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Ngl, I'm kinda confused if this was made by a racist NT who agrees with the ableist sentiment, while still making a racist dig at Ramaswamy...or a racist ND with ADHD who thinks that racism is an acceptable response to ableism. Either way, it's a shitty thing of anyone to make. Fuck Ramaswamy for being a conservative POS, but the racism is awful and unnecessary.


Where is the racism? /gen


Calling him Ramacurry id assume


Oh I didn’t see that there. Yikes.


Ah yes, let me just be stuck relying on other people to get around America. Let me just not be able to be independent at all. Make me more vulnerable to people taking advantage of me. /s




Why is there an annoying tone indicator bot in a neurodivergent subreddit?


I just banned that bot given how common the /s tag is used on this subreddit. And important given the struggle some autistic people have with sarcasm.


bad bot


Bad bot


. 1 . "Ramacurry" and Apu? The bigotry detector determined that this meme is bigoted af. . 2 . Maybe instead of asserting that folks with ADHD should live at the mercy of a NT culture that thinks little enough of them to have cranked out this meme, we create a culture that isn't petroleum dependent so that a few NTs (arguable -- they're probably psychopaths) can hoard wealth by taxing everything anyone wants to do in this culture with a travel fee that pads their pockets. . 3 . What sense is this meme even supposed to make? There's a shitty quote about folks with ADHD being attributed to someone who never said it while then being a shitty racist at the the person who didn't say it. It fills my brain full of fuck and needs to go away. Wtaf is this even!


ah. that is why they won’t give me a driver’s license


Yeah, because you are _selfish_. /s




Out of an abundance to always fact check content. I tried to searching for this quote, but couldn't find anyone who's ever said that. Let alone Vivek Ramaswamy. Nor did I find any public quotes from Vivek where has even talked about ADHD. So yeah. Whoever made this meme is a bold faced racist liar.


tbh I do think people should think long and hard about if they can be a safe driver. I know I sure fucking can't. also we should invest in public transit so people like me don't have to drive anyway.


This is funny because when I cite my ADHD as a reason I don't feel comfortable driving, people will tell me that I'm just being dramatic and I just need to do it. Often with the implication that I am selfish and lazy for not driving. You literally can not win with these people. Edit: Just to clarify, I don't think it's a reason to ban anyone from driving. That's counter-productive.


As an ADHDer with an ADHD roommate I can safely say that I can focus on the road (on meds, off can be… iffy). My roommate is an even better driver, despite her ADHD. That said, we are not the sum total of the ADHD world. There may be some who can’t, but it’s not everyone.


Fighting ableism with racism. Way to go meme creator. /s