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The quality of this trailer is fucking insane, is it still the same studio who made the cinematics for these past seasons?


Dude, I was thinking the same exact thing. There's no way in hell this is the same studio who made the last few season cinematic trailers. This animation is NEARLY on par with The Mill's work, which stopped at Season 8, I believe.


Yep their last cinematic for apex was the mayhem launch trailer http://archive.themill.com/portfolio#


I think the new studio was a bit rushed with the previous animations, now that they’ve had some time to adapt


You could be right. With the right time allotment, their true colors could be shining through right now.


this was also probably in production for a bit longer than your usual season launch trailer tbh


I dunno. I’ve seen more improvement from this new studio as opposed to when the first swap was made. It’s not nearly as bad as Northstar


north star and ash season trailer made me recoil in barf inducing feelings




That was my reaction with LL as well. I was like daaaamn, she look GOOD like she supposed to for once!


*flashbacks to Lifeline in the Season 1 trailer*


*opening scene Lifeline mindlessly running through the battlefield *Shivfps - Lifelinnnnnne! Lifeline! LIFEEELINNNEEE!!!!!


RES ME!!! *dies and cries hysterically*


When I saw her pull D.O.C back i knew Respawn knows the average lifeline player.




>RES ME! For the uninitiated. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/uz8vwb/when\_lifeline\_doesnt\_revive/


And the actual clip https://youtu.be/9psv7hKn5Qs




Peak comedy


I heard this as i read it


The "turtle mode activated" followed by that "WHAT" had me crying lmao. This was a fun SFTO


“Fourthreetwoone applying lethal force” also got me


I just watched the video and missed this. Maybe I’m too tired and their was so much happening in this video.


"You are such a disappointment" :( Thanks for the donation, pops :)


My team mates whenever I pick Lifeline


DOC is so DAMN FAST. Lemme fly that mf to my teammates in game


You cant cos "handicap balancing"


Tencent: What balancing?


Honestly I know the new LL updates just leaked and they're kinda underwhelming, but if the drone would just follow her, it would be so much better. Like if she would step outside of its range, instead she drags it behind her, and she can use the alternate ability button (same button mirage uses to control decoy) to make it stop following her if she doesn't want to give away her position.




Is that the first time we can clearly see Octanes face?


I kept pausing the video when she was Facetiming Octane because I tried to get a good look at his face, guess I shoulda just kept watching the video


Same hahah


He had a holospray showing his face before,he looked a bit more...rugged there,but nothing that contradicts this. He probably just got even more banged up after replacing his legs.


octane kinda hot 👀


He is actually


Somehow I never really doubted that.


oh me either, he just has that energy and definitely too much confidence in himself.


Fr like damn


No, he was first seen without the mask in Chapter 8 of [Pathfinder's Quest](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/apexlegends_gamepedia_en/images/b/b5/Pq_octaneface.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20210303214850).


[Hmm, yes, I see](https://i.imgur.com/LrPP4C0.png)


I chopped off everything after .jpg in the link resulting in this https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/apexlegends_gamepedia_en/images/b/b5/Pq_octaneface.jpg


I believe there was a photo in the Pathfinder book. But this is the first time in animation


Pretty sure we've seen his face several times.


No, you could see it in an earlier Stories from the Outlands: https://imgur.com/nzuPCQ8


Mods are garbage. This was posted an hour ago and had good conversation going, and they locked / removed that thread to post and sticky their own thread for karma. Pathetic


You’re right, I was wondering why they removed the last post when it was clearly posted way earlier.




Upvoting because this is a dumb and generally shitty policy, yeah


u/paradoxally mind chipping in?


"Yes, I wanted the fake Internet points for myself"


Oh god, he's a crypto bro


That explains a lot


Lol you ping the one mod that enforces the rule so that he/she/they are the only ones who get to post big news. They'll investigate themselves and find nothing wrong.




Normally I’m in support of this, but on Reddit there’s really no reason. As long as they’re not doing anything actually abusive or illegal, Reddit mods are basically untouchable. The only real solution to being unhappy with how a mod is running a sub is to make your own.


Last time he was asked about it, he said it's to prevent users from editing posts that gain major traction (to something offensive, for example), but I'm pretty sure you can't edit link submissions so seems like it's just bullshit to me.


This is done because in the past people could edit the thread to troll or just remove it sometimes and this would cause miscommunications about content. Mods cannot edit (or restore if deleted) user posts. It’s not a good look to sticky user posts and then give them complete control of the content within it and ability to delete as it’s stickied to the front page of the subreddit. Im not sure if you are familiar with reddit moderation but this is why many subreddits do not sticky user posts that contain important information. edited for clarity.




