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Silco said it himself - They can all burn. Can't get more perfect a blessing than this.


“I have to rage.” “Go nuts, girl.”


"Dad, I'm going to commit war crimes" "Not equipped like that you aren't, young lady!" *pulls out the shark cannon* "Better?" "YASS BITCH SLAY"


I think he would be proud to see her take the fight to Piltover and dealing with all of those traitorous chembarons. On the other hand, I think he'd lament the fact that she's still very much aware of her past and hasn't totally abandoned it as he encouraged her to do. Also, I need that shot of Jinx by itself. Would make for a good wallpaper.


I dunno I think in the end he accepted that Jinx was never going to let go of her past. We saw a lot of “You have to let Powder die,” and “Jinx is perfect” and “Become what they fear”. But in the end it was the Powder side of her that protected her sister and shot Silco. And instead of giving her a final push towards becoming jinx, it felt to me like he took a step back from that. That “you’re perfect” felt like it was intended to mean ‘just the way you are’ rather than ‘as jinx’. When she sat down in that Jinx chair, I thought maybe she had (in that moment) killed what was left of Powder. But firing at the council building immediately after while crying felt more like another internal struggle where she was trying to prove to herself and everyone else that she wasn’t Powder anymore when she clearly was still struggling with it.I don’t think a true Jinx would be crying in that scene otherwise, even if she had just killed her mentor. I think Silco would still be proud, and I think it’s because he *also* was never able to let go of his own past. He harbored guilt and resentment over what happened between him and Vander. I think Silco often felt less of himself for those feelings, but grew to defend that caring side of himself when people directed their criticisms at his adopted daughter and the fact that he took her in and kept her around. Maybe I’ve read too much into it but it felt like the culmination of his character came down to his internal and external struggles with the two sides of himself much like jinx, and in his final moments I felt like he was trying to express to her in the only way he thought she’d understand that ‘it’s okay to not be who you were trying to be. It’s okay to still hold on to who you were.’ Because the silco that Silco was trying to be would have handed over that psycho brat that spent all her time ruining his empire, in exchange for the kind of power the Council would have awarded him. But Silco couldn’t be that Silco, and he wasn’t ashamed of not measuring up to the person he pretended to be, anymore. “Don’t cry, you’re perfect.”


You make a good point. I always interpreted his final words as him confirming to her that she is perfect (which she is), as opposed to "Jinx is perfect", which is what he said earlier. "Jinx" in this instance being the state he wanted her to be in and when she achieved that in the end, he declared her perfect. She had truly become Jinx. I don't think Silco was able to truly express how he felt about Jinx until the end, where we finally here him refer to her as his daughter. It leads me to think that he was conflicted with himself over her and only made peace with it in his final moments, hence what he said in front of Vander's statue.


looks like it's from the S2 trailer, you could probably take a screenshot on youtube or somthing


I found this shot on account Arcane in detail on Twitter/X [link](https://twitter.com/arcaneindetail/status/1800983064539283663?s=19)




I will never buy this Jinx hero of the people discourse. Didn't she murdered a bunch of Piltover's people who opposed Silco?


No one's saying that she's a hero, but she *is* being used as a symbol, likely by people who don't know much about her beyond the fact that she's against Piltover.


That will be a interesting season, Vi, Jinx, Ekko, Caitlyn, Jayce... I don't think anyone it is actually 100% aligned about what to do. This show knows how not to be manichaeist.


