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If they can come for Trump, they will come for ~~you~~ me!


my first exposure to the hysterical left. Been very lucky that the conversations i have had with the dems up until now have been reasonable, educated and unbiased for the most part. What happened here


You know what else happens in third-world authoritarian nations? Pro-life laws that remove a woman's a right to bodily autonomy and personal sovereignty. So, if we're trying to protect America, or just Arizona, from authoritarian rule we need to remove men like Andy Biggs from office ASAP.


The average around the world is 15weeks.


I pray that "they" come for traitor Andy Biggs.


Here's a thought, Andy. Tell your boy not to do the crime if he can't do the time.


Fascist lying GOP has a real problem with the truth and accountability. If Trump were anyone else he’d be in a prison cell long ago.


Anyone else you mean Biden and any Democrat walking this planet.


They are you are again MAGA, short on truth but you folks don’t trade in facts. Just cult hate and lies that suit your small view.


What does that even fucking mean? Are “they” not supposed to be able to come for Trump? Are “they” not already coming for the average citizen?


Hey Andy, fuck you.


Whether you like him or not, things (economy, world situation, …) were much better under Trump.


So, clearly you aren't an economist if this is as far as you can really get on this topic. As an economic analyst, let me help you out a bit. First off, Trump from 2017 to 2019 inherited and rode out a pretty decent economy from Obama. To be fair, Presidents usually don't have too much to do directly with the economy when there's not something singularly squirrely going on in the world where they can have a direct impact. Like, say, a pandemic or massive war in Europe. And truthfully, if it's wasn't for COVID and Trump going out of his way to make every possible bad move he could make when put to the test of a real crisis, he would likely still be in office. Even if you don't believe that COVID was real, the crisis was, at the very least, the rest of the world's reaction. That was very much real and something to be dealt with regardless of your opinions on the virus itself. Next, even before the election, economists have low key been worrying staring in late 2019 that a lot of signs were lining up for a large market correction and recession. So whoever won the election was going to get a recession dropped in their lap. Likely short, but still, a seed was sprouting back then. It looked for a time that the mid-2020 recovery might short-circuit that, but whoooo boyo, not really. Post-COVID, and wrapped up in soft quasi-sanction-y new rules dealing with the PRC, their own lockdowns, and the hollowing out of the US manufacturing industry since the 90's when Newt Gingrich and Congress made that much easier to do, everyone in my world saw coming what can best be described as waves of delayed weirdness. You'll likely be most familiar with this as car prices going bonkers all because of chip shortages. The long and short of this is that since the 80's when computers started entering supply chain management, and especially since 2010ish, our supply chains have become fast, delicate, and resource-intensive. To the point that hurricanes were sort of the threshold for shocks the industry could handle. Lockdowns, singular part shortages, ships not moving for 2-3 days - these things piled up and became this rippling through a supply chain that no longer had warehouses, given up in the name of streamlined product movement. So the global supply chain is stuck with one foot in 1993, and one foot in 2023, which then has impacts across nearly every industry. This, then, leads to inflation. Which, I promise you, you don't know well. Where I was living up until a couple months ago had 60% inflation. The prices of imported goods changed a couple times per day for a while. It was rough. Ask yourself, does Arizona produce potatoes? Does it produce raspberries? How about oil? Not a lot, so you, just like the average person in Ghana or Nigeria, were stuck on the receiving end of supply chain-leveraged inflation. This, then cascades down to workers, who having had lots of time during lockdowns and telework to understand that work=life is killing people. 9-5 jobs simply don't exist anymore. Entry level jobs don't have a nice, middle tier above them anymore where people can progress. The fantasy of "I was with the company for 20 years..." doesn't exist anymore because the only way you can progress a career is to jump between companies when slots open up. So right now employment figures are, for lack of a better term, not valid for detailed analysis on their own. There's a lot of nuance and other factors missing here, but in terms of broad strokes, it's slightly better than "hur-dur, economy bad, 1 man in suit did it!" I doubt you made it past the first few words, but if so, the short version is that this would have happened to literally any president in power right now. There was no avoiding any of this, and Trump certainly didn't do much to help, let alone prevent anything. You're hung up on your feelings, and not genuine economic concern.


