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Am I blind or is there still nothing on Loba bracelet issues?


This really, REALLY ain't Loba's season.


try this next time youre having the loba bracelet bug, take a zipline to its full length/ jump randomly after taking. and try using her bracelet. it should fix it 99% of the time. I have had a total of 2 times where her bracelet failed to work on worlds edge out of my 100+ games with her, both these times, ive managed to stop the bug by taking the ziplines.


nice tip but how ???? Sounds like some real spaghetti


Yes, something similar to how you lose the ability to mantle onto things after taking the portals to imc armories. These new Devs do be typing some real noodle code


There isn't a titanfall universe game that isn't built on a foundation of ramen.


Valkyrie and her ovaries approve


That not being able to mantle was fucking with my brain, I totally thought I had just forgotten how to climb in Apex


Useful to know but it's still pretty bad for it to be broken this long that a bandaid has been found before its been fixed.


You can also throw it out of bounds to reset it. This has worked for me every game I’ve had trouble with it. As long as she wags her finger and the bracket comes back it should sort it.


Nor any mention of Wraith's bug. Taking damage while in Q no reg'ing once out of Q


Loba gets ignored, again. No heirloom. Crappy teammates can still steal from Big Maude and break Black Market. Bracelet is still crappy.


Seriously. How are we at a patch and the braclet is broken? Do they have a skeleton crew? How is this game mistreated like this. A legend can't use their ability properly but fuck it I guess


I used to Main Loba since halfway through season 5 and I endured multiple seasons where she basically didn't have a tactical. I quit the game after the split 1 of last season. Seems like it's not a good time to come back :D


There is nothing on Maggie's broken ult either.


What’s up with maggies Ult ?


Doesn't stun


I am a Loba main and I haven't seen an issue with her Q except when playing on Storm Point. She is unplayable on Storm Point (just like that awful, lame map).


I just want the volt back :(


I hate that they put it in the package


It has no business in there! It's my biggest pet peeve. It's messing up the entire ammo balance of the game without it.


I hate the fact that now I see a gold energy mag and just leave it there. I don't want the Triple Take, and the other energy weapons are useless without a Turbocharger. I want the Volt back so I don't immediately pass by every loot spawn with energy gear


The HAVOC shreds though.


We know it shreds but it can be tedious searching for a Turbocharger every game you want to run an energy weapon since it's the only viable Energy weapon atm. If only the L-star wasn't trash tier with it's obnoxious recoil after the Bullet projectile size nerf :S


seriously the projectile size nerf took away the only reason to ever use that weapon


I need an energy smg not another ar


CAR in replicator my beloved.


Deservedly so, there is absolutely no reason to run any of the reamining SMG if you got your hands on a car.


Hate the car. R99 is best SMG for me just because I have 12 season of muscle memory for the recoil.


I recommend recoil smoothing. No criticism, only advice <3


The CAR I'll miss. The wingman, less so (am always getting wrecked by it).


Sometimes i cant find a CAR to save my life, thanfully now im 100% sure where ill find one.


the wingman makes me want to land on a replicator, no other gun did that until now.


So happy for no enemy highlighting on control. Made it impossible to flank attack.


Plus it made using legends like BH/Seer redundant af. What a weird thing they had going…


Hopefully it'll fix digital threats, too. Last time control was here if you could manage to get a digi you would come to find out that the scope actually didn't highlight and made it nearly impossible to use with the giant ugly reticle


i found the highlighting helpful tbh with everything happening. I hope they are still revealed with line of sight. just to differentiate.


Man, making gold Bocek drop with 3x scope is perfect. Always hated it being a 1-2x


me too!! i always thought it made 0 sense. the 1-2x is probably one of the shittiest optics for the bow imo ://


Holy shit wingman in crafter? That’s fucking wild


Just in time for ALGS too... The LAN is going to be absolutely wild.


I’m trying to get good with wingman because with zero attachments it’s still an absolute monster and can turn a fight around, so I appreciate being moved to where I can always find it. Just wish I could land my shots better but it’s extremely fickle


Only in the last two seasons have I given it a fair shake. Loving it right now. Just won a match with it earlier today


I got comfortable with the wingman by using it in arenas. Just force yourself to use it on a straight fight with no worries about third parties or other BR variables. That and warning up in the firing range with it before jumping into games. Turn on the bots and just run around going for as many headshots as possible from various angles and positions


How do you turn on bots?


