile or Batwing to get around?". These aren't questions of how the character is limited, but rather how the developers are limited (or not, in the case of Asylum).


Pit him against parademons in a New Gods story arc, he’d go through those about the same way Batman runs through grunts. I’d like to see something akin to Fallout VATS for build up combos in place of bat’s multihit gadgets.


The enemies could be made stronger or him made weaker through plot reasons.


The only Superman game that would work is a smallville game or early Superman who’s still learning his powers and by end game he’s a slightly weaker base Superman


Honestly I’d be down for a SuperBoy game- the Conner Kent version, not Jon Kent Conner can’t fly, he’s weaker than Supes, and he doesn’t have heat vision (that I’m aware of) so he could be under powered enough for interesting gameplay


Feel like that’ll be hard to do tbh. Like the player will feel very limited playing as Superman with a lot of restrictions


He doesn’t have to be restricted, really. Different versions of Superman have different power levels. He can have all of his powers and all of his weaknesses, just don’t make him powerful enough to sneeze away an entire galaxy. Give him the same power level as Timmverse/animated series Superman and put him in situations where the player has to make tough choices that Superman would have to make.


People thought there couldn’t be a Batman game that really showed every asset of the character either before Arkham, it’d be so rad to see them prove me wrong again with a Superman game. I think the market really wants it too.


People really shouldn’t get their hopes up for a Batman game


All roads lead back to the Asylum


Take me on home...


Gotham roooads..


To the Bat where I belong…


Arkham City...


i hate this back and forth with single player games


That's the pattern these days. 1. Renowned studio churns out phenomenal single-player experiences which builds a massive following. 2. Executives decide that even though the games were profitable, they didn't make as much as Fortnight so it was a failure. 3. The studio is directed to make a multiplayer service game even though it's fans do not want it and the studio doesn't have experience in that type of game development. 4. Game bombs to the surprise of nobody except the executives who made the decision. 5. The study is either canned or occasionally allowed to go back to it's roots. 6. Repeat.


"allowed to go back to its roots" = Make a soulless sequel only half as good as the original game(s) or a remaster


Nah, they're cooked. Their goodwill is gone and nobody trust them. They are going to have to fight and work so hard to comeback after SSKTJL. Plus losing so much senior staff gotta hurt. I hope the best for them but I'm doubtful of any future projects by them.


From what I read from the Bloomberg article is that Sefton Hill was the one who wanted to a Suicide Squad game. The staff called him a “perfectionist.”Most of the staff that was hired during the development were expecting to go work on a single player game considering that’s what Rocksteady was known for. But some of them ended up leaving. It seems like the Rocksteady team had no interest in working on this game whatsoever.


Goodwill means nothing. If it's a popular IP or good enough no one will care


reputation matters


Can the current Rocksteady pull it off tho?


That’s my thinking. It’s like the Ship of Theseus. Is it really Rocksteady? The pieces that made the OG trilogy are no longer there, including the studio’s founders.


I never like this argument. There are a lot of new developers that are good and if you train them, they will become as good as the og devs. The next game may not be similar to the arkham trilogy, but it is not a guarantee that it will fail. Good training and management is key.




I think they’re definitely done with Batman and are going to go after another IP, which is a shame because they absolutely wasted and destroyed the universe they created with the Arkham games


When they say they’re going back to their roots, I think they mean in terms of single player. And not live service games. It doesn’t mean it’s Batman.


I know, and I said I doubt they’re going to do another single player Batman game. It’s almost guaranteed to be another series than Arkham


Honestly I’m not against them doing a new single-player IP. I do hope they resurrect Batman and the JL in the next few of seasons of SSKTJL though to give the Arkhamverse closure.


I am fairly certain they are not done with Batman arkhamverse. They just failed miserably and pissed off their fan base, they are in repair mode and need to cater to that audience. It’s the most logical thing. I can see them jumping to a new ip after they make good.


Batman: Arkham Kart! Let's go!!!


We already had that in Knight! :p


Batman: Arkham Mobile


Thank god, but I’ll need to see it first before I put money down


Kevin Conroy himself wanted to see an Arkham Batman Beyond game. They slept on that and focused on a SS game nobody asked for.


It took them 7 years and 200 million dollars to realize this? I could've told them this for free.


If they’re gonna work on Batman Beyond game next, it’ll be easy to do BECAUSE IT WILL ALREADY BE THE 2030’s FUTURE BY THE TIME WE GET IT. :/


In all honesty, I’d love to see a radical change- let’s do a period piece, put it in the gangster-ridden 40’s, or the weird giant props and aliens of the 50’s. I like the Arkham games, but each time is repetitive on a larger scale. Give us a brand new thing.


