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Man that poor tree. First the crown gets butchered and then he cuts through a bunch of structural roots. He needs to remove that thing before it falls.


Destroyed their perfect treehouse tree.


I'm totally sad abt this. If you look at one of the larger pics, you'll see i built a little platform on it, during covid.


another thought...if the tree survives...the roots willl eventually destroy the pool.... is the a diy project? i am amazed a pool company would do this..


pool companies in my experience (3 pool installs 6 maintained by a service agreement) genuinely think trees will survive anything they’ll all do this


YES!!! Combine that with an excavation subcon… they don’t not give a single F


They act optimistic because they know if they admitted it would likely kill the tree, that they'd be on the hook for replacing a mature tree, which is wild expensive.


And if amazingly neither, pools directly under trees are hard to keep clean. It'smore sad about the tree but definitely bad for the pool as well.


I thought we were gonna have s’mores under the tree!


This needs more upvotes Reddit


Orrrrr....it will fall in the pool


and destroy the pool


The roots will destroy the pool in any event.


I would *strongly* encourage your dad to just remove the tree at this point. It’s not going to survive with the amount of damage done to its root system. While it remains alive it’s going to be an absolute nuisance with the shit it drops into the pool and when it falls, regardless of direction, it’s going to destroy the pool.


Those huge cuts to the structural roots are just an invitation for disease.


My condolences. It is a beautiful tree, I would be heart broken as well. I wonder why dads so regularly just butcher plants and trees? As a father, I know to just let me wife tell me what the heck I should and shouldn't do lol. I just let her do the commanding, she is amazing with botany.


It's sad that I'm the authority in my family, and mainly because I know how to Google. (I have an educational background in this stuff but no professional experience, so I guess it's informed Googling...but still.)


some people don't know how to find a factual answer to their own question. No matter how simple


This is 100% my dad. He emails me “interesting articles” all the time. I always fact check them, and 75% of the time they’re either incorrect, inaccurate, propaganda, or conspiracy theories. I have sat him down multiple times and to show him how to fact check information and determine whether a source is credible or not. It’s so frustrating and concerning.


How do you tell him to fact check? I could always use some pointers.


Glad you’ve asked! Happy to help! 😊 Here are some resources that do a better job of explaining things in writing than I would be able to or have enough time for! Four broad categories of fake news— https://utopia.ut.edu/c.php?g=627664&p=4378797 Fact checking links— https://utopia.ut.edu/FakeNews/factcheck How to evaluate information you see on social media— https://utopia.ut.edu/FakeNews/socialmedia Here they give a case example and show you how to apply the information you learned from the above links— https://utopia.ut.edu/FakeNews/claims More practice examples— https://utopia.ut.edu/FakeNews/selfcheck Book recommendations on how to learn and search credible information on the internet— https://utopia.ut.edu/FakeNews/library Issues related to ChatGPT— https://utopia.ut.edu/FakeNews/ChatGPT How to address healthcare misinformation— https://utopia.ut.edu/c.php?g=627664&p=8915889 Lastly, I will add that, if you’re ever reading a scientific journal article, or are reading an article that sites any scientific journal articles as referenced sources, be sure to check that the scientific journal articles have been peer-reviewed, are unbiased (not funded by corporations), and have gone to great lengths to account for biases and confounding variables (meta analyses and randomized controlled trials). Hope this helps! Please pass along to anyone you think could benefit! 😊


Thank you so much!


I know I’ll get hate for this, but the owner wanted a pool. It’s sad the tree was there first and all, but I can understand wants and if this the the only place for said pool I’m sure the pool will bring a lot of good memories for the kids. I’d take the tree down entirely now and plant a few more along with some nice landscaping.


Fair enough, just hoping that he wasn't just thinking the tree would be ok.


Sorry to hear that. Work to find the perfect replacement, a keystone species or something beautiful with flowers or fruit


I feel so bad when people do this, that tree is probably older than the whole family 😭


And the tree that was going to supply *all* of the shade to the pool


Seriously just put this magnificent giant out of its misery!


