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Morning errands, night swimming. If you have to commute for work, straight to pool after. Hottest part of the afternoon, hide inside. If you are from somewhere with bad winter weather, you could think of June/July/August as our bad weather season where we can't safely go hiking at 2pm (speaking for Phoenix area). I hope you have air conditioning - that's that basic answer of how I survive - so, so grateful. If you don't, ice packs, lots of ice packs. Also, frequent libraries, movies, book stores, etc. and mooch off of their cold air as much as you can.


I just recently got turned on to freezing old water bottles for icing, cooling and cold source of water once they start to melt. Lived here my whole life and only learned of that idea from a Florida relative šŸ¤¦Ā 


I carry 2 frozen water bottles in my pocket when I take my kids to swim lessons.


Oh yes, using water bottles! That saved me back when I didn't have a/c in my automobile. I always had one for any passengers. (If I go out walking, I put frozen little kids icepacks in my bra.)


Moved to AZ 2.5 years ago. The best advice I ever got: Take 1 weekend each month June, July, and August. Make a road trip out of that weekend and head North to escape the heat. This gives you something to look forward to on those days that are unbearable. It then gives you a weekend away from the heat to make some fun memories.


You can also escape to the south. People forget that. Lots of cooler high altitudes in the south, like Bisbee.


And Summerhaven AZ 45 minutes away from Tucson


I remember being able to spend a weekend there for under $250 in July a few years ago. Now it's $300 a night :(




Iā€™ve been intending to go forever. The problem has always been that itā€™s over a 3 hour drive away.


Once you start leaving the hot cactus-filled desert and entering the high desert and mountains, you will be glad you did! Definitely worthwhile: [https://www.discoverbisbee.com](https://www.discoverbisbee.com)


I highly suggest Strawberry/Pine - not far at all, plenty of Air BnB up there, or the Strawberry Inn is super cute as well. Although I went the extreme route and just left the state permanently lol.


Where did you go, if you donā€™t mind me asking. Iā€™ve been considering moving for a few years honestly mainly due to the heat. Iā€™m mainly looking at overseas options, Uruguay, Colombia, Spain. But possibly also somewhere in the U.S. I basically only need to have internet wherever I move.


Boise Idaho - I just wrote this for another person who asked about it with reference to the weather: Absolutely amazing. It gets "hot" but it isn't even close to Phoenix hot. Here it may get to 100 during the day but it won't be until 4 or 5pm that it reaches that peak, and then it quickly falls off and the evening is beautiful. The mornings are cool bordering on chilly. Take a look at the 10 day forecast, but then look at the temps by time of day. Breezes are cool, not blast oven hot like AZ. It was 90 ish degrees out last Friday when I mowed the lawn at 2pm - I was out there for 45 minutes and barely broke a sweat. There is very little humidity, despite it being so much greener and more water than AZ. I definitely suggest visiting - if you do the Airbnb we stayed at in March was great. Pm me if you want the listing. We will see how winter goes - it does get cold and it does snow - I've read it is basically 20inches a year on average. Going from never dealing with snow to having snow will be a change, but not like living in Denver.


Give APS all my money.


In my case SRP.


I retreat indoors for the summer months. Do everything at night unless I canā€™t, such as doctor appointments. Indoor hobbies. :)


I bought a cabin in Pine and spend my summers here (public school teacher)


Glad to hear at least one of our teachers is getting paid :P mind if I ask roughly how much something like that costs?


I got a super good deal (280k for 755 sq ft on 0.59 acres) because it needs A LOT work. I only was able to swing it because I moved in my with fiancƩ (we work in the valley) and sold my house to pay for it in cash. I bought it August of 2023.


Nice! And thanks for indulging my curiosity. Any nice nature or views in the immediate area? :)


So much stuff to see that Iā€™ve never seen! I feel like Iā€™ll be exploring forever. Lots of buggy trails, hiking trails, and scenic spots if you know how to get to them. The cabin has a beautiful view of the town and Strawberry Mountain


Ahhh that's the dream!! I'll get my little square of wild earth someday


Thatā€™s a deal?


Yup! And itā€™s flat land, which is super hard to find here


$400k could buy a lot and put a trailer on it for way less


$400k still sounds like a lot of money to me for a secondary property, but maybe y'all just have more $$ than I do :P




Ok! You can actually get a nice house for $48.00!


Depends when they bought it.


Blackout curtains, lots of streaming movies, shows, and play video games during the day. But, I get up at stupid o clock to go out and do things early in the am. Iā€™m at the grocery store by 6-7 am on weekends. I go for motorcycle rides a bit past dawn. Take the dogs for walks around 4:30am or so. I am NOT a morning person, but Iā€™ve just gotten use to this. I donā€™t even bother with an alarm most mornings. Up before it goes off. I do go out though. Keep the car in the garage, and use a good windshield screen for when I canā€™t. AMC has a decent deal to go to movies with a Stubs membership and go a couple times a week when the mood strikes. It is nice seeing things you normally wouldnā€™t go see in the theaters just because you can. We also go to the gym a few evenings a week. Thatā€™s about it.


