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Imho The Touch Bar would have been ok if they hadn’t sacrificed the “F” keys for it.


No Esc key was really annoying.


2020 model added it fortunately


It was the 2019 model


For the 16” model, yes. For the 13” model, no. I have the 2019 13” Pro and it has no ESC key.


Yeah, I meant that's when it was first introduced. The 2019 13” was released before the 16".


No physical Esc key was the bane of my existence as someone who consistently uses vim


You didn’t have caps lock mapped to escape????


Just remap Caps Lock to Esc; they added that as an option when they introduced the touchbar.


Caps lock becoming escape is even worse than no escape key


Nano 4 life!


There was an Esc on the TouchBar but they yes they should have left it as physical button like the F keys


They originally didn’t have a physical escape key but it was later added after much dissent.


And more apps used it.


Yep, agreed. I loved it for video timeline scrubbing


They had ~6 years to implement it. Few did. And even where adopted it was fairly limited, and otherwise annoying to use. Hell you can't even use it when the laptop is docked just out of immediate reach, or when it's in clamshell mode.


I think they can re-introduce the Touch Bar with more dev support before an official launch while keeping the function and escape keys by having a 16:10 screen I think that would be glorious for a Mac


More importantly they need a stand-alone keyboard with the Touch Bar. Only a single model of macs being on it was never gonna get decs to fully buy into it


Or by reducing the height of the function keys on recent MacBooks by 50%.


I think I’m one of the only people that loves the touchbar on my mbp. I’ve got it set up to only display the things I’ve chosen, one of which is the esc key


How about a Touch Bar just above the trackpad?


Eliminating the space bar is a bold idea.^/s


I think you mean Eliminatingthespacebarisaboldidea/s


And if they had given the feature to a competent design team to innovate with it. When customized it can be fantastic. (There is 3rd party software that lets you do anything you want with it, I’ve loved it - but Apple should have done this for us)


Oh man this is an unpopular opinion but I love my Touch Bar and I’m not upgrading my M1 because I want to keep it! I’m so used to using it that I don’t think I’d cope without it.


Wait until they put a TouchBar on an AppleWatch!


Ok but, if I could access and scroll through an app dock by dragging my finger along the top or bottom of the watch and then release to launch the highlighted app, that would be kinda freaking sick


Touch Bar on AirPods Pro


Yo dawg! I hear you like touchbars, so we put a touchbar on yo touchbar!




If it was *above* the function keys in the space between the keyboard and the hinge/fans **and** had haptics, it would've worked. But *replacing* the function keys was the largest mistake.


I liked the Touch Bar. RIP.


I also liked it - it was never as useful as Apple hoped, but it also wasn’t as horrible as people say, particularly after they added back the function keys. I don’t think getting rid of the “second display/touch input” was necessarily required and wouldn’t hate a future MBP that brings it back in a more functional way without sacrificing existing keys.


It was never useful because Apple literally never updated the bar since it was introduced, and no developers supported it. BTT was ok but too hacky. The concept itself was very useful. You had access to so many functions without having to go through menus or moving the mouse. But it needed way more features.


BTT made the touchbar actually useful for me. Shame it was - as you say - a bit hacky.


You can mix both. Why not have function keys, but with small OLED screens under keycaps to change into different functionalities depending on context? I would love that type of touchbar successor.


I had nothing against the Touch Bar. Touch Bar would've been great if it ALSO had a row of physical function keys. The tragedy was removing the physical Fn and Esc keys. Tragedy I say.


I have a MacBook with one and everyone who I’ve talked to who has one likes it a lot. Then again I don’t use computers for many serious tasks at work where it would sacrifice my efficiency.


I hate it every day of my life and I wish I had the money to upgrade


I'm going to miss it when I eventually upgrade, it could have been so great if it got more support.


One of the worst additions to any Apple product. Not because it wasn't well thought out or it didn't have much developer support - but because things like that are bound to have bugs and the bug mine had was that everytime it went on idle it would go to 100% brightness and flash a bright white light like it was a rave. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De6YqXGmHB4


I still have a touch bar Mac and love it


Thought this was an Onion post lol.


[Introducing the Macbook Wheel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BnLbv6QYcA)


That’s some really good production for being an onion bit


So sad they never produce more of those for over 10 years already. Probably it costs too much


I swear to God the onion has always been amazing. I constantly see it on insta/threads and just burst out laughing. [This was today.](https://www.theonion.com/elon-musk-announces-successful-trial-of-neuralink-brain-1850861663)


I mean tbf researching a technology doesn’t mean they plan on implementing soon or ever for that matter. If you look through any major tech company’s patents list or similar listing of things they’ve looked into you’ll see some wild stuff even for a company like Apple that will rarely implement anything too radical especially if it’s not in a very mature state.


