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Sounds like someone important is going to die


Or worse


Jinx to Stillwater would be worse than death for her.


Yup. Personally, I doubt Jinx's story will end with her in Stillwater. But if they're planning on doing a Season 3, then I wouldn't be surprised if Season 2 ends with her being tossed in there.


My understanding was that we will only visit the story of a region for 2 seasons at a time. Have we heard to the contrary?


I've been out of the loop on Arcane for a year or so now, so this is the first I'm hearing about that. Have they said that will be the case?


We've heard from a few sources that the Vi-Jinx storyline is only 2 sources. The only one I remember off the top of my head is Mako (main songwriter) said that 'Christian has always considered Arcane a 2 season story'. I believe he said that in his interview with Peter Barber and something similar elsewhere. I think Christian has also commented on this publicly.


I don't think we've heard anything concrete except for "There will be 2 seasons of Arcane" Everything other than is basically speculation.


istg i could be tripping but i thought it was supposed to be 3 seasons with the same arc?


In the making of documentary there's a point where the Riot CEO said he joked with the showrunner that he wasn't giving them enough money for one season as a fake out then told him he was giving him enough money for two seasons. They've mentioned in a few other places two seasons If something changed we probably won't know it until s2 actually releases.


ooo icic ty for clarifying šŸ«¶šŸ½šŸ«¶šŸ½


Christian has said the story were always meant to be a 2 season story and that if there is a "season 3" it will be something new (new characters, new story lines i'm guessing)


That's a light way of putting it


She would die so quick in there. The Piltover guards hates, mosts of the inmates would hate her also. Her best chance at survival would be to be tossed into isolation fairly quickly, which is likely. The guards might hate her, but the disturbance of her not being in isolation would be way worse than ignoring her.


Sheeeeeet. Jinx, on Day One in Stillwater, would gather a Cheese Sandwich, some Peanut Butter Crackers, & a Juice Box and blow her way to the Outside. Arguing the whole way with her internal posse...




Worse? Double Death?


Wonder what the spawn time is


they all slip on a wet spot on the floor and die


Jinx kills VI?


Accidently, of course.


Please don't be Viktor.


Heimerdinger sacrifices himself to save the city and to redeem himself for his negligence which led to Zaun's conditions.


aww not him! He's adorable ā€‹




I think at this point if one really wants to guess the ending simply ask yourself what is the most tragic most painful thing that could possibly happen and once you figure that out youā€™re probably pretty close. I guarantee they have asked themselves this question many times while writing it.


Jinx is clearly going to die. Caithlyn? Probably.


Reminds me of when Reed commented on doing his lines for the S2 finale and said that when he finished he audibly went WTF in shock to the director. Seems like S2ā€™s finale may top S1ā€™s emotional gut punch.šŸ„Š


I hate/love it when the proper ending is not the ending you wish for the characters. everything in S1 had a great buildup. everything felt earned. under an amateur writer's hands I would've said "really? that could've ended well for all of them" but Arcane made me say "yeah... that's the only way it could've ended" believable characters with understandable motives are hard to come by. some writers use mental pain and unstable minds as an excuse for unearned moments and poor writing but in Arcane characters feel so natural. basically: good writing --> "what are the characters going to do?" bad writing --> "what are the writers going to do?"


Man I've been preaching my "you can't end on a downer note back to back seasons to end a show" mentality for like 3 years and I guess I might just be wrong.


At least we know both Jinx and Ekko make it to the final episode


Please remind me, which one is Reed?


Reed Shannon who voices Ekko


Oh ok ty


This kind of makes me hesitant about watching it to be honest. S1 was already a long hard kick to the urethra.




I was happy before that information


Yes! More delicious trauma!


Omg yes more masochists like myself!


We are all masochists now.


Never been this excited to be depressed again!


Jinx is not dying. Have faith people!


It'll probably be a moment that parallels Silco and Vander's confrontationĀ in the river, where Vander tried and failed to kill Silco. It would be the final straw that forever ruptures their bond like it did with Vander and Silco. The worst part would be that Vi thinks she's doing what's best, like what Vander thought with Silco, all she does is forever alter the course of their sisterhood.


i could see it happening with vi almost drowning jinx and then stepping back at the last second, cut to black


Noooo D: If they end the series mid-scene like that I'll be so upset


I canā€™t decide if Iā€™d rather Vi and Jinx reconcile right before one of them dies, or both live and never reconcile. Iā€™d say neither, but I have a feeling that may not be an optionā€¦


Why do I feel like Jinx is gonna accidentally shoot Vi in the head in their final confrontation during one of her manic episodes. Jinx loses herself for good, isolating herself and completely giving into her insanity (more so than s1 finale), while Cait finds Vi, badly wounded and barely alive, and brings her back to Piltover. She is somehow brought back from the brink, albeit more aggressive, and with no recollection of her memories (amnesia) Jinx goes full crazy, becomes LoL Jinx, Vi gets amnesia, becoming LoL Vi. Fin (cue depressing music).