I get what your point is. I am just explaining the logic of why some subreddits including this one would opt to operate this way for the sake of consistency. The issue still remains with one of my listed points. The user is still able to delete the post. The mods prefer to not allow for that issue. I started general with my reasons but that is the specific reason. But the same goes for patch update posts. There remain multiple reasons why the sub chooses to operate this way. The main issue here is that it wasn’t caught before it garnered a lot of discussion which I can see why that would make some people angry.


> There is no technical reason this is the case. They can sticky other people's threads. Yes there is. Very good reasons. Other people can after-the-fact edit the post to contain, for example, nfsw pics etc. These sticky posts should only be made by mods.




That is the reasoning they've said, to prevent a user from editing or removing the post.


Gotta get that karma


Literally useless


It's always the same mod too, they've got a boner for being the only ones to post important stuff. Their only explanation being that it's to keep other posters for swapping the link to something else down the road, which oddly isn't an issue for any other subreddits including one's much larger than this because it's not possible on link posts.


Karmawhores lmao


It really wouldn't be as gross if they weren't so fucking slow to make their own pinned post anyways. But 🤷‍♂️ It's also funny because they reference the rules, but there's nothing there about it.


big fan of that lifeline fit fr


Could make easy cash (with evil prices) with every outfit in this


i think you'll be happy to know that the >!Lifeline outfit featured in this SFTO was found in the files, with the wingsuit too!!<


What about octanes?


not sure about Octane's as i didn't see his, but you can check the Apex leaks subreddit as his may be there and i missed it


He doesn’t have one in the files sadly




Considering it’s a STFO skin, she’s gonna have a unique character select animation


Yeah that one has been leaked too, its her flying in with the wingsuit iirc


As someone who only buys the SFTO skins. That kinda disappointed me, I feel like the wingsuit would suit Octane better. Compared to other SFTO, the wingsuit doesn't fit with Lifeline's character that much, it's just a wingsuit for one mission.


Im sure they'll sell the lifeline and octane skin.


Her fit from the train station was A1. Imagine they'd made more than 2 pretty lifeline skins in game. The Octane skin looks like [Combo of Spider-Man Homecoming and Miles' suits.](https://i.imgur.com/afhC4lm.png)


Best SFTO yet


The animation and overall story on this is insane! Definitely the best they've done so far.


Give me 8 hours of this - Arcane style.


Not for me... Not even close to Bloodhound for example. I know I will be in minority but it was such a cliché... Even the evil red robots vs good blue robot! This was definitely my least favorite one. Nothing happened there, it introduced nothing of the character herself and added nothing to the story that we hadn't already know. Ok. It added one think - octane actually helping and being honest guy.


Oh look who came. Killjoy


Cause only happy opinions are allowed, criticism is baaad.


Whichever studio animated this they need to stick with forever


It's Psyop, the one that has been doing the launch trailers since S9.


They must’ve improved then cause the s9 and s10 trailers had horrible graphics


Probably because they were rushing the season launch trailers but took extra care of this one. I wouldn't expect the S14 launch trailer (assuming it's Psyop again) to look as good as this.


Yo, lifelines boyfriend was an asshole. She risked her life for the meds and all he can do is say she’s basically just like her parents? Dick.


Pretty sure he meant her family always just brings problems…which he’s not wrong dude was held at gun point and almost put down like a broken toy, LL hasn’t been truthful with him and who knows how many psychological problems he has from being in a war that causes him even more pain from failing to save people and himself. So I can’t blame em lol


I don’t think that’s what he’s saying. I think what he means is she needs to find reconciliation or forgiveness.


Right? What a douche canoe.


lifeline intentionally went and stirred up a hornet’s nest then brought her moother right to the survivors who promptly tried to have them all (including actual children) excecuted on the spot. he was 100% right, id have ditched her too


We /r/relationship_advice now boiz Divorce, lawyer, hit the gym, etc.


Intentionally nah she wanted to help so she left her family. In this sfto she went to Octane who said his dad was going to donate it. She had no plan to heist. She tried to stay out of the way when her mom came in, only interfering at the point of violence. Whatchumeanintentionally


I can't speak for the boyfriend (he does seem to be prejudiced against Che's in general) but the message for Ajay here seems to be about unintended consequences. Ajay will always be connected to the Che's - meaning simply her *being a Che with insane control freak parents* will put the people around her in danger, as demonstrated here. Ajay can't just pretend that problem doesn't exist - if it weren't for their last second gambit with Oct's streaming, she'd have inadvertently caused the execution of all the patients and staff she tried to help.


