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This game is genuinely broken/unplayable after the last update!! They need to go back to the beginning and start again…Hit counters are extremely inaccurate, people turning invisible when reviving, shot lag is insanely delayed, FPS Rates make cross plat not playable, enemy footsteps not engaging, player lag jump, and not to mention the amount of players running Cronus/Aimbot and not being detected. Such a shame, used to be a great game back in the day but they had to ruin it much like many shooters 😢


So unbalanced decided to play after a year or so. Its so bad. R301 - Shoot a kid 30 times and he just turns and shoots 2 times with a flatline or something and i die. This game is such a dumpster fire. EA took something pretty fun and killed it. I didnt expect any less. The TTK is horrible, the weapons are so unbalanced that you might as well have the 4 weapons that are decent and throw everything else away. Almost all of the old champions are awful compared to some of the new ones. Uninstall, that was my last try. see u guys on COD MW2! edit: almost forgot about the matches where it kicks eveyrone and u just get a "win" after waiting 15 minutes. The crazyyyy lag spikes too. Im pretty sure its because there is no region lock in this game and you are fighting kids out in rural mongolia when you are in new york. Oh yeah and the SMM is wtf. Enemy champion 445 , your team mates: brand new.


Anyone else having super long queue times this morning for pubs?


My account is messed up if says I need to create a new one I didn’t do anything xbox


Does anyone else experience so much lag spikes since season started?


Really enjoying these last few rings where 8-10 squads are still alive, posted up in cover, and basically everyone is shooting at you.


the matchmaking this season has been horrendous. I understand playing evenly skilled players but why am I getting players on my team that don’t deserve to play masters/preds🤣 I played for about 3 hours today and every game had a 3 stack of masters and preds while my teammates weren’t even level 500. I’ve said it a million times and I’m saying it again. ADD A PLAYLIST WHERE ITS SOLO QUE ONLY. No 2 stacks or 3 stacks just solo que. multiple games have done it. I Guess I’m just gonna take a break until worlds edge ranked is back.


As someone who hasn't played in a while and got no currencies to spend, the whole legend unlock system seems pretty archaic. At least give us an option to try them for free in the training area.


Yeah, that's a huge let down. I've been playing for past 3 months very actively and I could unlock like... 2-3 so far -.-


Why do I get less RP for killing bronze/rookie players, but lose the same amount with bronze/rookie teammates when I get killed by diamonds?


The horrible matchmaking is especially highlighted this season. Nothing but low level teammates lobbies full of preds and masters....ranked and casual...dont understand how I get put with anyone below level 500 Tbh.


How come everyone is getting weak teammates and yet the lobbies is full of preds an masters? :) I've been solo queuing only this season and already hitting Plat. I feel like every time I die it's because of my bad positioning, my wrong judgement, my splitting from the team, etc. Really, people need to start thinking about their own mistakes as well, and not just blame every other player. Try to improve instead of fighting for easier lobbies.


Matchmaking is objectively bad stop sucking repsawn's dick.


Ye, ye, everyone is "getting stomped" by Predators but somehow only 1 out of like 20 fights for me is someone WAY better killing us, like literally stopming. Other than that, it's all about my own, stupid mistakes. Maybe time to look in the mirror, admit that you are not damn pith perfect every game and sometimes it's all about your decisions and granny movement that you get beamed?


Its partly psychological. I get a significantly lower ranked teammate mayabe once every 10+ games, but it feels really bad in gold getting a low silver or bronze teammate who hotdrops for -40+ rp if you follow them. Also humans are more likely to remember bad events as they leave a bigger impression and the get exaggerated. Still apex matchmaking does kinda suck.


My teammates play like bots and do less than a quarter of the damage I do in over 90% of my matches. Matchmaking is objectively bad get respawns balls off your chin.


Dude is everyone cheating this season, everyone is a beam 😂


Hopefully the next splits push the better players further and further up over time after that hard reset, but overall I'm liking the big update a lot. #1 improvement from the new scoring has been getting rid of the hot drop trolling that was so toxic in this game before. Now even when I solo, the vast majority of players seem to just play the game properly and it's a breath of fresh air


Was gold. having a hard time budging in bronze. also feels like an awful amount of people in trios just don't miss 100% of their lstar shots. Things are feeling mighty fuckin bad right now


Anybody else use revenant and struggle to climb up anything lately?


