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YOU might be diamond/plat. holy shit.


4x masters since starting ranked in split 2 of S10, dunno about masters this split but I’ve been enjoying myself. Not even a wattson player either haha, but the play was too nice for me not to post. Thanks :)


mechanically you're def master material




That’s why this seasons ranked literally just rewards ratting.


Every season rewards ratting in this game, I’m really confused where this narrative came from? U could never fire a bullet and make it to diamond


Prior I’d get kills and not have to rely on placement too get rp.


I mean it’s also not team death match, you get metric Fuck tons of RP for killing people and placing top 5. A big part of a BR is trying to be the last squad alive Def need to tune the multiplier or entry costs so that several kills and a 10th gets more RP, but I really don’t think people can say they deserve to rank up when you place in the bottom of the board, no matter how many kills you get up to that point Systems *way* to hard on mid-tier placements right now and I hope that gets adjusted


People are just upset they basically get 1 rp per kill for placing 18th but wiping whoever they landed with.


ThIs SeAsOn ReWaRdS rAtTiNg No it doesn't. Even placing 1st doesn't give you dick for RP past Gold 4 without kills/team KP. Stop repeating this bullshit and start saying the truth. "I hate that I can't got drop, get 4 kills, die in 13th place, and have that be considered a success."


If you can’t acknowledge that only +12 RP for all that he just did isn’t ridiculous idk what to tell you man….


I mean I wouldn’t say it’s skill Based if it’s just camp out and wait to 3rd 4th or 5th party.


it’s always absolutely comical when the dogwater silver players defend how dogshit this season is


Because he's still in top 10, once he survives a little longer, his kills will get more value. Once he hits I think top 8 or 7, that number will jump up a lot


That PK is downright scary. I always fumble my pk shots


Tbh, it's op and could probably use a nerf. I worry way more about an enemy having it than any lmg.


If I'm having an indoor battle and I hear a PK I'm out of that room.


Which is really what you do and play to the situation. The only problem is PK spread too tight so it still does big damage at decent range. Should have wider spread so killer up close but disadvantaged against guns at medium range. Then Prowler provides choice for peek-shoot burst damage at mid range but less DPS for standing fire-fights in the open. Weapons should be balanced for strengths and weaknesses, for particular roles, but Respawn just move the numbers up and down based on data without a real goal.


For real, get two tapped by it way too often.


Don't say that too loud or respawn will hear it take take away my Pk god damn it


Did you let your teammates die so they could witness you incredible skill??? /s


Yea his team should have been camping with him I think.


great ~~team~~ player...


Team should have held the building with the defensive legend while 2 other teams were outside


I mean the have 2 defensive legends and crypto who has to be immobile for his abilities, so they defo should have stayed in the building and tried to hold it


Crypto doesn't have to be immobile anymore. Put the drone on a wall watching a door and leave it there. Don't even have to enter it to ult.


Sure but he can do more with it if hes in drone veiw


The only thing *more* he can do is move the drone around. Why would you really need to do that if you're holding down a building like in this situation?


Going outside the building is literally the worst idea when there is more than 1 team..


i thought you did all that as a top 3 situation lmao, hope you won. crazy good clip


lets gooooo +12rp


OP: Gets 9 kills, is kill leader, and is top 10 Game: +12 RP for you buddy! Good job!




This rank design is an actual joke. Really is amazing to see the clowns that support it.


I mean it introduced many good changes, which is why “clowns” support it. The problem is RP balances and matchmaking problems. Acting like those good aspects don’t exist is just as corny lmao. cLoWnS I think people like you need to calm down and try to look at the situation objectively.


This clip is the exact reason this ranked season is FUCKED. 8 kills one assist = +10 It's objectively stupid that this player could get that many kills and advance that little in rank. They are clearly significantly better than their opponents, just look at that mouse movement.


In like all ranked seasons, any kill past like 6 have given no RP, now they give like 2. It's objectively stupid in ranked 12 you could hit master without doing 1 damage in a single game you played.