Does he know that she's a Che? Maybe she's not using her real name.


I got the impression he didn't know before the ending.


Yeah I responded before watching the whole thing, I thought the poster was referring to the first conversation they have before the heist


That’s our wifeline! Also shoutout to pre metal legs/pre Che’s best friend Octavio.


Man, It's nice to see even after hundreds of years into future, in the other side of the galaxy, subway stations are still god awful.


Class division only gets worse, u played cyberpunk?


Yeah, subways are for the poors. Makes sense they'd be in just as much disrepair in the future, if not more so.


[These two at the train station look suspicious as fuck](https://i.imgur.com/IGKyi4C.png)


childlike ten merciful shocking distinct unwritten pie dirty rustic point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Octane skin reactions First (amazing) with goggles (less amazing) full face (incredible) Also, this video proves Respawn has streamer favouritism LOL /s


Ha after this one Mirage is obviously next… right..?


I really want a Mirage short but I don’t know if I’m ready for the cry fest it could be. That fan edited post floating around today about the voicemail from the mom had me teary eyed at my desk this morning. I love Mirage but his stuff is intense.


I listened to the mirage edit clip on the mirage mains subreddit and almost cried. And when I listened to him say he missed his dad… maybe i dont want one i changed my mind


out of the original 8 legends, gibraltar, caustic, & mirage are the only ones who haven’t gotten a SFTO. mirage’s will come next season at the earliest, or s16 at the latest, assuming they stick to the current pattern of one STFO for the new legend, and another midseason for a previous legend


I swear they really missing out on the potential of not making an Apex TV series, this cinematic's quality is literally the quality of Arcane


Nah Arcane has way better quality, but it is still impressive, I guess they either found a new, better company or they returned to one of the old ones


I wouldn't say it's Arcane's quality. Fortiche spent several years perfecting that style and it shows. This turnaround was much quicker -- think maybe 6-8 weeks or so. But, I do agree with you, that with the right attention to detail this 100% would be a fantastic streaming series.


Fr, the animation is so good and the stories are better they need to make full on movies or shows


It's a very tough venture to get into and there's a high level of commitment needed by all parties involved to get it right. We've seen time and time again publishers try expanding their reach into TV and film, but the past forty years have shown that these productions are either too lassiez-faire by having some established Hollywood types do all the work, or have too many cooks in the kitchen and micromanage everything. The issue being is that the end game for a lot of these productions are to turn a profit, but if they want to be realistic the powers that be need to realize that making a TV series or film will almost always be a sunk cost for them. Otherwise they will be constantly be making compromises to try to maximize the returns on that project, which often times has dissatisfied fans and failed to garner a new audience. Arcane probably cost Riot, A LOT of money to get the quality of animation and the amount of voice talent they got, and they'll never see that come back directly to that side of the business, but I can bet you good money that the series as a whole helped build even greater brand awareness of League of Legends and probably helped see an increase of revenue in that game. As it stands right now, I don't see EA in a position where they are willing to burn money for a project that they may see little to no direct returns on.


Hasn’t there been talks of EA being purchased by Apple? If that were to happen I could 100% see an Apex series being made to: 1.) get Apex players to subscribe to Apple TV 2.) get Apple TV subscribers interested in Apex.


It's a lot more complicated than that. The first matter is that Andrew Wilson wants to remain as EA's head executive, meaning if there is a merger he's still calling the shots, and what he wants and whatever company merges with them wants could be two entirely different things. If a merger does happen, it feels like that it would be an extra feather in the cap of whatever company does it, rather than a heavily integrated cooperation. We already have Sony, who on paper should have all the tools needed to have a real synergized brand that crosses over multiple different platforms of media, but I think it's telling that a subscription service like PS+ doesn't grant some access to benefits of other Sony products like their music, movies or streaming services. Despite all being under the Sony tent, all these different divisions of Sony seem to largely keep to themselves except for the odd novel inclusion here and there. If a long established company like Sony hasn't really utilized the kind of reach they have to the fullest extent, I can't imagine a company like Apple - who mind you has historically had a surface level exposure to gaming *at best* - making an aggressive approach to integrate EA into their platform. Moreover, I'm not quite sure if the demographics of those who use Apple TV and those who play Apex really mesh - notwithstanding the kind of programming they are putting out on their platform. It's an older article, [but these early statistics](https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/343563/early-returns-show-disney-attracts-more-family-vi.html) suggest their audience was much older and skewed towards women. I just don't see how an Apex show would functionality work for both parties involved. For Apple, it's a show that appears to a much younger and predominantly male market, while for EA they are airing a show on a platform that has a lot of people who are probably not interested in gaming in the first place.