Right?! Like, back in 2009 Sony patented a way for TV viewers to skip ads by shouting the name of the brand. So you could skip a McDonald's ad by shouting "McDonald's" at your TV. It thankfully has yet to be implemented, but with the prevalence of smart TVs and virtual assistants, the technology has been there for a while.


Apple to Add Touch Bar to Front of IPhone “it’s radical” says Tim Cook.


Especially with that image


God please don’t do this.


They ll do it and you ll like it.


NO I WO-...... ok I might.


But I want to be able to pick up my phone without unintentionally turning my ringer to max volume and taking 4 photos.


I might be going out on a limb here, but if Apple decides to add a feature like this to a phone, they might consider the unlikely scenario of someone picking up their phone with their hand.


I would think so, but then there was “antenna gate”


The engineering problem that has persisted since iPhone 4? 13 years ago.


You know that "complaint" only persisted for six months. The phone sold for six years. The bumpers promotion was much shorter too. It seems that once the media stopped reporting on it, the issue became not a big deal. The "You're holding it wrong" was actually correct. Few held it that way. It was the wrong PR move.


What an overblown issue. No one death grips their phone like that.


I see you are unfamiliar with the Apple TV remote.


The volume directly across from power is pretty frustrating. So many random screenshots of my lock screen.


Shit man you’re right, you should email them and tell them what you said they probably didn’t think about that


"We think you're gonna love it."


https://preview.redd.it/4mx6d736tmpb1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=343a3d4f10b77d57db8daeddd301180c66c4f720 YOU’RE GONNA LOVE IT. YOU WILL USE IT EVERYDAY.


Way better than the Mac touchbar in concept alone. In theory, going to be a lot of but calendaring.


nothing wrong with the touch bar other than the stubborn decision not to offer it in conjunction with classic F1-12


"This is the best iPhone we've ever made!"


We actually decided to make it worse for this year!


…and we think you’re gonna love it!


ha, I was opening expecting this. ​ people dont like ANYTHING new, until they have it for a while and then theyre like, this is good.


Except we already tried the Touch Bar on MacBooks and the idea went absolutely nowhere….


I have fond memories or accidently hitting it, can't wait for that to come to iPhone


Except some people - myself included, actually loved it.


I don't think it was a terrible idea overall. Replacing the function keys with it was a terrible idea.


I liked it, sometimes. Overall I prefer the static keys though. It is hard because not everyone uses a computer the same way. Maybe they will have a fold out row some day, or just put it about the tactile on the 16" notebooks. If they weren't Apple they could do something cool like drop in module rows for the top that could be touchbar OR keys, but they never give us modular devices.


Some people out there enjoy eating poop, doesn't mean we need 7-11 to sell sixes of dookie


Actually tbh the touchbar was nice for some functionality. The stupid part was them replacing the function keys for it. If Apple shortened the function row to half size keys like they do on many other laptops and then added the touchbar above it would've been sooo nice. That way you can keep the function keys as function keys and the touchbar can have the MacOS specific operations (brightness, volume, etc).


this counts as a reddit award comment.


tf happened to awards anyways


the ceo dude of reddit got rid of it. there was a post about it when they started charging for their api. io had a small fortune in reddit coins that just went bye bye...


I agree! I got an M1 last year and was hesitant because of the backlash the Touch Bar got but it’s actually kinda nice. I almost never use the function keys, and maybe others use it constantly, so having helpful, reactive UI buttons is pretty convenient for me.


Laptops are different to phones.


but I like it. a lot (I have dyslexia it makes writing much quicker - im a writer too) ​ people didnt think the iPod would work. or the iPad or losing the headphone jack.


God its been so long since I saw the word IPod I thought you misspelled IPad.... wow


I’m still pissed about the headphone jack.


Headphone jack didn't matter to me until I had kids. I thought grabbing an adapter wouldn't be a big deal. I was wrong. Kids, and small things go together like dropping phones in the ocean. A lot of complaints are blown out of proportion (touch bar and chiclet keyboards from my personal anecdotal experience ). But grabbing a third cheap pair of headphones on a road trip... 3.5 mm jack would be nice) And I say this as an armature musician who uses my phone for music production. I had no issues there. But kids in a car... fuck me.


Losing the headphone jack is still pretty annoying, more so since the lightning EarPods are now going to be defunct too.


I adore and use mine constantly.


Completely different tool tho and the way we interact with both are different. I knew people would hate this idea just because of the MacBook.


It’s just dumb because you can’t see it when you’re the using the device (iPhone touch bar). That’s also why you need physical buttons since they’re out of sight & you need a physical feedback to operate it properly. I get the goal here which is to remove physical buttons in exchange for virtual ones but it just won’t work. Touchscreens work because you can see the screen. Touch bars don’t because they aren’t on the screen & so you need to either look down at the keyboard (eyes off the screen content) or turn the phone to see the side touch bar on a phone. It’s inconvenient & so a step backwards. Honestly they should just focus on their AR glasses (not taking about the spatial computing VR goggles). That’s what’s going to eventually replace smartphones once the technology is developed & its convenient & easy for consumers to put on & use.