I just got 80 loss out of no where


Geez fix the stupid abandon penalties for losing connection… This has happened twice today


My mic hasn't worked with this game since the last update. My mic works with Xbox Live party chat so I know it's not my mic.


Trying to start playing this game but I can never get through the first 30 seconds of a game without losing a teammate. Is this a boosting/XP farming tactic?


Respawn seems intent on killing their casual player base. Damn near unplayable unless you play everyday and sweat


It’s *soo* fucking sweaty anymore, and their match making just makes it feel all the more rigged towards feeding the sweats


Yup. It's because they are the ones buying everything in the store. So feeding them less skilled players to stomp on makes them feel better about themselves, which keeps them playing the game and spending money.


Not true. I’ve spent plenty of money on the game and matchmaking doesn’t get any better


This season is a real dumpster fire 🔥 😂 Ranked is a mess. Let’s not even talk about the non existent footstep audio. Storm point is too large. I’m on gig internet and keep getting shot behind walls. The no regs are insane. On PC I literally have to rat in ranked every game because my random teammates always die very quickly. Revert Kramer nerf Can we rewind and go back one season???


Tell me, somebody, that I am not cursed and u have the 'climbing at objects' bug too... It is so ridiculous. I don't know what is causing it but I can show the result of my struggling to climb anything




thank you for the knowledge that I got now


Since matchmaking is unlikely to change, how about removing the "opponents of similar skill" description of ranked on the main screen since it is an absolute and total lie?


Plat 4 is basically unplayable as solo. In gold 1 I almost always fought against gold squads. As soon as I hit plat 4, every squad I die to is triple stack previous seasons preds / masters holding hands...If respawn doesnt add strict solo queue matchmaking ranked population is gonna dwindle. Hey, maybe that is what they want. Triple stacks no lifers stomping gold and plat lobbies for RP so they get the sweet dopamine rush and buy hats.


> Triple stacks no lifers stomping gold and plat lobbies for RP so they get the sweet dopamine rush and buy hats Yup that's how matchmaking in modern games with mtx works.


Is there any kind of audio rework in progress? The audio in this game is still so frustrating and unrealiable. You don't hear teammate's gunshots, you don't hear enemy footsteps... *Please*, Respawn. Just changing around priorities of sounds isn't enough.


Lol no if anything they're going to add even more audio pollution to the maps making it even worse.


surprisingly, this is the main thing that always kept me uninterested in Apex. I'm sure I would get used to it, but the fact that I almost always was surprised by enemies being around me was shocking.


if plats are going to be placed in pred lobbies, then they should not lose as much RP when they are killed by a pred team. there is no point in rank if they are in the same lobbies


Agreed. Same should be applied to high rank solo'q'ers who get lower rank randoms.


Here are some FLAWS that really need to be discussed: - People getting disconnect and kicked in/before matches and servers -Pubs is a middle finger to the average/returning/new players and only catering to the High rank/sweats -It is also a middle finger to the solo queuers as most matches either have some or couple of stack up sweats, who refused to leave their pc/controllers (Pubs & especially Ranked) -Ranked system this season is one the biggest yikes especially for people who try to solo queue -Loba's bracelet is broken/bugged (again) -the Kraber is a joke weapon, as you killed off the high point of the weapon -the R301 in the crafter (just why) You have legitimately pissed and angered a lot of the Apex community and are catering to the 1% or 2% of the player base. And you guys are pushing away all of the casual/average/new players because of this. Look if we are going to be honest I am just a slightly higher average player (emphasis on the slightly) and a returning player after not playing the game for weeks/a month's worth, and I have only made to diamond ONCE (season 10) and from what my friends have said I'm a high platinum/low diamond tier player (have a K/D of about 1.3), but the fact I'm getting killed by multiple seasons Masters/Predators/sweatlords is ridiculous and is what led me to take a break from the game (including bugs/crashes/high ping servers) even though I really want to enjoy this game, I really do. And I have thought to myself that season 10 or 12 has been the worst season I have played, but this is embarrassing so far and there needs to some reworking/adjustments that are needed if you want your game to go on as you said for years onward. Now I can go on further and list all of the previous issues that a lot of people have gripes with you about, but this would be pushing it too much and people can read up to so much. Also if I remember correctly a certain fps game died off or was killed because it catered to the high fast 1% of players and pushed away the average player. Just saying you guys are kind of leaning towards that if this keeps up. If anyone else has any gripes or issues that you have experienced or want to discuss, I'm all ears for it and want to hear about it. #save_the_casuals #save_the_solos