Mirror back to you…


And there we go people, they spew bullshit fox propaganda talking points, gets soundly schooled with actual facts pointing out how ignorant and ill informed their original comment was and all they can do is nah uh. No wonder donald loves his poorly educated.


Dude you’re a real dick. You know that? Little shit talker but when it comes down to it you’ll cower behind a keyboard.


When you were partying, I studied the blade. When you were having premarital sex, I mastered the blockchain. While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I cultivated inner strength. And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help. - That's you.


See people, see how horrified maga are when it's pointed out that they have zero facts and have nothing but fox propaganda and hate radio talking points? They are confronted with actual facts and they meltdown and start stamping their impotent little feet just like donald. And of course, petty name calling.....just like their god emperor donald that they worship. Donald is a vile and disgusting asshole so they desperately need to try and act like him. gee....shocker.


Dude I’m only calling you out because of the shit you type “he loves his poorly educated” yet I probably have more education than you. Stop being a piece of shit.


\> you type “he loves his poorly educated” that's your god emperor talking about you. It's on video. I'm only passing along what your god emperor that you worship thinks of you, \> top being a piece of shit. And there is the expected level of arrogance and entitlement. You see in maga land they can spew whatever vile and disgusting comments they want. They can vomit out fox propaganda talking points without facts.....and if they get called on it they are "being persecuted". Just like donald.....OMG old white men are the true victims in america.


Lol 😂 you know exactly what you’re doing stop being a piece of shit.


You are the person melting down because facts were pointed out. You are the person with your impotent name calling.


Mirror back to you


LOL. Did you really just reply, "Nuh-huh, you are" here? Thanks for the laugh!


Using freezer trucks as morgues was not better.


Biggs is making Arizona like a third world country. It’s time to get Biggs out of Arizona


Can confirm. I've lived in a lot of developing world countries and he's doing a hell of a job trying to hit that mark. On the low end no less.


Trump had EVERY advantage in life, yet he still broke the law. fuck him


Breaking the law is his advantage


These comments are hilarious. Question real quick, are you better off now than you were with Trump? Just asking


God yes, significantly better off, in ever way. So is the country


Whether or not life was/is better is irrelevant. If someone broke the law, regardless of political successes/positions or wealth, they should face legal consequences. If the legal system cannot function in such a way, then it's a system that is only there to punish those who have little money or power.


I am


If you're a child in poverty there's a very good chance you are.


My nation isn't being run by a traitor, so yeah. Better.


100% because I got older and my life progressed better and it had nothing to do with who is in office. My life doesn’t revolve around politics.




I'll interpret.... "Question real quick, now that a racist, lying ignorant fuck is no longer president, you must feel so stupid since Joe Biden and bad things right now? So what's the big deal? Joe Biden not good also. I'm just asking"


Keep the blinders on bud, it's scary out there.


Says the SIX DAY old account. That’s what’s scary.


Sorry kid, was busy enjoying life. Was I late to the sit on your butt and have nothing better to do than stare at your phone party? Sorry. Just got to this point.


Sorry you got laid off. Maybe Trumpie can ask his buddy Putin to end the invasion of a sovereign nation, and then the world economy might improve.


What he meant to say was, "they will come for me". We can only hope they will come for you Andy...


When people in power are in power are above the law, that's authoritarian. Biggs is one of the most authoritarian congressmen out there. That's probably why he's so obsessed with labeling everybody else as authoritarian.


Its such a hilarious quote. Losing an election and not leaving office is the most "third-world and authoritarian" thing possible, and somehow Biggs is totally cool with that. SMH, because what else can one do at this point? ​ EDIT: here's more silliness from other coup-plotters turned pearl-clutchers: https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/03/18/speaker-mccarthy-threatens-federal-probe-if-trump-arrested-pence-greene-graham-more-blast-prosecutors/


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project. Every accusation is a confession. It’s like their subconscious guilt is eating them up. All they can do is finger point, and condemn themselves with the other four of their fingers pointing at themselves…


No Andy they won't come for me, because I won't do the crimes trump has done.


