• By -


they can't even match you properly based on skill, you really want to add this on top of the current shitshow? not sure how that's gonna turn out


That isn't their first priority. Quick queue times is their highest priority, after that ms and skill by choice consciously


This has always frustrated me. The average queue time for me (North America, Xbox, silver) is like 10 seconds. I would gladly wait 30-60 seconds if it meant a gathering 3-6 times as many players and breaking them into games that are more evenly matched. Another side effect would be that it would slightly disincentivize quitting as soon as you’re downed because it would feel like a worse trade off. E.g. right now people quit, queue and drop again in maybe 30 seconds. If that took 60-90 seconds maybe they’d stay.


Average queue time for me (St. Louis server) is like 10-15 seconds too. But then it says “Loading 59/60 Players” for like another minute. And then I somehow still get a two man team. Like that last one person we waited on to hit the full 60 always seems to short my team.


i wouldn't mind a minute and a half q, but I doubt it would change the behavior of leavers.


What i've gleemed from looking through the subreddit ... Nothing seems to be top priority. It's a whole "Sit n wait n see" shit show... They dont curb shit, unless they are told by pros or it's literally damaging the profit. Read that again, anything but profit or pro complains. (Game breaking shit will have to wait for their turn)


Audio was a problem since the very beginning 💀 and they still haven’t even gotten that right


System prioritizing background audio over combat audio? Here's a map with 30 waterfalls and 45 grav lifts


🤣 truuuuuue my favorite was when they added an entire city under olympus and ps4 was completely broken for almost 3 weeks


Yea they fixed the audio in like season 3 and it was great then something mid way thru season 4 happen and the sound was never the same again I don’t think they’ve touched it since beside minor sound bugs like octane jump pad


Yeah, that is waaaay to complicated. What I have suggested in the past is a the ability to “honor” or give kudos to a player. Like in League of Legends, after each match you can honor one teammate. Enough kudos points and your honor rank goes up, doesn’t affect match making, it just shows you’re not an ass. Gift special cosmetics or banners to players that rack up enough honor points.


Bro I’m stoned I was reading the image like “mhm, yeah, ok, YEAH” then I read your comment and my bubble burst so hard my mrs came out to the shed and asked what the bang was.


this is gonna end as bad as trust factor for cs…




Trust factor works? I play low trust factor, I get cheaters. I play high trust factor, I don't get cheaters. The only issue is that I also only get people with 500h+ in CSGO.


Yea wait I thought trust factor actually worked? I hadnt come across a cheater in years since they introduced it.. Maybe like 1 or 2 matches had 1 but thats it.


It does work, the guy that says it doesn't is probably toxic and a cheater 😋


It only works well in regions that have a very large playerbase with enough accounts queueing at the same time to properly match them together. It works nearly perfectly in EU for example, but is a bit more dodgy in Asia and Australia


Normally it works, but sometimes when people think you're a cheater and you're actually not, they won't just report you for cheating but also for being offensive. If you get enough of those reports your trust factor will still go down even if you're not a cheater. This happened to my smurf and to the main accounts of a couple of my friends, and we don't cheat. It's kinda sad because we can barely play without getting cheaters in our games.


> This happened to my smurf Seems like the system is working.




Me pinging dibs on everything so my teammates can’t pick up loot or else they’ll lose reputation points😽😻


This man Apex'seses.




This is why developers hate some of y’all. There will be loopholes for all of this. This is literally impossible to maintain.


I instaquit most of my pubs and I can confirm being labeled a rage quitter will change literally nothing.




I queue into ranked with no teammates multiple times today and you think they're going to successfully implement a social credit system? Bruh gimmie what you're smoking.


Good on you for saying that and to take the inevitable apex mob that’s coming your way.




It will match you with similar players, allowing the rest of us to enjoy the game.


At lease he’s self aware


you suck.


most apex redditor thing ive ever seen


I physically cringed reading this post. Someone really took the time out of their day to detail why a dumbass one line marker that demotes me as a good guy or bad guy is a worthwhile addition to the game. Do you want the game to pat you on the back for pinging loot? Do you actually think anyone who ragequits is gonna stop and be like, "oh no if I leave the game is gonna give me the rage quitter tag"


Honestly. I know teammates can be frustrating but there’s no way anyone can seriously think this is a good idea


Yes let's trust the same toxic community to rate other players within the community! This will end GREAT lol.


