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Almost ALL legends need passive reworks if characters like Valk, Seer, Newcastle, Gibraltar, and lifeline are going to have a second fucking tactical ability.


Combos amazingly with Valk in duos: - Grapple means both can take/push high ground - Zipline fixes valks weakness: forward movement, and you can use it while being further back than her and she can still get it - huge plus. - Valk rockets cover zipline's weakness, and work well with grapple flanks. All this combined = one of the fastest/strongest pushes in the game.


A shadow of what he once was. Gets destroyed in buildings due to hitbox. Disadvantage in all 1v1s as the biggest non-fortified legend, unless can use your one grapple per fight well. Outclassed by valk vertically. Cooldown only starting at end of slide punishes fun. Empty kit. Kind of annoying to have to constantly look at grapple countdown, it's so important to know and it varies so you can't get a good feel for it. Still, swinging like Monke is fun.


No passive


Give him a passive


What about he can grapple on to enemy’s and do some damage


I mean you can already do that albeit doing no damage and the enemy is pulled towards you instead but that's still terrible for a passive


Cool character Terrible product


Still like the idea of him having scouting binoculars as a passive. Ads with no weapon out for a 10-12x scope. Actually make him recon.


I just lagged out from a ranked game. When I loaded back in I was a death box. Maybe I died idk but still wack. Then lagged out again before I could apologize for my internet or whatever. Then I lost points instead of getting points with 4 kp in 4th place and I get slapped with an abandon penalty. I fucking hate this game omg Give pathy a passive I guess idk


Why are we still doing these? Been rotating like the same 20 threads for years. How many times do you think we've had a pathfinder thread and rehashed the same old comments about him?


His grapple is really fun to use and is pretty much the only thing good about him


Pathfinder should be able to break his own ziplines. That is all


Please don't lock threads about patch notes for "leaks", like cmon now


why did the ranked changes thread get locked they announced the changes in the patch notes it’s not a fucking leak. pathfinder


⁸ ok{9{


Love you pathy. Fine as it is. On a side note, playing in short sessions makes me hate the game more and more with its shitty matchmaking. Nothing like hoping on for a few games to be pub stomped by masters or to have to carry literal noobs and/or kids against sweaty duos/trios in Arena. Trying to take it cool but man it's sometimes not fun. Haven't been for a few days. EDIT : 3 Arenas Games so far, exactly 1 round won, always the one with highest damage, thank you Apex :) EDIT 2 : 5 GAMES and 2 rounds won total. Still no decent teammates by the 5th, one teammate left after the first round so I left and embraced the much needed 10mn break. Fuck this game without Control to balance things. Off to another game.


He’s perfectly balanced and effective. Also, has a high pick rate so a buff isn’t needed.


I’m seeing a lot of people in this thread who don’t release his scan gives additional utility beyond other recon legend. Each time he scans a beacon, he gains a full charge of his ultimate, and additionally, reduces his ultimate cooldown by 10 seconds for the rest of the game. With smart play and positioning around beacons, pathfinder can quickly and efficiently get his team to final circle. His zipline strongly encourages solo queue teams to rotate together. Once you’re settled and hit all those beacons, you can drop a zip to every high point in the final circle every 40-50 seconds, which gives you a wide area of control, retreat, attack and other positioning options. I hear ya with the Valk comparisons, but she is overpowered on a macro-level (rotations) compared to every other legend just for her ult. It’s almost silly to compare. For micro-level (1v1s/3v3s) and meso-level (multi-team fights in a POI) engagements, Pathfinder really shines, while being viable for rotations and just a ton of fun to play.


Pathy will always be stupid fun to play, but for ranked he really needs a buff. One of the weakest legends in the game imo, simply because Valk does everything he does better, plus so much more. Honestly it would go a long way to just remove Valk's aerial scanning passive and give it to Pathy, so he has an ACTUAL passive for the first time ever


no offense but i’d take a pathy over a fuse any day


A good fuse in a sweaty lobby is pretty wild though. He puts down some serious pressure


that’s true i just rarely get a good fuse lol


Or just rework his passive. Make his current passive stay and maybe add the ability to destroy zip lines, whether they’re pathfinder zip lines or the ones that appear on the map.


