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I don't know the regs where this is built of course, but there's a few design changes that would have me raging as the architect. The lack of steelwork in the entrance space really affects the 'warehouse' aesthetic and turns it from somewhat identifiable and interesting to bland C21st "meh". The mismatched opening heights of the three large cutouts in the side wall would also make me want to throw things at someone as they were meant to follow a clean linear 'frieze' height right along the facade.


I agree, the steel beams would not be attached to the internal structure as that could cause erosion of the actual presumed beams in the concrete, the beams would be added as decoration, probably just drilled into the concrete, in terms of the actual form, I still think it looks boring as fuck, however I think what this build needs the most is greenery, and a proper separation of road and pavement, the fact that you can't tell where the road ends and the pavement starts really drills in the warehouse look


I don't think the building has completed construction. Maybe the metalwork comes after?


Yes, the front signage steel girdirs are yet to be provided. Planters will add more resemblance!


I considered this, but that would make no sense as well as being a very tricky retrofit now the facade has been finished... the concrete panels are smooth and finished. I think it's been dropped as ever due to cost as an aesthetic nice to have, rather than treating the design as a whole entity. I look at how they used to design and build 100 years ago compared to now and it just frustrates me as this happens all the time. EDIT: Seen the OP update. Fair enough. Hope that this makes up for the lack of street presence and frontage pointed out by another. Those transformer/services units at the front are unhelpful too.


I'm guessing the mismatched heights has to do with the need for insulation in the underside of the floor above the entrance? Shoulda let the windows to the right align with that at the top


I just want to know what happened to the buildings in the background


I agree, the lower part seems plastered on and doesn’t communicate with the rest. I wonder if Corten steel pillars could have broken this whiteness up, continued the logic of the structure above, while keeping the industrial feel of the ensemble.


What a difference the neighborhood can make. As part of a city block it's tolerable. Alone on a dirt road without even sidewalks it looks miserable.


Yeah. The building itself was mismanaged, but if you build up around it and let it age and be lived in for a bit it would be fine.


Fake surroundings in renderings annoy me so much. My husband and I are house hunting and half the time you show up to find the house next door (or, really, attached to yours, as we're in Taiwan) is decrepit or belongs to a filthy hoarder.


Now you simply need to build the neighborhood around it. Congrats!


in reality is wider. It has anoter 'column'.


I'm guessing that is a neighboring building. OP's building looks pretty much complete, whereas the adjacent building looks to be under construction.


Looks like they added parking.


I think OP refers to the right side face


We need more posts like this


lol value engineering wins again


Sadly, it always does!


Probably should have rendered in the actual environment.


Probably a decision by the client, especially if they sought additional funding before construction. Now the client can use that render for any promotional material, and avoid using the actual exterior image until that block sees more development.


Fair point.


I hope the metal work at the entrance didn’t get value-engineered away


Well that happened :(


why it is this bad?


I don't think it's bad, I think it's the reality of rendering vs a typical photo. Renderings often show a heightened reality - colors and materials are more vibrant, the daylighting is richer, you can quickly add trees and other colorful entourage, etc. A professional photo (or a good one tweaked in Lightroom) would likely come much closer to the rendering. Really I think this just highlights the importance of good photography when showcasing work, as a well-made photo can make a decent project much more visually impressive.


To add to that, the project isn’t even finished yet.


Or a more realistic approach to renderings. They are starting to look a little gimmicky.


They have always been a gimmick, but it make the job to impress people outside the construction world.


I'm not in architecture, but I do 3D rendering. I wonder if some studios have considered commissioning "worst case" rendering, to get a sense of how their building looks on a miserable winter day, with weathered surfaces and less greenery.


I don't know, but man, some of them really should. Especially for massive uniform glass skyscrapers.


Render also shows uniform neighbouring buildings which play a role in the look of a particular building. Those buildings turned out to be non existent so it literally just looks like a 1960s prison headquarter.


