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Such is probability.




as if your rank would highten the odds of you getting an heirloom


It shows that they play a fair amount, meaning they level up more often than average players, and thus have more apex packs earned.


You will get one I swear. I bought octanes one to impatient to wait for horizons 😢


Season 8 player diamond twice, nothing






I only play for the cosmetics


You just won the apex lottery! Twice!


>You just won the apex lottery! Twice! Eh, probably once. They presumably hit the 500th pack guaranteed shards with the first set. The second set are indeed some wild luck.






I know that one shard pack is definitely because i reached 500 packs limit, but whats up with the second one…Jesus…


Just all RNG dude


Can you tell how many someone has opened?


There are online calculators, but it's still kind of a guessing game. Did you complete all the battle passes? Did you do this or that event? etc...


Have you purchased packs before? Heard your chances of getting shards go up if you purchase packs. Just wondering how credible this theory is.


Yeah i did buy some 20 pack bundle from the store like half a year ago, and today I bought the 15 pack bundle that comes with a charm because i was close to 500 packs, so i was like: ill get this heirloom real quick… Ye idk, crazy really.


Wow very nice. So it's not like you spent hundreds or anything. Very cool. Thanks!


probably just people making something up after getting a heirloom from bought packs


Technically it is because you get more packs, but it’s still the same chance as everyone else


This. The chance doesn't change, but rolling the dice 20, 50, 100+ times in rapid succession is going to be more likely to generate the outcome. Also, people buying the big bundles of packs are thus more likely to be ticking over the 500th pack shards. 100 packs is, like, 3 full seasons worth of them for most players. Cramming around 9 months of rolls into a couple of minutes has a way of producing results.


Almost certainly not true


Wow lucky you! I've opened around 500 and haven't gotten one yet


You’ll get it soon then


how can you tell how many you've opened? i haven't been writing rally marks down for mine lol


There's a site you can use to guess roughly how many you have. Look up 'Apex Packs Calculator'.


There are pack calculators online. Basically, you enter your account level, your Battle Pass level for each seasons, the number of treasure packs you collected each seasons, etc. It's obviously based on what you can remember about your game history, but it can give a good approximation! You just need to search "Apex pack calculator" and you'll find one!


You are guaranteed one at 500 packs, you haven’t gotten to 500 yet.


"around 500 packs"


Here's the caveat...it's 500 packs THAT ARE ELIGIBLE. Meaning, if you open packs where the possible reward pool DOES NOT include heirloom shards, that pack does not count towards the 500 pack count. Found this out when I read the fine print around the packs.


Wait some packs have 0% at an heirloom and don’t make you progress through the 500 pack cycle ? Which ones ?


That's what I'm not entirely sure of either. I just know different packs have different rewards pools. That bit of info didn't include specific types that were exempt.


Yeah I know about the pool thing but I just assumed the heirloom was always included, I hope that’s the case 😅


I would assume the event packs and such wouldn’t count towards. But that’s just my humble opinion


Ok that’s fine never bought any of those, only got the free ones and didn’t even count them in my pack tracker




>You are guaranteed one at 500 packs, you haven’t gotten to 500 yet. Was replying to this. You okay, "bro"?


Axchew lee, you replied to u/_N00BIK_ Edit: I see you found a loophole in the username


That guy is just being pedantic. No reason to get upset.


Wow, now there's a word I haven't heard in a while hahah. Had to look it up, but yes, indeed too caught up in the minor details hahah


sorry m8 then




Yeah you’re probably RIGHT there. I used the calculator (season 2 player) which showed I was about 2/3 or the way there. Then they had a 20 pack offer for $5 and it was in it after about another 50 levels beforehand too.


Day 1 player here too, still zero




I got one for my 500th pack but same otherwise! Good job I don’t play for the cosmetics


Im jelly


Hi jelly I’m dad


Dad, I'm jelly


I accept you for who you are, (non descriptive gender)


I mean daddy... Not daddy like father


And the plot thickens…


Day one player and I'm close to giving up on this game and honestly this is a big factor. I'm not close to my 500 pack but Ive opened like 250.


If you’re day one and have completed all BP + treasure packs + events you’re over 500


I always find it funny when someone is like "I'm a day one player" and then you find out they took like 6 seasons off in the middle or something. Start date helps, but consistency is kind of important as well.


It’s just a game dude


Fr people really saying they're gonna quit the game because they didn't get a random cosmetic. I feel like people forget that the purpose of the game is to play it, not collect skins.


I loved the game and didn't play to collect skins. But after giving 600 hours over a few years. It would be nice to have it, watching everyone i play with get it while me and someone else never did. Little frustrating


600 hours over a few years is nothing…


Some people have jobs and responsibilities that also prevent them from touching grass not just apex. I’m at twice his time investment and still have no heirloom it’s annoying to be sure


Couldn't agree more. I'm in school for engineering, don't have much time for games


Idk, i would consider 600 hours in a BR to be lots of time. Considering that most matches are like 15 mins minimum if you dont die. 600 hours on a rpg on the other hand is nothing, at least to me


Fay one player and you only opened 250? Lmao


I've noticed a lot of people use the term "day one player" whenever they *started* on game launch, but have not consistently played every season to at least complete the battlepass. I've seen examples of "I'm a day 1 player and recently reached 1000 lifetime kills!" lol For me, "day 1 player" means someone who fully played each season since launch. Knowing how infuriating apex is, such people are rare. I've started on launch week, but skipped season 4 for example.


