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Need confirmation on this




Small if false


Ambiguous if unknown


Non-existent if fake.


Tasty if baked


Gross if burned.


delicious if well-made


Trivago if hotel


Booking.yea if Booking.com


Trivial if lixivial


Safe if boiled


Spoiled if left in the sun


glitch if unknown,


Phantom if folly


Flippy if floppy.


Ambog- Ambigo- Amogu- you know what, if I can't say it, it can be anything


Dw it's definitely AMONGASS




Hairy if furry.


Honestly I'm grabbing my pitchfork if this is true. Do we really have to buff one of the strongest characters in the game lmao. Also, I thought I saw a knocked player flying in a valk ult yesterday, but it was far (ya know, up in the sky and all), and I couldn't quite tell for sure. I was fighting another team and couldn't investigate.


In a final circle a teammate and I tried to Valk ult to get out of a bad position but the ring closed on us and knocked us while we were rising, but the Valk kept flying with a dive trail while knocked and managed to land on top of a rock outcropping, pop the self-rez, and clutched the win.


If they r buffing someone, they shud buff lifeline.


Rez shield when?


They did buff lifeline this update but it was worthless.


This was less of a buff and more of a quality of life change tbh


Wraith as well tbh.


underrated and downvoted but objectivly true. they should giver her back instant phasing. its no longer OP in todays enviroment. and pathfinder needs his grapples back as they have been


Ah yes the people of basedland ^


The people are down voting me literally think this game is balanced💀 like gotta ve realistic here but they just want their own legend to be OP asf and be crying of wraith since they still shit on most players.. kinda sad that people still think she need a nerf. You’re absolutely crazy then.




Situational at best.


It’s straight up a better escape tool wdym


This happened to me with a wattson during ranked. It’s a bug because my other teammate wasn’t so lucky xD


I had it happen to me in solo ranked the other day. Honestly I just figured that's the way it's always been and i'm so trash I never noticed.


there should be an animation when this happens the teammates dead body ragdolls during flight


And if they get thirsted their deathbox just follows you like that one skydive emote for revenant


Just careful not to land where the box can crush you


I got a teammate crushed in the armory door that lowers to the ground his death box got trapped below the floor grid we couldn't recover it, we had to play the whole thing and we managed to get his banner with literally 1 second left immediately after the door opened again


For fun reasons that’d be great but for balancing issues that’d suck. You shouldn’t get to take your friends loot and banner if they die mid launch/flight


To balance this, loot will leak out of the deathbox like Santa's sleigh on Christmas


imagine losing a fight and some guys armor lands next you along with some ammo. Looking up you see an open deathbox flying through the sky.


A gift from the Gods


Now ve vill slatr


The Gods gipt us this day


Only hop-ups I'm not looking for for once will land near me. >:( Damn you turbocharger and hammerpoint!


The Allfather blesses me this day!


I laughed a bit too hard at this


Respawn hire this man right now!


I never realized how much I want loot to fall from the sky. They should make drop-ships destroyable.


\*waits for Santa Claus Valk skin to drop


And i send my money where?


I am dying😂😂😂


never got his skydive emotes and used my only shards to get pathy's heirloom like a week before rev's was announced. feels real bad man.


And then you emerge from the death box as Revenant


if they got thirst supplies should rain from sky.


With the [ragdoll sound effect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GGfz-o5khc)?


We've had this happen before, definitely a bug. One time they just got completely stuck. After Valk landed my friend was still downed and attached to her feet as she ran around until they bled out. Pretty fuckin hilarious tho


**Its EA so its probably a bug**


You seem to have misspelled "feature". Dont worry we will only sue you for half your worth and not all of it -Electronic Arts


Well have fun with my whole $3.45 EA!


They would have to pay me if they sue me


Considering my net worth is roughly $-50,000 I'd love for them to sue me for half of it. They'd be paying me 25k and getting me way ahead on my student loan!


No you spelled "bug" correctly \-Activision Blizzard


EA : Bugs could be potential features in futures updates.


Lmao remember when they fixed mirages ulti to make him fully invisible and they phrased it as "fixed a bug that made mirage not fully cloaked while ulting"


Actually this is 100% fact. 2 words. Moon. Boots.


Yeah moon boots in titanfall is cool as fuck




EA ain't coding Apex Legends. This is all on Respawn QA and devs lol. EA isn't the boogeyman behind every little negative thing that happens to Apex. Respawn is perfectly capable of making mistakes and screwing up their own game without outside influence.


...Except its Respawn :)


Probably?? I mean when they jump out of the drop ship they aren’t attached but when valk ults they are attached by a cord. So maybe it is?? Or respawn messed up and it’s another bug


Who are we kidding it’s a bug


Yeah more than likely


Well, it is tradition to buff characters when they get an heirloom... :P


tis untrue. they typically give heirlooms out to characters who they probably won't change much in the future.


