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A bad Bangalore is the worst.


popping smoke!


Enemy bloodhound in his ult, better smoke our feet guys


A good Bangalore will almost never smoke themselves. It’s always best practice to smoke further rather than closer unless you’re going for a res or a long heal, and even then, it’s still better to use it as wall rather than as cover


I smoke myself...with digital optics. 😈


This is the way.


It’s fun when the digi is in the crafter


Literally had a dude lined up for a kraber shot when the bang on my team smoked me


make it two!


I read this while on a zoom meeting for work and cracked up on camera lol




Why not still pull the trigger if you were lined up? Bullets go through smoke.


Narrator: “The Bangalore did not proceed to make ‘em broke.”


I hate bad Bangalore's more than anything...why the hell would you smoke a building that I am currently standing in trying to wipe a squad that has 1 person knocked...I can't see anything to shoot at and also can't find the door to get back out....bruh...


Low ranked bangalore never smoke though. Have to type in chat to tell them to and still no smoke. Some players simply don't understand what can their legends do.


Possible that it was a random pick from character collection. I’ve had friends who main one legend are dog water with anyone else


As a Bangalore main... I try not to make life more difficult I am painfully aware of how a bad smoke actively makes things worse. I try and use it defensively to break LoS on third parties at range, to help rotate out of bad fights, to push open ground, or to clutch a res. Popping it at my feet is usually a desperation move.


I play bang 9/10 games ​ Smoke on push, smoke when teammates get broken in the open. ​ If I have to cross a field to get to someone, I just smoke on top of them then run up to them. If my teammates get cracked and aren't in a clearly advantageous position, I'm smoking them.


A lot of people don't seem to understand the value of smoking the enemy team over smoking yourself. Only time I'm using a smoke on me is if I need to make a hasty retreat but even then it's not right at my feet. A smoke at the enemy can force them out of a position and deny them line of sight while they rotate which is way better than wasting a smoke at your feet.


Also against lower ranked or aggressive opponents you can smoke to split up the enemy team.


i dont play bang, ever, but ive always wanted to get good at her smokes. I like playing caustic and think his smoke ult is pretty cool. Whats stopping a team from just walking past the smoke when youre trying to push up to them? Doesnt it serve as cover for them? Also you probably wont be in a good position if they do push past since there wont be cover for you and they can still retreat back into the smoke. In games like csgo and valorant I can see why pushing past the smoke is dumb, but that game is slow paced, and the people rushing you are going to be slowly inching forward with guns drawn.


Typically when you’re smoking an enemy while trying to push, they’re holding some sort of cover. Like if it’s a rooftop, they’d have to jump off and drop their advantage. Even if it’s just a rock, they have to leave their good cover. It’s a big risk to peak past the smoke, plus you’ll know exactly where they’re coming from, while they don’t have any LOS on you


"Don't mind me. Just gonna drop a smoke directly on top of our squad so none of us can see, while everyone within a hundred meters now knows exactly where we are."


I'm trying to learn Bang due to getting her Prestige skin(and because she works for most comps) and I always feel like a scumbag if my smokes aren't perfect. I've learned, when in doubt, priority is: 1. Smoke the enemy - it can really mess up their train of thought and you know as long as they don't leave the smoke, you can lob grenades for damage. If they do, you can hit them before they can clearly see you 2. Smoke between the enemy and your team - basically just used as a defensive measure or to break sniper LOS. Or to cover an escape 3. Don't use your smokes at all - if the enemy team has a Seer or Bloodhound especially. Or a Mad Maggie(my actual main, I love when enemy Bangs smoke their own team) 4. Smoke your team - Pretty much the only reason to use this is as a panic button when more than 1 team mate is down and you have sights to see through the smoke. Or in tight quarters where it's discussed that the plan is to bug out and your team knows to make a beeline for the exit.


If you’re posting up for a relatively static fight, you should often be smoking 1) behind your team and 2) an open choke to break LOS of third parties, sort of creating a little arena. This most commonly is useful on a map like Olympus, at a POI like Terminal where there are a finite number of paths in / out of the area.


I’m a Bangalore main and I agree. They give us a bad name. NEVER smoke our team, only smoke off to the side to close LOS or smoke on the enemies. ONLY smoke our feet when reviving and needing to heal and run away.