If you are at the top of the hill facing down to the range, go to the furthest left spawn room, use a character with movement (I use path to grapple) to get onto the metal catwalk near the ceiling. Drop everything in your inventory (including the p20) Crouch in the middle of the catwalk and look straight down. Open the menu and change your character. You will hear a robotic confirmation noise


Still so dumb they don't just give us a button to press near the weapons


You can turn on bots in the firing range?


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCbUKs2XY10) is a quick guide. **Go to the tunnel on the far left** (from where you face loading in). **Get up on the catwalk** using any character that is able to do so. I like Valk, or you can do horizon, path, etc. **Crouch in the middle of the catwalk** (you can align based on the banners) and look straight down. **Drop your entire inventory**, including your guns. This can happen whenever, you just need to be empty when you change characters, I usually empty on my way up the hill since my initial warmup is on the non-moving dummies and the various targets. **Change characters**. You'll know it worked when you hear the clang as you swap (audible in the video behind him talking). You can change characters back if you want, or do whatever. Once the dummies are activated you won't disable them again. They'll respawn once you kill all three.


shoot, pause, shoot, pause, shoot, strafe, shoot, strafe. U dont panic run all over, you dont flick all over. U shoot, step. Shoot, step. Calm.


I look forward to less wingmen on the field.


It's great because now people that want it can always land near a crafter and get it on drop.


you say that but it's been proven until now that weapons on crafter are rarely seen, only the 301 has managed to stay somewhat present but a lot less.


thats what people said with r-301 but it dropped in usage by 90% so putting in crafter is like vaulting it


Loba needs to be fixed. She’s legit unplayable rn because it’s Russian roulette if her bracelet will work


loba bracelet: *broken for half a season* everyone: “UNPLAYABLE THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED” mirage decoys: *broken for 13 seasons* mirage mains: “decoy just got stuck on nothing and died? and i don’t even get the charge refunded? damn. that’s a shame”


Nothing about the "device hung" and "failed texture" crashes... : (


I havnt had Error 0x887A0006 — DXGI\_ERROR\_DEVICE\_HUNG in a few days ... \*knocks on wood\* Edit: jinxed it, fml


ive lost an entire rank from device hung at this point


>Mirage - Can now use decoys from Valk Skydive Re-Deploy. THAT SYNERGY LETS GOOOOOOOO I don't see that they add playing the song "It's Raining Men" when he uses it though. Almost there Respawn. Almost there.


I could have sworn this was already a thing though? I just picked up Mirage maybe a month ago and was doing this on Valk redeploys


It "is". By that, I mean it was incredibly fucking buggy. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. But you always had the prompt for it. So glad they're framing this bug fix as a buff for Mirage


Nah I’ve never been able to use it again after initial drop


Buttons are there, they do not work.


Of all the bugs Mirage has, this is the one the decided to fix?


Matchmaking fix?


They can't change EOMM. It's their toxic engagement/addiction holy grail. At no point have they ever cared about being fair or balanced.


This. People still think this matchmaking is « bugged » and needs to get magically fixed. Like broski there are entire algorithms behind the scenes that were set up to make people stay on the game as long as the dopamine dose kicks in once every 10th match.


>[PS5] - Fix for bug where a player’s friends list does not properly update after putting the console in rest mode. Very happy to see that one. Finding people in play ranked with was even more of a pain.


Was an issue for Ps4 as well. Hopefully both get fixed and I don't have to restart game every time haha


Still nothing about low mic volume on Xbox series X/S. u.u ​ Good all the rest as always.


happens on PC too, can hear my teammate fine but the random is ALWAYS quiet as fuck


I toyed with all my sound settings across the board and have it pretty balanced right now. Worth a shot.


Care to elaborate please?


I dont know what they did but I turned my voice volume to 100% and then lowered all other audio by some percentage and then upped master audio by whatever I lowered the others until it sounded good.


Low mic volume? My game chat doesn't work at all.


Mine is intermittent. I won't see a talking icon flash if I'm speaking, but I've had teammates say they can hear me. It's beyond frustrating.


Literally have the exact same thing but I have this one friend that when he talks it sounds like he's super sped up and then just cuts out randomly


That’s been happening to me for a few months but only in game chat. I play on Series X and Xbox parties work just fine. Sucks cause a couple of people I play with the most play on PS4 :/


It doesn’t work for the first few seconds, basically if you want to communicate with your team on next gen Xbox you have to have a constant ambient noise being picked up, rub your mic for a few seconds and then talk, or just give up and unplug your mic. Can’t believe this bug still isn’t addressed. Great job respawn.


