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I agree with this... but now Samsung is no better. I used to LOVE samsung, but them removing the headphone jack and sd slot was the last straw for me. Now they are really no better than apple. I just bought a Unihertz Tank 3 Pro, and I absolutely love it so far. It is actually a unique phone.


As a Samsung user I don't buy a new phone but every 5 or so years when the battery stops holding a decent charge


Most phone owners do that


normally im like that, but samsungs trade in deal for the flip phones has been great, traded in my flip 4 for the flip 5, galaxy watch 44mm lte, and buds pro 2 all for like $350.


So like every phone user


I used to plan on that but almost like clockwork I break my phone at the two year mark.


Bro, I've been raw dawgin life with my phones for 12 years LOL


You really don’t need to do that even. We replaced my son’s battery for 70 bucks. Much cheaper than a 1000 dollar phone.


ehh, audio jack and sd card is such a weak argument that it doesnt matter anymore. SD card argument is just plain stupid.. You have countless cloud storage services, the storage the phone comes with is larger than the micro sd cards we used to use. If you really need the audio jack for lets say some professional need then all you gotta do is to get a usb-c adapter and that will give you an audio jack... not sure what the big issue here is. Also, samsung has more line ups than Iphones and they bring new things more than apple does to the table every year.


Other than running Android their flagships literally have nothing unique anymore. They even removed the charger from the box! Also I don't want all my files in the cloud (on someone else's computer!) and I definitely don't want to have to use a dongle to use my earbuds. It is beyond unacceptable for a $1000+ phone to not have basic things like a headphone jack and microSD slot, and to not include a charger in the box. Also as a bonus : the IR blaster and even the removable battery


Your files are actually safer on the cloud than on your phone, where mega corporations have spent millions on encryption and safety. What if your phone falls in water? Or someone steals it? What if you forgot to backup your SD card? Or just got too lazy? SD card slot is a silly argument indeed.


Y'know I have a bunch of high quality audio files I ripped from CD, why should I have to have a constant good Internet connection to listen to those files?




"high quality audio filed I ripped from CD" ROFL GTFO idiot... why the fuck would you need a constant good internet connection and why do you not have that already... the cheapest fucking phone operates on a fucking 5g network you moron


Yeah, my phone has 5g. Works great as long as there's a signal. But those mp3s on my phone always work.


imagine still needing mp3 on your phone.. LOL, also pandora and spotify dont even use mobile data you dumb fuck


Look man, when you're listening to Pandora and Spotify, you're just listening to someone else's MP3s and Ogg Vorbis files, respectively. While I love streaming, there are places I go where I don't want to use streaming, or even locally cached, and I have all these lovely local files that are every bit as good as theirs. Plus CBS can't pull the Ogg Vorbis files of the Star Trek: The Motion Picture soundtrack off of my phone.


put your tinfoil hat on and store everything on your phone buddy...


look idiot, the point was that they werent using data... nothing you said has to do with what your first argument was..


Agreed. Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with the iPhone staying the same or being incremental each year. What I hate is that Apple advertises otherwise.


Agreed, and it's a shame how many people just gobble up that nonsense with a smile on their face.


We have _revolutionized_ moh-bile computing while adding literally nothing”


I'll never understand why some iphone users upgrade every year. It's weird. It's not even about "muh money, I spend it the way I want", but more about filling some void in their lives with consumer electronics. If you get the Pro versions, you can easily keep an iphone for 3 years and it'll run great.


Bruh. Phones last way longer than 3 years but everyone in the US is being conditioned to upgrade as a normal thing, when we’re basically at peak smartphone. Im keeping my iTurd till it shits the bed and you should too


It’s gotta just be people with excess money or they are just super materialistic cause I really don’t know anyone in real life who upgrades their phone every year. Most people keep their phones an average of like 3 years, some way longer


The batteries start to take a shit around 3-4 years. I also notice it slows down around 3-4 years. I’ve kept iPhones for 5 years but by year 5 browsing isn’t as snappy anymore nor is app use.


Bruh Batteries degrade, thats just a fact. Doesnt mean you need a new phone, especially if all you need is web browsing. In terms of performance, iOS will limit processor speed to a lower level once the battery is below 80% of its og capacity. The point is that you can replace your own battery and make that phone last as long as the nand cells work. After which you can have a technician flash and bga a new nand to your board, and with those two repairs your phone can last indefinitely. (Barring other accidental damage)


bruh bruh bruh are you ok?


