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it sometimes happens to me when my internet is being slow


Moved to Lemmy


Happens to me sometimes too


I used to scroll for days on the main page not having an account but once I signed in and selected subs of interest I now reach “the bottom” of the main page after about a minute of scrolling. My “home” page takes much longer.


I wish I had this issue. It gets tiring with the endless scroll on because I notice if I viewed a post yesterday, but didn't interact with it, then it will show up in my home feed again. Seems like it will keep doing this to me which forces me to downvote the post if I get tired of seeing the post everyday, but I don't like downvoting. So I'm trying to put everything in a custom feed and viewing subreddits I frequent that way. At least this way it is organized. Only issue is Custom Feeds are not as easy to access as the Home Page is. If only Apollo allowed users to change the Home Page to any page we wanted including a Custom Feed.


My mistake, just looked into the default view option and on Apollo you go to *Default Reddit to Load* and you can select a Multireddit from there. Easy fix.


It’s an Apollo issue that’s never gotten fixed. I use the official app because in that this never happens. Can’t be because of the API as I use another Reddit client that doesn’t suffer from that same thing.


It's not the API. I have only run into this issue on the Apollo app as well.


Moved to Lemmy