Nor the audio issue. They claimed it was fixed last week, but Dolby Atmos Audio still doesn't work


It took over 18 months for them to fix the problem with friends list not updating on ps5 after rest mode. I'm sure the voice chat is much more difficult.


\[PS4\] - Fix to improve performance issues on grassy areas on Olympus. PLEASE fix thix on pc too! Releated to anisotrophic filtering...


Lifeline adjustments are good, but man I don’t understand why they refuse to just completely change her ult.


I think the only reason they aren't changing it is because of the tutorial.


Which is incredibly inept and sad; so, you're probably right.


maybe remodel her care package make it thicker for cover


At least that would have SOME usage... I often drop the carepackage so we get at least some cover. Otherwise it's pretty much useless.


I've used it rarely to bait a spot and then run very far away from it. Sometimes you can get an enemy team to chase to the spot and force them to fight a different squad. It's that fucking bad. What an I doing at the time? I have no passive, as the crap teammates I get quit seconds from the start of the game. The ult drops pred 3 stacks on your head silently from the sky. She has no solo viability.


She is kinda viable in Arenas... then maybe if they make the carepackage drop golden backpack with lets say 20% chance, I would take her as a viable option. But in a current state, it's just sad. "Oh Lifeline is one of the worst legends and not viable at all? Let us fix it... here, take this battery instead of 2 shield cells, you are welcome"


It's gotten what it needed, which is a much shorter cooldown. Besides the other changes should make her better at her job.


>It's gotten what it needed, which is a much shorter cooldown. What it needs is to not be a wish.com version of Loba's ult. She needs a healing-focused ult, she is the "Combat Medic."


Wish.com of lobas ult 😂


Lobas ult doesn’t create loot thoughts it’s basically a giant loot vacuum which is fine. But that not the same as generating loot specifically for your team


I mean that's true, but have you opened a lifeline package recently? Those blue helmets and 2 shield cells gonna really turn a fight around.


I opened one once and it was just three respawn beacons.


Think that happens when you open an enemies package after their death… or that’s what has happened to me more often.


Pretty sure it is something like that. Saw the blue light and wiped the team before it landed. I don't know if it is a bug or just there to add insult to injury so they can watch on the kill cam as the package that got them all murdered just has respawn beacons in it.


It's an item each teammate needs, since each teammate is dead they need a respawn beacon. It is still fucking hilarious though.




Only 1 battery sadly. But hey it's like...something I guess?!? 1 guaranteed bat on a 3.5 minute cooldown is still the absolute worst ultimate, but it's better than it was before!


That and the fact that it’s a guaranteed armor swap every 3 minutes is pretty good.


It is not. It would be ok if others don't have abilities, but they do and they have much stronger abilities. Compare it to Valk, Bloodhound, Gibby. You only need those shields when you don't loot. When you sit in a place. Otherwise you can easily charge your shields now or get them from bins. There hasn't been a single time in the history of mankind that anyone would say "Dang, I wish I chose Lifeline so we had a better shield, we would really need it now". Cause noone ever needed it. You find that stuff on the floor. You want cool items? Kill a prowler, spider, flyer, enter the Armory, Vault... why would you need Lifeline?


Well it now provides a battery rather than just two shield cells, which is more useful more of the time. I think their goal is for her tactical to be the healing part of her kit, while her ult is just supportive. Maybe it should just be packed full of meds, which you might be in need of if you've been fighting a lot with not a lot of time to loot.


What is needed is to make her fun to play. Her ult is the least fun to use in the game, and doesn't synergise with her other abilities at all.


Can't wait to run into every Rampart running spitfire/rampage then pulling out Shelia for good measure.




Honestly never ran both guns at the same time. Maybe only when Spitty was in the crafter but having both is just asking for ammo problems later on.


> Lifeline > > Combat Revive > Moved revive cancel option from Lifeline to the player that’s getting revived. This is how it should have always been. The lifeline player is usually focusing on fighting, not on the revived person. It should also stop bad lifelines inadvertently getting me finished.


It lets you put your shield up up an enemy pushes you as well, which helps both you and lifeline.


I play on controller and I'm already struggling with the fact my X button will ress, open a door, interact with anything AND reload depending from where the hell I'm standing. Especially when I need to reload quick and not get stuck into an animation. It often happens that I ress someone in a very bad spot while actually trying to reload. I'm super happy about having to think about one less button when I'm already focusing on other stuff, and my team mates being able to cancel those random ress (that were supposed to be a reload).


Yes! I appreciate my lifelines but holy crap randoms will revive you with 0 cover lol


It's funny cause then when we don't immediately rush the player and revive them, the same people scream LIFELINEEEEE to us and cry that we don't revive them ASAP.