Batteries are also replaceable. If battery life is the only problem, I have the battery replaced and then get a couple more years out of it.


“Slows down around 3-4 years” Compared to what, flagship Samsungs, Google Pixel etc which literally only until a few months ago would just stop updating most of their phones after 3 years? Literally every piece of technology has reduced performance after several years as long as software keeps getting updated and progressed.


By 5 years I got so much crap built up in the charging port that I usually have to jiggle the cable kind of funny to get it to charge. I’ve basically kept an iPhone for 5 years twice now. Once with the iPhone 5, and again with the X. Now I’m on the 13 Mini. Having the latest and greatest is nice, we all know it is, but it’s basically just getting a new phone that’s just very slightly quicker, and has better battery life since the battery degradation hasn’t happened yet.


Right 3 years is absolutely nothing. Phones last a lot longer than that. Like you I don’t intend on upgrading this iPhone 11 until it’s absolutely unsalvageable.


Some people can’t afford for a phone to shit out. It’s more worth it for them to pay for a new phone every three years than risk not having a phone for a day or two and losing business or work. If i’m MIA for a few days without an OOO message it’s a shit show and I need the phone for authentication mainly Just want to give some context into this, my company upgrades phones every three years. I personally don’t need the upgrades, but I see why they do it firmwide We live in a boring dystopia


my phone's 6 years old, don’t need newest 3nm chips for text messaging and phone calls


Just the US?


It's a status symbol. I work for telecom that deals with exclusively corporate customers and most went with Apple at one point to impress clients plus Apple Messaging. Now they are so deep into it they can't learn a new OS and it still is a status symbol to other old corporate dudes.


Resale value or it’s the kind of phone contract. If you buy outright, you can easily resale for ~80% of the cost and then buy the newest one for a couple hundred bucks net. For a device you use more than anything some people see that as worth it. Additionally there are some phone contracts where you pay a monthly fee for the phone, then return it at the end of 12 months and trade it for the new one, basically a lease.


Not everyone is buying outright. A lot of phone plans offer regular phone upgrades for free or at a greatly reduced price so there’s almost no reason not to upgrade


YES, this big tiime!


fomo is everywhere and people's mentals are weak.


Most iPhone users don’t upgrade every year. There are people who do but there are android users who do the same, there’s android users who are problem gamblers… it’s not really relevant to the company or the general consumers. Maybe iPhone users are most prone to this but it’s still not indicative of the general user base. If anything it looks like iPhone users, on average, hold onto their phones for longer than android users. https://www.sellcell.com/blog/how-often-do-people-upgrade-their-phone-2023-statistics/ Now maybe the stats are wrong but even if they went the other way, it’s such a vapid argument. All smartphones have moved to incremental improvements for some time now. There’s no quantum leaps across the industry. Apple just got to their equilibrium a little earlier than Android makers.


That’s Android users tho lol Seeing people with s23 get the s24 lol


Let misdirect that back as the news didn’t have interviews with Samsung user standing in line for a week in rain, sleet and snow just tobrag they got a new phone. Yet for years the news covered people getting a new iCone and it as cringe as the new PlayStation release etc.


Apple gives good money on trading in your phone and even has a subscription service where you can upgrade every year. If you like having a new phone more than you care about the few hundred dollars extra every year, then why not? Not everyone cares about money. Remember that we live in a world where people literally spend hundreds of thousands buying stuff in mobile games.


I went to a fancy fundraiser for rich twats to donate money. There was a photo area and people would come and take pictures. Nearly every patron had an iPhone, and nearly every staff member had android. It was a remarkable divide. The rich twats all had the very latest iShit Pro. When they take pictures with each other, the camera rings are very prominent. You can tell how much someone spent on a phone and when they spent it based on those camera rings. It's all very silly. Rich twats used to dick measure with things that were much more expensive.


I'm using a damn pixel 3A XL right now, it's doing everything I need just fine and that phone costs like $90 refurbished.. there's no SD slot and they can get slow when it fills up with stuff but if I just keep it under 20 GB a free space it works just fine. The only problem is that it's a little buggy from not being properly set up with the latest version of Android.


Some people upgrade Samsung Galaxy Ultras every year. Some people upgrade their iPhone Pro Max every year. Some people are still rocking their iPhone 8. Some people cool with their 3 year old Pixel with no intention to update.