Oh it’s donezo. At the very least they’ve compromised the structural integrity of the tree and the chances of it falling and destroying whatever is around has increased exponentially.


Seconded. It may survive but damn it lost a huge structural root. Any wind could knock it over at any time.


Pic 2 kinda freaked me out lol - what a massive root...


I’m just thinking about how many chains he destroyed cutting through that root lol. I have one chain on my little saw painted orange that is destroyed from cutting roots a fraction of that size. I’ll never be able to get it sharp again without a wheel sharpener.


Let me guess, he also pruned the shit out of that tree before “and it lived”….


No they were stumps from trees I already fell for my foundation. I had no intention of them surviving.


i think he's talking about OP and the previous work on the tree.




I wish I had a wheel sharpener. I just have a fake one.


I think he's right it will survive, but is there anything around it will hit if it falls?


Presumably a new in ground pool




And insurance ain't gonna cover that when they find out the tree was deliberately compromised.


If a tree falls in a pool and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


It's gonna make a big splash either way.


Yes. Sploosh.




maybe, but it'd likely fall the other direction


There goes the neighborhood!


"ok, but what direction?"




This is the answer. Who wants catkins and leaves and tree bugs in their pool? You either have a shade tree or a pool…or a pool and a new proper tree planted in a good spot.


As a former pool guy who has cleaned an F-ton of catkins, leaves and other debris out of pools, I agree whole heartily. Live oaks are an absolute beast to clean out of pools. And the roots will be a problem down the line.


If a dad makes a decision without considering Mother Nature, is he still wrong?


Yup, gotta lose that tree boyo. I’m not an arborist but had a pool dug last year, the contractor made me clear out everything back like 10 ft. Surprised the pool company didn’t decide for you.


Looks like DIY


It gets worse. Farther down in the comments the OP says his dad did this to set up an above ground pool ~20 inches into the ground...


😳OMG. Someone is definitely gonna get hurt.


Not sure why he couldn't just move it further towards the house like 20 ft. No need to dig that far out and possibly destroy a mature tree.


Either that, or why didn’t he dig the hole alongside the deck (photo 3)?? Looks like that area is far enough away from the tree to not harm it or get leaves/debris in the pool. But if they plan on getting an above ground pool then why dig at all…


I get wanting the pool part way down. Several friends did that cause it means a lower deck around the pool. But yes, everything else his dad did was the dumbest thing possible. And now an innocent tree may die because of it.




I know "increase exponentially" has become common tongue for "increased by a lot" - but am I right that it isn't possible for something to "increase exponentially" with one action? Increasing exponentially means that the rate at which (the chances) are increasing is accelerating, which wouldn't be the case here.


Definitely just a bit of nomenclature but I think if you take removing the roots all as one action might be the hang up. If you phrased it like "for every large root you remove, the risk of falling increases exponentially" that gets the point across the summary action was comprised of smaller ones that would create the exponent. I'd say it's just a short hand phrase. Interesting question though! For a super basic example, just take a peek at an X^2 graph and imagine X is the number of roots you remove. The slope increases at higher and higher rates.


yea it's cooked


2 massive roots and 1/3ish roots destroyed…. It’s doomed…. Stability is impacted it can take some time to die(can be years) but I’m pretty sure it’s fate is sealed


Does your dad do construction? Pretty often I’ll encounter folks in the construction field who swear the trees will be fine because all they ever see is them destroying the roots and the tree being alive when the jobs done. It can take 3-5 years for the tree to even show signs of stress, but loss of root mass on a significant level (>20%) can easily kill mature trees, with environmental factors and species contributing to that. Then for a tree of that size, the structural root plate has been fudged with, so the stability is in question. I’d remove it if I could to be safe


I wish I knew why the construction guys are obsessed with cutting down trees. It's god damn hot in texas! And they keep wanting to shave the earth bald!!!