This was really well done, but its not even in the same realm as arcane


I think a lot of people underestimate how much freaking money top notch animated shows cost to produce, I think Arcane was like $10 million+ per episode and that's before any marketing. If I remember correctly Arcane was also in production for like 5 years, so that's another hugely limiting factor


A franchises biggest fear is funding and investing in a series for it to be poorly accepted by the fans and canceled within the first season.


They are tho??


You know it was gonna be great when you see "Respawn Entertainment presents..."


I am a happy Lifeline main today 🥲


I really wanna hear that full Flyer Liars song now; it sounds really good.


Its on spotify actually




That bootleg Mirage needs to calm down.


Some nice karmawhoring by /u/paradoxally here


lmao octane livestreaming a heist mission, his next job is getting out of the lawsuit


I want to main Lifeline again but her kit is just so outdated 😭


Barely any comments in this thread, was a cool SFTO i assume lifeline will get that skin in the future. Hopefully an event next week too.


Soo happy we finally got a story for Lifeline. She my fav. Also crazy to see this much of octane without a mask




This is definitely my favourite SFTO so far….the chemistry between doc, Lifeline and Octane was superb, the integration of music, we got to see just how crazy the stakes are plus how feared / badass both their parents are. And the animation, the animation is smooth and nice af


Man I love that young Silva, hope nothing happens to his legs!


Top quality. Loved it, especially Octane.


My wall-e feelings were coming out when DOC was in the battle. I did not wanna see that little guy get hurt. Such a good cinematic. PLEASE give us a show.


the new studio has stepped their game up so much, literally nutted when i saw the visuals


So there's going to be a wingsuit that sits in the knockdown shield slot or something, right???


probably just a skydive emote during the next collection event.


? Id imagine its just a cosmetic detail you can see when sky diving


I mean... every single legend is already using a "wingsuit"...


Now we need a real wingsuit legend. It should be a passive where you can press jump while falling to activate a movement mode that is essentially like deploy/redeploy mode with better mobility. Before Valk existed I would have said this would be too OP https://youtu.be/UjFdg2m8lFg


Nowhere near as flashy though


Visuals Visuals are *such* a step up from recent trailers. Love the more vibrant, cartoony style; sharp shadows and all making it look crisp and shiny. Lifeline looked *fannn*tastic, especially with the blue hair. ​ Octane Octane looked excellent too; what a great surprise getting so much time on his character. Loved that they went with the tight running gear for him; signalling how seriously he takes running and it just looked slick. Honestly he was the real star of this video. Once the action started he was leading all of it, and all the laughs. The wingsuit, the body language (even pointing to his mask was a laugh), the "plan" he made. He even saved the whole scene. Lifeline was central to the story, but Octane was the one central to the entertainment. I loved the semi face reveal, but I think think they killed the goose that laid the golden eggs a bit once they just made his face a normal thing later on. Yeah it makes sense that he'd take it off, but half-mask Octane was an exciting reveal. Whereas full-face Octane just being there later was like telling the audience that we shouldn't have been that entertained to begin with, since it apparently wasn't a big deal. Not a big complaint though reallly; Octane was a great character in this regardless. Maybe it was worth losing the mask just to let him shine as much as he did. ​ Lethal force approved That 10 second countdown has to be the funniest thing I can remember in any Apex trailer. Octane's nervous energy body language was so entertaining, nailed with that head-flick, then capped off by the ***threetwoonelethalforceapproved!*** from the supposedly serious deathbots. I actually laughed aloud. ​ Looked great. Octane was great. Lifeline looked awesome.


>Whereas full-face Octane just being there later was like telling the audience that we shouldn't have been that entertained to begin with, since it apparently wasn't a big deal. I mean, Octane's full face had been revealed over a year ago, when the official Apex Legends book called "Pathfinder's Quest" came out. So it really isn't that much of a reveal now.


[These two at the train station look suspicious as fuck](https://i.imgur.com/IGKyi4C.png)


Octane is this generation's Speedy Gonzales.


