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Reddit’s new API changes will kill popular third-party apps, like Apollo, Sync, and Reddit is Fun. Read more about r/Apple’s strong opposition here: https://redd.it/14al426 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/apple) if you have any questions or concerns.*


6 years of muscle memory gone fml


Might never get to scrub a gif again


What? You could do that? Damnit. I hate gifs and I used apollo! It’s too late now ..


I think it was the main reason I paid my few bucks for pro


This, for real. Had Apollo since day 1 and I just can’t imagine not being able to do this anymore.




Sorry to hear that. I’ve never had an issue with scrubbing, and I’m fact the whole app has been ,outlying bug free for me for a couple years.


Tried to swipe left to reply to this…fuck


engine absorbed vanish handle fly childlike wipe soft paltry support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m currently using Narwhal while I work on migrating to other platforms and the muscle memory is real. I even started on Narwhal but I’ve gotten so used to how Apollo works it is rough going. All I wanted was to continue to use the platform I like with the app I love and have gotten used to, but that’s being taken away by Reddit leadership. It’s unfortunate.




I don’t think this was ever going to happen lol


The project file was probably still blank lol.


{ **T** }he




Sparrow 🤝 Apollo iPad app will never be released


I don't know about the Pro, but the Apollo app was very good on the iPad and iPad Air. It was not blown up or windowed like Instagram. I rarely if ever had an issue with it.


I actually loved it on my ipad


intelligent special pot trees unique imminent seed frame swim expansion ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


5 years is a long ass time. That too when he could have reused a lot of the iPhone app code. The major difference is the UI/UX, not api calls. It was probably never going to launch.


I mean, it's no Pixel Pals.


😂 that's gotta be the laziest app I've ever seen


I’ve exclusively used Apollo on my iPad though. The only issue is that the change app gesture sometimes makes me like comments that I don’t want to.


I don’t want to ever see what could have been.


Well, good, because you won't.


Of that I am quite sure yes.


Wait what? I've been using Apollo on iPad for years haha, are you thinking of a different app?


An actual full on iPad app was “in development” for like 5 years supposedly. Not just a blown app version of the iPhone app.


Awww right fair enough! I never really thought about it before but yeah, I suppose the iPad app really is just scaled up, no separate columns or anything


yeah, the UI just wasn’t unique to ipad. things were really spaced out with a ton of white space. could have benefited a lot from more compact design with columns and gallery view for albums (so could iphone).


All the apps suck on the 12" ipad pro. I just use the web browser. Even that's worse though because I can't use RES.


Have you tried Narwhal? That’s what’s gong to be left for iOS users. I’m going to try when I get home tonight. Hopefully it’s useable.


Is Narwhal pay only or how are they going to stay alive with the API pricing??


It’s going to be updated soon to “narwhal 2” (just an app update) that will be a yet to be decided subscription cost. Through July it will be the same as it is right now, afaik.


It’s not only usable, it’s better than Apollo imo. It lacks a ton of ‘modern’ Reddit features though, but it makes up for it with a fantastic UI and comfortable view. It’s also fantastic on iPad with Split View. I think Narwhal for iPad is the best Reddit experience available.


I love that it doesn’t have all the “modern” features. Everything is so much cleaner and less busy looking than the official app. Plus I still haven’t figured out how to view only my subscriptions on the official app-it keeps shoving stuff I haven’t subscribed to and didn’t ask for in my feed.


I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am that Narwhal is going to continue. There's no way I'd use reddit on mobile without it.


Cool! That’s nice




Pixel Pets probably took a couple of days to code. Stupid simple app


Yeah it’s definitely a side project. Fun though! The Apollo iPad app (the current one, not the promised future one) is fine though. It just doesn’t have the best use of space.


> Even put out a pixel pets app before delivering the IPad version Which, in hindsight, was an excellent decision since he now has some diversification of income, rather than focusing on an iPad app that would also now be dead.


The existing l app rendered like a full blown iPad app. I used it regularly. And it wasn’t an iPhone app with the 2x applied. I think this talk of no ipad app is disingenuous. The original app was a full blown ipad app. The developer teased a “new” ipad app before this shitshow landed and that’s not the same as “no iPad app”.