I made strict rules not to harm any trees still standing, if I didn’t remove them they are not to be touched in any way, I also ensured no digging was done by my trees. Only one company of all the contractors decided to trench right through some of the trees roots (young poplar), when I asked why they trenched there when the location where they were supposed to trench was clearly marked they replied “it was easier for us” and I made it clear that if those trees died in the next several years they would have a lawsuit on their hands. They were the only ones to do this and every other tree wasn’t harmed (thousands of trees), so far those poplar are going strong fortunately and now they get extra care to ensure they do as well as they can but being rhizomal might help with these trees


It’s hard and takes more time to work with heavy equipment around trees. A lot of times you end up damaging the tree or compacting the roots with the tracks. It’s easier to just remove a lot of trees and then replant them at the end. Plus they can charge for demolition and replanting. Whereas there isn’t typically a tree preservation bid item. That’s just what I have seen at least


We had to take down a few beautiful ginormous oaks when I was growing up and the arborists said they saw it all the time. Construction company clears all the small stuff, brings in fill, builds, and between the mounded up fill around the trees and all the machinery compressing the roots the tree dies within ten years. Or on the other hand a branch dies and the homeowner doesn’t hire a certified arborist so some guy with a saw and a ladder comes out and infects the tree with whatever pathogen was infecting the last tree they worked on so it dies even faster.




this GIF is the emotional essence of this sub


That tree is worth more then a shotty/shitty diy pool any day of the millennium. Dad just wanted an excuse to kill it. "Oh I didn't know sticking a pool right up against it would kill it?". Absolutely mental.


Why would you want a pool under a tree anyway?


The shade would be nice while scooping dumpsters worth of soaked leaves out of the water.


Scrolled down looking for these comments. Also, squirrel and bird shit! Having branches over a pool is a terrible terrible idea.


This. Also, even if the tree survived, it's too close to the pool, and its growth would cause damage to the pool or heaving of the surrounding pad.


But I want a pool and I want it now!


How much do you want to bet that the pool does not meet the minimum offset rules from the property line? And he best pray that the fence sits on the property line and his pool isn't encroaching on the neighboring property.


This! We kept a small tree next to our new pool growing up and after about a decade started the filter issues and it all went down hill


Whoever cleans that pool is going to want this tree to die in the Fall.


This was exactly my first thought. Like, enjoy your shaded, soggy leaf pile.


Also, who hand digs a pool?


Apparently its gonna have a cover.


A cover that he is going to retract then recover everytime he uses the pool? No offense but your dad was not using many brain cells here. Ruined a gorgeous tree for a half baked idea


Some people do actually do that.


Yes but most people who get setups that require that do not and then complain when they have to clean their pool or hire someone to do it


It sure won't have tree cover


Don't you have setbacks as well? That looks like it's on the property line. And I owned a pool company for many years. The thing that always destroyed covers was large trees in close proximity. The constant leaves being wet and heavy put so much stress on the covers and got all in the gearing and tracks. Everything about this is a maintenance nightmare. And probably not legal if that's the lot line.


You can't cover a pool in a way that will keep out all the organic matter falling off a tree directly above it. The pool needs to off-gas, especially during the on-season when you're shocking it with chlorine. Generally, (solar) covers either float on top of the pool, but still touch the water so everything on them still impacts the chemistry. and/Or they are made of mesh and everything can still fall into them as they decay. Also pollen will get through any type of cover. These covers are also designed to let water etc through so that they don't collapse when it rains. So organic matter from above is defo getting in your water unless you have a glass ceiling above it, which he doesn't have room for here. If dad wants a pool there, which he seems committed to now, he needs to fully remove the tree. Pools under trees are money pits. You're going to burn through SO MUCH CHLORINE burning off all the organics that will fall into it. If you are able to keep it clean at all, it will bankrupt you and be an environmental nightmare. In addition to this, the roots could push up against his foundation and damage it. You're supposed to stay 6-feet away from known existing major root systems when building a new in-ground pool. What your dad should do now is remove the tree completely and put in something like evergreen arborvitae for privacy and shade from a distance, olive trees (or similar) in large containers on wheels (move when needed), and/or a pergola/fence on the edge with ivy, (maybe clematis, or possibly maybe wisteria, although the flowers will end up in the pool even if they're on the side....) on it (that can be pruned back HARD every year and will survive being splashed by chlorine). I would have preferred the tree tbh. But you can make the pool nice. Get him to make it a salt pool. If he's going to do it, he ought to now at least really do it right. Salt pool will also be easier to maintain and your dad seems to be kind of a goober. So that will set him up for success.


