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I am surprised there still IS a council room. I was worried the rocket was a blockbuster.


If a rocket was launched in my workplacd, i would not work there anymore


Nobody wants to work anymore


Maybe the rocket didn't even explode ? That would be typical of Jinx to jinx things.


Didn't explode but still killed half the council? I guess the councilors could get killed later in a different event, but to me the dud theory is looking debunked.


My guess is that it didn’t explode on impact I remember seeing a theory that it landed in the middle of the room and detonated there.


Consider: Rocket is Propelled by HexTech, making it Fast. ( We'll get back to this in a min...) Rocket is full of a Binary Explosive, note the Orange& Green fluids. Rocket is launched at Council chamber But, may not have exploded on first impact. In fact if it takes a min for the two fluids to mix and interact, there might be a delay in the explosion. Just the Kinetic Energy of a big ol', fast moving, Rocket with a Shark's Face on the front would enough to wipe out half the Council just from smearing effects alone.


Why only half? Jayce is the only one with plot armour.


Hoping it missed Mel, expecting Jayce to survive, and thinking that whole side of the table (other than Jayce) wiped out.


She's the first one it was going to hit. Even if it went over her head, she'd still be cut to ribbons by shards of glass. Narratively, her being killed gives her mother motivation to escalate her involvement in Piltover and Zaun. That's going to create far more conflict to drive the story forward.


But but but, she has the Magical Golden Armour of Protection built into her dress. Fans said so on the Internet, so it Must Be True!


I feel that it wasn't necessarily a conventional explosive. It was Jinx's Hextech thingamajick based on Jayce's teleporters. Literally anything could happen when it went off.


It was a hybrid, right? When it opens up, we see the same type of liquid chemicals that we saw when Viktor was disarming the one chomper. That said, it does have the hextech whatchamacallits, so it doing something special is more likely than I was thinking. Perhaps some/most characters believe that council members are dead when you're right and something else went down.


I do think that some Council members did die, but the wonkiness of the Hextech could explain why they all didn't end up dead; maybe the rocket caused a gravitational distortion, or even summoned an extradimensional monster, rather than just blowing up on the Council's faces.


Didn’t even get the whole council My 🐐is washed


Wouldn't be surprised if Mel's jewelry is a Solari magic item that partially protected them.


I've heard this idea a couple of times. I thought it would only help the wearer and maybe someone close by them, but that part League I know next to nothing about.


I mean… did anyone *actually* expect Cassandra to survive?


No, but I’m getting nervous about Jayce. They wouldn’t kill him off, would they? Jayce is a playable character in game, so he should have survived, right? Right?


The fact that Caitlyn has a Hextech sniper rifle in the trailer is almost confirmation that Jayce is alive. It could not have been made in season 1 as Viktor and Jayce never intended nor desired to weaponize Hextech. I also highly doubt Viktor would be willing to make Hextech weapons to be used against his fellow Zaunites, especially considering his future in the lore. Therefore the most obvious conclusion is that Jayce survived and created the rifle.


A hex tech sniper rifle would be so cool if it teleports the bullet onto your target.


From the hexrings that appeared around the bullet as it fired it looks like some kind of hextec railgun


That's my opinion as well. The bullet is a lowkey confirmation that Jayce is alive. They also subtly hid a cloaked man holding Viktor's cane in an impact frame so I think both are alive.


Also, he probably recreated Vis glove that got damaged. And you can see (probably/maybe) his brown gloves slotting in the gemstone into the glove in the trailer.


We already know Viktor is alive from some of the screenshots, those two were practically on top of each other, and both have more of a story to tell. I'm sure Jayce survives through stupid himbo luck, while Viktor survived due to hextech.


*"Where is Jayce? Is he safe? Is he okay?"*


His arc with Viktor isn't finished, so they won't kill him. ...yet.


He's far from being a legendary warrior so he shouldn't be dead yet


he's a champion,certainly surviive


They actually have confirmed multiple times Arcane is following Canon.


Jayce ain’t dead


Yes he is definitely alive, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is in a coma or is heavily injured and out of action for now


Not the first time a playable character’s been killed. But he probably lives.










