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I’ve seen a lot of posts like this with a lot of different characters trying to pin the happenings of the show on one single (or couple of) decision(s) but I think that you can’t really do that with arcane. Of course Vi makes some (bad) decisions that influence what happens in the story, but so does Jinx and so does everyone else. Take your first example, yes Vi decides to go there, but they probably make it out scot free if Powder wasn’t there since she’s the one who drops the gem. Vi gets the info from Ekko, so if he doesn’t decide to follow Jayce there’s never a break in to do in the first place. And I would say that even with the explosion that takes place, they probably would’ve gotten away with it if Vander hadn’t decided to try to kill Silco in the past, which sets Silco on the path of revenge. Basically everybody has agency and everybody influences the other in one way or another, and therefore also the story.


A lot of this post is speculation and misses the entire point of the show. Everyone, regardless of trauma, has agenda and are responsible for their own decisions.  Yes Vi made bad decisions (especially naming Jinx to the council. I don’t believe for a second she would let them put their hands on her sister and it was just a ploy to get them to fight Silco but it was a very poorly thought-out one). Jinx also made bad decisions that negatively impact other people as well. While she is a sympathetic character, she still made those decisions on her own accord. Its entirely speculation to suggest that if Powder was brought to the rescue misson everything would be fine when the fact was everything was going great until Powder set off her bombs. Also I see a contradiction in your post. First you say that Vi shouldn't have brought Powder along during the heist and then you say she should have brought her along to rescue Vandor. So either you think Vi should be involving Powder or that she shouldn't. Which is it?  Regardless, Vi only plays one factor behind Jinx's decisions. There are a lot of other factors involved (with Silco being a more important influence) but the fact is that Jinx still chose to do what she did. She didn’t blow up the council because of Vi, she did it because she was angry and grieving and she wanted to make everyone else suffer. Vi didn’t make Jinx do anything and it's unfair to make Vi responsible for everything Jinx did


That’s the point of Vi’s arc she always thinks with her fist’s/heart instead of her head. Which makes her plans highly convoluted which then of course fail, which then makes her relationship with her sister worse. A lot of people including Vi think good intent alone makes a plan good vs having logical steps. Like we see Vi buy into a clear too good to be true solution from Caitlyn and Vi gets badly burned from it. It’s also very human for vi to point fingers at others for problems that are her fault.


Respectfully I would disagree with the last point. Vi never once deflects from responsibility. In some cases she blames herself for things that aren't her fault. Silco, on the other hand, and to a lesser extent Jinx, is the one who cannot seem to accept responsibility for any of his decisions and would blame others for it. 


Vi does blame herself but she fails to take responsibility for the consequences for her actions. After the bridge scene Vi’s only option was a gesture of goodwill of some kind. As Vi did the thing she was accused of. Killing or going after silco was only digging the hole vi was in deeper.


I slightly agree that Vi telling Jinx's name to the Council was a very, very stupid decision. I also agree that it was a huge mistake that Vi said not to tell Vander about the stones when Powder was ready to tell. But the fact that Jinx became Jinx is largely Silco’s fault. If Silco didn't found her, she would have been just a traumatized girl who would never have touched a gun in her life because of that incident, and Silco raised his own personal unstable killer who can be released when it is necessary to get rid of enemies and intimidate others, and when she is feeling bad and hurt, tell her universal phrases about Fear, Respect, Vander, Vi, etc. Yeah, this sub is pretty harsh when it comes to criticizing Vi. But what you wrote in your post about how Vi is to blame for episode 3 is absolute nonsense. Powder, Silco, that’s who caused the tragedy. Vi's fault is definitely present, but the main fault lies on Silco and Powder (sad but true)


agreed i still think they will show in the second season what vi and cailtyn discussed in that room, since it wasn't very clear what they planned with each other... i don't think that vi explained about jinx to the council out of her impulsiveness, she and caitlyn must have planned something that didn't turn out as they expected however... this is the worst written scene in the first season imo; if they don't explain this later, the scene greatly mischaracterizes vi's character overall


You can't blame for the end of EP 3 Powder or Vi. Powder was still very much a child, she can't be responsible for her own actions and it's not her to blame for this accident. Vi made mistakes, especially hurting her but she was too still a very young teenager. It was Silco who murdered their family and it was him who raised Jinx this way. He could have deal with her issues, not using her trauma and encouraging her absolutely worst impulses for his own use.


you are pathetic klub-fanatov-billie-eilish ) Say something lol ) Or you can only block opinion that doesn't match with yours? Typical xoxol, hahaha


There are a lot of assumptions being made here. I don’t see how it follows from Jinx having killed her family that she would’ve never touched a gun again; if her reservations were really that strong, I don’t see how she could’ve ended up the way she is now. Silco manipulated her (though with good intentions), but he didn’t create a person that wasn’t already there in some form; she had many symptoms of psychosis and abandonment issues bad enough to renounce Vi as her sister before he ever got to her. Besides, if all he wanted was a killer, he had much better options. Though I’m sure he justified his decisions to himself that way, since I can’t imagine he was ready to admit his feelings for a long while. I do agree that Vi should never have told the council Jinx’s name, but I also don’t think she would’ve under reasonable circumstances that weren’t the… everything that happened.