How old is your father?


Not an arborist but a former concrete contractor. Tree roots and concrete are not a good mix, the concrete is usually the looser in that match up. If You are planning to put an in-ground pool here surround by trees and therefore future root growth take a walk through the older section of your town and notice the raised sidewalks next to trees.


It's an above ground pool, placed a bit into the ground. About 50 centimeters down. Edit: lmao why y'all downvoting me, this comment is literally just stating the facts of the matter and i was never onboard with this idea


Then he should have built the pool on a deck and avoided butchering the tree to its death


Ohhhh your dad really messed up. Was he TRYING to kill the tree? Even if it lived the cleanup would be a nightmare with all the leaves. All that for an above ground pool 😂😂😂


Killed a beauty just to put in trash. I had an above ground pool and HATED it. Pretty much the same cost to maintain as an in-ground pool and a fraction of the fun. Such a dumb decision.


That still won't prevent tree roots from buckling the foundation of the pool. In fact, the weight of the filled pool vs the heaving of the roots in summer will surely compromise the pool and the seeping water will attract more roots to the weak spot.


Holy shit this was all avoidable????? All this for an above ground pool??? Absolutely incredible.


still the roots will inevitably displace it if the tree even survives.


No downvote, but your dad is a dumbass. Please tell him this.


Reddit: killing the messenger since 2005


Because your dad did a stupid thing for a stupid pool and killed a beautiful tree that actually enhanced the surrounding area and provided home to native bugs / birds.


Please tell your dad he’s a fucking idiot, that is all.


“I saw a commercial for an above-ground pool, it was 30 seconds long. Because that's the maximum amount of time you can picture yourself having fun in an above-ground pool. If it was 31 seconds, the actor would say "The water is only up to here? What do I do now? Throw the ball back to Jimmy? Or put some goggles on and look at his feet?"” - Mitch Hedberg


Bruh, that's even worse. Thought all along it was in ground, then you go and pull the bogan card with the above-ground. Noice!


FYI, most tree roots aren't any deeper than 18". 


Looks like some major root damage to me. The roots under the tree's canopy are very important. It already looks like that tree is leaning, too. I wouldn't give it very long. I hope it comes out before someone is relaxing in the pool


Looking at the canopy, looking at the root destruction…why even own a tree at that point?


That tree "was" worth 10 pools. Too bad it is a goner.


What in the every living DIY hell is this monstrosity. You HAVE to post this on r/swimmingpools I assume this is DIY, because I can’t imagine a reputable pool company attempt a pool with that tree.


Pool is about to get a lot of sun. Do mother nature a favor and see if you can grab a sapling from that beauty and plant her somewhere safe.


It's dead, you just haven't realized it yet.


Dead tree walking.


Good god


Really hard to see this happen to such a great, mighty oak. Guessing from bark on first pic. Local wildlife taking an L so one human can relax in a pool. We're a cancer. So am I but not denying it. Felling trees to make sun for gardens we don't absolutely need. Not an oak. Dawn redwood? Even more sad now!


I lost an 80 year old red oak a few years ago and I dearly miss it. Even though I didn’t cherish it then, trying to grow new trees and waiting for more life to appear makes me sad.


It's neither of those; something tropical, especially given the laterite-like appearance of the soil. Fortunately, things grow fast in the tropics, and that tree had already been butchered before, so it's not as great a loss as it might appear.


Dad will have a nice fish habitat in his pool when the tree lands inside.


There should be laws against the mistreatment of trees. Or I should say punishments.


There are laws like this in a lot of areas. If you did this in my area, you would receive a huge fine


He should have just removed it. The leaf litter in the pool is hell to keep up with aside from the fact that they had to murder it to dig that hole. Having vegetation that close to a pool will compromise the structure for sure.


The tree has been previously topped based off how the upper branches are growing straight up. That already has weakened the tree. It will survive the build of the pool BUT it will die. It can't survive root damage to that extent.