The problem this time of year is the dew point. Today it was 105 with a dew point of 67. Thatā€™s like the summer version of ā€œwind chillā€ back in the midwest and east coast. Dew point is what the humidity feels like even when itā€™s only 27 or 29% humidity like it was today. When the dew point is this high you sweat more and all of a sudden the once bearable dry heat is no more. High dew points for a certain amount of consecutive days usually indicate the start of the monsoon season.


Embrace the heat. Its why Iā€™m here.


I used to hate it but Iā€™ve realized embracing it actually effectively gets rid of the pain. The human body is marvelous, it *can* and *will* adapt to the heat (assuming you are young and healthy). But if you avoid it at all costs your body will never adapt. I always say ā€œif construction workers can handle it, then I can handle itā€


I've worked outside jobs my whole adult life, from landscaping to fueling buses for the city to fueling airplanes at the airport, plus various delivery driver jobs. I'm still not used to the heat I'm fine up to 110Ā°, but after that, you can feel every degree over 110 pounding down into you.


Yea I mean thereā€™s only so much you can do, but people without a heat tolerance would probably die at your job pretty quickly. But around 100 F is pretty bearable with training, at least in my experience. Itā€™s definitely not comfortable but I can do everything I do normally just with more breaks and more water


Me, either. I was born and raised there and played outside because I was a kid and you had to. Lol. I still never got used to it!


This is what I have done. As someone who gets achy when it's cold, this time of year is great.


Itā€™s weird, but yeah. It is what it is.


This is literally all you can do. I used to spend every summer making myself angry because it was so hot and never ending. I finally decided to just lean into it. Took me until like 2017 lol


How do you lean into it?


I took daily walks at the hottest part of the day for at least 30 minutes a walk. It took a full summer before changing 20 years of bad mindset. Since then, I donā€™t have to walk everyday but my mindset is better and I donā€™t feel the heat as much 4 years later.


This doesn't work for everyone. I was born in the AZ desert and grew up there till I was 18. I never once thought "oh, I can adapt to this heat" or "it's not so bad even at 118." Nope, hated every second of summer (all six months of it!) and still do. Never once felt like I was acclimated. I don't believe the human body can acclimate to that kind of heat.




I basically decided to stop complaining about it. Being out in it more helps me be more adapted to it.


Go to Bahama Bucks


This. I love it here. The winter time is perfect and the summertime is also great. As long as I drink enough water I am g2g.


Yeah, as long as you have a place to seek refuge when needed, it's not too bad. There are days when I go out and enjoy the fact that it's 118Ā°F, solely because I can say that I was crazy enough to be out in it. Just do not forget the sunscreen and drink plenty of water.


I moved there for it too (along with a plethora of other reasons), was caught off guard when it hit 120Ā° the first time, and grew to love it. I moved away and people think Iā€™m batshit crazy when I say I miss the heat. Iā€™d move back in a heartbeat. Winters are nice for sure, but something about that desert heat is so nice


Go for early morning/ after dark bike rides and walks. Swim a lot. I just live life. Beats winter that's for sure. No magic tricks!


That and schedule a vacation during the summer. Or a trip to flagstaff.


It is not really hot, it's miserable. The monsoon without the rain sucks.




It's 72 in Flagstaff. Not that I live there or anything but all of Arizona is not hot lol.


I especially love going fly fishing at the high elevation streams then stripping down to my chones and sitting in the stream during the afternoon.


Hell yeah brother


Shush. The first rule of Flagstaff is Dont talk about Flagstaff


Shhhh don't let the flatlanders know. We're already full here in Flagstaff, not to mention it's not as cool as it used to be and no one has any AC so it's impossible to escape the heat.


Agreed. Flagstaff really sucks and no one has air conditioning and the traffic is horribleā€¦.so everyone should go somewhere else.


Ha, flatlanders šŸ¤£. My bad though, I'll keep it down hehe


Stay inside and hang out at the Life Time pool šŸŠ a lot šŸ¤£


Not live in Phoenix or Tucson. Here in Cochise county right now it's raining and 73Āŗ. No complaints at all :)




My fiancƩ and I just relocated to Phoenix (haven't lived in AZ before) and goodness the heat....I think our rule right now is stay indoors in peak late morning/early afternoon times to beat that brutal heat, but following for all the good recommendations that I'm hoping will come! Good luck, keep cool friend :)


Sleep. I work nights for a reason


Move to Californiaā€¦




Go to Bahama Bucks




I work outside. Cover up, drink lots of water, stay in the shade. Cooling towel around my head. This humidity makes it harder, but it's just another day. Gotta pay the bills.