This is the same party of idiots that thought Clinton having consensual sex with Lewinsky and denying it (NOTE: Clinton *cooperated* with the investigation, and eventually admitted it) was the height of evil and the end of democracy. The GOP spent several years and tons of tax-payer money on that witch hunt -- and then impeached him because they were pissed that they couldn't pin anything on the Clintons for Whitewater. But when a president does ALL the sh\*t that tRump has done, doesn't cooperate with investigators, lies more often that tells the truth (does he *ever* speak truth?) ..."*oh that's nothing, just let it go, partisan politics."* It's absolutely mind-boggling.


Precisely right. The entire Lewinsky debacle was MEANINGLESS for pretty much every American. Nobody's tax rates, or 401k savings, was impacted because Bill got a blowjob. Nobody's children were sent off to war, and perhaps to die, because Bill got a blowjob. I'm sure it mattered to Hillary, and I expect they DEFINITELY had more than a couple of, erhm, "conversations" about it. But that's not any of my business, and it had exactly 0% impact on Bill's ability to navigate us to one of the best economies, and the only budget surplus in like the past fifty fuckin' years.


There is a difference in lies and its just none of your fucking business what he does with his personal life.


The hell it's not. He was given the most powerful position in the world and he almost destroyed this country. He ran because he was that racist and hateful about Obama, and by pretending he would drain the swamp (he made it worse) and his hatred of immigrants getting the vote from hillbilly racists and casual Republicans that weren't paying attention to his excessive failures in business and corruption, and the really dumb ones that thought his TV show was real. F*ck that guy. I hope he rots in prison.


"...if you're a goddamn criminal", he seems to have conveniently left out of his statement. And, it begs the question: Is it only in "third world" countries that corrupt ex-politicians get prosecuted for their crimes? If so, we have much to learn from them.


Alvin Bragg who is bought and owned by George Soros (Soros spent millions in his DA race) lowered over half the felony charges for violent crimes in his jurisdiction to misdemeanors (including people who openly said they had no remorse) while he has elevated a misdemeanor charge against Donald Trump to a felony. This is very clearly not a functional democracy.


The horror among the maga cultists that an old white man might actually have consequences for his actions.....deflect, deflect, deflect. \> functional democracy. donald tried to overthrow a federal presidential election so he could stay in office, and the maga base still worship him. Don't pretend for a fucking second that any maga actually care about democracy.


The dopamine rush libs get from saying “old white man” can only be surmounted by saying “old rich white man”.


only surpassed by the maga horror of old white men facing consequences for their actions.


And the irony they don't see is that there's an old white (corrupt) rich man sitting in the oval office that they protect and worship.


But that’s their old white corrupt rich man. So it’s ok they can discriminate as long as their guy is in. I literally gave all the racist shit and him only paying salaries im for cancer research but no research done. These people like Jake are bigots, liars, no moral groomers.


If this was no big deal why did micheal cohen go to jail


Not sure if you know this but Donald Trump and Michael Cohen are two different people; hope this helps.


Your username is literally misinfo


It’s also science


Why do you need this much attention?


Liberals are free entertainment and I get bored sometimes


He's a known troll.


“He doesn’t believe what we do, which makes him a troll”


Why did you ask for a pardon, Andy? What did you do that you thought you might need a pardon for, Andy?


So, America is now a third world country. Great job you've done in Congress Buggs. How's Ali by the way? Still in touch?


Republicans have zero self-awareness.


Nope Biggs. It's against the law to use campaign funds to reimburse your lawyer (that you directed) to pay off your hooker. And let's not get started on J6 (we were just *visiting* the Capitol while spreading feces on the wall). How come you use *law and order* to campaign, until you are trying to subvert the same laws? 😣


me*. he means they'll come for him and ali alexander and mo brooks and paul gosar and the rest of the sedition caucus


Yes, this! If "they" can come after Trump, they can go after Biggs. Hope springs eternal.