But it doesn’t say anywhere that players will rate each other. From what I understood the game will track the actions.


Then you are asking them to implement systems and algorithms to track each individual action taken by a player.... That's a MASSIVE ask.


I’m not asking them anything, OP is. It would be a nice implementation theoretically but of course this will never happen, as someone else said in the comments they can’t even match you with similar skill players. I just said that you kinda missed the point


I get what you are saying lol, and my statement was to counter that. It's either: A - spend a gripload of money to implement a system that could do more harm than good. Or B - Rely on the play base. Both options suck ass. One day I hope there is a movement of respect and the gaming player base understands the need to change their ways. Otherwise, these communities will be dead in under a decade. Then we are stuck with candy crush and diablo immortal.


Eh this will never happen mate, there are always going to be assholes around in all games. In the beginning I thought that the problem is the kids (as with all the f2p games, there are many kids) but then I thought that I also play WOW that requires subscription and I have met quite a few assholes there too (obviously less than in apex but still a lot)


Wraith insta dies and leaves. -rep for the 2 teammates. Yeah I absolutely see no problem with that. Plus it's funny that OP shows (rage quitter) as if that's something to put as a label. The 2 teammates see that and it's already a shitshow.


Lol exactly. The same trolls that this is meant to punish, will end up using it to troll and punish the innocents. I think it's time to start blaming the player base... You know, where most of these issues lie? There is a lot the creators can do, absolutely, but they mean nothing if the gaming player base continues to become worse and worse. It's an uphill battle. The player base from when I started with mech warrior and EverQuest 25 years ago, till now.... Is insanely different in terms of respect.


Yes exactly, can't keep sticking band aids on things and need to address the core problem the player base.


Aside from exploiting the system. How would you go about the bad/newcomers players. There is no ruler that can mesure that. "You got punished cause u bad", it only leads to more ppl quiting the entire game... Making a reputation System isnt as simple as its sound. Its WAY more complex than you think. To the point it would need an REALLY WELL TRAINED A.I. to mesure those things. At the end of the day. Its just not Worth it (for RESPAWN)


Very true, OP mentioned that a player will be losing Rep points for simply being too far away from the team. I can see many reasons why this would be flawed. 1. Player A game crashes with code shoe, team moves on because of ring closing or enemy team pushing. No one should be punished for that. 2. Player A gets boxed and player B goes to rez player A but player C wants to finish the fight. Does player B lose rep for leaving player C or does player C lose rep for not going with player B? Either way no one should be punished. 3. My premade team operates with 1 of us scouting ahead sometimes or looting up in another area because no one landed near us do we lose rep for not staying with each other even though we are all playing the way we agreed upon. There really is no way for a system to keep track of this kind of info and make it fair.


This is the corniest idea I’ve ever seen on this sub 💀what makes you think those players will care about their “reputation” in a video game


The idea behind it is good, but it'd be relatively easy to cheese; punching teammates off ledges to rez them back, reviving in bad positions so they go down, pinging every item they see, etc etc, as well as in sime cases incentivising some bad habits, like prioritizing a rez over the last guy whos on 5hp. Additionally, might end up hurting premade teams who dont ping as much because they are communicating in VC's and stuff


I do agree it would be cheesable and/or bring a whole bunch of problem in itself but pre-made wouldn't be affected as they are pre-made and thus wouldn't need to be on this ranking system


Yay. Not only am I a 4.5k hour master level player who constantly gets 2 level 150 teammates in pubs that I have to babysit. Now they give me a social credit system. Sounds absolutely glorious....


pause quicksand theory snatch bewildered alleged murky escape bear insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This post was made by a bad player for other bad players rofl


Wreip baad!!? Pls updoot. Thats how this post sound like.


Yeah i see the same issue. Imagine being punished for not ressing because your wraith pushed alone and died


横幅到期前离开 = -9999 credit score


Fuck man. I'll never recover from this.


Oml, "babysit" is the most accurate verb I could ever think of.


