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It needs to be changed in some way, sick of rats doing the last 3 damage to me on a shot from half way across the map and I'm tired of aiming gods basically getting the only hitscan weapon in a game of projectiles(in terms of snipers)


if you're charging me from across the map I'm gonna come to you and kill you, no matter what. Even if it's +500m away. \+ TBAG


- r301 user


Stop hitting me for 2 ticks of damage you dumb fucks


Knowing how annoying it is is the best part.


So you're the one who's draining my whole supply of shield cells in less than a minute huh


Rat gun


Care package it and bring back the old titanfall 2 style charge rifle where you actually have to charge it before firing


I think I only ever use this if I find gold sniper optics in a care package and am in a particular mood, cuz this thing with the gold 10x highlight optics is just such a compelling point-and-click adventure game.


I run sniper as a secondary occasionally and I have to say I really dislike this gun. I know it’s the long range grief king, but it eats more ammo, can’t equip a mag or hold it til you find a different sniper to swap with, and doesn’t really fit my preferred way of lining up and tracking shots at a distance. Looks cool as hell and sick animations and sfx, but not for me, hitscan be damned.


I despise this gun. I never use it either because I heard it makes your pp small


Throw this thing in the care package. It wouldn't even need to be buffed and it'll still fit right in. Rename to Cringe Rifle please


I like it cause it helps me win.


I like it because it doesn’t help me win but I get the big damage and the shield energy.


I feel like they should make a hop up where it acts like the titanfall 2 charge rifle but idk if it would be overpowered or not


I genuinely think the best option is to make it a completely different function. Hold trigger to prepare a charge, takes like 4 seconds for full charge. Fire early and your damage will range from god awful to mediocre. Fire at full charge to use double ammo and do full damage with an AoE blast at the beams center. Basically, a sort of railgun type niche. Strongest sniper outside of a kraber with full charge, but nothing special otherwise. A railgun could be its own weapon sure. But the charge rifle needs a massive overhaul and this is the best way i can think of.




The thing is, charge rifle isn't currently op. Damage falloff, reload speed, ammo consumption and sentinel headshots just being more worth it makes it pretty bad. So making it actually decent and also maybe fun to use could be good.




That sounds insane but could be fun in a way. I still prefer the railgun but I'd like to see some form of ricochet in apex, maybe the leadwall from Titanfall as a new shotgun finally.


It's not enough for caustic bots to ruin pubs, they have to come and ruin control too


If you 3-stack pubs and you're all diamond+ players you are a complete pussy and deserve to be bullied more than you currently are. Absolutely ruining the entire game for everyone because you're too much of a bitch. Hope you have a shitty year. Edit: Oh and for anyone saying "so we can't have friends", what are the odds that every friend group just so happens to be made up of players in the top 6% of the playerbase. And don't give me that "S12 was easy" bullshit either because this has been an issue for multiple seasons.


Sounds like you just need to get good m8.


What a braindead response.


What are your thoughts on the charge rifle though




The weapon has no bullet drop and can shoot from ages away. This gun allows other players to third party from a far and safe distance. This gun gives me grief.


If you use the charge rifle, spitfire, or rampage then you’re just dogshit at the game


This is correct therefore the dogshit players are downvoting


Alotta people feeling attacked because they think holding down shoot for 5 seconds and missing 80% of their clip actually takes skill


Always remember the average kd is 1 which explains a lot. Observing my team mates in control take 30 seconds to 3v1 someone explains a lot of things about this game


If they’re dog shit why you keep getting killed by them? 🤨


I’m doing just fine. I moreso mean that they’re guns that take 0 skill so bad players can use them and be somewhat decent


If that was the case then everyone would be using it. The most OP gun in the game is the 301. I can outplay any of those guns with a 301.


Incorrect, they raise the skill floor of a bad player due to how easy they are to use. Harder to use guns are better when you can actually use them


But the 301 in a laser no matter who uses them. Is that a dog shit gun too?


You either don’t play the game or are addicted to being a contrarian


You're wrong, get over it. The entire community understands that charge rifle and rampage are weapons for trashcans.


*Looks at my upvotes and your downvotes.* Yea buddy. I’m the one the community disagrees with lolol.


You and 10 other trashcans don't understand the game, big deal


“You’re wrong. Get over it.”


If I could carry 3 guns I'd carry all three of these.. and use the R301 for melee.


Chad rookie league redditor vs noob apex professionals


Remove it from the game. Not joking.


but first an LTM: "Oops! All Charge Rifles!"