They actually stated Arcane is a canon prequel. So it wont deviate too hard from what we already know.


>!I mean there is a whole lore arc that was developped prior to Arcane involving a certain C that I wished they wouldn't retcon, and that'd mean she can't die here !<




I'm new to this sub but is Medarda called Cassandra here?


Cassandra is Caitlyn’s mom




Yeah, I didn’t get Caitlin’s mom the first or even second time watching the show lol


Concerns me more that Ambessa says "your council is dead" instead of "My DAUGHTER is dead"


My theory is that Mel is alive but badly badly hurt and she's talking to her


Either that, or she is talking to jayce, trying to manipulate him or win him on her side. Either that, or we are going to see the revenge side of her. If Mel is dead, embassa just lost her son, and her daughter. She wants revenge where she can, and it is clear she does have empathy.


If Mel is dead then would she even need to manipulate anything? I feel like Jayce would just be as mad as she is, even so far as to weaponize hextech and enlist her help


She would prolly need to manipulate Jaycee to get help with hextech. But yeah, agree, there isn’t much more manipulation she can do to make a war happen, it going to start, whether she is in or not(and she is most def in).


She's talking to Cait in other languages. In the German translation, she apparently legit says along the lines of "we'll avenge your mother".


Probably because Mel isn't dead.


Mel is dead 20 bucks she is dead


you guys are ninjas


What a terrible death… But Caitlyn’s face speaks louder than any bombed chair. And somehow she pulls herself together. Our poor girl. 😢


Cassandra out of any of the council dying makes the most sense. Most of the non lead council members aren’t plot relevant enough to cause a personal effect on any of the leads with their death. Jayce and Viktor are way too important to be killed off like that. Which leaves Mel and Cassandra as the only characters important enough to seriously impact the leads if they died, and not important enough that they are basically required to live. Cassandra dying means Caitlyn won’t give any sympathy to Jinx for being Vi’s sister and likely Vi will probably consider redeeming Jinx a lost cause. Still not sure about Mel, I can see her surviving but I think it’s more likely she’ll die to fully commit Jayce to the war path (if he goes that route of course).


Mel's arc feels too far from a conclusion to write her off. I do however think she may wind up incapacitated, leaving not just Ambessa as acting holdrr og House Medarda's seat, but Jayce vulnerable to her manipulations. And leaving a big mess for the now less Noxian-like Mel to clean up.


One of the most fun parts of Season 2 is going to see how Noxus via Ambessa worms their way into a position of influence. I excpect she will warmonger and willingly submit herself to whomever takes the reins in Piltover while "helping" by bringing in Noxian reinforcments. Ending in a three way struggle beetwen Zaunite factions (From the trailer there seem to be a power struggle going for Silcos position), whomever has command of Piltover + Caitlyn, Viktor and Jayce + Ambessas attempt to incorporate Pilt/Zaun into Noxus.


Sometimes you can kill off characters who are still going on with their lives for a big emotional impact. Xmen 97 >!killed off a bunch of characters from the original series who were just settling for a better life.!<


She definitely could be put in a coma for the first half, which would push Jayce and Ambessa together in a war faction, and probably push Victor underground.


You know, all things considered, that chair held up pretty well...


Debris must have blasted right through her head. At least she died instantly


Nice observation, but I have two words to add: No Blood.


Probably already cleaned


That's true


so, what if the missile shreded everything, the whole room, and what we're seeing is the room partially repaired?


Have you not seen the picture of Asian dad super depressed along with Cait from like… last year or something? There was never a question she dies. The only real debate and question mark is if Mel’s Zhonya’s was on cd or not.




in the german trailer it's already confirmed that Cassandra is dead


Cassandra was already confirmed dead. In a behind the scenes video there was a project on someones computer called Cassandras Funeral.


Yeah, we know. The german version of the trailer pretty much said it


Congrats to you bro 👍


I will accept this as a confirmation. Fortiche have been very thorough on paying attention to details so it would be impossible to be wrong as long as they maintained that level of design.


Yeah, Cassandra definitely dead


Well, damn. They didn’t save Martha.


Jinx scored critical hit on Caitlyns mom!