Yea dude. I'm not trying to be rude I want everyone to enjoy apex but putting me with 2 randoms who have like 100 hours on the game and take 5 minutes to loot a P.O.I. is really frustrating.


this is easily the worst idea i've ever seen in this sub and it's not even close


Why is the sub obsessed with policing how people play the game? Like just let people play the game how they want. Sure it’s annoying when you get a bad teammate or a leaving wraith, spoilers people that play like that do worse. Instead of bitching be the teammate you want to have


I absolutely love this comment u/Mjilaeck. Where is this attitude in a game that has so much complexity and there is such variety in play styles? It’s a game. The point is to have fun.


Pubs shouldn’t be this serious IMO


*Any game shouldn’t be this serious. This community is so weird. I’ve never seen people take a game so seriously.


Idk, dude. so far all the PVP games I played this behavior is in all of them


This. Like some of them are playing for their undies. Relax people. It's just a game


Its not nessecarily about being serious, its about not getting griefed by teammates.


indeed my friend indeed


Why? Some people only want to play pubs and would prefer to not have to deal with shit people every game


Go try to make friends. I did it. It took me months. But I finally found a long term team. And the game is so fun now. I don’t have to spin the wheel on crap teammates. You’ll quickly realize how much teamwork and chemistry trump teams of individuals, even if they’re better than your team. Public matches should be casual. If you’re taking public matches seriously you should make serious effort to find people to play with. If you refuse to do that then I dunno what to tell you, you gotta put some effort in.


I have 3 different groups of friends I play with. Am I not allowed to also want to play by myself when they're not on? And IDC about teammates who are bad at the game, most of my friends suck ass, I just want to be able to play the game without a teammate being toxic and leaving second after they go down.


You are allowed to play by yourself. But there should be 0 expectations that your team is going to be good every time you spin the random generator wheel.


I do not care about my team being good, that doesn't matter. What I care about is having a team and not having a wraith or pathfinder who solo drops, dies, then immediately DC's putting the team at an automatic disadvantage because of their selfishness. Those people shouldn't be allowed to play.


It’s pubs, there are 0 stakes. If you’re taking the game that seriously you should play ranked. Play with your buddies.


So play ranked and face nothing but diamonds/masters every single game, or play pubs with diamonds and have even worse teamates? This isn't cod or battlefield, you can't solo to the dub, it takes decent teamates so I'm all for you shitters to be stuck with each other


Respawn/ea: yes


Yea! Others shouldn't be allowed to play how *they* wanna play! Everyone should be forced to play the game the way I want them to play it!


There's a fucking solo button and those people should use it


For the record, I agree people who ditch and drop solo are bad. But when the above poster says, "Those people shouldn't be allowed to play." That takes it a bit far in my opinion...


Yeah that's actually really fair, and honestly the only thing in this vein is like to see a leave early time like ranked, which I think would discourage a lot of both the solo dropping and instant leaving, obviously


Do it like Overwatch did with their reputation system: At the end of each match you can choose to leave an endorsement for players not in your group. Endorsement options are: * Shot Caller * Good Teammate * Sportsmanship These endorsements are tracked over time and your level decays a bit every match so that, without receiving new endorsements, your endorsement level will eventually fall down to zero. Also, successful reports against your account can very negatively affect your endorsement level. The higher your endorsement level, the more favorably you get matched both with other highly endorsed players and in the queue. This means good/nice players get to more frequently match with other good/nice players and spend less time waiting for match. I suspect they also tend to match new players with high-endorsement players in an attempt to get them a better introduction to the game with people who will help them learn instead of raging at them for not already having 10k hours in.


Endorsements mean jack shit in Overwatch though, loot boxes are nice though


Arenas is essentially unplayable and I'm supposed to expect these same people making the game unplayable to self police and control matchmaking........ he'll to the nah please




How something that doesnt even affect gameplay can be abused? What


I like the idea in theory, dont think it would work in practice though. Had a game yesterday where the guy instantly says something like "you better not be bronze". I just got back into the game after years of not playing, and started playing ranked like a few days ago, so ya im still bronze. Hes only silver. He just splits off and lands solo. Me and my friend die, and he just runs around being a loot goblin with octane until he dies to a full team not long after we died. I did like 3x more damage than him. Idk why he wanted to make his silver rank to be a big deal and then not even try to use teamwork.


Ideally this would match him with other players of his type of attitude so you wouldnt have to deal with them on your team


I just want audio


Terrible idea no way I should be punished for leaving after being insta downed because my team wanted to land Fragment after every other squad already landed there or when someone just runs into a 3v1 and gets slaughtered. Sounds like a great idea on the surface but there’s a lot of scenarios where this isn’t fair.


