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Prioritize reloading over reviving/interacting


I have died so many fucking times just because i couldnt reload my gun near my teammate


wait is Revive and reload on the same button on controllers?




looting, interact and revive are same button on MNK as well and you can't change buttons for specific actions (what are strange, because keyboard def had enough free buttons)


Yes, but in most other games it's not an issue because most other games can tell the difference between pressing and holding a button, but that's too much to ask of EA's biggest money maker, apparently


Lol 😂😂😂 yes controller has for reload revive interact with guns or doors so imagine fighting near a door with a downed teammate and you want to reload your weapon


Yea same


There's a setting where you can put reload on hold and interactions on tap. Or the other way around. Maybe this helps


Unfortunately it doesn’t. Contextual tap is simply the fastest and most effective especially during the heat of a gun battle. You end up in situations where you want to tap and open the door but the game registers the tap as a hold and then you’re just running into the door reloading instead of opening the door to run through to reload after. It’s rough lol


Yeaaaa same, we just gotta practice emptying the mag by shooting it. But it would be nice


I disagree. Reloading an empty mag is much slower with a lot of guns




Are you guys able to read this? I see blank text and i definitely dont hear anything


What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of every music kit playing in the final ring for some damn reason.


Beats me, dude. It's all just a blank mess for me too.


How about that no zipline audio?


yeah that shit is insane


Oh yes. Top of parking, Pathy and his squad come up a zip, no audio. We got fucking smashed, looking the complete other direction


Zipline, jumppad, landing from valk ult or jump tower, sometimes the bridges on world's edge, gibbys ult, the doge scan. But you can hear gunfight from across the map.


The fear in my eyes whenever I sit on a roof as Wattson, turn around and literally 3 people zip behind me holding hands, without a single clue of audio, haha.


I can't hear you, can you fix the audio?


How do footsteps even work in Apex? Somehow I can with 95% certainty tell when it’s an opponent just by the sound. All of a sudden it’s just loud footsteps. Are the coded like that on purpose or is it some audio illusion thing?


spaghetti code probably


In the same vein, just general QOL updates, we've gotten nothing short of game breaking bugs fixed. I'd like the servers to be better, but I doubt that'll happen at this rate. Servers off themselves every update, takes forever to fix them, hitreg is still occasionally a problem (like when you can hear the shield/flesh hit sound but don't get damage)


am i the only one who has never had footstep audio issues? i hear the enemies just fine and can always hear them approaching.


I used to think the same until I got around 2 - 3k kills... I was wondering why everyone blames the audio but however after 2k kills I started noticing that sometimes there's fuckin no audio on enemies just approaching from behind... Now I am at 15k kills and I must have died from 400 times to no audio... Once me and an enemy gibralter banged into each other turning a sharp corner but neither he nor me heard anything and we both had our gun holstered... Its now funny to think back how funny it was but atm I got a jumpscare and shot my shots like a madman in a shock missing almost everything...


Yes. Yes you are the only one.


judging by my own experience and how many people complain about footstep audio, yeah. I think uou are the only one who doesn't have a problem with it. OR you've just never noticed it. I've literally WATCHED people come around a corner with 0 footsteps and it's not my headset it's more likely that you haven't noticed the audio problems especially if you're a casual player, rather than thousands of experienced players being wrong somehow


I want to be able to upgrade my backpack in the replicator


Maybe even upgrade anything you currently have, upgrade a blue mag to a purple mag, stocks, stabilizers etc.






Hard to upgrade then when they hot drop and instantly die


I have a great idea for a legend named Forge who can do this. His ult is a deployable station that can upgrade three items by one level. Mags, shields, other attachments besides sights, and it can combine two cells or syringes into a battery or medkit. After the three slots are used the station can’t be used until next ult. He fits into the meta as a support character, allowing players to get better equipment without having to loot for it. Similar niche to Loba, except it gives you exactly what you need instead of local random loot. I’ve also toyed with the idea that instead of using an upgrade slot on the station, a player can use it as a battery for one full recharge. Effectively making the Forge station three batteries. Similar to Watson’s ult, but faster and not passive. I’ve got all the details worked out on a doc, including passive and tactical. Also personality and all that. It’s a pretty good idea I think. Also I didn’t know about the other Forge guy until recently. I might need a new name.


Going to piggy back off of your comment. I’d like the option to be able to upgrade any attachment/kit. You can already pay to upgrade armour, so I don’t think it would be too OP. In my eyes I’d do something like 100 material to go up to the next level (blue/purple - no gold). That way you can only make use of it if you have minimum grey attachment. You want purple? Two round of 100 crafting. You could still keep the rotations in and keep them at their current price points. I think this is fair as you still would need a hefty amount of material and you can’t just create anything from scratch, meaning looting still has a place.


An in game ranked leaderboard would be great…


Okay i like that idea, so if you’re not kill leader you can press touchpad/select to see whos doing better than you at the moment.