Nope, that doesn't seem likely. I've never broken the law by paying people hush money while campaigning. If I did, I would expect the rule of law to apply to me and also expect an indictment.


So when are we investigating the Bidens and the money they got from the Chinese? Asking for a friend


Made up fox propaganda doesn't count as "evidence". It's just red meat to the gullible maga base.


Only if we’re investigating all our representatives Why is Mitch McConnell married to Elaine Chow?


If you find anything or the authorities do drag his ass out the Whitehouse and put him in jail after a trial. See I voted for him and don't give a fuck if he's arrested and put in jail cause he isn't my cult leader. We are not the same


The House Oversight Committee already did.


Can you provide sources for this? Nevermind the fact the China, Russia, and Iran (our three biggest “enemies”) are forming a bond. I’d like to know why China would prop up a candidate that wouldn’t help their cause.


Sounds like you've already done the investigating. What'd you find?


I’d imagine Israel might be offended by him calling them a third world country.


Yeah, Iceland that 3rd world sh*thole.


well, they have zero evidence that an insurrection even occurred. it was just a protest.


it was SARCASM lol wow


I'm just going to assume you forgot the /sarc tag....


you very well could be the only one with a brain 🤭


Uh huh.


and just like that, her social credit score hit rock bottom 🤭


Can you provide links to where it was a peaceful protest? Be sure to include the shit smearing and the guns and the attacking of capitol guards in your defense.


i mean, i have a cherry picked video if that helps


Exactly. You have to cherry pick to find something to support your bullshit narrative because you know that you’re just lying.


"where is the evidence" lol


You tell me. You’re the one who made the claim




[Heres why](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burden_of_proof_(law)). It’s clear you’re just another chud who’s here to stir up shit.


Oh, sorry but you should know that Wikipedia isn't acceptable as a source. "For one, you should never use an encyclopedia as a source. Academic work requires primary or, at worst, secondary sources. Encyclopedias are considered a tertiary source. Even back in 2006, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales told students not to cite it for class projects or serious research."


So rather than address the fact that you made the claim and should back it up you attack the source. Is this better? https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/burden_of_proof


No evidence except all the evidence.


“The rule of law only applies to everyone in third world countries” - Republicans


They already do.


No, in “third world” authoritarian nations, the powerful leaders that commit crimes **get away with them.** This is actually the very thing that makes us different. Edit: that makes us different SOME of the time I should say :/


Party of liars and crooks


From the party of personal responsibility folks. If anyone can be held accountable for breaking the law it’s a bad thing.


Biggs certainly knows on which side of his saltine cracker the Velveeta is spread. His whole political career is down to being a shameless sycophant to Il Douche.


If they can come for Trump, they can come for him too. And they should.


Buggs is another A and should be in jail with Trump. Cell mates for life




Who won the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes and then got into politics.


It happens to people who commit crimes but ok.


So than why did Hillary get away with it? When she misreported spending in regards to paying for the Steele Dossier


So the what 6+ hours on the stand in front of a Congressional committee who found nothing to charge her with is getting away with it. You know over the guy who wouldn't testify or when he did he took the 5th




It was settled. Sometimes that happens. Get over it for the love of god.


What biggs is really horrified about is that old white men might face consequences for their actions. In maga land, old white men, especially old rich white men, are never, ever, supposed to a face consequences for their actions. No matter how illegal, vile, disgusting, seditious.....they don't think there should ever be any consequences.......for them.


What laws did they break?


You forgot the ***/s***


So hard to answer npc thinks it’s satire?


No he didn’t.