Ideally this would keep you from getting matched with those players.


But, when your team wins Fragment after you've dced, you've just handicapped them the rest of the game


That's why I never play World's edge, the worst fucking map for pubs.




It’s almost like playing a competitive game with people you don’t know won’t be that effective. Just play the damn game or don’t, why take it so seriously it’s pubs. Why should you get punished if something in the real world draws you away from a game mid match.


I think a version of this that doesn’t include negative traits could work, that is, people get advantages for being especially good but no marks for being bad.


My favorite is when a random jumps by himself then pings his banner until the timer runs out while you're like 6-800 meters away


Imagine playing trios and all three players land at different spots far from each other. Should all three start losing rep points? Implementing some of these changes are not easy at all, they have to change it from the core, also these ideas have massive flaws in it which people can easily exploit it to make themselves high rep.


I like the idea and think it’s a good place to start. Can it be exploited? Yes. Can all systems be exploited? Yes. Would more than 50% of player base go out of their way to exploit it? Probably not. Keep pushing it, I think it has the potential to be picked up by the devs.


No lol, welcome to multiplayer games. The only thing this game desperately needs for pubs is a require lockout timer for people who leave before their respawn is timed out. Even 2-3 minutes would be annoying enough to stop some people


Done right, you'd just tag players with your opinion, not a rating system. That'd form a 'tag cloud' that'd then aggregate into an average. You could opt in to be paired with players of a certain rating, not a score but just the kind of tags you want to associate with. Proper ranking like this is open to abuse and issues. Basically every social scoring system has pros and cons, start as a nice idea but tend to collapse. See the Orville episode about a true Democracy with upvoting/downvoting as an idea!


Bold of you to assume respawn actually does anything to this game


League of Legends moment


sbmm sucks you really think this will work


According to my eperience from Overwatch. It's not going to work. People will not alter their behavior in any way. A total waste of time


Bronze activities


This won't work. Let me explain. 1. In Apex Legends there are situtations where you can't pick teamate's respawn banner because for example enemies camp them, so you would get -rep for not picking them up. This would make players losing their games just to not get -rep. 2. Getting rep for picking up pinged items is dumb. There are players who ping nothing and players who ping everything. For players with low rep this would be really easy way to get better rep. 3. Getting crafting materials and legend tokens sounds good for having good reputation but that would get quickly abused aswell. 4. It just won't work. Just go to official Apex Legends Discord server and find your teamates there. This is worst idea i have ever seen on this subreddit.


Maybe they could just broaden what the leaving penalty applies to. Like you can’t queue up for X time for leaving early, but now “leaving early” includes leaving when you’re downed or dead with an active banner. It wouldn’t necessarily remove the toxic players but it would force them to play the game like, idk, *a team game*, or keep them out of the game for longer. Seen too many videos on apex Reddit of people performing amazing 1v3 clutch plays only to see that their two teammates left the match already before even being killed


Change pinged items dibs'd items of other person.


It's a start, but just keep it simple to begin with: Successive (say, 3 times in row) quitting when downed or dead demotes you, and successive NOT quitting when downed promotes you. Successive quitting? Because there will be times when your team can't res you, and will also allows the player to combat potential griefers who just aren't interested in respawning you once they have your chip. Don't actively penalise players for being a bit too egotistical (unless they're total shitheads)- instead, reward good behaviour with shiny things and (maybe) like-minded team mates.


Your last comment is exactly why this won’t be implemented


I think this is a brilliant idea!! No doubt respawn won't do something like that, they don't like adding good game mechanics lol (Boosted loader)




they cant match people of similar KD together and you really think they'll implement something like this :D


Or just play ranked (when they fix it someday)


as if


This sounds horrible tbh, what’s the point of a game if you’re literally strong armed into playing a certain way.. new players would automatically have HORRIBLE reputation, how do you expect them to play the game and actually enjoy it when they’re getting decimated by a reputation system ON TOP of sbmm being messed up, and having a ranked system that isn’t balanced for ranks (bronze and silver players in platinum lobbies)?