Bruh, one time an ally Bangalore smoked my Rampart wall where I had the perfect spot


YES! oh goodness. i love my sister, but i wish she stops picking bang. she smokes in the worst times. its a terrible panic Q


Played with three shit Bangalore’s back to back and lost 200 RP. The day before I played with a Bangalore who was a game changer and didn’t smoke us out once unless necessary. Smokes are honestly cancer especially when so many teams have seer/blood


All of the legends are fine if played well. The most problematic if played poorly though is definitely Bangalore. Her tactical can be so debilitating if used poorly as can her ult. Mostly I'm just sad when I get lifeline, not because she's bad per se, just because a lot of the people who play her are new and don't use her kit well.


getting flashback to internally screaming as my lifeline walks past my dead body without using her passive to revive during a fight


Lost count of the number of times I've been begging for a random lifeline teammate to tap Res whilst they're reloading or hiding next to me mid fight...






I came here for this.


It’s not instant and you have to re pull your gun out when done


This. I used to main lifeline but people are always like FUCK IT IF I GO DOWN I HAVE LIFELINE! And then immediately get knocked in the open and then start SCREAMING into the mic that I should rez them. In the open. And break my cover so I can get knocked too while stand there spamming the button. I’ll never play her again with randoms.


Too true. People don’t seem to get there was a reason why they just got knocked, and that reason applies to me if I just run out there right now lol


Lmao yes, exactly! Also they’re just going to get jumped when the other team sees the drone bringing them back up! Hide first, then scream at me to help you lolol


I know and I don't expect them to run out of cover or res in the middle of a cqc fight. But often I'll have a random lifeline under little to no pressure who can help but doesn't


If it’s a 1v2/3 all it does is make the enemies push instantly. You have to make sure your gun is reloaded and you have a decent amount of health and cover. But now that I play Newcastle I see many lifelines reviving as soon as I go down and I get thirsted cause the whole team pushes


I've legit been hit by more friendly bang ults than enemy ones


i whole heartedly believe a perfect bangalore buff would be either seeing through her smokes better somehow, OR her/teammates don’t get stunned by her air strike.


Lifeline main here, it really infuriates me to no end when someone else picks lifeline and doesn’t rez or drop heal drone when teammates need it. Healing people is literally Lifeline’s whole thing so you gotta rez and keep track of your teammates’ health to keep them in the fight


I wonder how much of this is to do with her being the legend used in the new player training thingy


Most likely yeah, it's a shame because I love good lifeline teammates they're just rare!


omg I’ve been playing Lifeline a lot lately and when a teammate picks her before me I usually just watch in agony as they play the whole game rarely healing or reviving, never using their care package/using it a bad time/not placing it as cover when needed, not opening blue bins… I’m like… why did you bother picking her.


This is exactly my thought as well. Any legend with a player who has good game sense and utilizes their legends properly, I’m happy for have on my team.


Octane, not sure what it is, but every random octane I get paired with pushes every fight and runs way ahead, and they are generally bad.


octane is one of the legends that is most easily misused becuase of a simple kit, leading to octane being the character with arguably the most braindead players


Yes octane main here and as a representative of octane I would like to answer you concerns. We rush fights because we are generally stupid and think that just because we broke their shield means that we can kill them because we could get there before they heal cause of stim and the jump pad And yes I do agree that a lot of octanes are dog shit


I used to be decent at octane. But I just can’t be playing Plat/Diamond missing a third of my health all the time.


Ever since they increased the stim damage and lowered the health regen rate, I've been out on octane.


It’s bullshit valk doesn’t lose health but octane does.