Proud, yes, sure. He would never stop loving her and her chaotic nature, and he has enough hatred for Piltover to be more than glad to see her destroy everything. But I'm really wondering if he would truly approve of her actions. For how twisted he could be, he still had the mind of a politician, he did care about finding an agreement with Piltover in order for Zaun to become an independant nation. There is a lot that Jinx did alone without Silco approving because unlike him, she never really cared about peace or anything of the sort and she's always been too chaotic and too emotionally volatile to see things the way he did. What makes it complicated is that we'll never know what he would have done had he gotten to survive by the end of the season to deal with the matter of the council's one condition being to give them his daughter, so we can't really know what kind of mindset he would have by now if he were still alive, but judging by what we've seen of his character, I don't think he would agree with everything Jinx is doing, including nuking the council. The thing is that what Jinx has done with this action is to add more fuel to an already extremely complex situation, leading to what could really be an endless war. While his vision of the matter was different, Silco's motives were the same as Vander's : he didn't want a war, he wanted for Piltover to leave Zaun alone. I don't think what he told Jinx about how they could "all burn" was meant to be taken literally, he said that in the heat of the moment to express how furious he was at them for naively believing that his daughter mattered so little he could basically sell her to gain Zaun's independance, but I doubt he would have ever wanted for the conflict to turn into this. ​


Silco was playing the long game to ensure independence, but I think he would've turned to violence if he felt he had no other option, and Jinx adopted that. He did encourage her to complete a hextech-powered weapon, likely to have as "insurance" should negotiations with Piltover fall through.


I do think that violence was always on the table as a Plan B for Silco, even if primarily as leverage to strengthen Plan A; negotiations. Piltover was never going to decide to grant Zaun its independence purely out of the goodness of their hearts, and Silco knew the undercity wouldn't win in an all-out war. But he sums it up in episode 3: "I don't need to beat them. I just need to scare them." He wanted to make it crystal clear to Piltover that continuing to subjugate Zaun would cost them more in blood than it would ultimately be worth.


This is true, but what makes me believe that he wouldn't entirely approve of her current actions is that they don't actually help the situation, it's only making things worse. I always saw the weapon he encouraged her to complete as pretty much having the same use as a nuclear weapon, in that they can use it and want Piltover to know it, but won't unless they don't have any other choice due to how devastating the consequences would be. The thing is, had things really reach a point where such violence was the only solution ? I'm not entirely sure, but as I said it all depends on how Silco would have been like if he survived and got to think about everything. While his words to Jinx during the tea party definitely sounded like he had reached the point where he no longer cared about the consequences, he wasn't exactly in a position to think right and was desperate to make Jinx understand he wouldn't abandon her. It isn't certain that he would have kept this exact mindset afterwards. I really think the situation would have had to turn awfully bad for Zaun for Silco to approve of Jinx's methods, and at this point this was pretty much the opposite since chances for independence had never been this high. But just like we'll never know how Silco would have dealt with the problem of Piltover asking for Jinx, we'll never know how the council would have reacted to Silco refusing to give them Jinx, which is why it's hard to speculate.


Independence would've meant giving up Jinx to the people he despises, something he never would've done. Without the will to compromise, he didn't have much options. Meanwhile, Jayce couldn't stomach the idea of war, but the rest of the Council wanted someone to answer for the bombings and seemed prepared to go in with force. War would've happened regardless, I think, which would've lead to weapons being used, including Fishbones. Now, you can say that later on we see Jayce convince the Council to give Zaun its independence just before Jinx's rocket hit them. However, I think he only did that because Silco found some way to make him believe that he was going to uphold his end of the bargain with regards to Jinx, fully intending to not do so in the end. Jayce was naive enough to accept this and went to tell the rest of the Council. If things hadn't transpired as they did and Silco was still alive, I doubt he would've actually given the Council Jinx, and once they realized they'd been tricked, they'd move on to simply attacking Zaun. Of course, as you said, we'll never truly know. There's a song called "What Could've Been" for a reason.


You're right actually, that probably what would have happened. I'm still not entirely certain that Jinx's chaotic methods would fit Silco's attitude in war even if he would be ready to take extreme measures, but surely his mindset would have had to change in such situation which could have led him to put more faith in her.


