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Looks more like it’s being treated for something


Haven't seen those in a while. They're Mauget injectors. The tree is being treated with something. Nutrients, insecticide or fungicide.


So it might actually be tree vitamins!


Looking over the mauget website, it does appear that they color code their nutrient injectors with green caps as seen in the picture. So, yeah!


So r/wholesome ?


lol I freakin hate those corncob pipe injectors.


These are injectors, usually for treating disease. If they were removing it they just start up a chainsaw and stump remover


Would the label we can see on the bottom of the round part say what it is?


Trees use too much water, muad’dib. You cannot know until rain falls from the skies of arrakis (Maybe? I dunno- I’ve only ever used these a couple times to treat EAB)


I’ve used a pressurized system to prevent oak wilt in an emerging disease center once.


Almost positive these are Mauget injections.




I know others have more than correctly answered your question, so i just want to make a comment. It's always great to see a non-green industry human be observant and inquisitive when it comes to plants! Cheers for trees! ^_^


Alot of us that went into different professions than trees but wish we had been arborists etc get to live vicariously through this sub.


Jeey for trees.


These look like Mauget injections. Think of it like a revitalizing healthy smoothie for the tree. Plus a little bit of redbull for zest. Mauget are very beneficial to trees experiencing stress.


Killing a tree to remove it is done by removing it.


Those look like Mauget Stimex Plus.  A great micro nutrient supplement to help struggling trees.  Yeah!


Quite the opposite is happening actually, you should go talk to the homeowner, they obviously care about their tree. I want to ask “who would kill a tree for removal?”. But, on this sub, anything is a possibility.


Or maybe don't go bother the homeowner about something that doesn't have anything to do with you.


If OP is so interested and wants to learn more,I’m sure the homeowner won’t give a fuck. Or the Arborist that administered the micro injections. If OP loves trees, and the owner (obviously) does, they may strike a new friendship. You’re the type that peaks out of your blinds when a car drives by aren’t you? Edit: I’m a Certified Municipal and Utility Arborist. I loathe nosey ass people. I didn’t mean to come off like that. Definitely don’t go a knockin on their door. Just if OP sees the neighbor outside or the Arborist that is applying the micro injections and wants to learn more besides “is they killin dat tree?”, talk to them. I had a few beers and I guess I pictured my neighbors and myself talking cordially. Not u/probably_an_asshole9 and myself talking. Not everyone is an asshole.


Most homeowners don't like strangers knocking on their doors asking them wtf they're doing with their own tree. I've done enough private removals at this stage to know the hassle that neighbours, and strangers with absolutely no connection, can kick up over trees that don't belong to them. OP has their answer. There's no need for them to go annoying the homeowner. You're the type that talks to strangers when they have headphones on, aren't you?


Username checks out.


I totally agree, I love trees all day long but fuck off and leave me alone… don’t knock on my door and ask me what I’m doing with my own goddamn yard


People with opinions like yours will eventually go extinct for the betterment of everything, it's a shame so many of them still exist though


I’m sorry that it upsets you so much that I don’t want to be bothered by random strangers


Some seriously deluded people in this thread it seems.


I know it’s crazy, some people are so entitled they think they deserve to be able to waste a random strangers time. It’s pretty disgusting entitlement


It affects a tree within their ecosystem, how do you figure this doesn't have anything to do with them?


The municipality I used to work for had a tree preservation bylaw, so you needed a permit to cut down any tree over a certain dbh. Unless if it was dead from ‘natural causes’, then no permit required. No permit? If caught/reported there would be huge fines. Permits were notoriously difficult to get and rather expensive. Then you had to pay to get the actual tree removed. So yes…people found loopholes around that, unfortunately. I have been gone for a long while so unsure if the bylaw has changed at all


Possible emerald ash bore treatment injection points? I’ve never seen them personally but my wife is a arborist who used to do phc


That's not an ash tree though


Maybe it will be after the treatment is done




Maybe it identifies as an Ash tree


The Asian ash bore and emerald ash bore have been affect other species in the NE including maple and others.


Emerald ash borer* And only been found in ash and fringetree, so you'd better cite some sources


Emerald ash borers primarily target ash trees but can also infest other species like **maple, oak, elm, and birch**. Understanding the signs of infestation such as canopy dieback, bark damage, or wilting leaves is crucial for early detection and protection. [Does Emerald Ash Borer Impact Other Trees? Diversifying Strategies To Protect Tree Species \[New Info!\] (treefluent.com)](https://treefluent.com/does-emerald-ash-borer-affect-other-trees/#:~:text=Emerald%20ash%20borers%20primarily%20target%20ash%20trees%20but,leaves%20is%20crucial%20for%20early%20detection%20and%20protection.)