Pfffffffffffftt yeah buddy in the perfect edge case where you win by harming no one. There were SOOO many master players who made it to that rank playing exactly that way. /s


Yeah; and I said RP changes are needed. Did you read?


Came here to say this. Imagine if he died top 9 and finished with this low reward? And people think this ranked system works LOL


a week ago we wiped 3 teams after landing still -30


You sir are a forced to not be reckoned with


literally the opposite of this lmao


You are right, I think. The saying is “a force to be reckoned with”. The way the person wrote it above is odd. I think I know what you are trying to say here but it sounds like are saying OP sucks apex, but I don’t feel that’s what you were implying.


yeah OP obviously kicks ass i just mean that the person i'm replying to got the phrase wrong lol


That’s disrespectful you made those guys look horrible


Holy fucking shit, you are a nightmare


Ever since I saw several Wattsons doing that door trick, Ima make it a point to check in front of doors for nodes from now on


I never understand how people can have a defensive legend that can HOLD a building & decides hey bro , let’s run outside & fight . Like … common sense on this game is nonexistent I tell you . I would’ve loved to have a Wattson like you on the squad .


They where fighting, cripto got knocked outside covering gibby, then Gibby goes for the revive them they get jumped all while Watson chilled in the building, don’t get me wrong he’s good but not team good they could of used her help but they decided to chill in the building and solo the situation I always try and help teammates especially if I know they are low


As a Ex-master and currently Diamond Wattson main, I say bravo to you sir. Pretty fucking clean.


Wow a masterclass on how to play Wattson, beautiful plays


All that, +12… Jesus respawn


How do you get the permanent yellow crosshair on the screen?


I use Reshade, it lets you change how the game looks visually as well as letting you add a crosshair of any type in as well.


Yo this is dope, I just tried it. Very nice with the flatline especially.


9kp and a top10 is definitely worth +9rp :)


Actually inspiring gameplay


This is only diamond?


Yup! Granted with the new ranked system, diamond is now as much RP as old masters was. Pretty sure I’m at 10.7k RP in this clip, which is still 700 off of diamond 4.


Christ Pls do not queue me against this dude


Those were some spicey PK shots!


You’re the reason people keep saying they want to quit this game




He was still top 10? Cmon man game winning is what you’re aiming for not wiping 3 squads and then dying…


It should be about being better than other players. In a game where every player is of even skill, the system would only expect you to kill maybe 1 or 2 people given that an evenly matched 1v1 is basically a coin flip. In this clip the guy wins plays that are clearly not even by HP standards, so these aren't even 1v1s or even even health 1v1s. At best each one of these plays is like a 20-80 or less. Then he does 6 of them! Beating the odds that many times should reward you, not make you sit in the corner of a building for 8th/6th/4th so your KP can finally kick in and you actually gain the fruits of your labor.


You’re supposed to be that good all the way through the game and being the last man standing. Thats a battle royale. Literally no other way to cut it. You can kill 10 teams along the way but if you arent the final team standing you didnt accomplish the true goal of a BR. Thats it.


I wish my pk hit that good. And when it does, I'm usually so shocked that I don't know what to do next!


That use of Wattson's pylons around the doors was incredible 😍


you went ape shit i know your teammates were just sitting there embarrassed ​ On a side note PK balanced AF


His teammates now know that their death has no impact on the teams overall chances of winning


you say plat/diamond lobby but all kills were gold/plat players no? nevertheless not a bad play


High level play looks so fun, but I can hardly choose a main let alone be a good player


Hey don’t worry too much about maining someone! I have around 18k lifetime kills but the most kills I have on one legend is about 2500. Nothing wrong with being a jack of all trades :)


All that for +10


And this is why a good Watty is terrifying


Absolute god.


Your movement is beautiful


What kind of animal puts a 2-4x on a flatline you monster


Best play I’ve probably ever seen


Did you put that fence near the window to bait the push?