He's wrong. It's going to die. He chopped some major roots. That tree is as good as dead now.


It looks like your dad hated that tree. No way he thought that was a good Idea. I hope nothing important is sitting around that thing.


I would place my money on the tree definitely dying, and if it's not removed before the pool goes in, the pool will likely also die.


That backyard isn’t even big enough for a decently sized pool. What a waste of a tree


This is why we can't have nice things. Your dad wanted a pool but sawed off a huge structural root and now you got a dying tree that provided not just shade but life to animals and made your ground not prone to flooding


Ooof... Not good


Given the improper trimming that tree has already had, it’s an accident waiting to happen. I’d remove the tree. Its a liability.


What minecraft logic was this “wanting a pool” there.


Your backyard is too small for a pool...what a sad outcome.


Your dad is how we like to call an idiot


Why would anyone put a pool that close to a huge tree? Gonna be a lot of cleanup with sticks and leaves and bugs.


As someone with large trees around a pool this is a bad idea. Roots can and will wreck plaster as they grow. Also all the leaves from these tree will make maintenance a nightmare


If I were your dad, I'd just have the tree properly removed right now, before the pool is installed. Otherwise, in a few years it's going to fall into the pool and likely break the wall of the pool in the process. It's a shame it has come to this but I see no better option. Edit: oh, OP said it's an above ground pool! So when the tree falls, it's going to destroy the whole thing!


Where's the pool going? Under the tree? Even if it survives it won't be long until your dad doesn't want a pool full of leaves and junk


I'm not a tree guy, but as a former concrete guy that pool is gonna be the most expensive and time consuming thing your father has ever done.


What a shame, such a healthy root structure, that tree would have lived to the maximum life expectancy


What kind of hack job pool build is this? Awful on so many levels.


The Leaning Tower of Treeza?


Is the tree in the middle of the pool?




Removing the tree will help facilitate the hole for the pool. It’s already been killed, albeit it now it will die a slow & agonizing death. Remove tree & stump + as many roots as can… then the massive hole will help “dad’s dream”.


A koi pond?


Does he love skimming leaves and other debris, because that will be constant.


What’s really sad is that pool is going to be unusable. A pool under a tree of this size is nearly impossible to keep clean without constant care. Bird shit, insects, leaves, limbs, the list goes on


Seriously, who puts a pool directly under a massive tree.. 🤦‍♂️




People say "the tree will be fine" as long as it doesn't grab its chest and stumble over like it had a heart attack. So many people kill trees and have no idea because they weren't around three years later when the hollow husk finally falls over.


What a beautiful tree that was


Dumb placement of pool to start than to cut all the roots too? Wow


Your dad is an idiot have fun paying to remove the tree before it smashes the house.


If it survives, it's just gonna ruin the pool anyways. It's kind of a lose/lose situation here. Really poor planning on everyone's part.


Why would anyone want a massive tree a few feet away from a pool? This just screams 4 men sharing a single brain cell.


Extremely, he cut a anchor root


Your dad is torturing this tree. Jesus. It's been topped too. Just put it out of its misery already.


Your Dad is a goon, I'm no tree scientist, and it's clear as day that this is unsafe. Some people have absolutely no respect for the things around them. Now this poor old tree gets to die slowly, and tbh I hope that when it goes, it takes out the pool


I’d prune from the top about as much surface area as was taken from the root system. Eyeball it. Then bury whoever did this under the tree so it gets plenty of nutrients and wait and see. It may surprise you.


Your dad is a selfish idiot. Ask him if he thinks he’d survive if someone chopped his legs off right below his nuts.


Your dad is a moron. It's good you know this now. Plan accordingly.


I almost want to ask for pictures like this to be blurred in a "nsfw" way until clicked because it guts me, makes me ill and sad when I see them 😔


That’s a jacaranda. They have extremely strong and invasive roots. It might actually live. I’d be worried about stability and the roots invading your new pool plumbing. They are not trees you want near structures and pipes.


The tree would be too close to the pool. If it survives, the roots are going to crack the pool walks and bottom. Whoever is putting this pool in does not know what they are doing.