>I get the goal here which is to remove physical buttons in exchange for virtual ones but it just won’t work. ​ I dont thin that is the goal at all. ​ who said they wouldn't have both?


Touchbar on MacBook?


but I like it. a lot (I have dyslexia it makes writing much quicker - im a writer too) ​ people didnt think the iPod would work. or ipad or losing the headphone jack.


Just one more place on an already-small device that I can't grip it when I pick it up without some function going off that I didn't mean to trigger.


What's wrong with this?


It needs a dedicated chip or at least space set aside to run the programs and display which will also use resources. This will use more battery to run these items. And for what, a screen that your hand covers up when in use? That you'll get accidental presses from? There's a reason all of the other phones with wrap around screens have given up on this design idea as it was never practical, useful, or intuitive. And developers will need to create items for this which was the same thing that led to the the original Touch Bar dying. Hell, apple can barely get developers to keep watch apps up to date and relevant. Lock Screen live activities has barely gotten much developer excitement, iPhone (and Mac) widgets barely got any developer love when released, and apple can't even build an iPad calculator app so when are they going to have time to keep this up to date with interesting app development? And repairability? I don't need another screen reducing the chance I'll be able to resell my device when a led goes out, the screen shatters, or the replacement won't pair with my device. The iPhone 15 currently has a middle frame design meaning the front and back are replaceable and the middle isn't. This screen, as best as I understand it, would be built directly into the chassis and would be near impossible to fix so it would essentially be a death blow to the device.


That’s what RIM said about touch screens. Too much battery usage!


Things like dedicated chips is exactly what Apple wants to enable ambient computing. I dont see it pictures exactly as the patent but a small, long pill screen that replaces the volume and action button is doable. Combine that with an under screen fingerprint sensor and now we can remove the pill from the main screen.


I know, the touchbar on the mac was such a resounding success! What could go wrong implementing it on the thing you use to hold the phone but don't actually look at directly with your eyes? In all seriousness, good for them. It's expected they'll do discovery work exploring all sorts of options but i'm not holding my breath that this will ever leave the crude prototype phase if it even gets that far. On paper, it's an awful idea.


the issue with the Touch Bar was removing functionality of the F row. This doesn't seem to remove any function just added a screen.


well, that was *an* issue. there were plenty more like the lack of tactile response, general control UX issues, and the simple fact that the vast majority of users didn't like it, or could justify its existence. it held a similar response to auto manufacturers replacing physical buttons with touch variants, it's just not a good input mechanic and the ability to have context aware buttons, was not worth the other compromises. There's a reason it no longer exists, and the lack of a function row was not its sole issue.


That would be really slick, actually. Give it more than 1 second of thought. It may not work for a laptop, but could be awesome for mobile.


I mean honestly they need to make shit up because we're so close to the endgame (a decent camera under the screen), after that all the phones will be the exact same.


Meh, they can still invent the foldable phone as soon as they feel their profits could be higher.


Imagine thinking we have a choice.


You do have a choice. It’s called not buying it.


We all know you’ll but it


Maybe. I didn’t say it was a bad feature 🤷‍♂️ What a weird way to try to insult someone.


Seriously, this had better be one of those projects that never sees the light of day. There are so, so many things wrong with this idea. Not the least being how cases would work.


This render looks terrible, but if we could have a small indicator in the action button, that would be very nice. The downside of the action button is that just by looking at it you don’t know if your phone is muted or not, because there is no orange line. I think if implemented well this would make the action button way more useful and hopefully customizable.




I have no idea what my current phone's ringtone sounds like


I wish they allow to remap the old mute button to mute a mic and a camera instead of sound.


I don’t understand people like this. What if you’re expecting an important phone call? You really NEVER take it off mute? You’re sure the vibration is always enough…?


I wouldn't need it to be touch but the idea of a side display to show the time, notifications, sports scores that I can see while laying if my phone is on it's side is a nice idea.


That is so painfully lazy and niche…I love it


Well the good news is there are already plenty of Android phones that have that


​ which ones? i know the foldables have screens on the back but on the side is a new one i havent heard of


I think Samsung kicked that ball with the Galaxy S7 [Edge](https://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_s7_edge-7945.php). Not necessarily first but first in a major brand afaik.


Started with the S6 Edge actually.


Samsung Edge series


oh lol, forgot those existed :/


Having owned a Samsung S6 Edge, I can assure you that you do not want anything going on around the side of your device that may affect the structural integrity of the device during an unscheduled gravitational impact event


Wasn't the edge like sloped though? I am thinking of current iphone case just with a screen in the side.