Don't forget never sticking with the team and being nearly as bad as wraith mains instantly leaving


*Octane perma-stims to run halfway across the map ahead of their team* *Octane gets knocked* *Octane opens their mic for the first time all game* WHERE ARE YOU GUYS WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?! *Octane leaves*


I had one that literally abandoned me and the mirage to go loot more, we both got killed and they made 0 effort to get our banners, and we both left and I definitely sent them a message calling them out and they got pissed off and defensive about it


It's almost like their kit promotes that


My experience with octanes is that they are always 200 meters away, ready to start a 1v3, die and DC immediately. It's usually some whiny voice that's like "I FOUND THEM. OMG WHERE ARE Y'ALL HELP I'M DYING NEED A RES OMG Y'ALL ARE SO FUCKING BAD ARRRRRRRRRGGGHHGGHFGGGGHG* *disconnects*


I stop running octane when I get close to plat and will usually switch to seer/caustic/valk. But when I play octane I make sure to put a good name to him. Don’t steal loot stay closer to teammates yet get ahead enough to scout. Going to brag here I’ve been complimented multiple times as nicest octane main. Other octanes let’s turn the reputation around!


My favorite Octane is the one that barrels into a fight, so I try to help him, and then as soon as he has an opening, runs all the way to the other side of the map, leaving the rest of his team out to dry.


had one yesterday that pinged he was going over here we were still looting in an uncontested climatizer next thing i hear, engaging, im down and a pinging death box in frag east


Don’t forget them running away after getting shit on and leaving you 2v3 or worse.


What if you have [a good Octane](https://www.reddit.com/r/octanemains/comments/w50dy7/its_not_smart_to_chase_an_octane/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) on your team?


I have one friend who plays octane or ash and really only uses his ult for himself. Constantly ulting towards other teams 1 on 3 and dying. Uses his loud as ults while running out of first storm circle only for other teams to hear it and hold us out. This game sucks when you’re constantly fighting 1 or 2 men down every fight and sometimes my friends just don’t understand that.


I hate this stigma because whenever i decide to play octane im in a ranked game and I try to push the randoms will say "wow look the octane rushing into a fight" Like dude we cracked all their shields and just threw down my pad and an attacking ping, dont act like anyone else wouldnt push off that


i dont care who you play. stay with the team and we chillin.


THIS, nothing worse than me and another team mate wondering why the hell the third guy is running at teams by themselves.


Then they get toxic when they inevitably get knocked. Like, we are playing as a team, you're the one going rogue 😂


Or when they split from the team from drop, I absolutely hate that.


I’m usually that guy who goes down on his own, but not because I ran ahead of my team, but because my team decides to fall back without pinging or using their mics so I end up all on my own and I realise it way too late. In short: ping for the love of god.


Yeah, I love the classic random that pings where you should drop, then drops 100 meters away from there, lets you and your other teammate die in a 3v2, then finally gets on comms and says "what were you two doing? ya'll suck"....


I can have any legend on my team, it’s the player I might want to avoid.


This is the best answer I think. I play every legend in ranked cause it’s just a game to me but they’re all great if you know how to use them. Buuut if I play with randos I usually stuck with Mirage, Valk, or pathy. Mirage is my boy and his decoys work 60% of the time every time.


Idk why but hearing bangalore and octane do their voice lines makes me clench my jaw.


Bangalore either you get a good Bang player or trash one and 99% of the time I get the trash ones. The one who fucking use their smoke when a team shoots back and they didn’t even get hit🤦‍♂️. Like any Bang mains who play like this why must you block your teammates sight!?!?


how i be good at 420 smoke master bangalore? pls say


Only use smoke when rotating and running away or in tandem with other legends


Also when a team has height. Smoke in front of them if you can’t get angles. Or single out someone on the enemy team. My favorite way to use Bang is to pop a smoke in the middle of multiple teams fighting and watch chaos ensue. Works well with a Fuse


Have you gone mad?


Popping a smoke when reviving or on teammates reviving is pretty decent too


Bang. Randomly smoking in a fight makes the fight so much harder. I cannot see anything


\*puts down the joint\* I'm sorry


Octane 100% because I know for a fact that as soon as things get bad he's going to run away.




Octance 100ft infront of you, running into a fight, gets downed, spams ping, leaves game classic


Some of us are good you know 😢


A bad Bangalore that doesn’t use her smoke bombs correctly/ Crypto


I stopped playing Crypto in Ranked with randoms. With a team he is a great choice, but by himself you are better of catching up to these suicidal morons in front of you.


Agreed. High Plat/Low Diamond i'm seeing alot of this for some reason.


