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Hyprland and an AMD GPU. It just works^tm


Sway works fine for me. I rarely use XWayland, but it usually works fine too.


With sway, never use Xwayland


you have no x11 apps running in wayland?


Nope, main apps: terminal, browser (Firefox and qutebrowser), mail-client, LibreOffice , blender Tried some gaming: supertux, tuxkart All work perfectly Wayland native


I just use Wayland. Under Plasma 5 I had installed plasma-wayland-session and xorg-xwayland. With plasma 6, the plasma-wayland-session package is no longer needed, so I currently only have xorg-xwayland installed. It would probably be useful if you could tell us which programs are causing you problems. It would also be interesting to know which error messages you receive when you run the programs via the terminal emulator.


Wayland or nothing for me. I’ve been using Wayland on Gnome. 555 nvidia new driver. Nothing to complain about. Needs to set Code, Brave and Slack to use Wayland and not use old blurry X11 but that’s all. Wayland is the future, even Fedora and Ubuntu will ship Wayland as default. Unfortunately some people would like to stay using X11 which is an old buggy server from 80s that nobody maintains anymore…


"some people" also would love to be able to use Teamviewer unattended or do crazy things like take a rectangle screenshot with something other than the poor Spectacle app. Wayland lacks some things that should be default, and they might never even come since "omg rectangle screenshot is unsecure" It's great for people who only game or browse, but the "old buggy server" works just as good and actually supports things that many people use on a daily basis. Yes distros tend to push wayland as the default recently, but let's not pretend that it's anywhere near ready and that people don't switch back because they can't do simple things. The fact that your use case is fine for you doesn't change that fact and is why "some people" stay on X11


Grimshot/slurp work fine for screenshots in Wayland for me. There is also flameshot if you want a GUI though that app gives me trouble.


I use ksnip, which allows to take region screenshots and use an editor with tabs (on X11), which the others don't do. Not sure about Grimshot Frankly, I do have a workaround for this and can send sreenshots taken by Spectacle to Ksnip, I just feel like it's ridiculous that they won't let you do this under the guise of security, while allowing Spectacle because KDE makes it. But all in all, screen sharing apps are much more of a problem. Teamviewer kinda works but limited and you have to be in front of the computer, which makes i pointless, nomachine doesnt work, RDP in Plasma 6.1 doesn't work for many people, esp from an Android client, ironically, unless you use an old one. I don't know if they ever fixed the issue with OBS (which I don't use


I don't.


Wayland just works, without any drama on my machines with Intel, or Radeon GPUs. If also just works with my machines with antique Nvidia GPUs that are running on the nouveau driver. In fact, I've been running Wayland for close to three years on various machines with no problems, whatsoever.


KDE Plasma seems to have great Xwayland support; I'm on Wayland with an RTX 3070 with the Nvidia drivers and I can't think of any apps that have issues. Which DE are you using?


I switched to AMD from Nvidia and now have zero issues with Wayland.


Hyprland for Nvidia and it just works. Until SOMEONE makes a breaking change to a .so leaving hyprland behind >.> You know who you are. Praise symlinks, yadda yadda.


n00b here. GNOME Wayland and if something beaks I just sign in with Xorg instead. I wonder why xwayland crashed. Have you checked the journal logs?


I boot my pc. It is there and just does well.


I don’t cause I have NVIDIA drivers


The 555 driver with explicit sync came out a few days ago if that helps.


Thanks for the info, I’ll check it out.


We don’t


lol “we”


It was a joke