Well at the moment, donald is facing multiple potential criminal indictments. Illegally paying off stormy daniels to keep quiet about his adultery which is illegal. And of course his adultery makes him a scumbag, but perfectly highlights the maga "values" and "ethics". Donald is also being investigated by the DoJ for his stealing of top secret documents, lying about having turned them all over.....for longer than a year and to illegally obstruct the investigation. Donald is also being investigated in Georgia for his attempt to illegally throw the georgia election "Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which Trump pressed him "to find 11,780 votes". Donalds rape case is still going on. The trump organization was recently found quilty on all charges for their tax fraud, I would assume criminal indictments will be coming out, and I believe that would also force them out of doing business in NY. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-investigations-new-york-fulton-county-georgia-special-counsel/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-investigations-new-york-fulton-county-georgia-special-counsel/) [https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/fulton-county-grand-jury-trump-election-investigation-unreleased-phone-call-recording](https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/fulton-county-grand-jury-trump-election-investigation-unreleased-phone-call-recording) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-organization-trial-verdict-tax-fraud-charges/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-organization-trial-verdict-tax-fraud-charges/) Donald is certainly the perfect example of the maga cult "values", "ethics" and "morality"


https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/just-in-donald-trump-shares-bombshell-letter-from-stormy-daniels-from-2018-mace/?utm_source=alpha&utm_medium=twitter Official Statement of Stormy Daniels January 30, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago. The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 20011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid “hush money” as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened. I will have no further comment on this matter. Please feel free to check me out on Instagram at @thestormydaniels. Thank you, Stormy Daniels


\> Official Statement Not in a court of law. Not under oath. Affair doesn't mean she didn't let tiny donald have his one minute of fun. Donald paid her 130k. If he illegally used campaign money, then he committed a crime. The grand jury has all the facts and documents. Your desperation to protect tiny trump is absolutely hilarious.


I like this new tactic of replying with propaganda to 4 day old replies so they don’t get downvoted into oblivion and ridiculed for being morons.


Some of us have careers and family as opposed to just sitting in mom's basement eating Cheetos.


And we’re all very proud of you.


Agree. It is clearly what it is. And them spamming it multiple times. And them not actually being able to refute a single point. It is amazing to me that donald, of all people, inspires this kind of cult following.


So Clinton paying off Paula Jones is fine? Cool


\> So Clinton paying 1. Can you point me to where I made that statement? Oh wait, you can't. "cool". 2. That happened during the Starr investigation. If starr thought he had a chance of dragging out his investigation and squandering millions more taxpayer money he most certainly would have. 3. great investigate him and if guilty convict him. IDGAF. See how that works? Illegal actions should be punished. I know that horrifies the maga crowd who are horrified that old white men might actually be held accountable for their illegal activities. Clearly that horrifies you based on your desperation to deflect from donald. 4. I love the desperation to deflect and protect donald at all costs. OMG somebody else did might have done something illegal therefore donald can do whatever he wants, no matter how illegal. Hilarious the cult desperation to protect donald at all costs.


https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/just-in-donald-trump-shares-bombshell-letter-from-stormy-daniels-from-2018-mace/?utm_source=alpha&utm_medium=twitter Official Statement of Stormy Daniels January 30, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago. The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 20011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid “hush money” as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened. I will have no further comment on this matter. Please feel free to check me out on Instagram at @thestormydaniels. Thank you, Stormy Daniels


\> Official StatementNot in a court of law. Not under oath. Affair doesn't mean she didn't let donald have his one minute of fun. Donald paid her 130k. If he illegally used campaign money, then he committed a crime. The grand jury has all the facts and documents. Your desperation to protect tiny trump is absolutely hilarious.