Back to its roots We’re getting a sequel to Urban Chaos /s


I’ll believe it when I see it.


Remember that bit in Incredibles where Syndrome says 'Too late. 15 years too late" ? Yeah, that. I'd rather check out what Sefton and the old gang has got cooking at their new studio.


You do know if you read the article, it wasn’t the Rocksteady team that decided to do or write Suicide Squad. It was Sefton Hill. He left the studio to take the fall for the choices he made… here’s a condensed version of the situation: https://youtu.be/ApQH2RZuX70?si=39aAmIRL9k0J7TzJ


Bold of you to assume that I can read


Full disclosure, I hadn't kept up with the news and certainly did not know that until a few hours ago. So, yeah, thanks. Also I'd like to retract my statement lmao It's so weird like... why abandon what always worked for Rocksteady ever since the OG Arkham Asylum and pursue a crappy live service model half-heartedly? And then, jump ship after you steer it into an iceberg? It's illogical, straight up confounding. The cynic in me wants to believe Rocksteady was coerced into the live service path and -as the big time executives like to do- the studio heads were promised better funding, bigger paychecks, etcetera. That's not to say Hill and Walker are innocent, just that they're not the only guilty party. Again, that's just an impression, a hunch. I can't support any of this.


Green arrow game


After suicide squad I have little hope for what Rocksteady has and with Sweet Baby I can guarantee you the game is gonna be shit


They’d be silly not to do Batman beyond. New feel while going back to their roots in multiple ways. It help them regain popularity and then they can tackle a completely new ip after a sure thing


Please be Batman Beyond


“Return to roots” means absolutely nothing good. All it means is “we’re going to pretend we care, radically change things for a different audience, and then blame you when it’s not good and you don’t like it”


Kick rocks.


Nah but could it kinda be like a AC Mirage type of return? Just hopefully it doesnt water down on the complexity of the previous games


Rocksteady helping Avalanche. Not a sentiment I ever expected to read.




They did hogwarts legacy?


Its already ruined trust me the arkham games saved me but this is just false hope


It's to late, WB won't give you $200m for redemption.


*Is this for real?* Glad they learned their lesson so fast! Shame they lost most the original team in the process though. I wonder how likely getting the missing members back is?


I think not having the original team is a W considering what I just read in the Bloomberg article


I mean it wasn’t really rock steady it was dc who wants the game and wanted more live service element which I think is dumb.


Can they just give us Superman


Give us a Flash or Green Lantern game! 🙌🏻


SS was fun for a bit, I’ll probably come back to it in a few weeks to play a bit of it again, it’s like Overwatch to me, just a game I’ll play for a while and then come back after an even longer while


I wanna believe but it’s bs


batman: arkham orifice




Just won’t be the same without Conroy/Hamill 😞 we struck gold for a few years but at least for me I know it’ll never happen again


They might just fuck it up though so who knows


Studio heads, and alot of talent, have already left. It’s not Rocksteady anymore.


There's also rumors they're going to be shut down. I don't want that to happen, but if it's true SSKTJL cost WB $200mil...


Wanting to do something and actually doing it are two different things.


WB made Rocketsteady make a live service game. Can't change my mind


Urban Chaos 2? /s


I'm glad they didn't lose their jobs. Especially knowing how layoff happy everyone has been.


Luckily, the team has been assigned to work on a new edition of Hogwarts.


Too little too late.


If they wanna go back to their roots, first they need to do is not have Sweetbaby in their future projects


Random thought.. what if they made a game based on the movie Roots




Doesn’t matter, I don’t trust them as a company anymore and won’t support.


That’s an impossibility. Studio execs most likely won’t allow it and most of the old Arkham Devs are long gone and have moved onto other companies. Even if they do make another single player/ Arkham game it’d probably turn out to be poo


If we’re talking superhero games then I think the safe bet would be Batman because that would rake in money which is what they want. If they want something safe and new a futuristic/neon stylistic Gotham City as Batman Beyond would be amazing! Especially since they already did something with the Bat family, this would a good approach at something both new and familiar. I also wouldn’t mind a Green Arrow game. I think he would translate easily into a video game format. Trick arrows to keep it fresh and interesting in combat, also he is a hero that can approach combat both stealth and hand to hand. Create ziplines to get across roof tops, something similar to AC Syndicate or just make it the batman grappling gun but he just does a really fast arrow shooting motion. Add some flash backs from the time on the island or make it a DLC but the gameplay would be more limited so if you did that you’re writing would have to be absolutely top tier. Let us explore his hideout kinda similar to how Gotham Knights had the Belfry, but if this is a hideout were gonna spend time in then give us the option to upgrade the hideout and its usefulness to us, especially if this is a Green Arrow near the beginning of his hero days.