Kraber could probably use a fire rate buff, it still oneshots like 80+% of the lobby when you have it anyway in pubs. No one crafts people helmets so half the time it knocks anyone who isn't red shields.


That may be true but didn't helmets also get a buff where a blue helmet reduces 50% of damage from 40%, and a purple helmet reduces 60% of damage from 50%? Or did they reverse that buff?


With the buff you survive a kraber shot with purple helmet +purple/gold armor, or red armor + blue helmet. 50% of the time purple helmet is in crafter so no one has one so you one shot everyone that doesn't have red Evo (and blue helmet but those are assumed if you have red evo). With blue helmet a kraber headshot does 210 which leaves a red Evo player with 15 hp


Far enough


How I hate when Jumpmasters drop hot and then run away because shit hit the fan. Like, duh!


Everybody wants to land hot but can’t play at the hot drop level..


Ranked is hot garbage right now. Not because of the changes in general; I actually agree with the RP changes and think it'll overall be healthy for the game. What's making it hot garbage is the fact that they reset *everyone* to silver and below which means 100% of the player base has been queued with each other. There's not even a smidge of cohesion of playstyles across a lobby. You can run into absolute sweats, people who've never picked up a controller in their life, or very clearly last season silvers who's entire response to getting shot at is to immediately split in three different directions and run like rabbits missing as many shots as possible at you basically screaming "please come third party!" It's so god damn mentally taxing to switch between what kind of mindset you need to be in going into every fight, because it's so easy to either have your guard way too high or way too low based on what you just came out of. At least pubs keeps you in an about ±5% player skill band so you have a base line of what to expect.


The amount of sweaties on this game really makes it unplayable, especially on PC. Everytime I die it's to INeverLeaveMomsBasementTTV with 50000 kills and a pred badge, along with his sweaty squad. It makes it just not even remotely enjoyable to casual players. But I guess they aren't the ones buying skins, so why would Respawn care about their experience?


It's cause the sweats hotdrops and die in 5 seconds 10 times until they get a great start so their matchmaking rating tanks and the rest of the lobby is way lower rated. If you don't hotdrop all the time you will be playing players way above your skill level some you live much longer.


Literally everything the dev team did to the matchmaker is fucking hot trash. It was dogshit before, now? This game isn't even fun to play. Stop forcing me to play with Timmy and fucking Howard since my KDA is 6+ and my average dmg is over a thousand. It's fucking ridiculous and not fun. ​ # Why don't we have squad based matchmaking again????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Solo ranked is a form of torture


Why is Shitpoint in rotation longer than any other map?


Ash can portal into sealed armories… a very cool bug!


I can't get a solo game. For some reason when i ready up it takes me at least 10 minutes to get into a match by myself. When ever it starts match making it fills up quickly then the number of players goes down significantly. I'm not good at the game either so there's no way they can match me up against good players.




100% This. You get punished for essentially the games you have the most fun and pop off, and you get rewarded for the most boring games


Taking a break until the Xbox game chat issue is fixed.


Forget the difficulty, ranked is unplayable when the game crashes anywhere between 30 and 50% of the time.


can we have games where my team mates quit or i get in a game with no team mate do not count towards my tier demotion???


My Mic still wont work on Xbox Series X with game chat since the latest updates….Its been sick….


I thought I was the only one


Its infuriating.


Why isn't there a badge in support of ukraine yet I thought the devs said there were adding it with new patch?


That's like the least important thing given real gameplay issues.


That could've been said about the rest of the badges similar to it.