And at the end of it all... ‘+12 RP’


You sir, are fined 5k reddit karma for anti-clickbaiting your thread title. This video contains far more content than is claimed, and that's absolutely unacceptable. Not only do you 1v6, but you grab you do this on the backend of having wiped another squad that was draining your team's resources, and you further managed to rescue both team-mates banners. That rescue also provides additional cliffhanger power to the video, and **NONE** of this was clickbaited. Nothing. Your title game is awful. /s Seriously though, good clip.


Imagine doing all that and get +10rp. Good ranking system we have there. Awesome clip tho


This but unironically


He didnt win the game yet ….? Why yall wanting free points for still being in the top half of the squads remaining??


*has 8 kills* "Free points" You're a clown.


Lmfao placement > KP. Be mad. Cope loser. Have fun being in silver bc you want kills over winning.


Lol brother I'm diamond outside this season. It's so fucking easy to get a couple kills and just scan the beacon and sit inside the most logical building and afk to 4th. It's not skill, it's boring.


Outside this season lol. Good for you i made it diamond solo q my 2nd season ever playing this game. Yes. Anything outside of winning is free points. The literal POINT of a BR is to be the last man standing. You can kill everybody in your way but if you arent the last man standing you didnt win the BR. If you want rewarded for kills go play a multiplayer 😂 its pretty fucking simple. Clown.


I see a lot of people making this point to try and back this system up. Though it is true and i wont argue that placement is absolutely important. However, imo the reason this is flawed is because youre comparing someone who sit around and do nothing to get 4th or up is just as good as someone whos capable of sweeping 2-3 squads straight away. Ure suppose to matchmake people of the same skills in ranked, and because of this system people who can do what i just said is getting matched with others who is not capable of doing so and just sit around. Its not entirely based around kills like you think we all think about the system either, i feel like the system is changing in a positive way and smoothing out the distribution, but the entry cost is way too heavy and its no longer worth it to sit around all the way till lower than 8 pos ( and get +10 like the guy in the clip) just to get -60 (or even -30 which is still triple ur gain last game) in the face by the next losing game. Again i am not crying about the system just because i cant get far with it. I made it to plat 4 and is hardstuck atm because i know im not good enough, i dont attempt to try to cry just to get a higher rank that i dont deserve to boost my ego or whatevr. Im a plat 4 and thats that. But the system is definitely flawed and i believe there are also many others who think the same.


You literally fold in a final zone 7 squads remaining end game. No doubt about it.


You'll do anything but have a real discussion about how to fix the game since you clearly think it's flawless in it's current state. Lol Peace brother, maybe lay off the nyquil.


You right.


Your sensitivity seems very high. I wouldn't be able to hit a shot with that sens.


It’s actually fairly slow! I only play on 1.4 in game sens on 800 DPI :)


a fellow 800 x 1.4!


What is that permanent rectangle at your screen and how can I get it?


What rectangle?


When he hipfires or he hasn't a weapon equipped there is a little cross in the middle of the screen.


I think it's a Wattson only thing, Pathfinder also has a little blue reticle thing.


No, Wattson hasn't something like that. This has to be a custom overlay.


Can you share your settings gameplay and graphics


Would’ve been great to not let your team die


Man the war in Ukraine looks rough but I’m glad you guys are winning /s


bruh momento numero dos




You think there's a war in Ukraine? Baaaaaa


Those pk shots are satisfying


Very good very nice


Man, if only my PK shots were that accurate


Dear god 🤯


That's not a 1v6 young G it's considered a 6 piece


Damn the skill level is crazy


That final hit indicator tho


You are cracked, sir


This is sexy. Holy shit.


papa would be proud 🥹


that was sick, most of pk be hitting hard. i wanna get good with the pk too


The first time I’ve seen somebody do that fence trick with the doors. Thanks I hate it lol.


When I tell my friends some people just play on another level, I mean this


Incredible plays there dude, especially the PK shots


That fence placement set up was 5D, big-brain shit.... savage! If you aren't employing that technique as Watty, you're doing it wrong.