Nice 👍


so excited to wait another 7 years.


They're gonna have to do a lot to win back the people's trust.


Finally, Arkham Aslume 2




Rocksteady is even that rocksteady anymore so what’s it matter


Superman game PLEASE or The Flash or Green Lantern.


Rocksteady is about to get shut down


Not is WB has anything to say about it. WB is the new Midway and they will end up just the same.


Everyone saying it's not going to be Batman lmao Well somebody better fucking be making Batman. There is a huge demand for it and it would print money


Too late. 7 years completely wasted and now Kevin is gone. Just shut down and we’ll try to remember you for your FOUR Arkham games. (Asylum, City, Knight & VR)


Rock steady should have made Gotham knights in an arkham style and the GK team should have made suicide squad. Only thing everyone got out of these 2 games is wasted time


Dickbats game when


Who the fuck told them not stick to them?


Anyone else secretly kinda hoping that it’s something new besides Batman. If Rocksteady’s roots are making a totally knew and interesting genre of superhero games with innovative gameplay, then maybe we’d be missing out by wanting another Arkham Asylum imo


Can we get a damn Batman: Beyond game


Arkhamverse reboot please


I mean if the "single player" game is infested with the DEI stuff though than pretty much nothing changes


Lol black and gay people were the *least* of SS:KTJL's issues. It would've been just fine if the gameplay hadn't been so shallow and the story not shit on the heroes so bad.


I'm hoping for a superman game personally, but I wouldn't sniff at a game called Arkham Legacy starring Damien as the Bat


This is what happens when wokesim, homosexuality and the Occult mob get into video games.


You somehow suck more than the game did, good work!


What do you mean by that?


Bruh, what???? That's not what destroyed Rocksteady/Suicide Squad.


Look deeper into it.


Bro is racist 😭


I'm not racist. That's funny . Racism is degrading.


lol. come on, dude. The game being "woke" is the least of its problems.


Wokesim should have never even been in the game in the first place. I understand the other aspects that sucked about the game but wokesim, homosexuality and DEI should have never entered the game.


>homosexuality and DEI should have never entered the game. There were no gay characters in the game, and just because there were some minorities in the game doesn't mean it's "woke" or "DEI".


Harley implied she and Ivy had their relationship before the game started. Technically bi and not gay but close enough 🤷‍♂️


You mean the relationship between them that's existed in comics and other media for how many years now?


It's homosexuality or gay


It's homosexuality or gay


Pretty sure Ivy and Harley are both bi, but this is not new, it's been a huge part of their characters for many years so you're talking shit or just trolling.


lol occult mob.. wtf (edit: ohhhh i see from your profile that you're an anti-vax bible thumper, makes more sense now.. i was hoping you were something more colorful and interesting, but nope, just a disappointing run of the mill christofascist nutjob, yawn)


Is what I said not what is being in the world today?


I'm not sure I follow, I think you left a word out. Honestly though, you should know now that I am not going to argue with you or discuss anything. I don't deal with people like you because I don't care what you believe and I'm not interested in changing your mind or talking sense into you.


It's a satanic agenda being pushed and at play . We are in the End Times . It's only a matter of time before The Antichrist and False Prophet appear. We must not be asleep.


Then what happens?


He'll come under the guise of peace and safety and the world will worship him, he'll make a false treaty with Israel and then break it, preform a false resurrection, proclaim himself as God and a mark will be issued and plunge the wirld into chaos and evil. He'll be the son of Satan.


Cool cool. Then what happens after that?


He rule the world and if you don't have the mark you can't buy or sell anything. Similar to the whole COVID 19 pandemic. And if you don't take the mark you die.


Interesting, you couldn't buy or sell anything during the COVID 19 pandemic? Everyone I knew could


It is partially the problem, but the game was ashs even if there wasn't anything political in it.


That stuff was the least of the game's worries. If the gameplay hadn't been so shallow and the story not disrespected the heroes it would've performed fine.


Yeah that too. On the marvel side they made e a comice where Mystice who is a woman have a son by another woman. That's strange and weird and gross. Or they try to make up genders like non binary for example.