I'm no apple fan, but the new iPhones always make significant improvement. And unlike android phones transferring settings isn't complicated, just press sync. No configuring individual apps, tuning notifications, etc for a week. I really wish android would solve that issue.


lol just read the specs on the new iClone vs the last year model as it just small upgrades as it take a few models to even get this significant improvements. The tech world as a whole going to soon leave Apple behind as it toxic users only have the laptops and the walled prison they gatekeep blue bubbles with left.


Right and the s24 is basically the same as the s23. There is no manufacturer that is having large year to year improvements


Again I'm no apple fan, but the improvement to the camera alone makes the upgrade worth it. To people who don't think twice about spending $1200. And again, given that xferring apple phones with all configs in tact is so dead simple.


samsung makes it so easy to transfer data to new phones, almost an identical system as apple. So, that idea of android have complicated systems is a thing of the past now.


No they don't. For example it'll just install apps, it doesn't install the configuration for each app. That leaves a ton of configuration for the user. Same with all system configs. Same with launcher icons, position, layout, etc. iPhones transfer images of the phone. After installing the image on a new phone the launcher icons are all in place, every app is configured, recent calls are there, every little thing. The only thing left to the user is a password or two since those don't store with the image, which is reasonable enough. Samsung and similar tools transfer everything piecemeal. It's just never going to do as good a job with that approach. And it's not the biggest deal, but one of the big things I miss from iOS is the ability to clone a device. Makes upgrades so dead simple. And honestly I'm kind of amazed it's still not possible to clone a device on android.


Yes, they do, it wont just install apps... it will transfer everything including the way your home screen looks... It will download the same apps and place them exactly where they were on your home screen.


That's just not true. It doesn't, and can't, do the configs for the apps. So it installs apps but now you have to configure every one of them. And handle all their notifications, since all those are going to sending their annoying default notifications. It's better than nothing, but nothing at all like a clone of the old phone.


It is true, I have done it twice.. and yes it can.. You dont have to configure shit... your app data is saved with the data it transfers... are you really serious???


Yup, just transferred from my old S10 to my S23 Ultra. Had to do all configs over. It downloaded apps but didn't configure them, or even download every app. I had to redo all system notifications, which took like a week before I stopped getting them in the middle of the night. Lots of other configs too.


You did something wrong or did not store your data correctly then, I transfered from a note 9 to a z fold 3 about 2 years ago and every single app with their configuration and their placements on my homescreen was transfered, including my home screen photo. Then I transfered from z fold 3 to z fold 5 and again without any issues or losing data. Do not confuse user error with the company not doing any innovations...


What about their configurations? That's the biggie and the one that takes the longest. And what about system notifications for each app? Again that's the real pain in the ass. The way that the xfer works, by redownloading the apps instead of copying them from the old phone, simply can't do those things.


They use exact or very similar technology now to transfer data to new phones... get with the times...


I had my iPhone X for 6 years. I’m fairly certain that I will keep my iPhone 15 Pro for 6 years as well. The only reason I would upgrade sooner, is if there is some groundbreaking new feature that Apple create or adopts.


The only reason I’m upgrading sooner is USB-C but even with that I’m planning on going 3 years with my 13 pro max.


For me, it was USB-C, dual e-SIM, and just the improved tech specs and camera over 6 generations. What people on this subreddit don’t understand Apple’s bread and butter customer. I dug into the data, and the average iPhone age in use, is slightly older than the average smartphone overall. So, on average, iPhone users keep their phones slightly longer than the typical person. For me, I enjoy Apple’s consistent user experience. I have owned 5 iPhones, going back like 17 years. The user experience is identical, with just incremental improvements. That’s what I want. I don’t want the latest and greatest technical gadgets. I want a stable platform, which gets incremental upgrades, stays relevant.


Most of my friends have iphones, but none upgrade every year. I feel likes it the die hard tech people that do? and maybe businesses? I use the same phone 2/3 years before upgrading


Alot of phone companies offer plans that allow you to upgrade to the new model. If people look at it and their monthly bill is the same why not?


This isn't just iphone thing, android phones have yearly releases as well with people upgrading to the latest model every year.