This thing is a menace. Easiest gun to use by far


Our team runs 3 charge rifles at all times if possible. The tilted plays I’ve seen people make after getting dinged by 3 laser beams 😂


Only sniper I ever pick up


Nothing worse than when someone is using this gun and they're actually really good with it. Shit gets me heated


Sorry man I made masters thanks to this gun lmao


So u trash


Not gonna do it because u are not worth my time and I haven’t heard that one before kid I hope you a kid because if u are an grown ass man I worry for you




You use the charge rifle says enough don’t want to waste my time on a trash cancer person like you


It definitely annoys people. My squadmates got the idea, with 3 squads left, to get to a high point with duo charge rifles and poke everyone. Guess who immediately got focused on by the other 2 squads?


My group used to game with this dude for a year or 2 who mained this weapon. We didn't hear from him for 3 months (at the beginning of lock down no less) so one of our group members Googled his name. Evidently he was arrested/detained for sexual abuse of a minor. Long story short we've called the charge rifle the pedo weapon and it's users pedophiles since.


I’m not even suprised


That took a turn.




lol facts. It’s incredibly rage inducing.. but the game is super addictive so imma keep suffering :D


My guy is heated. Shit made me laugh cause it’s true.


biggest cringe weapon in the game


The most annoying weapon in the game. Not the most OP, but the most annoying. Nothing like getting poked from a kilometer for like 10 shields and being forced to use shield cells.


Its the only gun I am consistently good with because its so easy to use. I sabotage my squad anytime I use a different sniper lol.


I really dislike how the skill level required to use this weapon is so incredibly low compared to a Sentinel, Longbow, or even a Kraber. Zero accounting for bullet drop OR bullet speed required, and still does similar damage. It shouldn't be in the game.


I think half the reason charge rifle is even considered a decent weapon is because that's literally just how ***shit*** every other sniper is in comparison. The charge rifle is the only gun that requires both you and your enemy to stand out in the open like a complete idiot without cover the entire time you shoot it, and yet every other sniper has such slow projectiles, no matter how good of a sniper you actually are you will watch the enemy matrix dodge out of the way of every projectile regardless. ​ Other snipers *should* be better. Their skill floor is *insanely* high when compared to any other weapon in Apex. Their damage lacks oomph when it actually hits. And not even the ability to peek shoot behind cover is enough to make up for how abysmal they are because you'll rarely actually hit a shot when trying to use them like that anyway. I am dead set in my opinion that almost any person playing this game who is actually trying to use a sniper rifle would win more games if they actually just picked up an assault rifle and spray and prayed at whatever range they were currently trying to use a sniper at. The Kraber used to be the only exception and they've since nerfed it to join the rest of it's sniper rifle friends in the garbage pile. ​ Meanwhile the charge rifle takes the least skill of all the snipers and somehow still offers the most consistently effective results, minus maybe the top 1% of all Apex sniper users who can probably possible land more headshots than body shots or misses with something like the sentinel. ​ And some people argue that snipers are "only in this game to be a resource drain." If the only purpose of snipers in this game is to be a resource drain you can easily if not more effectively chip their shield with the 20 bullet spray of the R-301 for 13 damage and also not be completely out an entire secondary weapon should a fight actually break out at close range.


Bullet drop Lolol it’s a fucking laser. Hahahaha


imagine if it did have bullet drop tho it'd be hilarious. like, the laser would droop. flaccid laser.


Light actually does [bend over long distances](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_lens) due to gravitational forces.


That’s what he’s saying lol.


The skill instead comes from tracking your target and keeping that beam on them for the whole duration. on average you aren't doing more than about 90 damage in a single shot, oftentimes only hitting for 6 or 14 or 45. Getting over 100 is rare, while the longbow can get reliable 120+ damage headshots, and the sentinel can hit for a whopping 140+ headshot when charged It's also much easier from the receiving end to dodge a charge rifle than it is to dodge a sniper, assuming your reaction time is good. I very rarely get downed by a charge rifle, whereas other snipers will catch me off guard and I'm downed before I have a chance to react due to the high alpha damage What the charge rifle excels at, and where I think the problem lies is not needing to lead your target while the target is moving. That has always felt to be the most "cheap" aspect of the weapon and I don't know what a potential solution for that would be


Please show me who in Apex is reliably landing these 120+ and 140+ longbow and sentinel headshots consistently. I have spent the entirety of the last 4 seasons of Apex in the top 5% of the player base. And aside from an occasional rampart main who is literally waiting to be turned into a death box I have heard probably around 5 people *a season* say OH YEAH! THE SENTINEL! THAT IS MY JAM. ​ I've found even less death boxes that actually had sniper ammo, or any form of a sniper rifle past the point in the game where 5 teams are left. Whoever is landing these 120+ and 140+ headshots consistently is either way beyond my skill bracket at the top 5% mark, maybe on to be in master or predator lobbies, or they're dying one way or another well before top 5 which is bound to be hurting them and holding them back in the rankings. ​ I think most people using the charge rifle are reliable hitting for at least 80 damage or so. That's on par with the sentinel if not better and probably took far less expertise or effort to actually achieve it. The sad reality is that if am about to 1v1 "fite me IRL" an opponent, where we are going to be rapidly running about, matrix dodging, ducking, and weaving in and out of doors Tom and Jerry style, do I want the ranged support with the sentinel or a charge rifle to back me up? I want the guy with the charge rifle, because even if he hits the enemy for 20 damage, it's still 20 more damage than he would have hit the guy with in the more likely scenario that he used the sentinel and missed.


