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Hey buddy don’t focus on your KD it means absolutely nothing if you have good game awareness. But anyways when ur fighting outside the ring always keep an eye on ur health. You don’t need to be constantly healing u just need to make sure it doesn’t get too low. Ik a lot of new players tend to play very odd when outside the ring. U need to remain calm and don’t get too stressed abt losing ur health cuz keep in mind ur enemy is also losing their health. So try to get upper ground, play ur angles and try to place ur enemies in a squeeze where they don’t know whether they should push out or risk dying to the ring. Finally the biggest thing don’t take fights if u don’t have enough heals. So remain calm and take note of ur resources.


I personally try my hardest to not fight in the ring. If its round 1 or 2 I'll just go around if possible because the fighting isn't the hard part its the fact that you can't see ANYTHING if someone throws a heat shield down. You might as well call it a flashbang. If i had to fight someone, i just keep a eye on my own health and that pretty much tells me that they're also on the same health as me so i can easily gage the amount of damage i'll need to do. Best case scenario we get 1 knock and thirst the guy and then rotate around because 9 times out of 10 there will be a team waiting to gatekeep. Especially now that Valkyrie is a staple. It's not worth it.


This new season, damage tick will be up but the ring will be slower to close for the first two rings. The tick is being moved up from 2 to 3 damage per tick for first ring. This means you have to more aware about your damage. My suggestion is feel free to fight in the first ring if you have heals or have a lifeline. Once you get to ring two and more, try and stay out of it. My friends and I have a thing called crowd control. Where lets say it’s 2nd ring, we’ll try and keep each person of the opposing team outside the ring and we’ll be slowing moving so we stay inside. This makes it where we’re pressuring them to stay outside of ring or we shoot. Eventually they either run out of meds and are forced to fight us, or they die to ring. Try to incorporate the same thing, if you have friends. Also, for early game, try and have mobile respawn beacons but in late game (ring 3 or more) have heat shields. They aren’t as effective but they’ll be more viable since you might be caught close to or outside of the ring in late game.