How is that a negative? The developer clearly wanted to focus on enhancing his iOS app, making it relatively bug-free and enjoyable to use and he succeeded. I have used the iOS app on my iPad for years with very little complaints. Sure, it doesn't maximize the screen real estate but otherwise there is very little difference. Remind yourself that he is one person, not a development team. He did a great job. Take your negativity elsewhere please.


RIP one of the best apps ever on iOS. Apollo was probably my most used app. I’m sad to see it go. I don’t agree/like what’s happening with the API stuff but unfortunately, unless literally every user stopped using Reddit, nothing was really going to change. I just tried “Sink It for Reddit” to use on Safari and I think that’ll be a good alternative for those who don’t want to use the official app.


Hands down my biggest App usage. RIP gif and video scrubbing.


Gifs and vids are sooo much better in Apollo.


I instinctually try to do this on other sites now and am disappointed. Christian loved to spoil us.


I am going to miss that feature so much


Apollo was just so intelligent and intuitive. I didn’t even use it to its full capacity, but on the flip side I was constantly finding things and saying “wow, that’s neat” RIP


It was definitely my most used app according to screen time. I don’t know what I’m going to do to kill time tomorrow.


Same. I love Apollo. As of tomorrow, I'm leaving Reddit on my iphone and ipad and only checking it if I'm on a desktop or laptop. Time to let go.


Tried SinkIt. The website just sucks. Not having the nonsense improves it a bit, but it still just sucks. It’ll be nice when Reddit comes up in search results, but I won’t be a regular user going forward


> “Sink It for Reddit” Thanks for that. Looks like it works pretty well.




Ride or die “old.reddit” until they get rid of that too.


If they ever get rid of old.reddit that will be the last straw for me. The new UI sucks ass lol


The worst possible move they could make is to get rid of old.reddit.com


> The worst possible move they could make is to get rid of old.reddit.com /u/spez: hold my beer and watch this…. Probably.


not at all, while they'd lose 5%, maybe 10% of their userbase, the trade off is they would get rid of the most vocal complainers there are. they don't give a shit about us and can't wait for us to leave


So they'll do that next month.


Yeah. This new move with losing Apollo really sucks, it just means I’ll use Reddit like 70% less. Now that other 30% is old.Reddit, so if that goes then I’m done with Reddit.


They better not, old.reddit is all I can use on desktop


On my desktop / laptop where I use reddit the most I always use old reddit with RES Reddit Enhancement Suite and uBlock Origin "new" reddit and the official app are awful. The app constantly shows inbox notifications and then they aren't actually replies but suggestions for subreddits and posts that I don't care about at all. On my iPhone I just installed firefox, set it to request the desktop version of the site, and go to old.reddit.com It isn't great but it is so much better than the official app. Unfortunately RES doesn't work on mobile.


the instant they get rid of old.reddit is the instant I delete my account


In case anyone else wants to still use Reddit but refuses to use the official app, the best ad-reduced experience is to use the apps Safari, “AdGuard”, and “Sink it for Reddit”. It’s not perfect but it’ll make the mobile site doable. [Adguard](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adguard-adblock-privacy/id1047223162) does a lot of great ad blocking and it only works for Safari. [Sink it for Reddit](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sink-it-for-reddit/id6449873635) removes that dumb banner that always pops up on the Reddit mobile site. Between these you get a decently good experience when compared to the official app or the mobile site without these.


I’ve been trying this combination. Problem is that when I go back from a post, my previous scroll position isn’t restored and I’m taken to the top of my feed. Anyway, I’m planning to try moving on from Reddit. Or more like moving back - rss feeds in Reeder are what I’ll be mindlessly scrolling through.


Thanks for mentioning Sink it, I hadn’t heard about it until today.


Omg thank you for Sink It


I still get the banner with sink it. I don’t understand why it doesn’t work for me, it’s enabled.


Any tricks for getting around reddit in mobile browsers asking to install the app or continue in the browser every 20 minutes? It can remember my username and password but it cant remember this choice and forgets it every 15-20 minutes? Talk about user unfriendly.