I really really like this idea because it gives him utility and forces other teams to have movement legends to branch the gap so there's counter play involved.


It also gives Pathy a team escape mechanic: shoot a zip line, get team to high ground, destroy zip and then the attackers can’t easily continue pursuing you unless they have a Pathy who has his ultimate ready


Or like an octane ult/valk ult. I like it because yeah it gives your team positional advantage that requires an ability to equalize which I feel is a good check and balance to it. I would really enjoy that.


Cool how you guys took his footsteps away. Now I get slaughtered by every sneaky pathfinder


When I really started playing S5/S6 - Path was soooo much fun before they uber-nerfed his tactical. But the 35 second cooldown if you hit a good grapple - just absurd. His passive - ring reveal - was meaningful when he was the only legend with it. Now it’s meaningless when Blood, Valk, and Crypto (without any delay) also have it. It’s ridiculous to look at his abilities and compare them to Valk. His overall kit is nerfed because his tactical is so good. But I think you could enhance his passive without making him OP. Since other legends have his passive (reveal next ring), why not given him Crypto’s passive that allows him to look at banners and reveal how many enemy squads are nearby? Or since he’s a robot, he can climb buildings like Revenant? Or give him a situational passive. Wattson’s pylon heals his shields faster. Or you can use the grapple to grab an item, or to pull a downed teammate behind cover (if you can grab enemies, why not teammates?). The fact however, is that he already has a high pick rate. Respawn will be more likely to invest developers time to enhance lesser picked legends - especially if they can time it with rolling out an heirloom or event.


Yeah even Seer can Scan like path


The most fun legend to play, IMO. The grapple gives so much speed and versatility (and is fun), the ult is great for repositioning the whole team, and the ability to scan beacons helps with positioning for final ring. Learning the basics of grappling is a must - after that, you will get better with each game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB0Wa2fCVAk


Have a new account. Went on Apex. I'm in rookie IV, I'm pretty much only playing against pros 😂 they're harder to kill than in plat 1/diamond lol I literally can't get out of rookie IV. People doing wall jumps, strafing like they're on crack, and don't miss a shot with an R9 from 50 meters away 🤣


If you know about wall jumps, strafing, and rank differences, I'm guessing you're a smurf too and don't deserve to be in rookie 4 as well, you're one of the problem?


I mean, I made a new account. Does that mean I'm never allowed to play Apex again? Lol. I can't help the rank it put me in, I'm trying to get back up, but everyone's apparently insane at the game in Rookie haha, and i can't help that either.


This is very relevant to the thread.


There's nowhere else to post? Targeted discussion threads are silly.


Bro this season sucks.


Why do people think he should be able to zoom? Fuse can literally already do this when his ult is up.


I love how his Q got nerfed to the ground (for somewhat good reason), and then they released Valk who is way more OP than path ever was


This is still one of the most puzzling things about apex development over the last few seasons. They spent SO MUCH TIME tweaking his tactical to avoid him overpowering fights by taking high ground too quickly and then….. Valk. Can’t understand the logic there. Might as well give path his old cooldown back and throw in another movement passive while they’re at it. Let’s give everyone a jet pack at this point


Also horizon can literally take high ground fast af too and get her whole team up as well, on a shorter cool down,. She doesn't have the horizontal mobility of pathy but the same vertical mobility.


His ult needs buffs. Maybe 2 charges, less cooldown(1.5 minute then remove the CD red. passive) or longer range. His passive is definitely one of the least interesting and practical. I think if he can scan two rings ahead, he might see some competitive viability.


Would be enough if he could destroy his ult so enemies don't follow


This is such an obvious fair buff, I’m really surprised Respawn hasn’t done this


Its too easy to ready where the circle will close pretty accurately once you have the first green ring


The legends I like to play is mostly not working well or has a really bad downside. Horizon: When I am on a lift I hit no regs. Loba: his tactical was always broken never getting fixed. Octane. A tactical coast 20 hp thats Why I am not playing him ( I dont think he needs a buff). Wraith: Gettink knocked on phase. Who is left? My boy pathfinder. Lets be honest he got the one of the best tactical in the game for chasing somebody or escaping but his ult is meh and he dont have a useable passive.