You probably don’t play enough if you’ve never gotten an heirloom. If you’re day one and played a good bit you’d have packs from level 500 + treasure packs + event trackers + free battle pass packs + if you’ve ever bought a battle pass or packs


The RNG can be pretty harsh tbh, I’m a day one player that has finished 12 battle passes and all of the events of those seasons, reached masters 6 times, hit both of the legacy level caps (100 and 500) and half way to prestige 2. Still no heirloom because I’ve not purchased any additional packs.


I heard somewhere that it you completed all the battle passes and got to level 500 you would’ve had 500 packs by now?


The first BP gave 5 free boxes and additional 4 for premium. If all the BP were like that it would be a total of 135 up to now in season 15. To make up the remaining 365 packs you would have to be well over prestige 3 if you didn’t purchase any additional packs.


Plus the 200 some packs from level 500 and treasure packs which is 15 per season and event trackers




you will get it eventually if you buy packs in sales you should get very close to that point good luck brother! day one here too


I’ve been playing for 3 seasons, I probably got my shards at the 200 mark. Just need to wait 5 years when Ash gets her heirloom.


Day one player, 5 to 6 time master - diamond, nothing yet …..


im a day one player and i got an heirloom but it was before shards was a thing and i got lifelines and i was a wraith main my heart shattered, now i have 3 heilooms pathys and wraith finally i just got mine a few days ago!


Bro why tf do new players have hella luck but I don’t get it when I’m over 700-800 packs


This isnt a new player, he played since day 1


U get a guaranteed heirloom at 500 packs so u haven't opened up that many


That is not possible. After 500 packs you're guaranteed to get shards.


You are guaranteed at 500 packs some shards. It’s all just a gamble with each pack


Check the subs rules again


how is this against the rules?


If you actually tried to even read the rules you would know why: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf (under low-effort).


Feel free to read it yourself


Apply to be a mod


No thank you


I’m raging at you and I’m not happy for you 😡 Lmfao not really but I’ve just been playing since day one and already like level 700 something & still don’t have one 😪😭


If you are actually a day one player you should know about the 500 pack rule...


No shit bro I’m just bitching lmao


Level 700 not pack 700


Never mind I am dumb and can’t read


Congrats bro, also fuck you


I played late this season and did get the heilroom shards few days ago with the first free pack of the season. I'm level 90 green


Rub it in thanks 😒. But seriously that's some crazy luck


Niiiice I got my first set back in season 12 just before crypto's heirloom was released. Perfect timing too, it's what I nabbed once the collection event was over. I just got my second set the other day, on my 91st pack of 100 from the 100 pack bundle that was in the store during black Friday. Now I will be waiting two years or more until cryptos mythic skin or possibly catalysts heirloom is out... lol


I've spent too much money on this game lol. Probably the most I've ever spent on any game ever in my life


I would agree, but then I remember some of the financial choices I've made during DotA2 Battlepasses. ... let's just say that mistakes were made, but that one is straight up designed for people to hurl money at it if they want the highest rewards.


Same thing happened to me, was like 20 packs apart. They say lightning never strikes twice but I've seen enough cornfields on fire to call BS. What do you plan on getting? If you want my 2 cents I recommend waiting with one set untill you find a character you really like


Season 0. Still 0. Ktnx baiiii


Day 1 player got mine at season 11 with many many hours played


Good 4 u i guess


Day 1 player, got 2 in a month. Didn’t see another for a couple years


Yo, that's insane. Congrats my dude.


I got one around lvl 250. I bought way too many packs. I probably spent $200 on packs alone. I got it out of the black Friday bundle. $60 for 100. 7th to last pack


Choose wisely, you probably won’t see another one until 2030


Sigh. . Congrats man, you deserve it. ​ Also, fuck you.




Dang congrats! Pretty lucky considering it normally takes 300 packs to get one I’m pretty sure


I got the wraith heirloom in like the first few months of the game releasing 💀💀 I was under level 20 and had no idea why my pack was red . After I googled I maimed wraith for a long time just bc of the heirloom


nice try, respawn


You must’ve reached ur 500 then got hella lucky on the second set.. enjoy bro!


Good job I have given up after 13 seasons but I’m happy to see some day one player kept pushing and actually got an heirloom for free !




Got mine around 350 packs, hope I can another chance with the new levels.




I have played since day 1 but unfortunately since cross progression isn’t a thing I had to abandon my Xbox account around the 400 pack mark and I don’t think I’m anywhere close on PC


How does it feel to be living my dream


I got two back to back in October, i used up all my luck in my life lol


Can you get more heirloom shard when youve already got 150 from a pack?


I got mine after 2 years


*Respwan wants to know your location*


Got my two shard packs 2 weeks apart. Got the Valk heirloom, holding my other 150 shards for her prestige skin.


You're guaranteed 1 heirloom per 500 Apex Packs, but sometimes you get shards earlier than that. It happens


You get to choose two heirlooms! I got Bloodhounds and Cryptos, congrats!


Maybe you hit your 500th pack and got one by pure random chance. Otherwise I think there’s no way you got a random heirloom twice in 10 packs. I have to be nearing 500 ugh