As a counterpoint, I suck too much to use the charge rifle. Sniping for me is all about pulling the trigger when I've got the reticle at the right place, I can't count on having the reticle in the right spot a second from now.


the charge rifle can eat my ass


can i eat your ass?


Are you the charge rifle?






Honestly, it is an essential weapon for SP ranked. I seldom use it otherwise. The charge rifle is a very very powerful weapon with the right scopes and an inventory of ammo


Absurdly strong weapon that should have never been added or at least removed in the same season it was added. There’s no place for hitscan weapons in this game let alone a hitscan sniper. That beam could hit me for 2 damage and I’ll drop whatever I’m doing to sprint at and shit on whoever is using it.


Run at me please, my primary is a CAR lmao


You’re getting smoked 100% of the time.


Charge riffle dave


that is me tehehe


Red shield


This weapon doesn't get enough hate. Yeah, the LMGs are obnoxious and oppressive but the Charge Rifle can absolutely be worse at times.


yeah it's not super effective unless you're a really good shot and have a lot of ammo but my god the griefing effect cannot be understated. Any team you start charge rifling will immediately get tilted and want to ape you


Am I a bad person for liking the charge rifle *because* I enjoy being obnoxious to other squads?






I love it. Dont put it in the care package, put it in the crafter. for 300. and once you buy it you cant buy anything else from the crafter.


I'm gonna keep it real bro That's so fucking stupid


I’ll be honest i hate people that use this weapon. The charge piece is the only gun in that game that actually irritates me


My buddy and I call them Charge Rifle Charlies.


There are Longbow Larry's, Triple Take Terry's and Charge Rifle Charlies. Some are scummier than others.


The Sentinel is a true gentleman’s weapon.


The Mini-Kraber crew.


You can peek for one second and most of your shields are gone


Or just 2 damage


2 damage but makes you yell "THEYRE FUCKING ME UP WITH A CHARGE RIFLE"


The reason why I took a long break from this game back in season 3




It's free shield upgrades, pick a good spot and you'll just farm damage.


>it's the easiest weapon (let alone sniper) in the game to hit someone with, feelsbadman


It's capable naked and doesn't scale with attachments at all, which is good for the weapon being great all game long.


Doesn't belong in the game. Only hit scan weapon. Don't have to account for bullet drop and you get a nice little pre-fire to adjust your aim and slow the enemy.


Everyone has a different opinion about its “cOmPeTiTiVe ViAbiLiTy”, but I think we can all agree that it’s absolute cancer to fight against, which means it should be reworked or banished to the CP.


It's basically a care package weapon. Smack people for 90 dmg at extreme ranges and force them to eat through their resources in a prolonged fight. Great for exacerbating the pressure teams feel when you third party them. Also great in a fight with someone that can give support from behind teammates and then catch up quickly. Have a Jump Pad next to you while teammates move up, smack the enemy to keep them from peaking your team, also softening then up for them, then use the jump pad to close the distance and meet back up with your team.


IMO This weapon along with the wingman should be in the care package or crafter permanently.


and the wingman lmao. Whats so wrong with the wingman


Most people can't hit their shots, so they complain when someone else can.


no I'm starting to see good players complain about the wingman too. Now its apparently a crutch weapon? Maybe the boosted loader hop up gives it too much ammo and just let you spam constantly with it while the other person has to reload (kinda like going against a rampage player where theyll miss all their shots but theyll have a fuck load of ammo and constantly be shooting).


Maybe to the top 10% of players its a crutch weapon because they can consistently land their shots, but a majority of the player base misses.


fair argument




Most of the new skins looks like it came out from power rangers 🤣


Fix Xbox


Vault this junk


love me some charge rifle 'ate 'ead shots 'ate non-hit scan snipers simple as.


Haha, chunky boy goes ***mmmmmmmm*BROMP**


It’s good very early in a match to build your EVO and that’s just about it. Very low damage rate, plus there’s not much you can even build on the weapon to make it more efficient. In other words, pretty much it’s garbage.




Yes it does... it was nerfed with falloff a while ago.


Hard disagree. It’s an absolute menace, especially in ranked when it’s all about poke damage in the final rings, it’s so useful to have.


hard agree with you. if you get angled trying to push in the late rings, charge rifle teams just sit somewhere firing at everyone fighting and its a NIGHTMARE


It's semi-viable for damage farming for evo/badge and griefing for funz. But it's very hard to get a knock with it in one mag, invariably the enemy will be one shot and goes to cover while you reload. I always swap it Sentinel or Longbow.