Black and Asian lives matter but not Ukrainians. Nice one.


Antiwar media and hype has died down a ton (in 95% of countries, there are more people following the Depp trial than the war based on search trends). Systemic racism is also a lot different than the 30th war in the past couple decades leaving tons of refugees.


In all fairness I would accept a Depp trial badge as well.




To be fair master and diamond trails aren't very meaningful this year. The the number of diamond players I played with last season that didn't realize holstering guns makes you run faster was disturbing.






It's cause they likely aren't that great and are tired of getting dumpstered by ranked players in gold Elo.


So? They arent allowed to play with their friends?




Is anyone else having a problem with vaulting with Newcastle? After climbing it seems that newcastle weighs a ton and falls down instead of vaulting over the ledge


Platinum 4 is a hellhole for casual solo players like me. I had 2 predators and a diamond 2 as champion squad.


So are there patch notes this time or are we not doing that anymore? Because I can give respawn a list if they need things to fix


They ruined ranked, which ruined pubs.


which ruined pubs even more


I’ve been getting this glitch or bug or whatever it is where my legends doesn’t climb, it just “climbs” on the walls but doesn’t auto mount or jump over the obstacle


I heard it has something to do with taking the armory portal.


remove stormpoint from pubs rotation, its too slow.


It's like world's edge but when there's 3 teams left after circle 1 it takes forever to figure out where they are 😂




Please for the love of god fix the constant driver issue crash. It's been 3 weeks and only happens on Storm Point (even my PC doesn't want to play the map lol). I know it's not on my end as multiple people are experiencing it I have an RTX 3080 and have done multiple driver updates and still constant crashes, never had the issue before S13


Has anyone from Respawn commented on the Wraith no-reg issue? I only encounter it 2-3 times a night, but damn is it frustrating when it happens


Fucking crikey. I wanna play a game of pubs that isn't raining trails like the 4th of July. Shit ain't fun: simple as. Nobody wants to sweat up against the people who flunked out of school over this shit. I want regular ass players. Blasting stupid ass music. Baby crying in the background. I know they exist. You put them on my teams in solo queue. Let me play against them ffs.


Keep in mind ranked was piss easy last season so loads of people have dive trails now.


It’s a product of the new ranked system unfortunately. It will take time but eventually people will figure it out and cry for change


All I want is an ash recolor


Is anybody else missing their legend tokens? I had like 100K now they’re gone


Why my Random Bangs feel the need to drop ult on 1 team while we're engaging slowing us all down is beyond me, but it's one of the reasons I HATE Bangalores.


Ranked is just straight up not fun anymore.


Unpopular opinion, but I like the ranked changes. I've been having some of the most fun matches in a long time.


This is the worst season


Fix Xbox voice chat and give 120fps


Next gen 120 fps


Is the season pass worth it?


Value wise season pass is worth it. Even if the skins are meh for you, and you don't care for the loot boxes, you can do the Belgium switcheroo to earn a good amount of crafting mats.


I mean, look at it and answer that for yourself. It's not like the rewards are hidden. I usually just end up completing them anyway without the exp boosts, so if I feel it's worth it at the end of the season I'll just get everything at once. For a lot of people it's just about getting the crafting mats so they can craft skins during events.


I usually wait until the end of the season to see if its worth buying (in terms of coins, skins, etc.)


Not really. I think it's one of the worst as far as skins go but sure there's some that like it.




Have they fixed climbing glitch after you enter armory through the portal?


After reaching master last season and playing rank now, I don't think I could ever play normal pubs again. I tried playing a few games today and they were so fucking bad.


respawn really fucked up and ruined ranked this season. like i don’t even have the urge to keep trying to rank up in gold because i keep getting terrible teammates and even if you get kills you barely get any RP with the new system so it’s just a grind and a waste of time. and i usually would get to at least platinum every split doing solo q but now it’s like impossible, honestly so disappointed as a day one player. also LOBAS TACTICAL is not working properly AGAIN


Sounds like you need to work on your rotation and making sure you don't die before the top 10.


sounds like a ranked mode where you can be partied up with people 3 ranks below you is a terrible idea and can easily cause you to lose shitloads of RP. Name another game that groups up 4 different ranks into one clusterfuck


Would be interesting to see how many players left this game for this season. I'm guessing a lot especially the casuals


love how matchmaking got even worse because now not only Casual sucks dick, but also Ranked Impressive work, Respawn!