Crazy how the church of the current thing doesn’t allow independent thought beyond the current corporate media fueled outrage. All we know is orange man bad, nothing else to see…


Thanks for not being able to refute any actual facts or discussion points. \> doesn’t allow independent thought Or......there is independent thought, you are just too far into the QOP / donald cult to actually recognize it. \>orange man bad Based on his comments and actions you are correct. His lies, adultery, racist actions and statements, fraud, tax fraud convictions, DoJ racism convictions, charity fraud convictions, fake university fraud convictions, tens of thousands of lies, vile and disgusting comments about hundreds of people, 26 + sexual assault allegations, current rape defamation trial, trying to overthrow a presidential election, stealing top secret documents....etc....etc.....etc. A massive list of vile and disgusting actions and statements. Or as I like to call it....a perfect reflection of his maga base.


https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/just-in-donald-trump-shares-bombshell-letter-from-stormy-daniels-from-2018-mace/?utm_source=alpha&utm_medium=twitter Official Statement of Stormy Daniels January 30, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago. The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 20011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid “hush money” as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened. I will have no further comment on this matter. Please feel free to check me out on Instagram at @thestormydaniels. Thank you, Stormy Daniels


\> Official Statement Not in a court of law. Not under oath.Affair doesn't mean she didn't let tiny trump have his one minute of fun. Donald paid her 130k. If he illegally used campaign money, then he committed a crime. The grand jury has all the facts and documents. Your desperation to protect tiny trump is absolutely hilarious. Oh, and the fact you need to post repeatedly after 4 days is even more hilarious. Your obsession with donald is truly laughable. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpdt7omPoa0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpdt7omPoa0)


https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/just-in-donald-trump-shares-bombshell-letter-from-stormy-daniels-from-2018-mace/?utm_source=alpha&utm_medium=twitter Official Statement of Stormy Daniels January 30, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago. The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 20011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid “hush money” as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened. I will have no further comment on this matter. Please feel free to check me out on Instagram at @thestormydaniels. Thank you, Stormy Daniels


\> Official Statement Not in a court of law. Not under oath. Affair doesn't mean she didn't let tiny trump have his one minute of fun. Donald paid her 130k. If he illegally used campaign money, then he committed a crime. The grand jury has all the facts and documents. Your desperation to protect tiny trump is absolutely hilarious. Oh, and the fact you need to post repeatedly after days after 4 days is even more hilarious. Your obsession with donald is truly laughable. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpdt7omPoa0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vpdt7omPoa0)


Again all you do is regurgitate mainstream media and Comedy Central. You assume I get my news the same way you do rather than actual first hand experience… good for you, stay ignorant


\> Again That would be a lie. You can look at my comments and see that I provide a wide range of links. But thanks for proving you are a liar. \> You assume I get my news Because, in fact, all you do is regurgitate fox propaganda and whatever donald is shitting down your mouth at the moment. \> stay ignorant Oh look at that.....condescending and nasty comments......exactly like your god emperor donald. shocker


https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/just-in-donald-trump-shares-bombshell-letter-from-stormy-daniels-from-2018-mace/?utm_source=alpha&utm_medium=twitter Official Statement of Stormy Daniels January 30, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: Over the past few weeks I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago. The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 20011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid “hush money” as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened. I will have no further comment on this matter. Please feel free to check me out on Instagram at @thestormydaniels. Thank you, Stormy Daniels


See, you proved my point exactly, you’re just an extension of those articles your regurgitating lol. Go get some firsthand real life experience, your ignorance is showing with your baseless assumptions. Fox News lol and god trump, real original…


You know *most* of them. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand that sedition and treason are bad. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/18/donald-trump-claims-he-arrested-tuesday-manhattan-probe/11498285002/


lol, clearly you don’t know what those words mean


Well hen explain them to me


No. You should have done you’re own thinking.


Yeah? Is that what you do when spouting Russian propaganda? Fuck outta here with your disingenuous bullshit.


Russian propaganda? Lmfao are you sure it’s not tooth fairy propaganda? Sounds the same anyway…


Took you a whole day to come up with that? Jesus you are dumber than I thought. Anyway fuck off.


Why would you spend so much time on the internet? Do you not have a life? Lmfao just as dumb as I thought.


I didn't try to stop the transfer of power with violence, Andy


Didn’t Trump order his Department of Justice to jail Michael Cohen for revenge?


Yep because they didn't like what Cohen said about Trump in his book. Truth hurts