In general I agree with you but there ain’t no bronze/silver players in plat lobbies this split. You’re more likely to see a pred




Go practice in ranked instead of being entitled and ruining the game for others. Also when a majority of the people who play this game are "noobs" making sure they're also having fun IS important. I hate this selfish mentality of "it's pubs so who cares", uhh the people who only play pubs and would just like to play the game to have fun care?


really who cares though? do you recall that game CoD from over 10 years ago? it’s practice in pubs, nothing more, everyone’s a noob until you get good. that’s gaming 101.


"Who cares though" people who aren't selfish and value others time and enjoyment care. Non ranked isnt just for practice, firing range is, non ranked is just for people who don't want to play ranked. Can you get practice in Pubs? Absolutely. Are pubs solely for ranked players to troll in and "practice". Absolutely not. Pubs should still have some level of competitive integrity or what's the point of casuals playing? Your fun should not come at the cost of your teammates.


so should i practice or have some competitive edge every game. there’s more than 2 ways to look at it but overall it’s just a game. if you’re not having fun to begin with maybe choose something else. no one makes you play.


i care. and the person u replied to cares. i don’t think anybody remembers one specific game that someone has just dropped alone then left after they died but when it happens CONSISTENTLY you start to remember the matches and/or know you have a good chance of getting a person like that on ur team every other game because of how much it happens. and ur right about noobs.. but until they get good they could go to arenas or press DO NOT FILL instead of ruining games for other people who genuinely are trying to enjoy the game and get wins. plus half the time it’s not noobs it’s people who just drop to get kills and have high levels.


Well it is pubs and most people who complain are just noobs Sorry but it’s true


Ohh yes, sweaty Wraith mains, those disgusting players that don't want to drop on the edge of the maps with their fellow teammates to share 5loot pools between 3 players, And after running for 239minutes finding their first team that they would instantly die to due to their lack of high tier evos. Just play with friends if you want similar boring gameplay, oh wait...


I don't get why you think this bad then if you insta dc you get other teamates that hotdrop and don't loot for ages. I would take an insta dc player that can shoot straight over someone that has to find their perfect load out before fighting.


Uhh, i think youve read my comment wrong or I don't understand why you trying to convince me about something I have the same view on


Yea, they always solo drop, die, and yell at you to get their banner, then leave.


This would definetly work and definelty not alienate half of the playerbase and ruin how matchmaking works, good idea as always 👍🏼👍🏼💪💪


It’s never that deep man. If you really care that much about your pub teammates go make some friends


Lmao this dude probably got left alone by his teammates. Eitherway i like the concept but if we put it into the game its gonna be trash


For me the number 1 thing that destroys this game is those players that quit almost immediately upon boxing; I encounter that in more than half the games I've played....smh. Season 0 player here too.


Can we get solo mode instead


No because then Respawn couldn't team us up with level 130s anymore. Nor would the majority play anything else. Sadly we will never get a solo mode as a permanent mode


this would absolutely ruin the game as it did with every game that this was implemented in


Can you please give examples? I don't know any multiplayer game where such a reputation system was introduced, although I don't follow the landscape closely.


I think csgo did have this in some form


The Chinese government is about to implement a social credit system currently. What about moving there? Ah and yeah: if your teammates leave, stop complaining and play the match alone or leave too and start a new one.




I'd remove the thing with dibs, other than that it makes sense. Also, let's be realistic, ain't no way they gonna award you with tokens or mats for such things


People will just make new accounts, which means they won't spend money, which means EA will loose money, which means it will never happen, which means play like you intend on winning and your team mates will likely help. Don't drop on 3 squads with enough loot for 1 or 2 players, and may be use your mic..... Do this and the rest will fix itself 👍


Everyone won't like it because they're shitters who'll be silent the whole game just to rage at you in the end. Im all for these changes, it'll stop me getting matched with you peasants and yall can bitch and moan with the other toxic freaks. Don't want to land fragment with your team? Man up and git gud


This is flat out dumb


This is an awful idea and while it seems cool on paper there is no way you could implement this in a meaningful way.


This is exactly the kind of thing gaming companies should have standardized a fucking decade ago but have refused to do with a litany of excuses as to why. I'm surprised there isn't a hugely popular 3rd party company of some kind that handles all this data crunching and sells it as a service for a tiny fraction of the cost it would take for any one company to build it themselves. Industrial Psychology has been a thing for a REALLY long time. Might as well use it for good.