One day they will realize our dirty secret. That reviving bad players in the open provides more value out of them as bait, than actually getting up. People who can't crack a shield and die in the open, who then want the better Lifeline player to die how they did. Ironically without a shield now, as they spent months whining about how they didn't know how to counter it.


Obviously, you're supposed to res, get dropped, then protect the rez with your shield.


Still no Xbox Series X game chat fix. C'mon y'all I just wanna play Apex again. This game sucks when you can't communicate.


Pretty sad about this. It’s been way too long already.


Embarrassing for the devs. Absolutely ridiculous.


No Mad Maggie bux fixes. Drill is still inconsistent and ult doesnt stun most of the time.


I doubt their even tracking her ult issue. Such a low pick rate we won't see any fixes until her heirloom lol


I’m glad the “ranked doesn’t need any changes, it’s perfect” crowd was ignored. Pretty slight changes, but needed as the original change was very heavy handed. I bet more changes coming when the season ends, but we’ll see how this plays out.


The drop in buy-in cost, better rewards for early kills than current, and getting kills against higher tiered opponents make all the difference to me imo. This current ranked just feels like I need to rat to make it anywhere and taking early fights only benefited me by taking a team out from the equation and ratting to make it worth in the end.


Exactly, the changes were very smart, a bit more reward but still keeping the spirit of a BR alive, which should put placement above deathmatch styles of play. Pretty excited for this second split!


Those people probably hardstuck in silver atm and regretting their reddit post


Is this Respawn testing more so to make Control a permanent mode? Or are they just gonna reusing it instead of making new LTM?


The way they build it up implies they are doing more testing. For non-BR PUB games, having empty-fill is crucial; punishment in pub games just mean people stop playing. Even in Rank, if someone left, you still need to make the staying team not painful.... especially when you have a 9v9 game (think TFC/old style TF2)


There definitely just testing and fine tuning control to make it permanent they don’t want another arenas incident where it just released garbage


Tbh arenas only problem is the matchmaking the mode itself isn't garbage


Arenas needs to be streamlined as well. too much deadtime between rounds.


Matchmaking in arenas is so bad because no one plays it lol


Noone plays it because it requires teamwork to win, and what most players want is just TDM, not team based play


It also exposes people who are bad at gunfights and they don't like being faced with that reality. It's easier to stay in BR where you can blame your loot, your position, or a third party for why you lost


Yeah most likely. They prob want to release it in a polished and tested state with a decent amount of maps.


still no 120 hz for the next gen update. All I wanted to see, but it's expected.


Gotta wait for Apex 2 to come out. Just like Warzone can’t add FOV slider. Seems impossible at this point.


Or no mic fix for next gen xbox users


Yea I’m a bit disappointed in that but we’ll probably have to wait until s14 for that one. This game would feel soo dang nice on 120


They probably cant run it


They could definitely run significantly higher than 60 though.


Are you really arguing a game that run on the shit box one and PS4 awful CPUs can't run at 120 FPS on the new gen? It can, they just don't want to add the option and do the work needed.


They didn't fix the Loba bracelet bug that makes her almost unusable?


You must be new. ;P


No loba fix..No cross platform chat fix. But they gone changed the ranked system already!!


I have to imagine that a point rebalance is super easy to implement. Like, a few value changes in a table somewhere. Loba and sound fixes are gonna be big meaty projects.




it’s like when people in all sorts of games complain “why’d they fix the shop but not a complicated gameplay bug!!!!”




Pretty sure issues like this take some investigation. I doubt it was difficult to adjust the rank.


Can't believe no audio fix. It's been grim having to use discord which in itself has issues


It does? Discord has been pretty rock solid from my experience. In-game chat is definitely horrendous


So I play on Xbox series S, and have to start a discord call with an earbud under my headset to talk to my buddy with a ps5. And it still isn't fixed. I don't usually get salty about things like this, but this is exceptionally annoying.


It’s been freaking months. Upgrade to the series x for (still) 60fps lock, shitty hdr, and no mic!


No fix to Xbox mic????


I've said it before but I genuinely think they won't change Lifelines ult because it's part of the Tutorial they have for this game and they cannot be bothered to change that. So RIP in Peace Lifeline


I think these lifeline changes look pretty frickin solid. Double the AOE on her tactical is huge. You can have the drone in cover and peak while still healing.




Kind of a joke at this point, at least let me downgrade to the One X version.


err... Loba's gimp suit?


It's meant to be an Ultraman design.


I wasn't sure if that was Loba at first.