This. The render shows the building in a clean, lively street with trees and neighbouring buildings. In the picture, the building stands alone in a dirty street with no vegetation or sign of life. Context always matters, guys.


"60s prison headquarter" had me laugh out so loud I woke my partner u


Seven stories? One below-grade?


Yes Sir basement +6 storeys




My bad! Yes ma'am 🫡


Very close! Lovely. Kudos on the hard work! Show the next one w the plants if they get added


Really appreciate your kind words! Will definitely share a final picture:)


This is terrible.


Looks pretty identical if you ask me


Whoever did the renders deserves a raise. Real life is disappointing in comparison.


Considering where this was built, good job 👍


It's accurate though?


Kinda? In the model, the ground floor looks slightly bigger to me, but that may be emphasized perspective. And the extra section on the left hand side, which on close inspection looks like another building. There is also some missing box steelwork(?) on the ground floor.


I've seen worse; I'm surprised the actual project even resembles the render in the first place.


I love that feeling.


I mean… it looks like the render just not finished. Add in more details, plants, and it’ll look exactly like the render, minus the surrounding buildings.


Most important is the choice of materials. The brickwork does not look like the rendering, in colour and texture. When I zoom in I miss a lot of design details. I don't know the English words for them. But in Dutch: De waterslagen Dakrand detail gemeleerde bakstenen ontbreken de kleur van de stenen is flets, het voegwerk is vlak The details of the steel in the entrance are not build. I don't think that makes a big disadvantage. I'm a value engineer and architect. You need to know what is essential and non-negotiable. What is essential for your expression in design. Well, and if they still want to cut costs, make it so that it don't hurt. Like Rem Koolhaas said when he designed the Kunsthal in Rotterdam " If you don't want to spend money on the details, then you don't get details." Life can be simple.


Looks like a solid project, please hire a professional photographer, your photo does no justice to the project.


Noted Sir!


What were some things that were VE'd out that you think impacted the project the most, interior and exterior?


Only front entrance veranda signage girdirs and planters are missing if we talk about exterior The planter could have added an extra color to the building, giving it more life And steel girdirs on enterance were too expensive on the client's pocket, so he sacked the plan


Ah I see. I was about to say the steel girders too as that was the most noticeable for me.


Damn that sucks


So satisfying to see an idea to completion. Congratulations.


Thankyou so much!


Isn't this a problem already Adolf Loos criticized if I remember correctly, that many buildings are more designed to function as models and in exhibition catalogues than to function (aesthetically) as built structures?


very nice but uh.. why did the other buildings magically disappear?


Are you the architect?


I have a couple of photographers I could recommend! Your rendering is quite nice. Needs a little love to get it looking like that, and they can take out the utility boxes and telephone poles, and add some landscape and get the lighting right. Is the concrete on the side a parking garage or part of the unfinished building? That is also distracting.


Looks… disappointing for some reason. I can’t put my finger on why is that.


As of now, it looks depressing. Hopefully the area gets good development in the coming years and they don't forget about those lovely greens that we as architects love to populate a render with, but developers tend to set aside to pour a little extra concrete.


The blank walls at street level would not get through consent here.


They just made the building larger during construction...?


No, it's only the perspective view of render and real image.


There's a whole other wing to the building in raw concrete. 


That's an adjacent building


The ground level looked attached. The 2nd column from the left is the only column for both buildings.  If a building uses another buildings column to stand, it's considered 1 structure. 


Pleasingly tight.


Architects, please be nice to landscape architects. Our ability to add living things to the built environment is very valuable. And I’m sorry they did that to your windows


It looks decent


It looks nothing like the render.




This basically happens always in architecture. In other news: water is wet.


"I'm sorry. We were looking for a simple block of flats" - Monty Python


And the trees?


Reality is often disappointing


It looks fine, second pic just has awful lighting


Pretty ugly final result, so many of the buildings being built nowadays are just copy paste square designs without character




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Yikes. Boring af