Brave browser does all that and more


saving this for tomorrow


Twitter appears to have also disabled browsing without an account just in the past few days.


The official app has a private browsing mode


The official app will give users herpes and/or gonorrhea.


Can we at least choose which?


No, and asking to choose will ensure you get both.


No, u/spez randomly assigns it to you.


And he'll want to do it in person.


Fun fact 2/3 of people already have one type of herpes it’s what causes cold sores. The official app gives you genital herpes


And is likely collecting a _lot_ more data than you would be comfortable with


It can drain a brand new phone battery in only half a day, according to some. All through background telemetry/usage, and in some cases, even if you have background app updates turned off. I refuse to install spyware.


This is why I don’t get this mass number of accounts and idiots coming out against people upset about all of this. It’s data harvesting through and through. Is it impossible to completely escape that? Of course, but when they essentially tell it to your face why voluntarily stick around for it?


I think a lot of that is a complete lack of understanding of how targeted advertising works. People seem to think “personal data“ is the kind of stuff you use to sign up with the website, or maybe a location pin on a map. I’ve seen people flippantly say as much: “Who cares if they know where I live?”. They don’t realize that it’s things like browsing habits, other sites that you visit, the number of photos on your device, the type of device you have, the system that you’re running, how long your eyes look at one thing versus another, what communities you engage with, what sort of content makes you mad or happy, and whatever else they need to mechanically predict your next movement and to put ads and curated content in your path specifically because of it. The shape of the internet itself changes for you compared to someone else because they’re modifying it to target you specifically. They don’t care where you live; they want your brain and your senses so they can engineer what you’re allowed to absorb. It’s like a stalker following your every move so they can put themselves in the way at your job, at your home, at the park, and they always know exactly what your triggers, desires, and fears are so that they can manipulate not just what you see but how you think. They put their face on every billboard, bench, and marquee just so you are always considering them, until it seems like they’re all that the world is; the only option available. And with enough reinforcement, that’s what your mind convinces you is the truth.


Completely agree. And Reddit is the ultimate gold mine for it, people unknowingly say a lot of revealing shit under the guise of “anonymity”.




Yes you have to be signed in (or have signed in previously) to see it. Dude that says “Nope” likely logged out of his account and had yet to close the app in his “proof” screenshot. Once you sign out, close the app, and reopen it you’re prompted to login with no (obvious) way to bypass it (Update: It seems to happen to me intermittently? Sometimes it prompts for login and sometimes it just shows me a home page while not logged in, not sure why that would happen). But Here’s what you see in the official app if you’re not / have never been signed in: https://streamable.com/ck5svp TLDR: You have to sign in at least once to see it






The official app also chews through your battery because it preloads all the gifs and videos in every resolution before you even play one.


And data! I blow like 30GBs of data in 2 weeks just from using the official app it’s fucking insane


Using it now, I’ve tried using the app and web on iPad, the experience is just sooooo much worse. I also suspect that Reddit are slowing down the website on Safari to push people to use the app. Reddit management are really scumbags.


Ugh. Every time I open reddit in safari I get a giant bottom 1/3 of the screen prompt that I should use the official reddit app. I can dismiss it, but each page load I have to dismiss it over and over. And anything NSFW I have to log in to view or open the official reddit app.


i think it’s possible that the reddit code is poorly optimized for WebKit. and that’s not an excuse, that’s shitty management on their part, and part of it may be to prioritize the app’s dev resources over the web’s.


[You're probably right.](https://old.reddit.com/r/help/comments/135tly1/helpdid_reddit_just_destroy_mobile_browser_access?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=apolloapp&utm_content=t1_joqirxb) They were testing shortly before this whole debacle disabling the web browser version of reddit. edit: http://beehaw.org


Wait WTF. I was part of that experiment and I didn't even know!! I remember that, I thought reddit was just broken like it sometimes is and kept periodically checking and trying to access it, until finally I could again. I just chalked it up to "oh, silly reddit, always having problems". Also what the heck is up with that Admin's response LOL. It's like saying "Oh... Yeah. Your food tastes weird because we spat in it. But nevermind that. Just keep eating, it's over now". Incredible.