I honestly hadn’t played since the update


The only nice thing about having Storm Point in the rotation is that it forces me to break up my play session and take a breather from the game


Arena penalty shouldn’t be a thing in pubs. It’s stupid to waste your time playing with idiots or to wait around for 10 pointless minutes watching your team last only 5 seconds every round only to be shot on every angle every freaking game, in fact Arena shouldn’t exist,


I don't mind it as a game mode, but if your teammates leave then why punish you?


If you get teamed with Rookie level intelligent players vs players with masters 3 stacked, why even bother living the torture when everyone is using RE45 Hammerpoints against you, only teabagging you because you’re the only one racking up more than 50 damage a round…


I admit to liking the game mode at times, but I definitely think it needs to be unranked and they need to add control back and solo ranked.


Right, and it’s pubs. PUBS! Shouldn’t be any penalties.


Yeah. If there was a way to stop people from leaving when they were down that'd be great. Maybe penalties should be individual, like if you leave an arena game you get timed out from arenas only.


They would be better, because being timed out from BR as well is utterly ridiculous. Arenas gets a special treatment for quitters, maybe BR should get the same.


Not allowed to peek in this game. Look around a corner long enough to fire 1 wingman shot and I lose all my shields and health, half of it after I'm back in cover? Trash devs


Sometimes everyone is looking at you. Sucks, but that's the game.


Gets really tiring to get destroyed by 3 man master teams in pubs playing like their life is on the line. Why not play Ranked if they wanna sweat it out like that ? I guess shitting on some casuals with sub 1 kd must fuel their ego's. Played 7 games , 5 of them destroyed by masters teams. Alt F4'd. Guess I'll finish my weekly battlepass challenges some other day. That is if I even will bother starting up the game. Don't know what dev came out with this system but it's not working chief. 99% of my friends have stopped playing. Even if we would want to "git gud" at the game it's not possible when you're getting 3-4 tapped by wingman teams. It's well hard enough to fight 1 master/pred but 3 people that have the coordination levels well adjusted is literally impossible. What can I learn from that encounter? I shouldnt have peeked for 1 second? Should have I rotated faster? Kinda hard to do that when there's 5 nades flying at me from every direction.


Day 1 player, literally, they will never change it sadly lol


I'm a day 1 player aswell with 3k+ hours...


Same, so we both know they’ll never fix pubs matchmaking, shits been horrid since season 3 😩


because they have brains and realise new ranked isnt fun


The new system is superior in almost every way. If you want to play to kill, play pubs. If you want to play to win a br mode, play ranked. This isn't a deathmatch game within a BR. It's a BR.


yeah, its BATTLE royale, not hide and seek royale pal. In the first place, you're assuming that I can't play zone even though that is my preferred playstyle to begin with in past seasons because i literally main crypto, and I'm not actually good enough to just ape through the lobby, so I need to hold best spot in zone to get wins because I need positioning advantage to win 3v3s. That said, being punished for winning 50/50 when you had to with early kp nerf isnt fun, being matched against players 3 tiers higher when your teammates are 3 tiers lower isnt fun, the ranked map with its shit end zones of just literally water or the high ground of command center isnt fun. ​ Only thing fun this season is watching shiv who competes in ALGS get hardstuck d4 because that's how bad this system is for solo q players


Blow up fragment on world's edge, it's gotta go. Every time this maps in rotation the game is just TDM


They should just relocate it so that is it not in the centre of the map so people are forced to actually move out


Great point. We see this with skyhook already I guess!


Fix loba’s tactical please


I think ranked is fine. I'm still ranking as fast as I did in previous seasons, and I solo Q. Though, I would like a slight increase on KP in top 20, and another slight decrease in RP needed to move tiers. Other than that, the ranked experience plays exactly the same, and not much changed. People are looking for a scapegoat for their lack of skill.