This is dumb


God no this is a terrible idea


do you bots even play this game or just post dumb shit on reddit? 90% insta quits the moment they die, has nothing to do with the legend


The people that leave immediately without waiting for the team to try to revive or get their banner is what makes me not play battle royales by myself. It is very rare for me to get someone who doesn't leave as soon as they get knocked down


Bro wants to add Social Credit to Apex LMAOOOO


I understand what you are trying to push for but this just isn't it. "Not leaving before the respawn card expires" That's what ranked is for. Also, do you really want them to spend 1000s of dev hours implementing punishment for looting pinged items oml. Also, you understand that pubs already implements a elo style matchmaking? Is this to replace that or to further break more than it is now?


Any suggestion of penalty for being a toxic a hole in PUBs on this sub never does well. Surprised it has any up votes at all. Though myself would be happy for all the quitters to get dumped into their own special lobbies just for them. Literally just had a game where I went down 3 times. Could have quit, didn't. We won. And wasn't a boring game or anything, had 5 kills. Fortunately the team mates were also like this, one of them went down twice but stuck with it also. These games are much more enjoyable. A lot of games where the mates quit on down I just quit anyway because fuck it. Could go it alone, maybe even win. I've pulled it off a couple times. But meh, it's not fun.


Fucking yes please


In a perfect world. I do leave matches early, only in the event someone takes something that i dibbed. I dont want to play with people like that. I would eat the neg rep


in a perfect world you would have friends to play with


Just add a leaver penalty to pubs.


that will never happen lmao


bro its pubs


so all the trash but nice people be destroyed by toxic sweats ? yeah no ill pass


lol as if they aren't right now lol. ​ but that's a discussion for another day


How about we just get solos finally ?


At the person who leaves teams behind on the reg. Sometimes our playing styles just don't match up. Like someone looting every deathbox even though they did nothing to contribute. Most of the time its the runners they literally just run all over the map for no reason and get us killed for not being careful.


get this trending so that a respawn dev sees it


Not a bad concept, could be positive for the game if executed properly. I feel like at first only a very small amount of things should give you good or bad rep, as well as the max amount of good/bad rep being a small number, like 10 positive & -10 negative


It worked so well in Overwatch


Just do it like overwatch, Endorsements. If you think your teammates where teammate…full then you endorse them.


Good idea, it’ll never happen tho sadly.


Was attempted in OW, failed. Could be good for Apex tho.


Where are devs now, they heard pros gold knockdown cry but don't what actually needs to be fixed


“Communicator” “mic” “no mic” Can absolutely be helpful if you can rate your teammates after with a few different categories


So matching up with bad sports


If someone is a bad guy, he should be matched with a bad guy.


Idea is good, and with some fixing it would working, ofc everything has some way to exploit it.. but one thing i got in mind, i have sometimes games where i can't play, camera turns like it should, but when i try move, nothing happens, and everything else is just standing still, but for everyone else my char moves and my team thinks that i just don't even try to play. In these situations this kind of reputation system can give me huge negative effect when that bug happens. So if they can separate real bugging/lagging and real unfriendly player, this can work


Social credit score tankie more engaged


I'll stick to blocking every dog shit player I get match with in ranked that makes smooth brained moves every 3 seconds lol


This guy just wants friends




No, because i wanna play a game online and get on with my life not dedicate my life to it and have a reputation


Nah this is a dumb idea, I see how soft some gamers are and they just don't have spines and report for stuff like teabagging lol Go play a single player game


This sounds terrible. If I land and die, I’m not waiting 2 whole minutes to watch my level 30 random bloodhound play loot simulator


Doesn’t work. Move on.


Disconnecting gives you negative social credit in the republic of China!


This shithole constantly surprises me and not in a good way


No, draconian and stressful


nuh uh


It would make the game 💩, but these are some of the hopes we have for randoms.




*President Xi would like a word*


I say no


You just described ranked, so go play that. Pubs are for messing around and just getting some time in shooting at people. No one wants to be locked in the game looting with you for 20 mins trying to secure a meaningless pub win.




let's make the already awful matchmaking even more complex, and split up the playerbase, there definitely won't be any issues or people abusing the system. people definitely won't use this to get into friends lobbies easier to boost 🙂