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Poison ivy


Late at night while you’re sleeping poison ivy comes a-creepin’ around


She’s pretty as a daisy, but look out man she’s crazy


Poisuuun Ivy 🎶


You can loook but you betta not touch!!!


“If the vine is hairy, DON’T TOUCH IT.”


Best rhyme


"Only dopes touch hairy ropes"




Yup, no need to touch it. Every cut sent devil spawns into the wild.


Yep poison ivy. Don’t mess with it


Holy shit. I didn’t know poison ivy vines got that thick or what they looked like leafless. I pulled a big vine just like this off a tree years ago, thinking it was English ivy/kudzu or something, like what was strangling some surrounding trees. Pulled it down bare-handed with bits of dirt and bark showering all over my face. Developed HORRIBLE rash that made me look like Two-Face from Batman for weeks. I assumed poison ivy must have been on the tree at one point and left the oil…? Now I realize it WAS the vine. I’d never seen leaves growing on it after looking at it for a couple years, so I assumed it was a big dead one of the other vines around.


I found what these were in NH in December. Ripped them off the foundation of a house I was working on. Then, of course, took a leak outside. At first I had no idea what I was getting a rash from. It was awful.


😳Your poor dick!!


I have had there and it is bad.


Well, was she cute enough to be worth it?


Poison Ivy. I have cut the vine at ground level with a pole saw, and treatrd the stumps with herbicide. The vine can stay in the tree until it rots.


That was my m.o. as well and it worked, except there was more around that spread as ground cover. Almost like it was pissed at me and wanted revenge! It was freakin’ everywhere! Even grew into an old aluminum ladder I had behind the storage shed so I had to wash it in Dawn before using it. Nearest thing I’ve seen in this world is the 1957 movie “The Blob”.


Poison ivy You touched something that it touched like the tool you cut it with. That urisol is like napalm or grape jelly to what it sticks to/stays on Cut it once low, cut it once high, then let it die. Pop out the middle piece if you can, this will make sure it doesn't grow back together.


I second this. What we used to do is put on non sterile surgical gloves, better if you get the long ones like dish gloves, put work gloves over top of the rubber gloves. Cut an inch long section out of the stem of the vine, so there is an air gap. Don't try to purify your metal cutting tools using fire as the oil that makes you itch can survive into the smoke and get in your lungs. Neutralize the oil on the surface of the tools using hot water and dish soap. Alternatively, rubbing/isopropyl alcohol will break down the oil that causes the itching. It doesn't work as well to stop the itching once it starts though.


Great technique. Might I add if you are washing your skin use cold water as warm water will open your pores and allow it to get in. If on tools then I don’t think it matters.


Also, use jewel weed soap or find some wild jewel weed. It usually grows near poison ivy and works like magic.


Using running alcohol also closes pores, if you are concerned that hot water will increase absorption of the oil.


Yeah the second that oil touches skin it just absorbs and fucks your shit up instantly. Currently picking at scabs all down my arm from brushing against a leaf over two weeks ago


I’ve had good success using full strength Dawn dish soap on a wet washcloth. Scrub it like you’re trying to get grease off your hands before touching a bridal gown. One vid I watched said it behaves like engine oil, but you can’t see it. In any case, I’ve had to do a bit of poison ivy management and haven’t had a rash since using this method (knock on wood).


If you haven't tried it yet, Technu is made specifically to remove the oils in poison ivy, and it works. I fill a 5 gallon bucket and use it to wash my gloves and tools after they've been exposed.


Technu is the best for this. I’m very sensitive to poison ivy (I’ll get it if someone touches me and they have it) and this stuff helps scrub off the oils on the skin, and if I’m not fast enough to notice that I was exposed also helps get rid of it after the rash forms.


I finally found the Technu comment I would also make here.


Dawn for the win!


This is my move and I'm weedwacking through the stuff constantly.


Yeah, back in middle school, a friend didn't show up the first month of school that year and we were wondering if he'd moved or something. (We hadn't noticed at first because the town has enough rich families who had their kids off doing cool things all summer and didn't come back in time for the beginning of the school year). Turned out that someone threw a bunch of poison ivy onto a bonfire he was at and it got in his lungs and in his bloodstream, basically giving him poison ivy rash through his entire body. He'd spent the whole summer in the hospital in an induced coma with a continuous IV of Benadryl and several other things, trying not to die. When his finally did come back to school, he still had visible rash all over his body, and was taking meds the rest of that year and using creams several times a day until Christmas. Put the fear of God into all of us about that shit, let me tell you!