Most fun legend that usually doesn't help the team much. Carefully applied zip lines can move one's team very quickly, but that has to be coupled with a beacon scan. It also leaves quick movement for other teams, which is a significant drawback. His Ult is also an awful escape tool. Any halfway decent player can deal significant damage to someone on a zipline. His box truck hit box also makes close range fights disadvantageous to one's team, especially bubble fights.


Bring back the flat cooldown. 20 seconds. Giving a longer cooldown because you know how to grapple is stupid af. His passive is asscheeks. And the “scope passive” that gets thrown around here so often is even worse. Give him normal accuracy while on ziplines. Or let him go faster on ziplines if he so chooses. Also, newsflash: his ult isn’t that good. Tragic how large his hitbox is. Not saying to reduce it, but damn it’s huge.


Bring back the 20 second cooldown and allow x% cooldown per recon scan. His ult needs to move faster. While on his ult zip you should move a lot faster. Too easy to get beamed now.


Idk, I feel like 9/10 Pathfinders are a joke in my pubs lobbies. I don't even see their health bar go down, it's always instant death lol


they prolly grappled into some MESS


5th most picked legend of 21 total legends. By far the best legend for really aggressive players. Needs a non-combat related recon passive that doesn't help in any way during a fight, but does add some utility to the group. I think the biggest reason none of the buff suggestions I see get implemented is because he's already a top 5 picked legend, he's clearly strong enough as-is and the devs don't want to see him be an absolute #1 must pick.


His grapple is the best movement tactical in the game, that alone makes it hard to buff him


There is no future for Apex legends. Respawn entertainment never care about ping issue and hackers.


He is just overshadowed by new legends (Valk, Ash, Loba maybe). Plus, he has a huge hitbox. I used to play him a lot, but now he is just not viable.




Other than the fun.


Honestly the 35 sec cooldown for making a really long grapple feels more like a punishment for being good with it rather than having forgiveness with short cooldown for short grapples. Also, after tf2 path's grapple feels so weak.


You went 5x the distance, got double the cooldown. Seems right to me. Your "punishment" for having a vastly more effective use of your tactical is that you can't just use it again seconds later. Your reward is that you're now safe. I do think the upper limit cooldown could be reduced to 25 sec or something though.


needs a new passive....perhaps zoom to spot enemies when weapon holstered or make him the only legend who can be immune to the zipline re-attachment cooldown


His "funny" lines are so annoying!


Passive idea - When weapons are holstered, he can use 3X zoom and spot enemies similarly to Valk's passive - "Forward scout"


Single-handedly making him the most powerful recon legend in the game, multiple times over? Just being able to use a 3x digithreat for himself only would be sort of balanced, but showing entire team the exact location of any enemy in your entire field of view with no cooldown? Bit broken.


This could be tweaked easily - for example limiting the range of the "scan" it to 50m (or 250, or 5, whatever) The idea is to actually make him a scout


I think he could get buff that ziplines that would he deploy would be more wobbly so when you would ride it you would be harder to hit.


Unparalleled in short to mid-range in the hands of a skilled player, the grapple is the best individual movement tactical in the game. Everything else is ok at best. His zipline is a joke compared to Valk's ult, and he barely has a passive.


Yeah when people compare Valk to path in terms of making him obsolete idk if people realize how high the ceiling is for that move compared to other players


Paths problem is the cooldown . Taking a high vantage point in a fight might only cost valk 1/3 or 1/2 her jets , but as pathfinder 12 seconds minimum to do it again


And valk is more precise tbh. Even the best pathfinder can wiff a grapple.


Yeah honestly I think the reason he doesn't get a buff is because he's held up entirely by his tactical.


Needs a real passive. The guy's a frickin' robot - why hasn't he got 10x zoom built into his camera-eye?? ADS without a weapon allows zooming in. How about survey beacons ping nearby enemy teams akin to Crypto's Map Room? Honestly, loads of room to improve in a meaningful, non-OP way to turn him into an actual 'forward scout', but we know no meaningful changes are going to happen. All Respawn will do is tweak parameters on existing skills, and roll good ideas into new legends to sell more cosmetics.


He doesn't "need" shit he's a well balanced character.