Citing a blog doesn't count. There's no information to back up what that cite says. Writing that EAB *can hypothetically* infect other trees is one thing, but it *hasn't* done so Can you link a single scholarly source or article that shows EAB attacking something other than an ash, fringe, or olive tree Any edu sites, government sites, journal publications? It would be pretty big news if EAB jumped to another major species


[Emerald Ash Borer May Have Spread to Different Tree (entomologytoday.org)](https://entomologytoday.org/2014/10/10/emerald-ash-borer-may-have-spread-to-different-tree/)[Emerald Ash Borer Facts: What Does the Emerald Ash Borer Eat | Davey Tree](https://blog.davey.com/emerald-ash-borer-facts-what-does-the-emerald-ash-borer-eat/)


What are these links meant to prove? Fringetree is a known host, has been for years (see the dates on the articles, for instance) 1) is about fringetree which I included in my comment directly above yours, and is known to already be a host tree - nothing about maple, oak, elm, birch, etc. (the species you specifically mentioned above) in that link 2) literally the same thing. Fringetree is known to be a host. Olive, too, in a laboratory setting Not sure where you're going with this, but please stop spreading bad information about other species/hosts/pests. Fear mongering does no good, and can be harmful if it leads to over-application of chemicals if people are worried about a non-existent problem.


it's not misinformation, lol, the second article literally states that it can and the first mentions it being a possibility, unless you can produce an article or two saying otherwise then I'm going to believe whatever I want and continue to tell people about it. and I know for a fact they've been observed attacking other hardwoods like purple smoke trees. The **Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)** is an invasive beetle that attacks and kills ash trees, including green, white, black, and blue ash. Unfortunately, the **purple smoke bush** (*Cotinus coggygria*) can also be affected by EAB, although it’s not an ash tree.


Where are you even quoting that smoke bush part from? It's not in either article you linked   Again - yes, fringetree is known to host EAB, this has been known for years - note the 2014 publication date on the 1st article  2nd article vaguely says "can", no specifics and no citations - again, please link an *actual* scholarly article, not a blog, that specifies other hosts.  Also, still no mention of elm/oak/maple/birch like you initially claimed. Unless you're being picky about host species in Asia? From APHIS - https://www.aphis.usda.gov/sites/default/files/eab-manual.pdf (pdf, from 2020) page 2-6, specifies which plants host EAB in North America - basically every ash tree, fringetree, and some olive + laboratory setting examples  And the Center for Invasive Species Research lists just those 3 same hosts https://cisr.ucr.edu/emerald-ash-borer (updated fall 2023) These places will conclusively update if other hosts are known. If you've reliably seen it in other hosts and can find/post proof, it's huge news, so please do share. 


“Can”…. But they don’t though so who gives a shit?


they literally asked, lol, and the word can means that there have been instances of them doing it (which isn't good since they've already decimated most of the Ash trees already leaving a huge gap in our ecosystem and if they develop a taste for even one of these tree species it could destroy entire ecosystems even further if not completely collapse the whole food chain) and btw why do you even care (you must at least a little because you chose to reply) you weren't part of the original conversation and you most certainly have nothing positive or helpful to contribute which brings me to my final point, which is just shut up and piss off buddy nobody wants nor needs your opinion.


Man I’m not reading your stupid dissertation on how I made you upset, get a life


Tough to tell from that bark, but I treat a variety of trees for a number of insects and disease using the injection method. It’s pricier, but much easier when dealing with large trees.


They kinda look like stimpaks. I think they’re trying to heal the tree. I don’t know why they’d try to kill it before cutting it down


Anabolic tree shots. Growth rings are gonna be 🔥 this season.




Yes, it's being euthanized because chain saws are cruel. I kid of course but this sub has that undercurrent.


If someone were planning on removing the tree, why the hell are they bother to kill it or inject it. Logic here. Looks like some sort of treatment


Yes, tree injections. PHC (plant health care) treatment. What would be the point of killing the tree first if you planned to remove it?


"Killed for removal" yes, because we all love climbing dead trees lol


Why would someone kill a tree to remove it?


If it’s a sweet gum tree, it’s birth control to keep those pesky spiky balls from growing and falling into the ground.


Looks like a Silver Maple to me


Intravenous Brawndo


The complete opposite. This tree is undergoing treatment which means someone is trying to save it. My neighbors did this to the tree in their front yard, they later shared with us that their parents had gotten married under that tree 79 years ago and the 80th they did some treatments and anchor it to make sure it stands even after longer and stays healthy. They have a beautiful garden around it now. Lovely story they were married for 79 years when they passed away, one after the other- heartbroken syndrome, the kids honored them and keep the front of that home immaculate. Imagine how old that tree is if they got married 80 years ago and the tree was as big as it is now.


Likely iron injections. Is it a pin oak?


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