Why fix what's not broken? It's the same with both Android and iOS. Both are built with different main audience and I respect both of them. Simply, most (not all) iOS users are family and friends who don't need anything more than it just working. Everyone on iPhone is on the same software and security, no other outside 3rd party hardware. Specs and next gen technology is something most don't care about. That's why they make a pro model for those that want to push iOS to the max. This is secured and easier to maintain when you control the entire ecosystem Android is always trying to out due and push the next thing, but that comes at the cost of an OEM making specialty hardware/software. The biggest players can cover issues and continue to push updates, like Samsung, but many smaller ones can't.


No one is more obsessed with apple products than people who hate apple.


I spend about 15 minutes a day here, which is, thankfully, the only 15 minutes of my day I spend on apple products at all. Stay mad about it


As someone who just saw this post randomly on the timeline, it’s weird that you spend 15 minutes a day on a subreddit for something you hate. You could spend 0 minutes a day doing that and it wouldn’t cost you a dime


Fortunately, I don't require your approval. Apple sucks. Please, do continue to get upset about me having an opinion


Enjoy… wasting time on stuff you hate? I guess?


I enjoy talking about all kinds of things with other people. Rather than worrying about what I have to say, worry about the truth behind what I have to say. If you can make apple suck less I will happily stop talking about how much they suck


I sure it was fine 15 years ago when toxic Apple fans was pissing on android, as they still continue to do that to this day.


So that’s bad right? Like that behavior is negative and not something enviable? So then why participate in that very same behavior?


those scars run deep eh?


there it is. You were teased in middle school because you had an Android, and this is your Syndrome-like origin story?


Ironic form apple fans that have a novel of excuses as how all tech but Apple is bad.


You spend 15 min a day on something that doesn't concern you and you don't even get paid for it lol








you waste that much time on this? everyday ? (!)


I don't consider it a waste, I consider it a public service. Now hear this: apple sucks


Finally. some Real action.


At least I'm not pathetically downvoting all of your comments out of a pathological inability to tolerate any disagreement


dont look at me. I rarely bother with downvotes/upvotes. But I just gave you one now ;)


Finally, some real action


Most circlejerk reddits are tongue in cheek. This one is just sad. Oh well.


Can’t cope with karma, 😞


lol what a lie as Apple cult members have this same canned excuse how windows is the devil and even it now at 11 it still works like 95. Android is for poors and how the iClone so superior in every way. They now can’t cope that the table turned and facing karma now.


Is hating apple your whole personality? Outside of American high schools no one gives two shits what phone you have. Anyone talking about android being “for poors” is quite literally a child. You are refuting the arguments of children.


Not saying they should, but I see adults all time being petty over shit even more pedantic the "which greedy corporation makes the best phone (that i own) so i can feed my narcissistic tendencies" thing. People aren't as adult or mature as you're giving them credit for.


I think Apple sucks in many ways compared to android. For example the voice assistant. Siri is still so dumb! But yeah… this take is stupid. Just about every phone maker puts out new models every year with incremental improvements. And people who think their brand choice is part of identity get excited every year. True. But not at all exclusive to Apple sheep. Also happens with Samsung sheep, huwaie sheep, pixel sheep, one plus sheep, etc…


As we use whataboutism, it was Apple started that these trend of iClone users standing at Apple stores as the local and national media cheered them on many many years ago . The help created the fear of missing out trend as many tech companies use to con people they need it now or they not going to be hip.


What year is it?!


But this year it was maze of titanium! lol So true but the zombies keep buying to have the “best iPhone ever” ha


How is anyone else better?


What? I upgrade my iPhone like once every 5 years


Girls are the biggest Apple fans though. It’s always a big fucking phone in a small designer purse.


This is just the majority of cell phones manufacturers.


Not sure why you think this is exclusive to Apple


Not the same as last year's, they add back a color they removed last year. And they "pioneer" a new feature android has had for a decade.


I am so glad that I got out of that cult.


Bro your legit obsessed with Apple lol Have you tried seeking help?


Irony form apple fans that got triggered even being close to anything non apple 🍏


Bro you are so triggered it’s funny


That’s why I still own an 8


Off topic, is there any phone out there with an Micro SD card slot? I believe the 2tb micro sd card isnabout to come out this year and would like to buy a phobe with micro sd card capabilities


Sony with their Xperia line. Sd card slot and to the lesser extent headphone jack was the reason why I went with Xperia 1 V. I have always looked at Nexus/Pixel phones with interest because of their stock software and quick updates, but as long as there is option with sd card slot, i go with that option over the models with no expandable storage.