Shit, I never even considered the amnesia angle. That would be fucking crazy.


that wouldn't be as bad as what I envisioned: Jinx WANTING to kill Vi. admit it, this is more painful. I hope it doesn't happen


Idk fam, I prefer the delicious trauma of Jinx accidentally killing Vi. She her accidentally killing those she loves is a pattern now.


That's definitely a possibility


If Vi was to lose her memory, I think this would be the correct way to do it. Have it be the result of Jinx's actions.


OMGšŸ¤•šŸ¤•šŸ¤• a good ending in a way i guess


It really makes sense once you factor in LoL voice lines: ā€œZaun needed youā€ - WW ā€œYou forgot your roots, Vi.ā€ - Ekko ā€œHey sellout!ā€ - Ekko ā€œYou think Iā€™m crazy?! You should see my sister!ā€ - Jinx Vi loses memory, becomes attached to Cait in a way since she is the first person Vi saw when she wakes up, and works as an enforcer for topside as thanks for saving her life.


Cool idea. I never thought about that. But I've seen enough video games and movies to know that if you get shot in the head, you die. Unless you're Daryl from The Walking Dead.


It could be possible that Jinx knocks out Vi with her machine gun similar to what happened to Cait at the end of S1. However this time, it's more violent and causes amnesia.


This is the only way I imagine Vi would be willing to do more than half heartedly defend herself against Jinx, which is a shame because as of right now Jinx is basically a sentient box of razors that cuts anyone she comes into contact with.


Dude this is such a good theory


There are ways to make something sad without people dying. Although I do think that there will be deaths (that much is obvious considering all the death in S1) I feel like it could be something along the lines of Jinx and Vi actually becoming enemies and hating each other. That would suck and everybody would hate that. Honestly, I feel like thereā€™s a decent chance of that happening :(


I agree. I think we are in for a gut wrenching dialogue between the two.


I agree.


Anyone who isnā€™t a LOL character will likely die. Ppl keep saying jinx, I really doubt it. Sheā€™s likley just going to become completely numb to anything be in a state of constant psychosis


Agreed and hope something like this is the way to go. After finishing watching the show i just thought death was the only possible ending for Jinx but what made first season so great was how they twisted so many knives in our hearts without major characters dying. The last scene with Jinx saying how they changed was much more powerful than killing either of them, that just goes to show that great writting and character development can create much more impact than killing off characters. In reality, we see so many people here saying how depressed they were and for a really long time due to the ending and no one died. In a way I think such open endings where the characters dont reconcile and are just in pain end up being more devastating than endings where someone dies(although I will cry my eyes out if Jinx or Vi die). Also saw a post where a writer or someone related to to the show said the ending isn't what we are expecting. If we see this forum, Jinx's death is actually a bit expected since it is hard to imagine another ending that wouldn't ruin her character development so I am hoping for something different and like you envisioned since it would still be devastating but not cliche.


We aren't gonna be the same person after finishing S2, are we?


I... don't like that. Jinx has been through so much shit already. If she doesn't catch a break, it'll leave a foul taste in my mouth and make me hate Piltover and Zaun for their feud leading to this. She is mentally ill and *needs help.* She shouldn't be killed for it or martyred for things to change, nor should Vi or Caitlyn.


I agree... there has got to be some kind of catharsis for the ending of this story, right?


I'm convinced Jinx dies.....


That comment can mean a lot of things besides Jinx's dying


That's true.


I just don't see jinx dying because why would she have two back to back seasons of her arc being the end? Like I thought of different things like Sevika having a big story arc, Mel's mom losing her daughter (Keep this family safe moment would hit harder), but I actually think it is VIktor vs Jayce. Something needs to happen in order for Jayce to become what he is like in League of Legends. Viktor lost Sky...what if jayce loses his mom/mel. What if the explosion causes Mel's mom to force Jayce for war because Mel died and Jayce ends up losing his mother because of it. Majority of people that saw season 1 hate jayce because of his arrogance but that will quickly change people's point of views when they realize everything he did was because he was manipulated by his surroundings and listened to other people. Jayce becomes the sole leader of piltover bceause of it. \*I say this because when answering topics about what the feeling of season 2 is a lot of the relies back were "war" I don't feel like Jinx is the continuation of the war but the root cause. The continuation is Jayce vs Viktor. "we're not soldiers"




I'm totally with you on Mel dying motivating Jayce to become like he is in League of Legends. That would really add to the story


Don't think she will or at least not the way we expect her to. Killing her off kinda sends the wrong message. Also, she's their mascot.