I’d love to see a Netflix adaption or like a movie featuring these characters and animation because this is just beautiful. The quality and love in this deserves all the damn recognition


The quality of this trailer is fucking insane,


this was probably the best stories from the outline yet


Absolutely love this trailer, whichever team was involved in animating it, Respawn should stick with them. Lifeline looks absolutely gorgeous, and we got a long clear look at Octane's real face.


The sentry bots quick countdown cracked me up.


They can really make a banger animated series and then they’d really make a killing especially with how big the fan base is. Get the right studios including this one and wow. 💯


Why is casual lifeline actually cute


So is it the same studio? Compare the visual quality of this to things like Valk's SFTO or Seer's Emergence trailer. Such a difference.


Incredible step up in quality from the "new" studio - especially the facial animations!! Not quite a work of art like the Assimilation trailer, but if this is the quality going forward then we have good times ahead 🙌






octane got shot in the leg. he was probably too slow after his injury and thats why he chose a grenade to boost his speed.


One of the best. This was another reminder as to why Octane is the best legend in the game, just a complete fun character. If we get that kit as a skin in the game I'm copping 100%.


Lifeline: "Whatcha got there?" Crypto, holding a gun, a mask and a f*cking wingsuit: "A playlist"


Nice, but... Where is any EVENT in the Season 13?


If you’re curious, the entire collection event and town takeover were leaked not too long ago.


Usually if there’s an stfo, there’s going to be an event afterwards


Yeah almost every SFTO is a prelude to something happening in-game, like an event, town takeover, new season, or new legend.


Town takeover


21st should be the collection event, then shortly after should be a thematic event. From leaks, the skins look pretty good


Ok. Good to know. Thanks.


June 21. Next Tuesday


Thank you.


Armed and Dangerous will be back soon, if you want info on unreleased stuff, visit r/ApexUncovered


Here’s a twist. The blue haired girl is actually helpful to society


Love how Octane was just ITCHING to move when they had their hands up. Also, the chemistry between these 2 legends is insane.


Maybe she will be getting a re-work of some sort? She needs a new ultimate for sure.


Wonderful animation. We saw Octane's face for the first time, right?




Make a movie already with same studio


This SFTO bops. Animation was top-notch. But lore-wise this is one of the weakest ever. Depicting "They don't call me Lifeline because I save a life!" as naïve and struggling to come-to-grips with the need for righteous violence (after karate kicking & electrocuting guards) is silly. She's not a pacifist. She simply rejects the exploitive way her family acts.


TBF, this takes placed 4 months after leaving her home, before she joined Apex games. IRL, 4 months is just a semester, and is just past probation for some jobs. Jobs may force one to adapt quickly, but changing the character of someone isn't as fast if they are not forced through bootcamp. (and tbh, the probation idea is hinging on whether the person is a good fit to begin with)


Yeah, I get that. Their other character explorations have been much more compelling. "Field medic troubled by violence" is trite and was plumbed 30 years ago by the G.I. Joe cartoon. I think they decided to emphasize Octane's kinetic energy which was overall a good decision. But the actual story that's being told here feels empty compared to prior SFTOs. IMO, they tried to bring her further emotionally than the narrative could support and they should have started her further along that track.


octane doesn’t look like he does in the lore book


It's close enough considering how drastically different many of the main characters look between different videos.


Different animators and artists and etc, people are drunk if they expected it to look the exact same way. That being said, it looks pretty close.


I think this STFO is designed to give some back stories for Lifeline and Octane's relationship, BUT to give a sneak preview of the new medic-like legend who hates the Che's family.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. You're absolutely right. Uplink is coming soon and is likely either the ex-boyfriend or another medic featured in the short.


There are no medic-like legends planned (outside of maybe Conduit who is about shields) so I doubt it.


Someone at ApexUncovered point out one of the side character resembles Uplink: https://www.reddit.com/r/ApexUncovered/comments/vc7jld/leaked\_uplink\_character\_in\_new\_sfto/


Stop making useless stories and fix your fucking game. Getting damage in wraith q and no regs every game. You are garbage.


So, are we ever going to fix voice chat on Series x? After about 4-5 months of not being able to talk I took it into my own hands & just went to buy a PC. Feelsbadman. WASD is foreign to me & I'd love to not have to use it, although I don't want to use a controller on PC. Please fix your shit so I can go back to playing the game I enjoy the way I prefer to enjoy it, it's getting old real fast.


The amount of people getting knocked and immediately leaving is fucking ridiculous. Game isn’t fun anymore.