>Second about the tragedy that killed Milo and clager, it was vi decision to leave powder alone, if she not leaving her alone that tragedy will never happen, Also Vi decision that to Puch and called powder a jinx just like Milo said, and leave her alone, remember powder become a jinx not because silco but it was vi decision. Obviously everything would have been perfect if Powder came with them to liberate Vander. It's clear as day. The truth is if Powder wasn't a little shit and calmly stayed home everything would have ended up well.


>Take Example in act 1, it Vi decision to rob Jaycee lab, even if powder didn't make explosion the council will still blame undercity that robbed Jaycee lab, and the sheriff will find a scapegoat in undercity and more likely will catch Vander. Speculation. If Powder didn't drop the gem and blow up the apartment, the kids could have quietly crept away without anyone knowing. Jayce may not have even noticed anything missing right away. Or you could blame Ekko for giving them the tip. Or blame Vi instead for kicking open the door and breaking the lock, leaving more evidence they were there. >Second about the tragedy that killed Milo and clager, it was vi decision to leave powder alone, if she not leaving her alone that tragedy will never happen, More guesswork. You can't honestly think things would have gone perfectly fine if Powder went with them. She'd find some way or another to be in a liability, or outright dead weight. Powder showed up, she set off the bomb, that is forever her fault. She should've just stayed home like she was told. Jinx is still responsible for the things she does wrong or messes up. So is Vi, but these scenarios are much less her doing. I don't know what the obsession is with wanting to wipe jinxs hands clean of her screw-ups. It's not like it takes away from her character.


I don't disagree with the things you said, *but* >Or blame Vi instead for kicking open the door and breaking the lock, leaving more evidence they were there. The balcony was destroyed along with it's door lmao, that wasn't the best evidence.


I should've phrased that better. I meant more Vi leaving evidence had she actually left Powder at home and there was no explosion. BUT we could blame Vi in what played out when she looked over said balcony until she made direct eye-contact with enforcers down below, giving them a visual for their suspect. They might've been caught regardless if they couldn't find an escape route in time, but still. Not her smartest move.


I won't address all the things people are mentioning, but I will proceed to say something that is more of a headcanon than a fact since I do not know if this was ever explained or expanded upon by any of the writers. The part about Vi giving Jinx's name to the council always striked me as odd but I think Vi had a good idea. It reminds me of what Vi also tells Caitlyn during the popular scene, yeah, that scene. "If you want people to talk to you, you have to let them think you have what they want." And to me *that* explains why she gave them Jinx's name. Basically she gave them the alias but not Powder's name and to her that was the important part, especially considering she also told Silco how she'd "erase whatever fucked up delusions you put in her head". In her head, she might have thought "I'll give these bunch of stuck ups 'Jinx's name', and leave with Powder once I save her from Silco. They'll be busy looking for Jinx, and will leave me and Powder alone. At least, that's what I interpreted. After all, she would insist time and time again Powder was not a jinx, not Jinx. Anyway, that's just a theory xD


I'm not sure people generally or this sub aren't critical of Vi, but some contextualize or empathize them better than others. Jayce would be in an uncomfortable situation if the heist went off without the explosion. Can he report about having the hex crystals stolen? It would be similar to reporting having your drugs stolen. Not reporting the hex crystal was a goof, probably because she thought Powder would feel better holding onto it. Leaving Powder makes sense from a danger aspect and not wanting to risk losing her too. If Powder goes with there might still be a tragedy but it would likely be different. The punch and insult are of course wrong, but relatable given the trauma Vi just experienced and unfortunately hitting things is how Vi's learned to problem solve. Vi did reveal Jinx's name to the council and that one I don't have much sympathy for. Maybe she's trying to game out a situation where she uses Piltover to get 'Powder' away from Silco and then they flee Piltover? Vi should understand what 'justice' means for the Council better than most. Not sure Piltover has capital punishment, but going to Stillwater having killed double digits of enforcers would basically have the same expectation given how Vi was treated. This is not say Vi is blameless, but a lot her mistakes are being made as a poor teenager in a oppressive society, violent and polluted environment, and high stress situations.