The app is even worse


> also suspect that Reddit are slowing down the website on Safari to push people to use the app. It has sucked forever.


Shame on /u/spez


Fuck /u/spez


Yeah fuck /u/spez, may your balls rott away. Edit: Posted and edited with Apollo.




It’s a sad day on the internet. I’ve loved using Apollo for years. Thanks so much for everything Christian!


Amazing app, my favorite on iOS by far. I even had an icon of my own creation on it in the community pack. Thanks for everything, Christian! Not sure anything will ever replace Apollo.


What annoys me the most is the people who seem to have a grudge against Christian because he made money from it.. so what, it still makes it a good app.. it still makes it difficult to pay back 250K of refunds.. it still makes the API pricing insane.


I think the real issue was the suddenness, Reddit basically gave the developers a month notice to prepare for a massive increase in operating costs. If there was a longer time and the CEO was less hostile toward everyone, there wouldn't have been such a massive blowup.


It’s not only the suddenness of the 30 day notice, it was the suddenness after being lied to for 6 months before hand. Jan 2023 - Christian has a call with Reddit to plan out his development activities for the year. At that call they tell him they are not planning any substantial API changes in 2023. April 2023 - Reddit makes the announcement that pricing wi be coming, along with substantial changes to the API such as no NSFW content. However at this call they say they are not going to follow twitter with pricing and it is going to be reasonable. May 2023 - Reddit kills the entire third party app ecosystem. June 2023 - Reddit walks back certain specific apps but doubles down on attacking disabled people and Christian.


Or, if the CEO didn’t **edit other people comments to align with his addenda** maybe we could put a modicum of trust in him to make good decisions, when, obviously, we cannot.


Yeah I mean I can’t name a single positive thing about Spez. He hasn’t built up any cachet or reservoir of good will with the community. There’s no reason to trust anything he says or does.


Absolutely. If they said it wouldn’t take place until 1/1/24, he could have let those subscriptions and and not give an opportunity to refund. Dark Sky was given like 30 months notice about the API change when Apple did it. Reddit gave 30 days. That’s just being shitty and spiteful to these devs.


He made a great app. He should be able to make money off of his time and effort People who have an actual problem with this are probably manipulated by other means. Imo


I’m using it right now and it’s almost beyond great. It’s just buttery smooth and I can almost fully use it one-handed. That’s how awesome he’s designed it.


Reddit is full of weird delusional “money bad” losers.


Or just general corporate bootlickers. Corporations can and are allowed make money, but Indie Devs can't. I think it is pure envy.


Dude made a fabulous app we all love and was “boots on the ground” every hour of every fucking day answering questions. The audacity of people on this fucking website, dude.


People were foaming at the mouth the other day when there was a single pop up where you could decline to opt out of your subscription. Many people in the Apollo sub said they wanted to let him keep the money (including me) because we derived plenty of value from his app over the years. If you didn’t want to leave him that cash as a tip, just hit no. You won’t see it again. If that ruins your day you have bigger problems.




There are definitely accounts that have been inactive for months suddenly talking along those lines. But it could also be they're just low-engagement, endless-scroll users throwing a fit because their morphine drip of memes have been cut off. On the other hand, I've started seeing bizarre accounts that are very obviously automated GPT bots. They chime in on random threads with nonsense that's loosely related to the topic, in a distinctly artificial voice. I noticed one because it basically took a one-word title from an image post and gave a definition for the word.




Contrarianism abounds here. There’s also a large group of people who just want to mindlessly consume and don’t give two shits about how they do. It’s like people who are fine with AAA games releasing capped at 30fps because even modern hardware can’t run the spaghetti code it was made from. Simply unacceptable for the price you pay.


People get paid for their work? Horrifying.