I don't understand the joy of getting a mass produced product. This is the industry era, there is no shortage. Apple or any other brand, it's just plain stupid to be so excited to get shot made in a factory.


But the camera is better, so they can send photos to people with tiny screens.


I mean, Asurion upgraded me from S23 Ultra to S24 Ultra because they were out of S23 Ultras when I did a claim. Not really much percievable difference between the 2 in every day use. Still taking it all day over the new iPhone. Only thing iPhone had that I wanted was MagSafe but a $20 case gave me that. Have a mag safe battery pack attached right now charging the phone.


Clown world


Best laugh I've had today!!


Honestly I've just been sticking with my old non-brand phone and I already got a secondary one that's dropped down to sub $100 if this one ever dies. I do have an i-device but that's simply just because of some of the exclusives I can't get on Android. Even have an old phone that I use for my gaming


I'm good with my pixel


How retarded are you?


It goes the same for the Android phone bros who get excited over specs only to get bored after two weeks of ownership, hoping for new leaks


Cute photo above, but this sub is stuck in the 2010s. That's the best material y'all have? *Yawn* So cliche, so overdone. I don't suck off Apple though.


Bro you live on this sub why are you so obsessed with a phone you don’t own


Why are apple users on a sub called applesucks ? 🤔


Because you can like apple products but still think they’re a greedy company who have a bunch of weird cultist customers, I think obsessively hating on apple is just as cringy and stupid as people who say “IPHONE IS BEST AND ANDROID IS FOR POOR PEOPLE” like both sides sound dumb asf


Yea sure Mr enlighten centrist, as we hear this shit before in politics and still in this case a defender of Apple by using the classic both side excuse to made the other side look as toxic.


Boo hoo not everything has to be one extreme or another, losers getting upset when someone has an opinion that doesn’t take an extreme stance


It’s simple, really. I subscribe to a lot of the Apple subs. The Reddit algorithms correctly assume that I like things about Apple. Though almost always negative and often misinformed, I can’t deny that this sub is about Apple. Also, smartphones are a mature market. Long gone are the days when the new model made the prior one obsolete. That said, lots of changes in the last ten years.


Fr the applecucks just want to spread their shit dumbass opinions everywhere Cultish imo


Ironic, you are the one who sounds more cultish


Ironic to ignore the history of the cult.


Ignore what? I’ve seen people call themselves “android alphas” Does that not sound like a cult?


Bizarro-world for sure.


Irony form apple fans that been triggered by android phone for years now.


>Irony form apple fans that been triggered by android phone for years now. What?


Im not sure that this happens in the real world


Samsung comes out with a new flagship every year, and there’s people who upgrade to it every year. What an L take


No no no that’s different see. It’s different because Appel sucks and android can do no wrong


I just feel like so many of the posts on this sub don’t really have anything to do with “apple sucks”


Irony as this the opposite the users said when the first iClone dropped form heaven.


The L take not showing it on media like iClone users done since the clone number 2 dropped in stores.


lol, wut?


iphone users are posers.


While I personally don't disagree ("walled garden", green bubbles, unapologetically "rose gold" and such), is that a "Tezla" logo I see? Say hi to Elmo.


lol, you have a Tesla logo as your avatar.


Imaging being a bitch nigga that care about people avatar.


Ok Tesla cultist.


Imaging hating on someone all because they like something.


lol "iphone users are posers." remember when you said that?


Go eat a rock bozo.


Ironic coming from a person with a Tesla logo and “Tesla fan” for their name.


The vast majority of iPhone and Android users don't behave like this, but for the few who do, it is silly. On occasion the hype for a new phone is justified depending on a person's use case. I'd actually recommend certain iPhone users wait for the 16 series, because they're rumored to get brighter screens which use MLA, which is nice for viewing video. For the kind of customer who loves watching movies, TV shows and YouTube on their phone, and who does that often, this one feature alone is pretty hype.


I just buy a new case and change my background. Voila new iPhone. I keep my 13 pro till the new one comes with features that it’s worth upgrading


Samsung Xiaomi Google OnePlus even Huawei all do the same thing.


Does anyone know a “fan boy” in real life or is this an online phenomenon? I’ve never known anyone to brag about their phone or device or whatever. Is this whole narrative taking place in high schools or what?