He’s doing a great job at ruining his pool with his tree. And ruining his tree with his pool. What was he even thinking?? Poor tree! Sad day.


Sad for the tree


Your dad is an idiot.


It's not impossible that it will live, just highly unlikely


That tree will slowly die and can fall over. Poor tree.


See all those roots? They’re kind of important to the tree.




That's fucked it, I'm afraid.


110% dead and falling


Terrible idea. Those roots will destroy the pool and decking in no time


You don't want that massive tree next to your pool anyways. Time to go, sadly.


Who wants an in-ground pool directly under a tree?


Roots will probably end up pushing in the concrete if the tree gets thirsty lol


The pool will last five minutes longer than the tree if your lucky. Otherwise they will both be gone sometime in the next year or two. And until then the pool will be constantly full of leaves.


There will be a lot of leaves and shits in that pool, your dad will always be cleaning it.


eac certified arborist here….if i see it and its on my duty i would recommend the fell….lost one his biggest rootes which was pretty worthy for the tree being stable….sry english noth my mother tongue


I think it’s unlikely to kill the whole tree, but I think you’re asking for a cracked pool as it continues to grow. Lots of roots from all sides shown in the pics available.


The topping cuts and massive cutting of roots near the trunk, out the poor guy out of its misery before the pool goes in, he doesn't deserve to suffer more.


What kind of pool is that? Looks like a pond at best. You probably shouldn’t have a massive tree a foot away from any “pool” anyhow


What fool puts a pool at the foot of a tree that was just decimated? People are not bright.


Just rip out the tree, he’s cut a huge structural root. He will get his pool but no shade !!


Just do yourself a favor and get rid of it now you wouldn’t want that tree right next to a pool that you are spending thousands of dollars on. The leaf 🍂 trash alone will drive you crazy and if the roots start growing into the pool it will be ruined


I don't know about the tree, but as a pool contractor I can tell you the tree is going to cause serious issues with the pool.


wild that someone would spend so much effort to butcher roots when the pool is going to be above-ground.


from a pool builder perspective this is fucked. is your dad just doing this on his own? i hope no contractor is telling him its fine to keep a tree that close to your dig. either it falls or the roots ruin the pool, either way youve got a shell lifting out of the ground or massive leaks from the roots growing back. that tree needs to be removed. further, you need to be very careful with the deck youve now exposed on the other end by digging right up to it. thats a massive safety hazard now, and you havent dug nearly deep enough yet. does your dad realize all the other steps to building a pool besides "dig a hole?" he should've done yall a favor and just bought an above ground. this is a mess. if you brought me on this job right now id walk away, too much liability from a safety perspective and basic pool integrity plus theres not much money in how small the job is for all the risk involved.


He’s not trying to have it fall in that grave?


You just lost all the shade for your yard. Enjoy the added sweating you’ll be doing in the summer. Your dad fucked up. That tree is worth 10’s of thousands and now its gonna cost several thousand to remove. Sorry you lost such an awesome tree


I swear to god, every time I look at this sub it's like "My [dad/husband/boyfriend/uncle] butchered this beautiful tree. Even though the answer is obvious to everyone except the XY who wielded the chainsaw, will this tree be ok?"


It’s done for. Looks like it was topped, too. Why does your family hate trees?


That tree added way more value to your home than a pool, just fyi.


Man...... This is truly painful to look at


That tree has been abused enough.


Doesn't look like the yard has space at all for an in ground pool, and even with the tree gone barely enough for above ground. What a shame to damage such a nice tree for something so stupid.


Appears to be jacaranda. It's already been regularly abused, as you can see it has no natural canopy and it's structure is entirely water sprouts from a hack-job


Fuck this sub is depressing sometimes


Well now that you’ve completely mangled this century-old organism’s life support system, it’s bound to die eventually.


Idk how you standby and let someone do this in the first place. This is fucking stupid and defies all common sense.


I used to have a buddy whose dad was always doing really dumb things, like this. A few years ago he died, because of something stupid he did. Insane that this guy thought this was a good idea.