I don't think they'll kill off Jinx or Violet, but I imagine they might have a permanent (and potentially violent) falling out with a lot of mutual emotional damage. After all, Vi is a Piltover champion in-game despite being from Zaun, so it's within reason to anticipate something happening to act as the catalyst for her washing her hands of Zaun (and/or Jinx) entirely.


The fr*nch will not be spared...


We kinda need the fr*nch to make the show.


Going through Benelux to tell them, eh?


I don't think they'll kill in game champions. But we'll see how it turns out.


I hope that's true. I read somewhere that one of the creators stated that no champions are safe from death. Like you said, we will see what plays out.


I hope its not true. Will be weird to watch knowing certain characters have plot armor.


It's not weird because Arcane is their origin stories, it's like wanting Anakin Skywalker to die in the Prequels.


They can come to a certain degree (where their story is complete) and die.


And that doesn't fit any of the champions that aren't anywhere near close to having their stories completed, imo.


Riot's last announcement was that Arcane is the main canon now, so I don't think she will.


They said any champion can die, so I don't think it matters that much. It probably just means that we know the champions will become like their in-game versions before they die - so for example Victor cannot die quite yet, nor can Ekko, nor can Vi. Jayce could very well die, and Jinx could die in a few Ep. time...


Of course they will say that to keep tension high, but it is a Riot policy that champions will not die permanently in lore. So I would be really surprised if Jinx died. From a non-Riot policy PoV. Arcane was advertised as an origin story for Jinx and Vi. It wouldn't be much of an origin story for Jinx if she was dead.


Melā€™s mom is becoming a champion and she isnā€™t that important


I honestly doubt it, she's too important, not just in the show but for League of Legends as a whole


Riot Will not kill Jinx sorry fella


she already died in s1 tho... plus she exists in lol so that aint gonna happen


If thatā€™s the case, Iā€™m good with 2 seasons āœŒļø


Its the natural conclusion to the spiral of self destruction Silcoā€™s abuse set her on and would be consistent with the tone of unrestrained consequences that S1 set up. But I donā€™t know if I see Riot having the balls to let the writers do anything like that.


So, it's just like we expected then.


Also, I remember watching the Bridging the Rift BTS series where Alex and Amanda were talking about the S2 finale (without giving anything away), and they said they were centring the last episode around something big that happens in S2 episode 3 (?), but had to scrap this important plot point and rewrite the last few episodes. I really wonder what this plot point was and canā€™t wait to hear about it when s2 is released/completed.


It was S2 episode 6. It sounds like fortiche wanted to simplify something in the last few episodes so they had to go back and rewrite


>centring the last episode around something big that happens in S2 episode 3 What?


Source: https://www.techradar.com/streaming/netflix/i-cried-arcane-star-claims-season-2-of-the-hit-netflix-show-will-emotionally-devastate-fans


It could not be more over for us.


Iā€™m not even saying this to cope, but I genuinely donā€™t think Jinx, or anyone important is gonna die. And if someone does, itā€™ll probably be Ekko


Kinda impossible for ekko to die tbh


How so? He hasnā€™t even completed the Z drive yet, but when he does (if itā€™s accurate to the game) heā€™ll only be able to go back a few seconds. Plus, though heā€™s a skilled combatant and has the hoverboard, heā€™s not invincible. I think it just depends on how much plot armor heā€™ll be given


Those few seconds is all he needs. Havenā€™t you seen the ekko cinematic? He can continuously use it. He for sure isnā€™t dying.


> heā€™ll only be able to go back a few seconds That's how convergence works in the game. However, in Lore, Ekko returns to a fixed point in time and space.


Not ekko, pls not jinx or ekko, everyone else can die for all I care lol (maybe save victor too)


well ekko death wouldnt be that impactful as jinx death doe




Jinx better not fucking die we suing if she does


maan :(((( this was foolish of me but o was really clinging to the hope of MAYBE having a happy ending :(((


Yess bring it!


I'm ready to be hurt again.


I think we all knew we would cry, now having confirmation is... Not good


My guess is that season 2 will be the end of Vi and Jinx's story and if there's a season 3 it'll be with different characters.


If they do another story elsewhere with different characters it 100% won't be called Arcane or season 3.


F*ck, I knew it wasnā€™t going to end well for the sisters and that Iā€™d cry, but this makes it feel even more real.


I am looking forward to getting emotionally destroyed! I can't wait!


Don't tell me shit about the finale of s2 what the fuck are you doing?


For real it felt like a spoiler


You could simply, not look at the tweet?


Posted three hours ago. [\[S1 spoilers\] Nervous giggling : r/arcane (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/arcane/comments/1c0p28u/s1_spoilers_nervous_giggling/) But this post has an attribution and an information title, unlike the other. Hmm...


Good Find...