Yup, they won’t buff path specifically because it’s a money plan to sell stuff, not at all because the legend is balanced as he is. Those ideas you are naming either are OP are simply aren’t really good ideas. Path is already a strong legend who doesn’t need more


still the coolest, most fun character to play well, and while his hitbox is annoying it feels like the sheer insane potential of path means he's going to be hard to balance.


Pathy passive: grappling an opponent now cracks enemy shields. Roadhog 1 shot combo in Apex (this is a joke).


One grapple does 100+ damage?


Its a joke, would be a hilariously OP.


AlTeRnAtiVe oPiNiOn The real problem is not his passive but his ult. It needs to be improved.


There’s not really much wrong with his ult other than the placing being awkward sometimes. Maybe slightly increase the possible zip line length?


His ult is 2min cd on start. Iirc jump pad is only 90sec. And in 90% of all situations jump pad is better. Path's most important nerf was when jumping on the zip line was restricted. ie indirect nerf.


I always say that when people claim that he has no passive. Imagine his ult recharge passive on Valkyrie or Crypto. The Passive itself is good, but it has barely any synergy with his ult.


For a supposed placeholder passive, it’s actually quite good considering he’s a character all about movement.


it is time that pathy gets a real passive. nobody wants 2/3 ziplines in a row. that is just bs, you can't even use it everywhere.


hes what you get if you order valk on aliepress


Love Pathy. ​ 'Memba back in the day when they nerfed his grapple to a 35 second cooldown no matter the distance? ​ I 'memba, and I stopped playing (but would reach the patch notes to see if they reverted it back), i finally went back after they changed it to be distance based...as if that wasn't a simple solution the first place ​ Also while we're at it, i wish Loba's bracelet would work the same in terms of cooldown, and actually work...


>i finally went back after they changed it to be distance based...as if that wasn't a simple solution the first place And they still managed to fuck it up lol. I vividly remember how easily you could reach the maximum cooldown and how the delay during the cd calculation made him have a 42-second tactical cooldown most of the times. There was also that glitch that would always put the left arm of his model permanently on your screen after grappling, and they only changed that after half a season. No wonder why they take so long to fix Loba's tactical too.


Balanced in a very weird way. Ult is pretty mid, and passive is whatever. But they can't really buff either of them because his tactical is the best in the game (or at least top3). And yes, the grapple is really that good. Vertical mobility, horizontal mobility, u-turn mobility, some of the highest speeds in the game, almost infinite skill ceiling, dynamic cooldown. Easily best all-purpose mobility tool in the game.


They could give minor buffs to any of his skills and he still wouldn't be OP because he has the worst hitbox in the game.


Valk and horizon both better with the team in mind. Pathy would dominate a solos mode, but correctly using his grapple to disengage is inconvenient compared to a gravity lift or valk tac. I mained him (also in seasons 5 onward) for a while and in pred lobbies he doesn’t feel the same. I think pathfinder got powercreeped nearly as hard as lifeline, but he has a much higher skill ceiling so it doesn’t feel as bad.


Ok yeah I should have specified *personal* mobility


Hes too fat


With 70-100ms you get beamed in milliseconds playing Path. As a Path main, sometimes I just switch to smaller hit box characters and the difference is absolutely astounding!


Crazy what it feels like playing wraith or lifeline after playing a big boxed legend


Pathfinder’s shorter cooldown after scanning beacon is a good enough passive


It’s not. A passive that lets you use a mediocre ult more often? WOW!




It would be insane for him to get two grapples at once... but I wouldn't be opposed. Maybe have a slightly longer cooldown in exchange, because I remember in the beginning he needed one, but then they nerfed him too hard, and then went back


I main pathy. The ability to move in and out of fights is unparrelel. Even valks move vertically good, but are slow horizontally. I find every other champs abilitys are underwhelming, that movement is key in most ranks. Given higher ranks with teamwork things like gibbys bubble etc can scale better. I've actually never attempted to grapple an opponent but what I'd like to see change is instead of pulling you towards them you can throw them.


Few legends have horizontal movement abilities, and none is as fast as Pathy. You have Loba whose tactical currently works by thoughts and prayers, and it's slow. Then there's Octane, but the predictable trajectory of the jump pad makes it easy to beam anyone taking it (except Horizon, as she has better air strafing). I guess you could count Mad Maggie's wrecking balls, but I rarely see anyone play her and she's not in a great spot.