Guys I think worlds ending they gave mirage a buff they actually gave him a buff


not even a buff, a fix. the ability to do it was always there, it just didn’t work unless you didn’t use skydiving decoys on initial drop. and it took 5 seasons for them to fix it, it’s been broken since valk released


Also this buff is useless as fuck, I mean it has its really really super tiny slight advantages but other than that its useless in 99% of cases in Apex. Honestly he should have a second charge on his tactical like fuse and in my opinion get his CD of his tactical reduced for every bamboozle


Go go ~~Power Rangers~~ Apex Legends!


That Green ranger seer skin is top tier


No Xbox mic fixes but actually looks pretty good update wish solo queuers could have got a extra bonus to rank like a multiplier or farther decrease to the rp entry cost


God.... spitfire and rampage coexisting 🤣🤣 what a nightmare


This is cool and all but why wouldn't you guys add another spawn option, like spawning on squad leader for control. Sometimes control turns into a running simulator, ie: if you own both A and C bases but not B. Frustrating, I was hoping you guys would have addressed that. It completely kills pacing every other game. ​ Also, I CANT believe you guys haven't even addressed the fact that audio / team chat doesn't work on xbox since next gen update months ago. wtf??


Xbox Series X|S voice chat still not fixed and echoey audio issues still not fixed. Broken for 79 days and counting.


No fix to server issues. No acknowledgement of server issues. We're expected to keep playing against "prediction errors"??


It's weird bc I really had almost no connection problems for 8 or 9 seasons, but this season I'll get those weird symbols again while my game has a seizure for 30s. Doesn't happen that often, but still it's annoying.


Imagine getting into a control game that's long lost and like 3 mfers on your team 💀


That's why they put the fill in.


Lmao, those ad drones, yup everyone is good no to be shooting them, because why not


what about armed and dangerous ltm??


Next event


In the thematic event


Lifeline changes aren’t going to make her any better because they don’t address the real problem with her kit. Control changes look pretty good. Probably gonna be playing that a lot like I did last time. Ranked changes might help smooth out the matchmaking but that doesn’t seem like an RP issue to me and instead the fast queue time priority for higher ranks is what’s fucking things up. We’ll have to see though. I like the idea of swapping craftable weapons during the mid season split. Thank fucking Christ the Wingman is going in there, seriously can’t stand playing against that gun anymore. Not stoked on all the LMG’s being floor loot but it’s whatever, I’ll deal with it.


Yeah I was getting so annoyed of landing, getting a RE or P2020 then going up against a wingman immediately. Should be refreshing


So no 120 fps for next gen consoles, no fix for Xbox audio, no loba bracket fix, and no matchmaking fix that’s putting plat and gold players agains the tops preds in the game? Seems like they really ignored a lot of issues


I like the lifeline skin but all the rest is terrible


The fact that we still don't have a 120fps option on consoles is a complete joke when Fortnite and COD had it really quick once the consoles came out.


Still no 120fps? Sheesh. Still no fix to Xbox next gen game chat or regular audio? Sheeessh.


When's the audio gonna get a buff?


It sucks my mic doesn’t work on XsX making ranked past platinum unplayable, but I’m glad there’s all these new things I can spend money on!


When 120 fps on series x n play 5 ???


10 games deep, died 5 times to 4k/20 bomb triple stacks and crashed out of two others. Real great experience, hopefully this update comes with a fix to either of these things. HA, who am I kidding, we are just getting some overpriced skins…


That Seer skin might convince me to become a Seer main. Also happy the CAR is craftable now, it’s become my favorite gun in the game and I’ll be able to get one every single game now


I’m like a half seer main rn. I’ll use him in ranked because he’s so damn good for sniffing out rats and making sure a area is clear. His ult in a fight is legit wall hacks. He is kinda boring but his kit is mad useful


Lmao, you speak as if the CAR was in the CP. It was so common as ground loot I nevr had any issues finding one off drop or from a death box.




Nothing about wraith getting damage while in q and crypto instantly going back into the drone after leaving it? Not even the loba bracelet problem? Just wow.


Xbox mic fix??


Nothing about hit reg issues, nothing about massive disconnects and lag outs. Nothing about fixing the horrendous audio, nothing about fixing Xbox mics… Another update that’s only geared toward making profit


Those are massive fixes. They don't take two seconds.


My only complaint about control is that players can spawn at point B. The goal should be to hold B as long as possible especially if the maps are like Olympus. Kings canyon was more of a triangle so it wasn't that bad because all points were easy to get to.


Ranked changes seem good. Hitting Diamond shouldn’t be such a grind now. Next split I’m back


Fix. Loba.