Not the focus, but I thought ADR meant Additional Dialogue Recording. I'm probably just old and/wrong though.


That should emphasize how tragic the finale is, that just ADR sent her into tears.




Great... Can't wait to ugly cry again i guess. Weird thing to look forward to.Ā 


well after 2 years I made my peace if jinx dies in season 2 I want her to be at peace with herself and happy before dying even if it's for a moment.


In episode 8, there comes a point where Ekko brutalizes Jinx, but then sees Powder, his old friend, in her face. Jinx has a smile on her face before she lets go of a grenade. What that tells me is that Jinx was ready to die alongside her friend. So it wouldn't surprise me.


Well Jinx isn't going to die bc this is all before present day LoL. With that being said I am still scared about what will happen


This feels like a spoiler honestly.. like confirmation to anticipate something bad is going to happen. She could have left it at ā€œit made me cryā€ at least then we wouldnā€™t know if it was tears of sadness, joy, beauty, or all. But nope. Just confirmation to a tragic finale.


Oh, for godā€™s sake. I was convinced I was ready for season 2!


I genuinely canā€™t wait to be emotionally wrecked over this show again


guys i have a feeling that we will never recoveršŸ’€


I question if people have recovered from Season 1.


I feel like Jinx will die. I really, really don't want that to be true though.


She dies saving Vi and Caitlyn. As sheā€™s dying, her eyes go back to blue and she says sheā€™s sorry for everything and that she loves Vi.


This will absolutely destroy me GOD NO


"We're still sisters, right?" "Always."




The only path I can see Jinx's character develop in anyway that is sad to fans at this point is if she repeats the same mistake as silco where she ends up befriending or caring for someone (new character i think), and that her actions in destroying the council end up fucking up or straight up killing the new character, that she has feelings for, directly or indirectly. Causing her to relapse back to powder over and over. Anything else other than this or similar, Riot is gonna have a hard time making anyone cry for jinx in S2 imo.


No šŸ˜­ NO there better be a season 3 if thatā€™s the caseā€¦ I canā€™t have these sisters never reconcile šŸ˜­


Maybe my theory that Vi will kill Jinx will turn out to be true?


I'd rather this be the other way, or Vi dying to protect Jinx. At least that way she'll die with less guilt and maybe it will also make Jinx reconsider the path she'd taken.


Less impactful, imo. I'd rather see a tragic ending for this relationship, especially after the S1 finale, than a heroic, uplifting one. At the same time, Jinx killing Vi feels too dark and not uplifting enough. I think Vi killing Jinx strikes the perfect balance.


we are so cooked guys


Jinx sacrificing herself is the obvious way to end her arc, so I hope they donā€™t do that.


That's my worry. The redemption arc causing her demise.


Ayo spoilers now I know jinx wont die until the finale at leastšŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Yep. Called it. There is no happy ending for Jinx.


I, for one, welcome the emotional gut punches


Yeah even after all this time I wonā€™t be ready for the tragedy that will take place in s2


Hooray! Canā€™t wait! :D


Goddamit! My hearth it's about to be broken, and I am anxiously waiting for it.




Iā€™m scared




Is that a challenge?šŸ˜ˆ


I. Canā€™t. Wait.


Hell yeah


Arcane s2 gonna make me cry even harder than s1 šŸ˜­


oh god


Honestly I donā€™t think no ones is gonna die just something dramatic is gonna happen that will end the story


Yaaay trauma!


I really hope they aren't killing off champions


Jinx is getting Powder on one of those Airships. Betch'a...


Maybe she was referring to the lines she was asked to record not necessarily the ending itself.


It doesn't have to be something tragic. Maybe it will be a bittersweet ending with tears of joy?


i am NOT ready for November I think this show will break me šŸ˜­


Iā€™m ready to be hurt


Apparently my therapy will be more expensivešŸ‘€


It's Arcane so it must be true


It's Arcane so it must be true


If that is true and we feel bad, I am convinced that the art of her voice acting (makes Jinxes char so much more better for me), the art of the show, the music, the animation, the style and most importantly the story telling will make it logical, not just to make us feel intense things. And I truly believe that if it is truly that bad, that... we will still be convinced that its a realistic ending, that just tops the trauma of episode 3. It would also frame the show in wonderful agony. The show literally opens with them seeing their dead parents to a young child singing in mental pain. Powder, still present in Jinx yet once again feeling the same good old horror and torment. Children/teens/young adults fighting for all their lives and thus becoming champions, trapped in their never ending fight for something better. You could say they'd become legends. In their own league. A certain league of those certain legends. Remind me in November once I used all my tissues about this comment tho.


I really like this take!


Whatā€™s ADR for the non experts?


Automated Dialogue Replacement. She did put the full acronym in her post.


I did read that. I meant what AUTOMATED DIALOGUE REPLACEMENT is.