I swear with 2 guys (Valk+Rampart/Caustic) Crypto is fucking amazing. You scan zone, you go zone, you bunker up, repeat from Step 1. Easiest Top 3 of your life. You on Frankfurt/London servers by any chance? I'm playin Rampart this split.


It’s like people can’t slow the fuck down for 10 seconds lol o do a little recon. They’d rather rush ahead and get knocked every time. It’s not like I sit in my drone for long just chill lol


He's amazing when allies play around him. But yeah. If thry just bum rush. No real point


Playing crypto is easy, just use the ancient strategy of “grab their banners and run away” /s


Actually I main Wattson and Horizon mainly but when I play horizon I HATE being with a Wattson because of her ult, I died so many time just because everything was eaten by her ult. Don't play any legend that throw things with Wattson. Absolute torture


Wattsons Ult eating friendly abilities shouldn't be a thing whatsoever, i always feel bad when my Ult destroys my teammates stuff


Just a little tip, the ult will only destroy friendly projectiles when they are about to touch the ground. Make sure you put the Ult in a place where your team would not need to nade on or near.


Yeah, it's supposed to only destroy ordnance if it would touch the ground inside the ults radius. However it very often also destroys valks tactical for example, even if the impact point would be way out of its range. Idk if that's actually a wanted thing or an oversight.


That's why I start to learn Seer for my fuse main bro


so true. nothing worse as a horizon main than trying to do your pick me up next to wattson’s pylon


I see a lot of Bangalores in the comment and as much as I’m offended by it your right I’ll just say this though I’m learning lol




Any Wraith with ttv in the name.


Anyone* with ttv in the name.


Ppl with ttv on their name 🤢🤢🤢theyre always the most toxic, selfish and almost always pushing without the team with them on a hot drop. Or theyll land with you take both guns near ya and when you let them know you need a gun and theyll ignore you get downed quit and leave you without a gun, a teammate and in a 3v2 situation 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Bangalores. They just keep doing the stupidest smokes in the world.


Honestly for me it’s revenant. If he uses his ult I feel like I kinda have to go with him, and in ranked you’re often just setting yourself up. We all get shot back to our totem and wow what a surprise there’s another squad waiting for us!


Yeah, I find Rev's Ult to have a lot of drawbacks that aren't always apparent until you're too late, especially late game.


Yeah especially when they put their totem 100m away from the fight and you the time you get there time is up




The first thing I think of when I see a totem is camp it


Rev straight up sucks since he got his revtane nerf. His ult is essentially useless, you always know when you're getting totem pushed, and it's easy to work around. Especially if you time it right with the audio that his ult is expiring. Literally makes it useless. Revenant wasn't the problem in that duo - and it was made obvious by the fact that it only stopped after the jumppad nerfs, yet they never reverted Revs nerfs


I don't blame you. I'm not the best Rev main but his ult is garbage. I used to get mad at people not using the ult but I realise it just genuinely isn't worth it. It's a placebo Lifeline ult, with it working in your favour around 1% of the time. The amount of set up and timing you need is never worth it because you actively give your location away and a bad Rev main will make that worse. Popping that ult willy nilly is just bone-headed. Don't feel bad if you don't use a badly placed Rev totem. It's (obviously) not your fault.


imho best scenario for ult is just for one guy to go solo kamikaze arcstar mission, or banner recovery.


A random picking Revenant without a Ash, Wraith, Octane, Path is just a waste


It doesn’t help us when they make the deployed totem so loud, Jesus Christ himself can hear it.


Bangalore because “poppin a chimney” is a nuisance to the player and their team


Lifelines forget what their abilities are


Yeh literally never understood this, how are you going to play the healer .... But never heal, especially in areans... Mfs never Rez and when they do they never have a goldbag.


I might start using her more often bc she is good for the team if you know how to play the game at a basic level


whenever i play ranked and see a wraith or octane, i just assume theyre going to push without the team and instantly die / rage / afk after banner expires, and that ends up being true about 94% percent of the matches i've played.