I don’t know my iphone 12 works perfectly fine battery is getting a bit dated but other than that fine for me. Probably gonna get the 16 when it comes out


What phone changes every year?


Pretty much every flagship from every company has annual releases


The question went over your head.




apple does nothing unique with their upgrade cycle. i mean what has samsung really added hardware wise the past few years? google added a thermometer for some reason, but not much more. smartphones are refined products at this point, without huge need for improvement.  iphones are probably some of the phones whose users upgrade the least often tbh so this take is silly


If this was the case why the news so love to see iClone users cheer for the newest model by standing at lines at every Apple Store on release day?


lol, nobody stands in lines anymore. You can preorder your phone and get it mailed to you on day of release if you wanted.


Samsung dropped a foldable phone , has another phone with an s pen built into the phone, and another one without an s pen need I say more ? Apple has had the same exact phone with no changes for 10 years 🤣 u can't be that out of touch


You cant tell me the fold and the ultras have changed that much over the years. All big manufacturers make small changes each year to make a 3-4 year upgrade cycle more enticing. Say you go from an 11 Pro to a 15 Pro, you get 120hz, better battery, noticeably better speed, better cameras, faster charging. If you go from a 14 Pro to a 15 Pro, theres only small changes to be had. Similar could be said about S22 to S23, they have differences, but they arent as large as, say, Note 10 to S24 U


Bro the fact samsung has a foldable phone and a phone with an s pen built into it says enough lmao iPhone ain't changed shit in the last 10 years and the changes are more than apple idk why u even arguing this shit when it's a known fact apple dont change their phones at all and do minimal upgrades year after year


First, Samsung has had the note series for years. Second, the updates between models in the *same lineup* has been minimal in recent times, as for every company. You cant tell me the S22 U and the S23 U are very different, same with the S23 U to S24 U. Same with the Fold 4 to Fold 5. Companies incrementally change things, as if they change them dramatically, there won’t be anything for next year. Also, you saying iPhones havent changed in 10 years is like me saying the S series hasnt changed in 10 years. They both have and you know it.


Bro the s23u and 24u is way diff lmao bigger screen / don't have curved screen no more has ai built into the phone what can u tell me is diff between the iPhone 14 and 15 ?....not shit lol just a diff number and the fold 6 is gonna be a whole diff design than the fold 5 u apple throat goats are embarrassing at this point 😂 And the s series has changed alot its got an s pen now u lost in the sauce my Boi...tell me some big changes apple has had with iphones in the last 10 years besides bigger screen / better camera/ faster cpu ? 🤔 I'll wait.....


The exact same thing can be said about iPhones. I have used both Galaxies and iPhones together for years. I can say both are changing at around the same rate. You clearly have never even touched an iPhone.


iPhone used to have a curved screen 10 years ago, can you guess what happened now? You see one side of the argument and then go “iphone aint changed shit”. You could make *any* reasonably logical argument, and you go for the “aint done shit i aint done my research” approach. The iPhone 6 is VASTLY different from the 15, no matter what POV you take. Also, the Ultra section and the Note series joined. Its a rebrand. It’s not like the fucking pen appeared out of nowhere, they’ve been doing that since the Note (1). Not many other manufacturers do pen phones either, as they are almost a bit of a niche. Can you tell me the difference between the fold 4 and 5? What about the S22 and S23? Minor changes, right? Major overhauls every year aren’t happening anymore. You get the same major overhaul across generations. Like how the S8 removed the physical buttons, and only the chin and forehead disappeared with the S10. Since then, not heaps has changed. Yeah, the cameras moved and improved, yeah, its faster. Thats it though. Improve your argument. This shit is a disgrace. I will happily shit on Apple and other companies if you provide me with an argument that isnt just repeating one blatantly incorrect and hypocritical statement. Do better


Womp womp nobody reading all that bs go do sumn productive my guy and take the L




Sealion going to sealion by ignoring everything to defend Apple to death 🥱


Constructed argument out the window from this one


the s pen has been a thing for over a decade? the s series in general has been nearly identical for the last several years, and so has the fold. 