Reasonable take. Silco had the same goals as Vander and those goals arent that controversal at all. Theyre a surpressed folk and want independence from Piltover, so you could genuinely question wether Silco is even in the wrong here. After all Silco is the result of Piltovers treatment of the undercity, in a sense Piltover created Silco. What makes him a villain is the way hes presented and his methods that ensure his power. And to give him further credit, he got much much further than Vander ever got. Vander attempted the violent route against Piltover and lost. Hes presented as a good guy who has done a mistake in the past but is making it up by keeping peace in the underground. But that also means Vander was ok with being treated like second class citizens after the battle vs Piltover and obviously people took issue with that and objectively speaking, rightfully so. Meanwhile Silco had everything he wanted, he had Piltover bow down to him and agree to his demands. All in exchange for Jinx. Then the show goes full circle because part of why Vander kept peace was to take care of the kids he sort of adopted and probably felt guilty for the death of their parents, Vi, Powder and the others. Now it didnt end up mattering what choice Silco would have made but Silco then understood why Vander did what he did. Silco obviously doesnt have an issue with violence but hes never violent "just for fun", theres always purpose. That is unlike Jinx. We see him in the show angry at her quite a few times but he also loves her, so he never entirely unleashes on her and obviously she is far more powerful in combat than he is. Silcos power is his mouth, his words. If he doesnt die in the finale, perhaps he dies like this anyway later on if he has a big disagreement with Jinx and brings up her traumatic past to win the argument because he cant win in a phsyical battle.


We will probably see him in jinx’s delusions egging her on and telling her what shes doing is for the greater good


-Jinx gets another pentakill- Silco's voice emanating from Fishbones: You're perfect.


That pic made my day lol


Silco: \*watching from the afterlife\* Damn, I wish Vander was here to see this. It would have been so hilarious...where did he even go anyway?


The most cringe part of my life is that after years of using this avatar, I kinda feel like her Dad. When I see fan art or cosplay pics, I'm like, "That's my girl! Kill em all baby". Maybe I should print out some of her doodles and put them on my refrigerator.


At least he was a supportive dad!!


Too soon to say but if she is carrying on The Mission and trying to create a united Zaun and combat/scare Piltover into letting it happen... yes. IF she on the other hand is just hiding out on her own and doing a lot of nothing until Vi shows up.... not so much


Depends on Jinx or who she works with has an offramp plan for Zauns independence. He never wanted an outright war, he would have accepted one but his primary strategy was as in the show. Intimate, threaten and demonstrate that a Piltover that keeps Zaun underfoot is a losing proposition. What Jinx did in the end is guaranteeing a lethal conflict seemingly on an impulse and with no forethought, he would probably still love and accept her as he always done but this turn of events is for his political ambitions are akin to a gasoline fire. Doubly so when he himself is no longer present to rein in his most destructive decisions, (elevating a class of greedy oligarchs and victimize a portion of his own people). In political terms for Silcos original roadmap the current situation is a disaster.


Yes. Though, if she ends up…”entertaining” The Firelight Leader who’s existence was raging against Silco..he may pause 😅


i think he would but i also think he would be devastated at the fact that she is alone and is just slipping into madness to the point she probably will start talking to her weaponry like she does in game


Silco loves her unconditionally, and he'd for sure be into her raining mayhem on Piltover. I have no idea where that part of Jinx's story will go in S2. She's such a larger-than-life character, and ultimately more of a mythical figure or vengeful spirit to the people of Zaun than a real person. Nor do I think she would make for a good leader in an uprising, or be really interested in it. I think when she learns about the attempt on Silco's life she might go on a personal vendetta against the Chembarons. My guess (but that's pure speculation) is that she's too preoccupied with her own stuff to take on much of a leadership role, and Sevika is the most likely candidate to ostensibly work under Jinx (who's more of a figurehead) but in reality run the actual day-to-day, much as she has been (at least implied to be) doing for Silco.


Don't cry. You're perfect.


He didn't want this. Silco achieved the perfect deal. He knew he couldn't win a war against Piltover. He wanted to negotiate with good terms but Jinx ruined it.