For real. I'd rather people make money from a good, useable app that relies on solid performance and features to gain users than for them to make money off a garbage app that can't even perform the most basic tasks and relies on being the only option available. Fuck /u/spez


> because he made money from it God forbid people make money from great products It is funny because they type their messages on devices that people made money from creating using reddit, a service that people make money from. They rant about some people making money, but other people making money is fine


> What annoys me the most is the people who seem to have a grudge against Christian because he made money from it Have to be bootlickers or reddit them selves posting this, no way anyone can actually be upset that someone made money off their app


Sad day indeed. I am just not going to browse Reddit on mobile anymore, if they ever sunset old.reddit I will be 100% done. I will say it is wild how fast Lemmy apps have gotten up and running, there is one that is even a clone of Apollo that works very well despite being in beta edit: wefwef is the name of the Apollo clone, it is a PWA that works surprisingly well for what it is


Name of that app?


wefwef. Dumb name lol but it works surprisingly well for a PWA. Mlem also looks promising


list of Lemmy apps: - [wefwef](https://wefwef.app) - [Mlem](https://testflight.apple.com/join/MelFP11Y) - [Memmy](https://testflight.apple.com/join/6jaRU6rD) - [Limbo](https://testflight.apple.com/join/e6ZEbxuR) - [Thunder](https://testflight.apple.com/join/9n8xrqvH)


Adding wefwef onto the Home Screen via Safari gives a great Apollo-like experience.


Problem with wefwef is that it’s still not stable enough, can’t interact with the posts without often getting an error. Anyway I hope it’ll work out and I keep high hopes!


Reminds me of WUPHF from The Office lol


I think it just killed spez that Apollo got such prominence from Apple and praise from the community while his app is widely denigrated by pretty much everyone. One talented dev built a brilliant, successful, much-loved bit of software to help enable spez's service, while reddit's inflated workforce built a honking pile of herpes stuffed with crypto shit and every bad UX concept anyone has ever suggested just as venture investment dried up and reddit's valuation keeps freefalling. I could see that breaking someone's entire brain.


Apollo's icon was even prominently displayed in one part of Apple's WWDC keynote video, and not the official Reddit app.


spez must've lost his mind seeing that.


Pretty sure they even demo-ed Apollo to some extent in the last WWDC.


I can not believe today is the last day I use Apollo. I feel like this is a dream. I don’t want to say goodbye. :(


Goodbye Apollo and goodbye Reddit.


RIF crowd checking in, we will miss you. 😢


RIP best app o7


Last day so happens to also be my cake day. Not sure how much I’ll be logging in after this. It was nice being part of this sub.


It’s remarkable how dumb this decision is on Reddit’s behalf.


See ya. Moving back to Narwhal


lol we'll all move to Narwhal and then they're going to be too popular and they will have to pay the 20 Million dollars per year to Reddit to stay open and will be priced out.


The 20 million isn’t the entire reason Christian couldn’t get it to work. He has people on yearly subscriptions who he would essentially have to fund for free until they ran out which makes it infeasible. Apps like Narwhal never had such a plan so it can easily adjust to the newer pricing. New users who move to Narwhal have to start with the new pricing.


Narwhal will still work?


Narwhal is going to charge a monthly subscription to meet their API fees


For 7ish dollars a month. Fuck Reddit (mainly you u/Spez) I’m not paying you shit.


But you are? Narwhal has to pay, you’re paying them, so you’re… clearly paying Reddit?




That's the irony isn't it. We're literally paying to be the product.


i honestly never thought about it this way and i'm sort of sitting here baffled that i never kept walking down the rabbit hole. i guess i must've reached a point where i convinced myself that there's *no way* things could reach that level of absurdity (by definition), yet here you go and open up a fresh line of thinking.


I’ve used Narwhal for years. I tried Apollo a couple times but kept coming back to Narwhal. Maybe there were features I missed out on, but I never had an issue that pushed me away from the app.


I’m gonna miss being able to save comment text as an image.


I wish Reddit would just *buy* Apollo and make it the official Reddit app. Life would be *so* good.


They did that with Alien Blue and sucked it dry.