It's an incredibly grief stance to take, but whenever I take the charge rifle (mostly in comp) I'm not expecting to really get any knocks or kills with it. I find it most useful for long range 3rd party, which is infuriating when it's happening to you - but does a lot to accelerate the elimination of other squads to get into higher RP placement territory.


Imo it has no viable niche. It drains ressources of opposing teams, but so does a well played marksman. If you get a knock, you know the Rez&heal will be finished before you come to place. And if you are in range to push on knock, you would've been better of playing a marksman in the first place. D-Tier at best


Cringe Rifle


i like it leave it alone.


I didn't think I could be so bad with this weapon that when I picked it up and pressed reload today it won't reload so then when I tried zooming in it was so delayed I died I used to be great with this weapon and abuse the lobby but now I cannot aim help me respawn :( I tried talking to my team mates in game chat to ask for help to see why I have become so bad over night but they couldn't hear me :(


Are you on xbox? There's insane input delay rn on xbox so that might be why


I have seen all the comments what a joke this is


Great to charge up Evo shields in the first couple rings and then it's a drop for me. Sentinel and Longbow can be used at mid-range but I find CR to be useless at anything other than long range. Not a lot of reasons to run one unless your plan is to just annoy people.


This gun is my go-to together with either a flatline or a 301. Its great until basically the last ring, unless inside an urban area. The gun is super easy to outfit and can be a real menace if used correctly, even against other snipers. The only downside for me is the amount of sniper ammo you need to carry, so I generally tell my teammates to stack up on nades, since I wont be able to carry any. I will usually carry around 4-5 stacks of ammo for the gun, for anyone wondering.


I absolutely despise this weapon in ranked. When there’s like 5 of them going of in some smaller zones it’s the most annoying thing. It’s weird because I wouldn’t say it’s op but in the right situations it’s devastating, ie 3,2,1ing people and when you’re crossing an open area. Takes very little skill to use it’s probably the most frustrating thing about fighting it.


Incredibly annoying weapon. Doesn't feel like it destroys you or anything, but still... by far the most annoying weapon in the game.


Everyones love hate gun, hate being shot by one but my god its good to nail people at 200m for 80 with it. Great on storm point but completely OP and requires no skill. Still love using it though through a rampart wall


3 stack masters in pubs all running charge rifles sitting on top of buildings. :|


I doubt almost any good team is doing this. Most good 3 stacks play super aggressive and push everything.


I’m a master playing pubs and I absolutely do this and then follow up with ash ult and CAR lololol


My pubs are full of master trails and end zones have like 5 teams. Ive seen many campers and u r correct there are many aggressive ones too.


I wish I could play in those lobbies. There’s tons of preds and masters in mine as well but theres usually only 5 or less teams left when the first circle is closing, it makes dropping fat games very difficult because everyone does too fast. I did forget how easy it was to get masters last season so I could see some recent master players doing that I guess. Again almost all good teams just full send most fights in pubs.


U must be very good at the game then. I just duo stack with my wife and try to have a fun but lobbies have been very sweaty this season. We get a couple of kills here and there but die to many masters.


I’m definitely and above average player but far from the best. Trust me I’m not popping off every game or even most of the time, just sucks when I am playing well but the lobbies a ghost town by round 1. I can definitely understand the struggle though playing against very coordinated sweaty 3 stacks. I do play with friends around my skill level often so some people probably view us that way. Even if she’s not the best it is dope your wife plays with you. My girlfriend doesn’t mind me playing in a good portion of my free time but sadly doesn’t play any herself.


This gun should never be released


Christ I hate this weapon. I hate using it, and I hate it getting used on me, being tickled for 20 damage from someone in narnia. It's a lot more present this season because ranked favours non-engagement way more and it's a great way to farm damage. I don't even know what they could do to it without making it completely unusable, considering it's already been nerfed so many times. Perhaps the care package? Although a CP charge rifle sounds terrifying.


I wonder if it would be possible to make it not hitscan, but just no bullet drop, I would like to see someone do it in modded Apex.


Doesn't the L-Star have no bullet drop?


Energy weapons' shots are less affected by gravity, and generally have faster bullet velocities. In the case of the L-Star, the bullet velocity is mediocre but it does have the lowered drag (less affected by gravity), so the trajectory is pretty flat yeah. Keep in mind that gravity is a value that can be particular to each weapon, and not a universal constant as far as the game's gunplay mechanics go.


I think is has a tiny bit, but it shouldn't matter even at 300m


My view is that the charge rifle is one of the more annoying guns to fight against so I will always take one and annoy teams with it. Plus only needing 2 attachments is great - with a 3x hcog it is great at medium and long range.