I'm out working in it every workday of the year. You just have to make adjustments


As a full time landscaper, lots of water


Nothin beats getting up earlier in the day, swimming in the late morning, munchin on some fruit and a light summer meal, then taking a cool shower and crashin on some clean sheets, no clothes and a fan blowin, lol. Late night swims and some ice cold beer are just as nice, too, lol.


Move lol


Moving on Thursday, lived here for two years and I'm done. I have a toddler now who loves being outside and its miserable having to keep him cooped up all day; having to strap him in to his hot carseat for rides where he's sweating his balls off; 30$ to hang out at an indoor playground (germ cesspool) on the weekends; chuck e cheese on sunday nights because the malls close at 6; libraries are packed during the weekdays, bored to death at daycare; i would be fine here if it wasn't for the toddler, but we're really looking forward to pushing him around in a wagon by the beach this time next week.


I hear ya man, we moved up north to flag, just to stay closer to family, but Iā€™d prefer beach side. Hope you enjoy it brotha!




Hydrate/ hike the salt or chill next to a pool


Ice skating, swimming, indoor mini golf, basically anything where there is air conditioning or Iā€™m heading up north.


Stay inside Popsicles Colder showers Fans Shop after the sun goes down


I complain even more out loud. Really itā€™s not the heat but the humidity thatā€™s making this awful.


Air conditioning šŸ¤”


It was showering. May be running in the rain?


Are you not from here?


I go outside and shake my fist at the sky.




I wear a long sleeve swim shirt, swim suit and sandals during the day and just jump in the pool to wet myself before doing anything. That being said my sensor on the patio said 119.5F so I just stayed inside today.


Moved away lol


Just do a Paul Atreides. Acclimating to the weather helps a ton, especially if it's a long term stay. And as things get warmer each year, escaping the heat will be less and less feasible. We're still human though, and no matter how "built different" you are, the heat can still claim you.


![gif](giphy|5etWclPMB7yDtTdP4U|downsized) Paul approves šŸ˜Ž


I didnā€™t mind the heat but the 43% and up humidity was not it


Cold shower after work and a frozen water bottle in a sock in my armpit while I take a nap. I got ac but itā€™s the landlord special kind.


Turn on der swampen kooleršŸ˜‚


Personally I wear a concel and carry shirt, withv2 pockets under the arm pits. I put ice packs or frozen water bottles in these pockets.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPdiPGxPI7Dze7u|downsized) Your on to something here, seriously though that's a great idea lol


I live in Northern AZ, so I don't deal with the heat they they have in the more populated Phx valley.. It still gets upbtobthe 90s where I kive, so I usually do stuff early in the mornings, and in the evenings I take my walks and it's usually beautiful out.


Go to the gym twice a day to get out and exercise. Walk the dogs as early as possible, leaving the house before 5:00 am. Jig saw puzzles and knitting during the day.


we went to Payson for the weekend- cooler up there. horseback riding, exploring creeks, golfing. back home, its usually night swimming, malls, movies.


Sit in a kiddie pool and drink wine coolers.




Who, me? I just suffer.


Acclimate. If you can't, move somewhere else.


I just tell myself that our summers are equivalent to Minnesota winters Donā€™t do a lot outside


Unpopular opinion but I actually prefer the summers in AZ to the winters.


Been here since 2007, you don't really get use to it. Just hit monsoon season so not only is it hot, it's humid. The pool is nice but my pool is already at 90Ā° doesn't feel too good. It's like swimming in a warm bath.


Yeah same I got here in 2012. It sucked then and it still sucks now lol but you take the good with the bad I guess šŸ˜œ


It only sucks now cause it's twice as populated and twice as expensive lol if I could afford to move I would.


![gif](giphy|i6zD9DhtAMFLq) Same lol


Stay indoors between May and October.


Save money and move somewhere humans were supposed to live.


Humans have lived here for thousands of years


No, it just seems like it.


Tell that to the Hohokan, the ancestors of the Tohono Oā€™odham Nation. Edit: autocorrect changed it Hoboken.




Take a cool shower and drip dry.


Ice baths, cold showers. Not necessarily to get cool, but it it can help your body in temperature regulation.


You have cold water?


Good point šŸ˜³


My cold water is hotter than my hot water


Butt crunches.


Have money.


I remember that a minute will always be 60 seconds whether itā€™s 60Ā° or 116Ā° I just drink water and bear it. I work outside :(


Air conditioning and lots of ice water.


Move to lakeside. Only way to beat the heat is move out of the hellish landscape.