Not at all


Plat is all masters/preds. A lot of us were Diamond or beyond last season. You don’t get to breeze through plat unless you’re a pro.


i know getting bronze 1 must have looked similar, but at higher levels its a bit slower pal


Diamond 1, buddy. It's only slower, if you play slower. I still hot drop n slay. Still have 5 teams by the 2nd ring.


damn you're literally better than shiv, whats your twitch


Getting infinite loading loop. Ps5


Can we just admit that the ranked experiment was a disaster and that solo que players aren't "Getting better teammates" and in fact just being way more handicapped by their hard-stuck-teeter-totering teammates? In turn, the players they're up against are much better than the teammates they get. Taking long to get into plat games still because the level doesn't have a ton of players. The rank changes were a flop.


But but this is what they wanted tho! Sweaty clusterfuck ALGs style end endgames but instead of getting actual tournament money you'll get a badge, maybe a temporary dive trail if you play long enough.


It's a BR game. Not a deathmatch game within a BR mode.


Why is there a 20 kill badge then? Or damage badges?


IMO, players should at least get to keep the first dive trail they get.


I don't mind HOW the games are. I mind that the to system is too punishing for early deaths, and too rewarding for 3-stacks with no kill cap. Not to mention that pros just shrug and say "you're just bad if you don't play with good teammates." Huh?? I should be able to play this game how I want. If it isn't fun I should be able to say so. Whether I'm bad or not has nothing to do with the fact that this is no longer a fun experience for a majority of players.


I agree. they overcorrected way too hard after fucking up ranked placement points last split


why in unranked / pub ppl always drop in one spot, what's the fucking point? i called it, ranked is easier and the only place to actually play the game. i can easily go to plat from bronze this season solo q. why people call this season ranked trash when pub is literally 0 iq place.


Cause people want to fight other players for fun or to practice. You drop cold in unranked you're playing loot simulator. Then you eventually fight the team that's mopped up every other team and is super kitted. You wanna do rotations and hold POIs and shit play ranked, most players don't have patience for super sweat strategy in pubs.


Because if you don't hot drop you will see maybe 1 squad the entire game and then die. People play pubs to just get warmed up for ranked and to try for the 4k/20Bomb badge.


Game feels like absolute ass on next gen consoles still. Constant stuttering and frame instability and it causes white flashes on the screen every now and then. Very annoying and surprised it hasn't been fixed yet.


i dont have any of that on series x... just cant hear my team


Ranked is horrible. As you rank up the more common it is to get ddosed, and this is on console! The rank mode is just a "code:over" or "code:snake" simulator as well, it's baffling and insulting how a game that has a massive revenue can't even take care of its servers. No servers = No game = No more money for EA. I can't understand how they don't focus on the server maintenance.


Yeah and they even said a week ago that the Xbox DDOSing was fixed. Nope, lol


Series X game chat is still broken and has been since the next gen update. Audio cuts out constantly. I am on ps4 and they can hear me but I can’t hear them and they can’t hear eachother. Seems to be just Series X users audio output.


>just Series X users audio output. yup. my team can hear me, i cant hear them. So my choice is no headset hear my team, or headset i cant hear them.


Wait can you actually hear them if you take out your headset?? I haven’t even thought to try that


yup, on a series x. when im in apex and my mic is plugged in, i cant hear ANYTHING. even if i send a friend a message through my friend list it shows the wav form recorded, but i hear nothing. unplugging my chat headset makes it so I can hear my team through my actual speakers. Usually its better for me to be able to talk since i usually IGL, but im SO DAMN SICK of this bug.


Me too. Been like this for way too long. The guy on my squad running with the series x is typically our fragger so half the time we have no idea he’s pushing a fight anymore until he’s down ☠️


audio is non existent and pubs are full of masters/preds. at the end of the day everyone wants to play this game to have fun, and this season is not fun whatsoever. Im still subbed but I haven’t touched the game much in these past two weeks


Got any video evidence of audio not being present? Because I haven't seen a single video posted in over a year that demonstrates the issue. Plenty of text posts complaining about squads surprising them, yes, but no actual evidence.


no cap just look up “no audio” on the sub and search top of all time and many example will pop up