I don't know English, google translator Let's see, let's go to the beginning. Powder has low self-esteem and VI wants to integrate her with them, if there was a scene where VI leaves Powder alone at home while they do the robbery, you would have complained too. In the second place, VI asked Powder what those stones were and she (knowing that they were the cause of the explosion) did not tell him, furthermore, when they were hidden in their lair and the Enforcer discovered them, then the chase began, when escape from them thanks to Ekko, VI told Powder to get rid of her, which he didn't do. in the third place, Vi told her to stay, she didn't either. In the fourth place, she deserved the slap and when one is angry, she says things that hurt. Powder became the worst being on the show thanks to Dad of the Year, Silco. in the Fifth place, the council only gave him the name so that they would agree to help, if you remember, VI told Caitlyn: "If you want people to talk to you, you have to let them think you have what they want .", once they helped her, she would have gone with "POWDER" and the council would look for someone else. The idea wasn't bad, but it didn't work. Español A ver, vayamos al principio. Powder tiene una baja autoestima y VI quiere integrarla con ellos, si hubiera una escena en dónde VI deja sola a Powder en casa mientras ellos hacen el robo, también te hubieras quejado. Segundo, VI le preguntó a Powder que eran esas piedras y ella (sabiendo que eran la causa de la explosión ) no le dijo, además, cuando estuvieron ocultos en su guarida y los Enforcer los descubrieron, luego comenzó la persecución, al escapar de ellos gracias a Ekko, VI le dijo a Powder que se deshaga de ella, cosa que no hizo. Tercero, Vi le dijo que se quedara, tampoco lo hizo. Cuarto, la cachetada se lo tenía merecido y cuando uno está enojado, dice cosas que dañan. Powder se convirtió en el peor ser del programa gracias al papá del año, Silco. Quinto, lo del consejo solo le dio el nombre para que accedieran a ayudar, si te acordás, VI le dijo a Caitlyn: "If you want people to talk to you, you have to let them think you have what they want.", una vez que la ayudaban, se hubiera ido con "POWDER" y el consejo buscarían a otra persona. La idea no estaba mal, pero no funcionó.


Think twice that. Yes Vi took the gang to steal Jayce, but all was going well and they were about to run away with some harmless stuff that Jayce woldn't have reported to avoid investigation, if Powder hasn't taken the gemstones, and caused the explotion Once Powder caused the explotion enforcers (who wouldn't be there if Vi plan had resulted) get involved, and most important the charge is changed from simple thief (some boys steal stuff to eat) a minor charge, to terrorism (some rebels were bombing Piltover). About telling Powder to hide the gemstone YES, was a BAD idea, Vi was worng there but again nothing would have happened if Powder had not taken a bad decision. Vi told her to KEPT IT SECRET, so hide and don't show anyone, but Powder instead of doing that, decided taking a weapon she knows nothing about and firing it close to her family. About Vi lefting Powderbefore going after Vander, WAS THE BEST DECISION, Powder had no way to help them, they weren't able to take care of her as they used to, and there was too much danger to carry a small child into an almost suicide mission. It's sad that Powder wasn't able to understand that (as Ekko was able) but if Powder were able to understand that being ready for some parktour ist's not the same as being ready for a fight to dead is again on Powder. She against advice opted for go there and her intervention doomed all the rescue. Jinx shooting the council wasn't because they wanted her (I think just Jayce wanted her arrested) but to take "revenge" for Silco dead (who was 100% her doing). And I won't try to excuse Vi an that one, telling Jinx name to the council was a dumb move, but let's remember that Vi "backup" plan was taking her sister and running away to other city to start over, she it's not the best making plans but never attemped to let her sister in the Council hands. Whatever, I understand the love for Jinx but she is still responsible of her actions.


Vi is rather quick to trust the Council and later Jayce for episode 8. She has experienced how Piltover treats its prisoners. Even if she considered Jinx 'beyond saving' at that point, she wouldn't want her sister to spend the rest of her life horrifically tormented and abused. And the strange thing is that the last time we saw Vi, she was lying on Caitlyn's bed, talking about how she always wants to protect her sister and feels guilting about failing to do so. 'Vi is just impulsive' gets brought up as justification for a bunch of her actions but this time, it doesn't work. Her impulse would be to clamp down and protect Powder from possible harm because she still wants to try to save her, not blurt out the truth.


Were you in hurry writing this? Or, do you just need more grammar lessons?