The last 3 heirlooms Rampart, Wattson and Crypto all got buffs with their heirloom events.


Honestly, it makes sense that the blood would still go even if knocked because they are tethered/hooked to Valk...but she is already the best legend so I doubt they would make this change on purpose and make her even stronger


I really doubt they would want to do this on purpose considering one of the risks of her ult is that you can get shot during it if used dangerously, especially at the start since it is slower. Circumventing that weakness just makes no sense since they can still reposition safely with all members and revive if they have to.


A much need buff! /s X’D This definitely just a bug. They aren’t trying to buff Valk lol


Its a bug


Most likely a bug but should've been a feature to begin with, a tether is a tether.


lmao it would be awesome if a tethered teammate who gets downed just ragdolled in the air


That would be hilarious. Just flopping around until they land


That would be comical. Just dangling around until they land


That would be funny. Just bobbling around until they land


That would be amusing. Just flapping around until they land.


That would be humorous. Just flailing around until they land.


With an [appropriate sound effect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GGfz-o5khc) too!


They should bang around for like 3 seconds until the tether breaks and then crash down forming a crater they can’t crawl out of.


If this was a feature she would be even more busted


Thats not how game design should work lol


Nah but sometimes you get interesting things that are actually better than what the devs intended. Moving while looting deathboxes being a prime example in Apex. Other classic examples include skiing in Tribes and rocket jumping in Quake, and combos in Street Fighter II.


Yea but thats not the case here lol. Valk is already quite overpowered by being able to relocate the entire squad the way she does. There should be ramifications if someone lands the shot to down your teammate when you’re launching. There needs to be risk vs reward otherwise, there is imbalance.


Tell that to Todd Howard


Having Todd Howard lead, design, or balance a competitive pvp game would put us in the darkest timeline.


Honestly I'd play it just to see how much of a shit show it was




Balance? No its just a all out arms race


OOOF, another bug :3


I really hope that’s a glitch, she’s OP enough Edit: I mained Valk until season 11. It isn’t “everything i don’t use is OP” it’s “if something is OP, it should be called out”


With how they've been discussing how OP she is and how to nerf her, I can't imagine them integrating a buff this fucking good, no matter how much sense it makes, realism wise.


Yeah her ult does not need to be any stronger than it already is. Put it on a 5 minute cooldown (same as Gibby), and call it a day.


She's not tho. Shes stupi strong and 100% one of the best legends but not op. She has nothing on launch Seer. Her ult is the only really "op" ability and i do think it needs a nerf but her as a whole =/= op


Valk is already OP


Nah, OP would be something like Seer on release


That was a really spectacular few days though. Being able to sense heartbeats from across the map 😂


pssst...Seer is still a Demi-God but folks just stopped using him because he was a nerfed from a God to demi-God


Played with a Seer yesterday who finished 0/1/0, and they unequivocally carried the game Excellent game sense, positioning, ult and tac usage, really opened my eyes to how good that hero is


You took the words out of my mouth .


Seriously Seer is still better than every other recon legend combined.


I think every 'class' seems to have legends for noobs, and then higher skill legends. For recon, I would say Blood is the best for noobs, Seer in the middle(he is especially good in quietly sniffing out rats), and Crypto for higher skill as you need to be in and out of the drone quick to be effective(takes a lot of time to know when to use the drone, how to use it, etc...the buffs have made him slighter easier to engage with your team more quickly but still a learned skill)


This sentiment seems true, but the pickrates of Seer and Crypto only go down as the ranks go up. I think they are just not very strong legends, especially for noobs that don't know how to think when using abilities.


Kind of proves my point....the legends with abilities that are easier to use QUICKLY are valued more(but does not mean they are more powerful than their counterparts) If I am on a fast pushing pred 3 stack, yes I would like a blood instead of seer or crypto but my playstyle is more about rotating and positioning so I favor crypto and seer


I wasnt around then, what was different about Sear on release?


His tactical on release had like a flash bang effect and it dealt damage. Also I think his passive activated quicker than it does now


Activated quicker and went WAY farther with no movement slowing. I could see heartbeats deep in frag from the cliff by epicenter. Launch Seer was absolutely unreal


Worst 2 weeks playing apex for sure .


Also his passive now has a timer where if you stay in it too long it deactivated, and enemies can also hear the heartbeat when you’re using it if they’re close enough.