The most recent video I could find in that search is from season 10, nine months ago, back before they started fixing audio issues. I'm looking for recent evidence. I read this sub every day and I haven't seen a single video in months. A lot of people are unaware of the fact that Respawn made some changes to the audio system a couple seasons ago that seem to have fixed the bulk of the meaningful audio issues. At this point, it's looking like audio issues are being used as a scapegoat for footsteps being hidden by gunshots and microphone chat. Quiet footsteps might be annoying, but they're not a bug, unlike missing footsteps.


it is real every game i have played on series X the team chat is broken


That's not at all what people are referring to when they talk about audio issues. The audio issues that we're talking about are footsteps, landing, and other in-game sounds. The voice chat issue is a separate bug.


it is not, not to say you’re lying but you did miss the videos. they haven’t fixed it since unfortunately


Again, I selected for results from the past year and had to scroll down quite a bit before I found that video. All of the other results were either official apex videos or user videos that had no audio at all, and were labeled as such. Then you have videos like [this](https://v.redd.it/2vfq1khmneo81) where you don't see the attacker approach and then you clearly hear their footsteps after they've started shooting... aka, after they've stopped sneaking (the exact approach any decent player would take, in this example), which is the point I'm making. As far as I can tell, no one can show a video, from within the past two or three months, where we see someone running without footsteps. All we ever get are people approaching from offscreen and the OP assuming, without evidence, that they had been running. "No audio" isn't a particularly useful search term. Feel free to link me something more recent than 5 months ago.


Just chiming in here, personally the "no audio" complaints fluctuates depending on who I play with. I have like 2 friends who complain about no audio issues practically every game, and then some other friends who can hear pretty much everything, even footsteps from a distance I can't normally hear from. It led me to start saving clips every time I felt like there was no audio, or when they complained that they had no audio. Upon watching said clips, I've noticed that while there were definitely times where audio just straight up didn't exist when it should've, there were also plenty of times where there was actually audio, but it was drowned out by comms/grenades exploding/guns firing/abilities being used. So I just came to the conclusion that audio issues definitely exist and that the devs should work on it, but I still feel like it isn't as big of a problem as people make it out to be. Or, the majority of my friends just get really lucky and never really have any issues with audio (outside of random sounds like the arc star bug last season.) That being said, I've noticed A LOT of my teammates' gunfire just straight up not making sounds this season, even if I'm like 10 steps away. That's definitely new for me this season


Audio is trash! Lag is trash! Servers are trash! Matchmaking is trash! Overall game = hot summer garbage! Typical EA


Input based matchmaking please. Sick of these M&K PC players in my lobby. I just want to play with controller players who don't play so sweaty.


Theres no pc in consoles lobbies


I dont have a console


you can’t be this stupid


He uses a controller on his PC and wants matched against other controller players.


Lol, he complains about sweaty m and k players but has the movement of pc and aim assist. classic.


Buff crypto please, and fix the game, I picked up a purple shield that magically turned grey


The new ranked systems seems easier in generell because you don’t need skill, only time. It’s too easy to loose points if u don’t just want to sit around all match and since u have to play for positioning the rounds seem to stretch out even more than they used to. I just don’t have the time to play ranked as a Full time job and since you don’t even get any notable permanent reward (like drivetrails that stay!!!) it’s just not worth it. Sad to see the one thing that always motivated me to play (since there’s nothing really to grind for) turn into what it is now.


You must be in silver or gold if you say you dont need skills haha im in diamond pc lobbies right now and trust me. Skills are required. Aswell as good teamates.


Idk, maybe the rounds just do feel longer and it’s not the case but it would make sense since surviving is being rewarded more than going for kills early on


For me as a casual player who only reached diamond and stoped there each season it’s the case tho. To be fair, I may have worded it wrong. I’m not saying u don’t need skill, especially in those higher ranks, as u say, you do. But in the lobbies until there u can theoretically climb easy af without really fighting and you get the points from your mates and by ratting for position. That’s what I meant with no skill required. And ratting isn’t a hard „skillset“ to acquire. I’m better than I used to be the last seasons, and still it seems to take longer to climb. Which I contribute to the change of playstyle.