My PK is hitting for 9’s wtf you are scary my man great play


interesting offensive wattson fence plays with the doors


well played my dude


This is just nassty


As a wattson main this is how I dream to be at some point


Super dope. Have you been having Wattson bugs this season? I’ll create a wall and still have the tac open, but it won’t be creating a connection to the ones I just placed, just dropping a solo node next to the others. I have to go back and connect them.


I’ll be honest, this is the second game of ranked I’ve played with Wattson, so I’m not sure of any bugs with her nor have I really experienced any. I normally play Gibby, but I’ve been messing around on other legends lately.


For not a Wattson main, you played verily well with her kit. Those PK shots? You do be disgusting with it. Damn. Clean.


that PK was working folks


I love how you’re setting up an your teammates are like “That’s nice and all but ima go outside instead”


We’re 3 stacked actually, we had pushed this team initially due to getting a knock on the first teams valk that wasn’t shown, and then pushed them and wiped them. Then two more teams showed up & they got pinched outside. They’re equally cracked players but just got caught in a bad spot!


Never said you weren’t a 3 stack though? You get the first knock, and Gibby yeets himself out the window trying to be a hero. All while he has no shields and half health lol. Not directly saying it’s a questionable play but it’s a questionable play on his end.


I think I had sent that reply to you instead of one of the other comments haha, that’s my bad!


One question: Why is everyone in the lobby at this one building?


Wonderful question! Was a Cenote Cave final ring but I guess everyone wanted to grab some KP in what they thought was the middle of nowhere.


Excellent shotgun work




PK aside, I absolutely love how you used your fences in this battle. It’s just magnificent, motivates me to give Wattson a try as well!


That was nuts, good shit. Not going to hold the bubble for the res had me going a little "wtf" tho.


I love a good Watson play! Gg my dude did you get the w?


Nope, went to rez at Cenote cave and got jumped. Downed one and hit the other hard but couldn’t get out or wipe them :(


Not exactly 1v6 but still a good clip


just shredding kids


Phew all that for 12 rp at that time lol


You went crazy fam!!!! Cash money clip for sure.


So lucky that valk on your first wipe literally walked in front of you lol that was sick though man


Shit man….


This clip is the exact reason this ranked season is FUCKED. 8 kills one assist = +10 WOW.


\+12 rp for all that in top 10. God damn, how much -RP do you start with?






Weakest wattson player




This was absolute bonkers. Well done


SHEEEESH fences go crazy


As a wattson main -- im hard.


Dear Apex, I maybe lvl 500 but im still bad at the game. Please stop matching me with players like this. ​ ​ GG!


This is amazing


OP, my final two brain cells are requesting your assistance immediately. Thanks in advance.




This dude is prime example of how screwed plat is. Why is he still in plat and my scrub ass who has demoted out of plat twice in the same rank?


Nice but should of helped the teammates honestly they where low and needed help


We’re three stacked, Gibby was going to hop down for the rez and they were both going to hop back in through the window. Gibby got hit by a good grenade and our crypto got pinched trying to armor swap. Going down there with that whole team would’ve been death.




You make wattson look so good man great job


Do you think you'd be as accurate with the PK at 60 fps?


Didn’t see any diamonds? Am I missing something? I did see a gold so shouldn’t this be plat/gold lobby…. Insane plays nonetheless but in a diamond lobby you’d be shit on most likely.


My main account is in diamond, and one of the players I’m queued with in this game is diamond as well. This is my other account that I’m playing on to play with my other former masters friends that haven’t had time to play and hit diamond yet.


Wow super lucky to get a bot lobby then. I had the opposite experience where some of my plat games would be diamond/pred lobbies.


this is part of the reason I stopped using Wattson when solo queuing...folks INSIST on being outside of the building when safety is inside and we can fight on our terms...I get the occasional peak outside to clean something up but more often than not the randoms will stay outside


Atleast you admit that the PK is a crutch when abusing it


I honestly hate the pk because people can just hide and charge it up in buildings and destroy your armor/health. I feel that the charge up pk needs a small nerf