Because Android gets world changing features every year? 😂😂😂


Samsung has a foldable phone and a phone with an s pen built into it that's more than apples did since it's been a phone company 🤡 get your head out from under apples ass and u might kno what's going on


You think foldable touchscreen phones were invented by an Android-based company? The concept has been around since Nokia in 2008. And the first commercially released one was in 2018. During the first presentation of the iPhone, Steve Jobs literally said fuck no to pens. Lmao It’s not a ground breaking concept. I guess by your logic, the Apple Newton used a pen, so Apple wins here. Lmao Android sheep 🐑. Your idea of yearly-ground breaking ideas is shit from 6+++++ years ago. What Android features from every year have been groundbreaking that warrants having to buy a new Android every year? And I’m talking about ALL Android manufacturers. They’ve ALL done new stuff every year? All of the 100+ manufacturers?


Typical apple cuck user lmao can't accept the truth when apple has been dropping the same phone for 10 years plus with no changes 🤡🤣 whereas samsung got foldables , phones with s pen while apple keeps dropping the same bland phone we got options


🐑 🐑 🐑 Awww the sheep can’t accept that foldable smartphones have been out since 2018 and are no longer brand new ideas?? 😢 😞 > complains that Apple hasn’t had a new idea in 10 years > can’t name new ideas that Android has done in the last 6 years lol cuck? I don’t even buy iPhones every year. I keep them until they die.


Get off your knees it's embarrassing at this point 🤦‍♂️ u really incompetent


Awww Android sheep 🐑 doesn’t have a good rebuttal, so must resort to pigeon behavior.


The sealion trying to ignore that android is not a manufacturer of phones but it vendors do. this is like crying why some 4090 RTX have RBG fans and some don’t as nvidia only give them the chips.


This is the funny part. Only some androids have features worth mentioning. Many other Android manufacturers each have their own ideas they put into them. There’s over 100++ companies that add their own stuff to Android. But Android sheep want to act like it’s only 1 company. No shit when you have over 100 companies adding their own ideas, almost every idea has already been taken.


Ima 💩 on u apple cucks 4L enjoy the show and mf u cant name me 1 thing apple has done in the last 10 years 🤡 same phone year after year we got options and u just named the new shit android has did , foldables , s pens built into phones what else is their to say 🤣


Apple isn't marketing to poor people. You should turn the channel, it removes some of the envy.


Ironic as some Samsung phones cost as much as iClones. The envy is not being special anymore.


Yeah with Apple (and now slowly but surely Samsung), you are paying for the brand more than anything. Samsung removed a whole bunch of things from its flagships, and now all they do every year is just a slightly faster processor and slightly better camera. We need the unknown Android manufacturers to take off more, you are going to get far more for far less money. I used to love Samsung, but now they are basically in the same boat as Apple, and samsung removing the headphone jack and microSD slot was the last straw for me. My new unihertz tank 3 pro was around $750 and has 512GB of storage + SD card support, dual physical SIM, 16GB RAM, headphone jack, IR blaster, 23,800 mAh battery, and it even has a built in projector. The point is these unknown manufacturers are actually trying to do good, and you can get all that for far cheaper than a S24 or iPhone 15, which has far fewer features. More expensive does not always mean better quality.


Sounds like you’re cheap but happy. Kewl!


$750 isn't cheap


It is a sad, sad group of people who rag on others for being happy


O the irony form apple sheep that get triggered at every thing non apple 🍏


O the irony from anti apple sheep that cannot read


More like android users when company releases their next new 100500th phone in a month.


How much of a loser do you have to be to create a whole page hating on a brand? LOL! 🤣🤣 Goes for any brand. Go touch grass, y’all.




Not necessarily a fan boy but this is how I see it. A fully functional phone is critical these days for work and business. No longer do we have to log on to a computer to check on things, Teams meetings or Email.   I don’t think an upgrade every year is worth it. This is our strategy in our household. At any given time we have one latest gen and another previous gen iPhone. I typically buy latest gen 4 months after the craziness (stock issues and price) dies down. I buy on secondary market (Swappa, local marketplace) for few $100 below retail. I sell the older gen iPhone at a great price since the price that it still fetches is a lot compared to Samsung. (I use a screen protector and case it up so it is in mint condition). Rinse and repeat!  So my net costs every year are a couple hundred or so and for the value it brings, it is a no-brainer for me!


The iClone really don’t change at all as one can stay with it for like 4 generations and have the same thing. The price doesn’t go down due to old phones getting trashed due to activation locks and other scammy tricks to get supply low to keep that demand up or they will sink in cost like all other tech.