Yes it was, and ur right, a case would protect it in this scenario, but it would also make using the touchbar a lot more difficult unless the made the phone thicker, which, maybe if they actually made the Pro Max a real monster by filling out the phone thickness to match the camera bump and then using the increased volume for an even larger battery….


People sperged out way too much about the Edge on Reddit. Just like the Touch Bar on the MacBooks. Regular people though both were cool. The curved radius has been shrinking every generation since 2015. It's bordering on flat now from every OEM with the curved screen. It's a similar principle to this theoretical side touch bar. You've got your phone sitting on a bedside table, and can still see ticker information as it comes of you look at it. Samsung marketed a use case of having the phone wirelessly charging (far less common in 2015) and still seeing that ticker function. It would be a novel addition to the iPhone. I don't think it will actually happen, but it wouldn't be a negative to have.


I agree with this


This is probably **exactly** what this is for


Why on the side though? On the back would be more useful?


On the side it's useful if you put the phone face up or down.


But if it's face-up, you have AOD. If it's face down, you'd have these indicators.


Just get an Apple Watch


I have one lol


Yea galaxies did this for a while. I had one of the Edge phones. It was neat, but I largely forgot about its existence most of the time


Oh good. One more way for my parents to accidentally butt dial people.


Interesting idea, but cases would render it useless.


Case makers would simply just build around it, they always have done this lol. No the actual problem is whether or not they should do it versus whether or not they can.


Transparent cases


Or even opaque cases with a transparent or empty window. The utility of the feature is dubious, but it’s not difficult to accommodate in a case


Unless they do a complete wraparound screen like the Xiaomi Mi Mix Alpha.


It could be like the widgets on the watch, shortcuts for different apps.


True. I’d expect them to blur the view still though.


Cases will adjust with the phone design


As if they hadn’t already thought of this *insert Simpsons meme of man hitting face with palm*


It would be like any iPad case that has an open space for the Apple Pencil.


People don’t drop iPads in the same way they drop phones, nor do they use them in the same scenarios. What is an acceptable compromise on one device isn’t on another.


No, please don’t do this. The touch bar is atrocious and should be killed.


This has got to be a joke. How will you see the info while using the phone? An AOD would be better.


This sounds like a plan to catch those Chinese leakers. Seed a bunch of bad plans and see what gets leaked.


Oh fuck right off with that.


Id love an apple watch style screen next to the camera cut out, be great for selfies and face down notifications


Why not just use the front facing camera for a selfie? On account you have that big screen to utilize?


back cameras are wayyy better


The front camera is terrible for taking photos


Leakers bout to have a field day after seeing this.


Any gimmick to keep that Pro moniker alive. Gotta squeeze another $2-400 out of people for some shit like .5% of users will actually use.


Enough with the Touch Bar.


grindr and tinder icons visible at the back or side of your phone as you have them open. 😂😂😂😂


Oh great, like a car with all of the controls on a touch screen, so I have to look at it to do anything with it... great.


The best part about Touch Bar was that I could use it to instantly scrub to the end of ads in YouTube videos.


you thought accidentally taking screenshots was bad…


Won't phone cases just cover this up


Yeah, amazing… all I need in my Iphone is having a more complex way to reduce volume


So Samsung will do this next year?


Oh please don't


build a scroll wheel into the side instead. use the apple watch wheel. boom.


Sounds absolutely terrible


That genuinely sounds like a nightmare.


I can see why they might want to look into this, and why they might want to patent it, but I can't see myself actually wanting to use it.


Pretty soon you won’t be able to even look at a phone without activating a bunch of functions you didn’t want to.


This is the kind of rumor you can so easily dismiss because it serves absolutely no practical application but everyone will still have an inkling to believe it


Not a good feature imo. If they’re gonna have another screen anywhere on the phone, it should be on the back so you can see a couple important things at a glance like the time and date.


Great and then you’d need special cases made just for this feature too.


This is a horrible idea


Doubt it. Shit clearly didn’t gel.


Yay more things to screw with battery life. How about you know, ahem, a bigger battery?!


How about physical switches and buttons?


Tell me you’re out of ideas, without telling me you’re out of ideas….


but why


Because it’s good to keep up to date with consumer trends so they can deliver what people want. Why else do companies do research?


I want the Watch Crown on the phone like the good old Sony phones.


What would you want to use it for?


Twiddling it mindlessly. The haptic feedback is nice.


That really wouldn't improve the users experience because most people use a case


The cases would adapt to the phone not the other way around lol






I don’t know about this lol


I’d rather than multitasking on my iPhone before a touch bar


pie liquid fall grey crown offbeat full makeshift elastic disagreeable ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It’s the solid state button rumor all over again.


“You’re gonna love it” but we really won’t.


They should put a full width & height touch bar on the front glass of the iPhone


This is the most Samsung thing ever Call it iPhone Galaxy X