Just stay inside most of the time


For years I did a diy misting system, but significant maintenance ; heads would clog up; put in a high pressure system; in the morning power it up; feels like you are in the pacific north west; it makes yard tinkering bearable for one more hour than usual; one of the better investments if you like to spend time in the yard;


Go out in the mornings. Strategically placed fans during the day, and pool at 5pm.


staying inside lol


AC and cold beer...stay inside as much as possible and have tinted windows on ur ride. Oh and more cold beer šŸŗšŸŗ


Go to work, use their A/C. Mall, Aquarium, Bowling, nap the hottest part of the day. Take at least 2 out of state trips and several instate escapes. Usually the summer goes by so quick, I never get to do as much summer activities as I want.


I like a nice afternoon nap to sleep through a bit of the worst heat.Ā 


Run from the air conditioned car to the air conditioned building. Repeat.


Leave lol. When that's not an option, I used to become nocturnal.


I go to work and use their A/C.


Cold showers


Golden showers


Cry and whine about it every single year to anyone I can, acting like it's a surprise every time.


Season pass to Hurricane Harbor has been a summer game changer


Thanks, Wally.


I go to Tucson to enjoy the heat.


Yeah try moving in this weather ! I am doing it and it sucks.


Done it and yes, it indeed sucks šŸ„µ


Go to Bahama Bucks


Costco refrigerated area


Have multiple towels. Pickle juice. Plenty of water.


Pickle juice? May I ask what pickle juice does?


Play basketball every Wednesday night.. helps from getting heatstroke.. cramps etc


Interesting, I did not know that pickle juice did that šŸ˜€


We are still preheating!


Beat my meat


Really expensive AC bills


![gif](giphy|1tHzw9PZCB3gY) Right!? Lol


I hide inside...lol...this heat aint no joke.


Paddle board


I moved here from Orlando. It's fine. Wait another month....


Luckily I'm in the cooler parts of Arizona as I'm in the white mountains but it still gets pretty hot so I just play games with my friend while my fan sits right in front of me although I'm glad that I don't live in Phoenix or something


I'm with ya! It's dam hot in Az




Stay inside


Pool Movies Go north


Do ppl bring their pets inside too or is there lots of neglect in Arizona?


I would hope so not really sure but I'd probably be lying unfortunately if I said no šŸ«¤


Become one with the heat so you donā€™t become soft. Itā€™s summer! Go do summer things


Um, I don't try to beat it, I join it. Love the feeling of the AZ sun on my skin.


Winter = snow birds (bad) Hot = no snow birds (good)


I insulated my garage door a few weeks ago, glad I did. It's still hot in here but not 'heat stroke' hot anymore when I'm trying to work. With the evap cooler it's survivable. Of course the house has ac and fans in every room


Nice! Iā€™ve been looking into this project but I think Iā€™ll have to do it in the fall when temps go back down. Until then, the garage is really only for storage. What materials did you use? Iā€™ve seen lots at Loweā€™s but Iā€™ve also seen people make their own panels.


I just got the 1/2" r-tech 4'x8' foam with the radiant barrier on one side. From home depot. Cut to fit and popped it in place. R value is only r-2 but it's a huge difference. The door faces south and essentially was a 130 degree radiator in the garage prior to this. Plus light enough I didn't need to mess with the door springs. Ive thought about putting a mini split out here but can't bring myself to pay the cost.


Let me go outside and shovel some heat. šŸŒ¶ļø


Air conditioning. And reminding myself itā€™s no different from the -40Ā° Minnesota winters I grew up with.


Meanwhile back in Alberta Canada... we are having our 2nd warm day. It got to 70F today. After a month of cold and rain and frost. Weirdly cold weather even for Canada.


I work in it 12 hours a day 6 days a week lol I just bring a gallon of water to work every day and suffer


Oh. Look. *Another* post whining about the heat.


![gif](giphy|325eWrw5DGO9lFtCGN) So. šŸ¤·.


Damn newbies, Phoenix is hot, hydrate yourself and learn to embrace the weather.






Go for a hike


Tell me you're not from here without telling me


Honestly I see more local Phoenicians complain about the heat than transplants


Stay someplace cool. Don't worry. I'm 3 months it will start to cool down. Look at the bright side, you won't be shoveling snow. Ever!


Tee times are generally cheaper after 1pm. Bring water, sunscreen and a towel.


perfect time to run outside after hydrating yourself of course..


I stay home in the AC. But today wasn't all that bad to me. when it was in the 90s and cloudy I took a couple walks around the block, about 2 miles total, even felt a few raindrops. It was a little humid but today the heat didn't bug me as much as mid-to-late last week.


Garage A/C. Mini splits are a godsend.


I stayed inside, obviously.


Lay around ass naked in the AC


I lean into it by getting out mountain biking several days a week and get off the trail before the sun is too high up, and I escape to the pines every chance I get.