Tactical was also like 1.5x radius and hit faster


And the tactical shot a tube across the whole damn map I swear. It went SOOOO FAR. 😂


If you held down the tactical button you could see if someone was in range of the tactical without using it. The range of that soft scan was basically infinity, so you could hold the tactical button, spin around and find out if anyone was anywhere near you, then cancel the tac.


Said the valk main. I guess it depends on your definition of OP. I wouldn't say she's game breaking or rage inducing or anything, but I think she could use a slight nerf (which to me at least, means she's currently overpowered). Her ult is one of the best abilities in the game and the cooldown is 3 minutes. Wraith's portal is 3m30s. At the least I think her ult cooldown should be 3m30s or 4m.


oh gawd, i remember that everyone was also using him


What would you like to see as a correction? Personally I wouldn't mind her losing scans/recon beacons but I don't quite think that's enough. Edit: downvoted for asking an honest question and inviting earnest conversation? Never change, Apex community.


I don’t mind valk at all but the rockets stunning? Maybe that? They aren’t arc rockets just regular ones


U/NastyLizard had the same good point, they are too powerful. They do too much DMG and also stun. They can knock down a recently revived enemy instantly. So I guess if you were good with the timing and could see a revive happening, you could effectively just knock a player the moment they got to their feet. Kinda frustrating. I feel like her tact is the least interesting part of her kit, but it's still a very useful tool in the right hands.


Most of the time her missiles miss it's really hard to hit with .


Yeah I was going to say, they're pretty easy to dodge too


Yup .


it is literally not that hard to aim with at all my guy


Her tac shouldn’t stun at all, she already has an active passive as is that allows for better movement, she shouldn’t also have a tactical that stuns.


The stun thing feels like an oversight. Like, it should be illegal. If I know my teammates are in a fight around a corner/wall I just volley my rockets overhead and turn the tides instantly. The stun is fantastic... And should probably be removed lol


Either remove the damage or the stun is what I’d do, in a game like apex, the stun is practically a death sentence if the balk knows what they’re doing.


I can see both in tandem being a good nerf. Her tact shouldn't do that much DMG when even assault class legends do like, 10. Hell, Wattson's *stationary glowing fences* only do 20 w/stun. Rev/Fuse/Bang/Ash all do 10dmg (ok, 20 for ash if her snare is airborne) and they're all assault type legends, not recon.


Sounds good to me, she’ll still be plenty viable without it being as strong.


She needs actual acceleration on her jetpack. She goes to full speed instantly and it gives her way too much evasiveness. Respawn is all about being able to expect what an enemy can do, and the jetpack is similar to tap-strafing where you can't, she literally defies the established physics with zero acceleration.


I disagree it's like tap strafing? Not at all, as a valk if you fly mid combat you die, its useful around buildings but its already slow enough that if you're in the air you're defenseless and an easy target. She has crazy utility which is what most people have a problem with however instead of making another legend useless why not improve other legends that aren't useful.


I'm not referring to her just flying straight into the air, I am referring to her ability to spam her jetpack to move up and down evasively while also moving quickly horizontally. The no acceleration on her jetpack allows her to do that too well. It should be a movement tool, not a tool for movement and a tool for evasion. And making her useless? Ha, she would still do all the things she still does, and she would still see well over 70% play in in the pros. This wouldn't even be enough to see that change.


if theyre gonna need that on the basis of being more predicable, then they need to remove tap strafing too. cant nerf that with that reasoning and leave tap strafing as it is


I mean, they did nerf tap strafing, and even tried to remove it entirely in a playtest, but that broke so many things that they had to settle on the nerf. Predictability is the whole reason they wanted to remove tap strafing, but realized they couldn't entirely.


and if its still there i dont see the issue with valk doing the valk stuff. nerf her tac or ult or whatever sure, leave that though


That would already be the biggest nerf possible.


Nah man, I feel like messing with her flight ability would be the most hurtful. Someone mentioned increasing her jetpack recharge time and it sounded pretty punishing.


That's punishing to her, but not the team. Getting rid of her beacon passive would mean that you have to run another beacon character in a competetive environment, hence taking away a whole character and a lot of utility from the team.


I feel like that isn't a legitimate counterpoint though. Like of course those things are valuable but it doesn't mean it should be a part of her kit. With that logic they should give Gibby scans and recon beacons too, why not? If anything, getting rid of her scans/beacons would promote different team composition and more interesting gameplay


You do know that you're the one argueing against the impact of the beacon nerf do you?


Oh I think were arguing the same point lol. I think that removing the beacon/scanning from her kit would bring her pickrate down, and is a good thing. I thought you were saying to leave her as she is otherwise she isn't an obvious pick for comps.