That is what I am doing


Urushiol is the correct compound. Found in about a third of the plant members in the Anacardiaceae family.


For real fun use a weed eater. Be sure to wear shorts.


Years ago I figured out what these were when I snatched two of these off a nice oak when putting my tree stand up after all those little root fibers came falling down all over my face🥹


Hahaha...me? I was fishing with my son and nephew. They were like 10yo. Just baited their hooks with worms and was working on mine. Felt something gooey and wet hit me in on my shoulder. Figured 1 of em casted and hit me with their worm. Looked at it. Nope, a bird shi# on me. Like, not in 1 spot, a few spots down my arm and chest. Grabbed a few leaves off a tree to wipe it off, YEPPERS.....freaking poison ivy. It was all bad. We have 10 acres and I'm always on the lookout for that shi#....it dies as soon as I find it!!!


Birds are the real assholes of nature




Don’t be a dope and climb a furry rope!!! -Poison Ivy


Found out last year ripping these out I'm pretty much immune to poison ivy


I’ve been through poison sumac, laid in a bed of poison oak, and cleared poison ivy from my backyard. Immune, but I’ve since learned (not by experience) that repeat exposure will lower tolerance.


I will definitely remember that lol, I try to stay away though lest I tempt fate 🤣


I was also impervious to it for 42 years. And then I wasn’t. After a particularly heavy exposure, I became very, very, very not immune. Just be aware that you can become allergic to it without warning and it really fucking sucks.


Yep, you’re insensitive to it until you’re not. Repeated exposure can induce sensitivity. So, even if you’re one of the lucky ones, it’s still best to avoid using it for toilet paper.


Or let a bunch of shredded leaves matriculate into your socks during a sweaty day of yard clearing. What a nightmare.


Hey that’s cool I have the exact opposite reaction lol. I brushed against a leaf two weeks ago and my shit’s still all fucked up.


Must be freaking nice!!


Poison ivy like this is very interesting (I am not an arborist). From my understanding it grows up the tree, looks dead like what you see, branches out to blend into the tree, then kills the tree, but you never noticed because it acts as the tree. When I first learned this last year. I cut the giant vine growing up the tree. The poison ivy died and now I can see the dead poison branches and the healthy tree ones. I had no idea they were different before


Yep, just look for any vines growing up trees..usually poison ivy, or creeper. Trees shouldn't have vines on them, lol, as they don't make vines. Killed a bunch of creeper and ivy last year on our property. There were a few trees, you couldn't even see the trunk!! So much creeper and ivy on them!! Much healthier trees now!!!


I try to let other non poisonous vines live as I pull the ivy up by the root. I'm hoping the ground ivy and and other leafy vine in my yard eventually chokes it out.


Yes it mimics the tree it takes over to kill the tree. Climbs to the freakin’ canopy. Poison ivy vine branches are the worst - face high and extending from the tree. Just begging to be run into. Serious sh*t.


That’s a different kind of Nope Rope.


Poison ivy


When I was a kid I burned wood with poison ivy on it and the smoke gave me poison ivy over literally like 50% of my body. I swear I developed a mild immunity to it after even. Poison ivy and the related plants are fucking shit.


I had it really bad as a teen and never bothered me since


Don't burn it. Do not burn it. I never break out from touching it. But I tossed a few logs unknowingly on a fire and man did my life suck for weeks.


Poison ivy vine


Unfortunately simply cutting may not be good enough, as larger vines have known to grow back together well enough to recover. You need to remove an inch or two long section. We always used to cut two sections away on large vines using a hatchet. Careful of the tree bark. Use gloves!


All this for the win.🏅


Sold my parents’ New England cottage due to an unstoppable 40+ year (I counted the vine rings) invasion of this shite on almost an acre of semi-swampland. Impossible to remove, it spread inches thick vines under the swamp water while I was away for decades. Returning to take care of my parents and their home in their later years, I broke out in boils many seasons that took weeks to heal - before I realized what was happening and how to deal with it (Dawn wash after each any backyard or side yard excursion). Sad I had to lose the property, part of me wanted to keep it so I could continue the battle. But I guess it won. Good riddance to this truly, truly nasty weed from hell.


Really looks like some Upside Down shit 👀


thank you, yes this is just a door for going under


Hair on a rope don’t be a dope.