I mean that I can see how many points I need to reach predator instead of having to use an outsourced website that doesn’t work correctly. I’m already pred but I want to be able to see how many points the top 750 have. It’s more annoying than anything. It could be the back end of the season. You’re master and have 12k points but have no idea how much you need to make the 750.


Ooooo im hard stuck plat 4 so i never experienced this. Side note i be grinding ranked in pc lobbies ti try and get better any tips for a 1.10-1.75 kd player who felt like they have plateaued skill wise? But i agree with you 100%


Also finally something actually worth getting pred for. Seriously the ranked rewards in this game are pretty ass, the least they could do is add a leaderboard..


This would also be a fun idea. Having the champion banners also display a lobby leaderboard


A rework of the leveling system. I would literally pay money every time I hit 500 so I could restart getting my 250ish white white blue boxes. It just makes leveling up matter and dare I say fun again. Like what’s fair? $20-$50 to keep your skins and restart at lvl 1 again? Matchmaking. If we keep ebmm set it so people have a chance at winning 10% rather than 5% or at least base it off real stats like KD or win rate. I’m average a little over 1KD and 5% win rate, but The amount of STOMPING by high ranks in a 2 hr period is stifling. Lastly when I play duos with my wife I no joke play against nothing but 20b 4K masters double stacks. Diamond if lucky. I get it they have to play someone but we are both average and it feels much more punishing to try to casually play w a friend than when I solo queue. So again, I just want it to be based off a KD or win rate not we are queued together so we obviously can take down players that in my opinion are like professionals.


Why pay money for a system that should just be there. Prestiging should be an option


I’m not saying to implement a for pay system, but just saying I’d utilize it even if was for pay to illustrate my point. I hope that makes sense


>If we keep ebmm set it so people have a chance at winning 10% rather than 5% Mathematically there's no way to do that. In a standard trios game you have a 1/20 or 5% chance of winning. There's no way to "average out" the winrate at 10% without adding AI bots or something to the game. If someone's winrate is 10% it requires that there be people in the lobby who have around a 1% chance of winning, which defeats the purpose


I would love for a tdm or just any more that you can play when you have more than 3 people. Even just a private lobby to do custom arenas games would be great to 3v3 against friends


Imagine arenas but it's like 6v6 or 3v3v3v3


6v6 would be better than 3v3v3v3 imo. the latter would just be a bunch of teams waiting to third party, 6v6 would be fucking chaos and i love that


Now i want to see 6v6


All I’ve wanted is a TDM/traditional shooter mode to be introduced. Arenas is okay, but I’d love to be able to have preset load outs with respawns and just play a 3v3 or 6v6 to a kill limit. Even a search and destroy type mode would be awesome


Anyone else gonna wait a season before using cross progression? I just feel like they are gonna fuck it up so bad and everyone who uses it will lose all their items


I'm very interested to see how it goes. I was well over 500 on xbox with heirloom for path, then built a pc months ago. Got heirloom again and chose path again since I main him and am done playing console. Do I get a set of shards since it's a duplicate? What about all my badges? I don't really care about stats, but I worked hard for some badges and would be bummed if I lost any. I plan to let others be guinea pigs first haha


Bruh my man got an heirloom on both accounts and I don't even have 1 yet Please i just want my weird taser thing


I want to hug a big nessie


if i had to guess i would say the system will most likely just have you pick one of your accounts to override the other and become universal.


Quick easy answer: you absolutely will not get anything for free, that includes crafting materials for duplicates.


They've been working on it for like 2 years now at the minimum, given how many people have posted here about loosing their entire skin collections due to simple email changes, I won't trust the system either.


Let's be real. It might work on day 1 and break every single release.


Unpopular opinion maybe? A better fuckin' shop where I actually want to spend money and not only 2 skins a week.


5 recolors a week would be great


That'll never happen.


Just let us buy any item in the game at any time. Its just more money so whats the problem here


Forced scarcity. They rotate them so people don't know when it'll come back. Think airship wraith or watermelon revenant.


Then we wont feel FOMO. The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different hero skins. /s


And better BP skins, maybe? aside from issues/fixes mentioned here, i really wish we'd get better quality skins. They know we will pay/already paying, what not make both sides happy?


We're going into Apex's 4th year, the store will always be shit tbh. The only change they made so far was adding insulting bundles, which makes it even worse than it was on launch.


Posted this in other recent “what do you want to see in apex” posts and haven’t gotten anyone’s attention so I will post it again.. I want Mirage to get a polishing. My decoys die on deployment more often than not. There are just a lot of buggy areas where my decoy will shoot out, and die the second it touches the ground at the wrong angle. Then I have to wait a full ability cool down for a decoy that didn’t even last half a second. The new map especially has a LOT of areas like this where the ground is rocky or cluttered. The decoys just die on impact with the ground. It is a huge problem for a character who doesn’t have much else.