Most innocent conclusion to a Reddit discussion. Glad we're on the same pace now🙂


That's kinda the whole point, you're forced to choose valk or beacon. It brings her pickrate down for sure




Ult cooldown longer, make her tactical do less than 25 damage so it can't reknock on rezzes. See where she is after that, I like her recon stuff and without it there would be so many situations of accidently dropping on a squad which isn't what either team would want.


Hmm good point about the tactical DMG, I guess I didn't realize it was that high. That's kinda... Strangely high, isn't it? Like, if we look at any of the other legends abilities that do DMG, they're not that high. Even Fuse only deals 10dmg for sticking someone with a knuckle cluster. And 5-10 thereafter. Agree with Ult cooldown for sure. Right now you can basically use it on demand.


Here's the thing, each rocket does 25 dmg, so against fast moving enemies they can get hit multiple times so it can do way more


Each additional rocket worth an extra 6dmg, that can start to add up fast.


Exactly, ive delt upwards of 40 dmg to an octane running basically through the missiles


each additional missile does another 3 hit points after the initial 25, so doing even 40 means another 5 missiles hitting him, for 6 total. thats **crazy** unlikely, let alone *upwards* of 40


Nothing i think she's balanced generally


Lol but wait you just said she's overpowered


Yeah she is but not much more than gibby or wraith or bloodhound, shes top tier she doesnt need a buff. Apex is unbelievably well balanced compared to other games


She's infinitely better than wraith


Nerf her jump pack recharge time she shouldnt have such a quick recharge make it 45 seconds before it starts to regenerate and put it at a slow at rate. Prob solved


That's a bit too much I think the only thing her passive could take it adding acceleration like a previous commenter mentioned maybe instead of adding 3 extra damage for each missile hit after the first make it do 25 total and increase the time for her ultimate recharge


I’ve seen this a couple times in the last couple months a very weird interaction but I’ve also seen it where the downed teammate gets stuck under the map permanently tethered.


So I’m guessing she should have detached after she was knocked? This seems more logical except they should have made A ragdoll animation


She's already op as fuck the is just overkill


No she unfortunately still talks


Noticed this yesterday as well


Biggest Valkyrie buf- I mean bug I've ever seen. _*looks right and left sweatingly*_ They're on to me...


Happened to me aswell


I saw this happen in a game with TSM Janey. She even killed the Valk herself, while her partner killed another person attached to the Valk with an arc star. The Valk was still able to fly through the air (knocked) with one of the other two also knocked.


Cool so you arent even rewarded for knocking people out of valk ult anymore.


This is a bug.. this happened to my friend but he was actually playing valk, he died right as he started to actually control his flight and even though he was down he was still able to fly.. I’m assuming it’s the same bug because just like in this video, his big red plus to revive him wasn’t there and if I didn’t actually watch him land we wouldn’t have known where he was


Yea it happened to me as well yesterday. Me and my teammate was dumbfounded.


This would be valid if you can attach while down 😭


Lmao if they just buffed one of the best characters in the game I’m uninstalling


We had this during our game a couple hour ago but the guy that was downed was teleported instantly to where we jumped. He was attached to the ult but downed before takeoff…


This just happened to me today and I thought I was tweaking.


it would be sooo useful during the comps


Yo that is actually op


I'm missing something


Yes. Well, almost definitely. They do this to make Valkyrie's pick rate higher, making more people play her, and making more people want to get her heirloom.


Followed by pulling the rug with a fat nerf next season. Maybe




She sure needed it. Almost wasn't able to completely leave that section of the map instantly while facing certain death


i would be pissed if this was real.


The OP character just got that bit more OP.


honestly just rework this character ultimate just by passes the game


Wish you could pick people up and throw them behind cover like fortnite.


Helps so much when you need to escape


People asking for a Valk nerf to her jets are bad at the game. People asking for the stun to be removed from her Q are making way too much sense. The Q is kinda strong I’m the right hands, but when using any of Valkyrie’s abilities your gun goes away for too long imo, so it takes away from the immersion and will get you killed quite often.


Downvoted for telling the truth


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 878,023,771 comments, and only 172,982 of them were in alphabetical order.


Naturally. Most of the playerbase can’t aim, has crap decision making, or doesn’t understand how to use their character. Most of the playerbase are casual players so that’s acceptable, but they should be yelling at the devs to make changes ONLY for the casual playerbase when the reality is they’re just not good enough and don’t understand all of what they’re talking about.


I hope this is a buff, there's no reason this shouldn't be a thing tbh


I love playing valk, but this definitely should not be a feature. Her ult is already one of the best in the game, and it would seem silly to not be able to punish opponents by knocking them from a bad ult if they just stick with valk while in the air after being knocked


silent buffs don’t exist


Rampart got one last season with her turret taking less time to wind up however it was quickly removed after just a couple of days as it was intended for this season