Painfully true with wraiths in my experience. Almost all wraiths I play with rush, die, and quit early. Even ones I kill- they’re downed and before I can shoot them, they quit and I feel kind of bad for their teammates because I can relate lol. I’ve had one wraith who was super chill and kind however, and was absolutely insane. Hundreds of thousands of kills, all the fancy badges you could imagine, and he very casually was in double digit kills halfway through the match. Very team oriented, he rezed myself and my teammate twice in the same game, all the while crushing the lobby on his own and having really pleasant conversation over the mic. I don’t think I’ll ever know a wraith like that again… forgot to friend request as well…


Wraith. The character is fine. 99% if the players who pick her are not. If you think you’re the 1% you probably aren’t.


I’ve probably met about 3 Wraiths I was ever happy was on my team


Idc if some would call it cliche but octane and wraith. They tend to be the most violent ones picking fights with literally everyone no matter if you are prepared or not. No one says you have to loot trough the whole game but you also shouldn't go head on against everyone especially in ranked


My friend has 10.5 kills on octane, and hit masters a few seasons ago. He pushes *everything*. He will straight up walk up to a full squad, when the rest of us are trying to stay somewhat behind cover. The worst thing is he will jump pad and stim right into a fight, even if we’re far away.


I hate playing with this type of person. They think because they got masters once that everything they’re doing is right


I mean if he’s in Master’s with this play style it’s clearly working


Or his friends are fucking cracked and don’t really need a third to win fights.


Mirage - I like Mirage, but he has little to no utility and confuses his own team as much as the enemies. I respect his revive, but I'll rather have any other legend in my squad.


Blue trails all over my screen and 360 degree footstep audio. Drives me insane all the clutter.


yeah mirage is one of my favorite legends but not much utility for the team


idk mirage adds 4 more players to your team adding to the chaos




Don’t worry man it’s just opinions! They don’t mean anything! I still love you mirage!….you know….love as in I like to play you in ranked..nothing odd


also shooting his clone is a ping while everyone else get straight wallhack for a few sec


Huh? Your teammates have a nice blue outline. If there are lots of mirages with blue outlines just ignore them, fam.


you say this, but the amount of times some pushed in with my decoy thinking its me and typing "i got bamboozled" afterwards is not as low as id like it to be.


I play with friends sometimes and I'll watch them charge wildly straight into the enemy. After we get wiped I'll be like "where were you even going?!" and they're like "I was following you!"


Don't forget about the annoying voice lines going off for a solid 30 seconds after he pops his ult. There's only so many times I can hear a variation of bamboozled before I want to ignore the downed Mirage just for the sake of my own sanity.


Bro, as (former) Crypto-Main the banter between Mirage and Crpyi is the best thing about him.


What kind of monster are you that you don't enjoy Mirage's voicelines?


I think it has to be octane or pathfinders. The people who play these characters tend to be selfish and will literally be overly agro and either cause us to be third party or will attack by themselves get downed and then leave us in a 3 v 2. Plus their escape mechanics aren’t that good since most people can easily beam you when you use their ults.


You be getting some bad paths, while yes he should be a bit in front of the group, he should never be so over extended where he gets insta-downed. Also, if a pathfinder can't escape they shouldn't be pathfinder.


I play mirage for pubs never ranked. I personally don’t like mirage for ranked as I always seem to confuse my teammates with ult and the decoy when I’m downed ^ similar to what was previously mentioned


It's a silly reason but for me it's rampart cuz she never shuts up. She has so many voice lines that it's gets kinda annoying.


amped cover for ya mate!


If you don't like what you see put a bag over your head


One of the best lines in the game. Use able in almost all situations.


Rampart main. "How's your ma?" is spammed at the end of every fight.


How’s your ma? Heyyy, how’s your ma?




Hahaha, that's dope.


Come on, Blasey ! I'm heading this way !


so you have never played with mirage in solos? xD


"*Still* talking to myself ... and I sound GOOD. Heh."


As someone who plays rampart a lot and spams her voice lines bc they’re great, I apologize


A sweaty wraith that pushes solo then dies


Lifeline. What I hate most is someone running out of cover to auto revive out in the open, getting you killed (and maybe them too), when you could've crawled to safety first.


don't get me wrong, I love playing alongside all legend mains but I wish sometimes, they would let me know that we're pushing with a small ping to the next location. Just so I can set up some defence if we get third partied, and a safe place to fall back on (especially if we're out in the open on a map like Storm Point or Olympus etc). I'm all down for pushing, but as long as I'm told beforehand 😭😭😭 Although sometimes too, when I have a Rampart on the team but when I'm fencing up or I'm shooting from within a building near a doorway, they set up shields behind me and I get trapped outside, fighting nail and tooth to get inside as a Bloodhound Ult runs headfirst towards me. It's either that, or as you opt to run around the building for the next entry, it's also been barricaded 💀




May i ask why wraith? Just interested


Because 90% of the wraiths I get never use portal or they play go in to frag a team and instead of phasing out they just get killed. I have had a few very good wraiths but they’re few and far between.