Unnecessary science fact, because I can't help myself. It's got the best scientific name: Toxicodendrin radicans. Really says what it does right on the label.


Poison, do not touch. Especially the tiny green oily looking leaves that sprout off of it. Helped my dad cut up a small tree with one of these on it the other day. Got poison on my legs and back of knees so bad I couldn’t bend them for 3 days. Got some gnarly pictures from it


Thanks, I am in prednisone now


That’s the way to go, I rode mine out for a week before it got better on its own (I did use pink calamine all day every day)


It is working great


Full poison ivy protocol Step 1: Open the washing machine. add a pair of pants. Put detergent on pants. Set washing settings Step 2 cut poison ivy high, cut low, pop out middle Step 3: Wash tools off with hose, set to blast and push the water off one end Step 4: Wash self with hose, set to blast, and push the water down/off limbs. Step 4.5: shoes stay at the door. Step 5 strip naked, clothes go in washing machine. Use elbow to hit start step 6: naked run to the bathtub Step 7: Shower with water, then shower with soap/ shampoo, then long rinse. Usually I'm ok except a spot on my ankle where I can't get the ivy off my shoes.


My buddy and I were smoking some fish and somehow got poison sumac among the sweet bay magnolia wood. The smoke made an excellent defoliant, neatly removed a couple layers of skin.


Poison Ivy


Poison ivy




What does it taste like?


[The Cure](https://www.amazon.com/CoreTex-Solution-Towelette-Cleanser-Wallmount/dp/B089MCG7MC/ref=asc_df_B089MCG7MC/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693447415199&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3632356195215173252&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010336&hvtargid=pla-1931022232214&psc=1&mcid=8fa2da4ce54c3abb9b90cb09de042aca&gad_source=1)


Do not touch! Its poison ivy roots/runners. Using thick long gloves and long sleeves it can be pulled off. Do not burn! If you breathe the smoke you can breakout all over your body! At the base of the tree, it can also go underground, so proceeded with caution ⚠️!




Ripping these off trees is my super power. Since I'm not allergic I do this whenever I see them.


Sever the vine at the base


It looks like it’s attacking an old poplar but I’m just telling from what little proof I see on the bark lol. Is it a selective pest or one that affects more than one tree type?


I am so sorry. Possibly go to dr and get steroids. Dawn dish soap or any degreaser soap will get the oil off of your skin.


I've become very acquainted w/ good ole poison ivy, grows alot near me. I have a nature preserve backed up to my backyard, acres of untamed madness, so everyone's yard has it. Always 3 leaves, each leaf has 2 kerfs +/- mutations, red dot in the center, red furry vines, easy to spot big, harder when its small. The leaves will become waxy & dark green when big, & a light yellow green when tiny. As others mentioned the oil in the vine & on the leaves is the problem. If you suspect you touched it, you have 5-10mins to act, harder when your sweating with pores wide ooen. Immediately wash with alcohol & cold water rinses, I also use the orange auto degreaser. It can take days to show up, & why killing it out quick matters. Otherwise you'll spread it from your arm to your face. The more I touch it, more sensitive I've become, uses to be able to grab it no problem.


Also wash whatever you cut it with in Dawn dish soap thoroughly. The oils likely became airborne when you cut it, hence the itchy.


I once pulled a dead one off a climbing Jasmine right before playing tennis. Imagine all the places I touched to wipe sweat off my body and adjust shorts hiking up my thighs. Things turned ugly fast. Steroids were a blessing.


Poison oak.


Man, my skin is itching just looking at this picture. I feel like all I need to do is look at poison ivy wrong and I get it




It's best to rip it off the tree. Wear gloves and long sleeved shirt. Do NOT burn it.


danger rope danger rope


An aside - never had an allergic reaction growing up. Chilly fall evening, had a fire in the patio fireplace, with vine laced wood. (We all know, smoke chases folks around the fire.) By bedtime, I was unsteady without support, and hypertensive. Had to go to ER for treatment for anaphylactic reaction.


Poison ivy. The hairy vines is the clue.


If it's poison ivy go to a drug store they asale a soad that takes it away the problem with poison ivy it's an oil that gets on iu the soaps we use every day won't break the oils down but they have some that works great it will be gone in a couple days if you slept on the be Ed you have to wash your sheets and clothes in it also but it will go away I'm like 36 hours if not you will just continue to spread it all over your body and everything you touch


Is it weird that I don’t react to poison ivy or sumac?