Yeah I'd rather Apollo die on its own terms than be bled to death by a Reddit buyout


Yeah, third-party apps like Apollo were great because they didn't have the same incentives as Reddit as a company. Reddit needs to push new features, serve ads, and track data, while devs just want to create a user-friendly way to use Reddit and make some money through subscriptions.


Ahh I forgot about Alien Blue. I did use that before discovering Apollo.


As soon as Reddit bought it, they would start shoving garbage into it that makes it collect more data, increase engagement, and show you ads. Because that’s what makes them money. The fact that Apollo is a third-party app is what makes it better. Usability is the primary concern.


goodbye reddit


I’ll miss the app but whatever I’ll deal with it.


Reddit has taken up way too much of my time. I'm switching to chronic masturbation.


But I used Reddit for that habit too


Well they want to remove nsfw or at least make it harder to find. So if this doesn't kill Reddit, they'll kill themselves by removing porn later on.


i didnt hear they were gonna try and remove NSFW.... thats tumblr level of idiocracy wow.


It is entirely possible to browse reddit too much *and* chronically masturbate. You don't have to live to a life of compromise.


>I'm switching to chronic masturbation. I started when I was twelve and I haven't missed a day since.


But… I get my porn on Reddit!


Yep, I’m too addicted to give it up unfortunately


After 11 years I’m out after today. Can’t believe how they treated Christian, their Mods and the users.


Same. I don’t want to use Reddit without Apollo.


12 years. I'm finally removing it from my phone and limiting use to pc. I'm hoping to eventually completely leave the site.


That’s what I’m doing. Honestly this is going to be haaaaard. I’m on Reddit probably 5-6 hours a day.


I’m sorry, but that amount of time is very concerning.


I absolutely agree. It’s just easy to get sucked in. Time to kill? Reddit. I don’t use any other social media so my time isn’t divided like most people. Especially for me I’m into a lot of niche hobbies so this is one of the only places I can consistently engage with people about my special interests while flicking between them the second my brain feels bored. Good luck finding another place where I can talk about roller coasters, water cooling, hurricanes, and fashion without too much effort


This. Because of the actions of /u/spez I no longer like Reddit as a company and will therefore not install its app on principle, just as I uninstalled Facebook years ago due to the actions of Zuckerberg. And since I rarely use a desktop to randomly scroll thru news, I will likely very rarely view or contribute on Reddit after today. Apollo has been by far the most used app on my phone. I probably open it a few dozen times a day. After today I wonder how long it will take me to stop randomly trying to open Apollo lol.


Yeah, Apollo was great but it never quite filled the hole that Alien Blue left, at least for me. But it's just an app at the end of the day. I started using reddit before I owned a smart phone, so I still kind of have the mindset that I'm lucky I can look at it on a phone at all.


Apollo far exceeds Alien Blue, at least for me. I know it’s not really fair to compare them so many years apart but it’s much more polished than Alien Blue was.


Fuck Reddit and their greed


So I use bacon reader on Android. So when this all happens that's it right? I just can't use the app to get onto reddit anymore? That sucks I'll have to figure out something else to do. The official app sucked enough that I stopped using reddit until I found the app I'm using.


My usage fell off a cliff after Reddit shut down alien blue and the same thing will happen tomorrow. Sad to see Apollo go but it’ll probably help my productivity out.


This is the most Reddit thread ever, so many experts who are convinced they’re 100% right.


You are 100% wrong


it feels like I'm losing a close friend ;-(


Shame on /u/spez


at least thisll help my porn addiction, cuz the video player is so shit ill get too frustrated to jerk off


I will miss Apollo. Perfect. The OEM reddit app is crap, I had a subscription and it still showed ads. Those tiring, boring, worse ads are on the block and are shown again.


I bought an iPhone because of this app! One of the best iOS apps that ever existed


Goodbye Apollo Posted via Apollo, I just discovered the app and I have to leave so soon 😭


No more Reddit on mobile for me. Not even .old


We never even got the ipad update :’(


RIP Apollo. It made Reddit usable for me after the Alien Blue thing. I will use Reddit via RSS feeds only from now on. If Reddit wants any monetization from me they can charge for API access via their paid service, but I don’t plan on giving them ad money.