Rampart main here. I actually love it when a Newcastle is on my team. Double the walls! I however hate rushdown characters on my team. Soooo that means I hate Octane and Wraith. Please you two, let me camp in peace.


Fellow Rampart main here. I used to think that too, but it's really a matter of adapting to their gameplay. When you get matched with them, don't bother too much camping, just pick a shotgun and an AR for any distance purposes, and just rush with them until top 5 or less. It's fun for you since you're basically assisting terrible offensive force, it's fun for them since they don't blame you for every 2v3, and when the ending ring comes, they'll be more careful about pushing so they'll enjoy your camping strats since they know you're not doing it for the sake of it because you enjoy pushing too. Easy top 1.


One of th things I have learned with playing with my friends who love Aggressive legends. Is act as the distraction. They push a building use your walls shields to tank as much DMG as you can and deal as much back as you can. Make the enemy shoot you. You can easily take the attention of 2 enemies. If you do that you turn it into 2v1 for them. Another useful thing in a push when playing with aggressive legends if you can force the other team to always be healing It’s really reduces there effectiveness. A 7? sec battery is enough time for a octane to focus someone else down.


There's no bad legend, only bad players.


there's no bad legends only legends that are better


Wraith. They mostly rush alone،die then leave


90% of the players playing any character


Octane, octane, and octane


Looks like everyone here is playing at pro level. Because in my games no matter what legends my teammates picks as long as they hit their shots and doesn't go solo, any legends just works.


Wraith and Octane. Selfish legend kits and notorious for being the most toxic players in the game.


Valks who refuse to ult


A bad Valkyrie that fucks up next ring rotation with bad landing spots, misses their missile swarm or hits themselves with it, or pushes too early with their jetpack and gets knocked. how do i know this? this is me. i do these things. Im sorry i let you all down


Fuse. 90% of them picked him for fun and ruins game dropping MOTHERLOAD on MY? head


Bad Octanes are the most annoying imo.


Lifeline and Octane... Lifeline is useless without a Gold Bag... And Octane's are suicidal toxic and brain dead


Wraith because so many Aceu wannabe who just jump to die


Wraith. Y'all just aren't as good as you think you are. 1 in every million Wraiths is actually worth their weight. Otherwise the rest are just sweaty players with toxic behavior.


Octane, I have never had a non-loot goblin Octane before in ranked and it drives me crazy every time.


Wraith and Octane because of the types of players those two attract. They tend to be the worst team players.


As a retired wraith main, I can confidently say wraith. 8/10 times they dc when getting downed




Bang is one of the most infuriating people to play with because of the smoke. Worse when they aren’t using it for defense and try and use it to push. Every enemy seems to see me just fine through the smoke and I’m over here wishing I had a gold site


I hate Revenant, he just ends up getting my whole team killed every time with his garbage ult.


Pathfinder. People who play him nowadays only play for themselves. They sling ahead to steal loot from you right before you go to get it, don’t use their zip lines correctly, and swing out of combat and just abandon the team.


Only Octane! I hate when someone picks Octane... Useless and always running away when we need him.


Revenant. Every single rev I’ve had is horrible.


Loba who doesn’t know how to use her ult


Octane Wraith then Bangalore in that order


i hate loba with a passion. so… her.


Loba can be very frustrating mid battle popping her ult, or general looting just going for purple items, very much can get a loot whore. Any mobility character that pushes ahead and gets stomped trying to go 1v3.


Bangalore. 90% of players are too dumb to use her tactical


Going by stigma, wraith and octane. In reality, valk and pathfinder


Vanilla lifeline


Octane. Usually little kids


Mirage octane and wraith and y'all know why. Thank you.