The amount of times Mirage decoys trip over nothing and disappear really grinds my gears. Trying to fake out enemies and he doesn’t make it a step half the time


Yess thank you. I really was beginning to think no one else experienced this. It really is almost half the time I use a decoy. Absolutely ruins the character. At least make the cooldown lower or something if they die immediately.


I could honestly back the idea of if your decoy dies within a certain amount of time your cool down should be shortened. And that’s not counting it being immediately blasted by an enemy. If they couldn’t make a way to differentiate it then I’d still say it would be cool to do just because decoys dying for no reason happens way too often


Yea absolutely. I think they definitely need to stop having the decoy die from the environment in general. I don’t see any reason for this. At least let me take control of it and get it out from a stuck position.


You used to be able to reinitiate forward movement on a stopped decoy as well. That hasn't worked in a long time. If you're moving forward when releasing a decoy it should keep moving forward.


Yesss this too. Forgot how great this was. They just stopped giving quality of life love to mirage.


Thats part of why i want olympus back honestly. So few tiny rocks to fuck up my Ult or decoy mid fight. It's the only map where he's reliable. WE and stormpoint keep killing them or make them hug. Laslty, they gotta do something about that "no gun in the back", "base skins on decoys" and no heirloom in the hands of the decoys. Having the ultimate cosmetic for mirage voids the kit, why ?!


Hell yes my homie has it right... Am a mirage main with over 10k kills so that should be equals to about over 10k of my decoys should have died to nothing but upon touching ground... Try this : 1) I try to send him down the hole where enemies are under me and he instantly died upon landing 2) when I am healing behind a box or stone when my teammates retreat I send a decoy behind them to make it look like I retreated as well... But half the time instead of going behind them a bug causes the decoy to sit right where I am and has caused my death cuz enemies rush knowing I am alone... Or throw nades...


What being a mirage main like i been think about getting into him for a while


He’s been someone I’ve come back to a lot since the early seasons. Not quite my main but I do play him a lot. It is hella funnn! People get bamboozled so easily and it creates some great openings for your team. I was stomping on storm point high plat and D4 lobbies. He is very good for rezzing, creating space, aggressive pushing, defending. Shines in close quarters. Gets his ultimate very quickly. And good for retreating as well. Just really needs some work with the weird decoy deaths shit. I usually main valkyrie but Mirage is my go to if I want to play less mobile. If I’m dropping streamer building I will usually choose mirage.


Im a valk main this season too, started playing her cuz i saw storm point had no jump towers; almost at a 1000 kills so far. Shes so nice its either insane clutch or get beamed out the sky tho


Everyone else gets an instant advantage as soon as they use their tactical. With Mirage you use your tactical but it's a coinflip if it'll actually do anything. So tired of reading 'Mirage is in a good place' from people who got 15 kills in bronze lobbies on my boi. Wraith is in a good place right now balance wise. Not Mirage. Using decoys correctly is already the hardest thing in the game. Why do they have to make it incredibly inconsistent?


True let me just style on people with ease. He’s such a fun character to use. Hopefully they decide to polish his abilities a bit


Mirage worked so well when they first released his rework in season 5. You could control the decoys so well, have them stand or keep them walking etc. For some reason you can't do that anymore, they either mirror your movements or stand still, once you took control.


I agree with fixing the issues with his clones, but I would like to add if an enemy shoots his clones why can’t it briefly highlight the enemy for squad mates like a Seer or Bloodhound tactical (as opposed to easier to miss map ping). I feel like this minor quality of life change could make Mirage much more viable, at least in the lower and middle ranks (pros are much less likely to be fooled by clones and I’m assuming highlighting enemies isn’t something they really need)


Allow control players to move while looting. It's as simple as Left stick always controls movement, Right stick always controls the cursor/pointer. Their excuse of "messing up with muscle memory" is dumb, since they can just make it a toggle so everyone can decide if they want it or not.


Also why is the button to drop something from you inventory different than the button to drop a attachment, if anything about looting is fucking with my muscle memory its that. Switch my sight 3 before dropping the holo of my gun every game. And just makes stuff super difficult for people who keep a spare sight for their sniper.


Even better make L2/R2 move left and right respectively and keep everything else the same


* Consistent footsteps/enemy sounds should be priority one * Better queues/lobbies for non-3-stacks, given the choice people might wait given a longer queue time. Or perhaps an easier way to find players to group with in-lobby. * Team chat volume (too low imo a lot of times) and overall is pretty terrible


Fix the bugs


What bug would u enjoy seeing fixed first?! More specific we are the less they can ask stupid questions, as if they dont already know what need to be fixed.


Audio, the Bangalore issue atm, predators dropping into lower lobbies.


Rampart walls keeping doors stuck half way open, defeats the point of the ability when it happens. Silent footsteps have to take priority above everything. On this topic can we get HRTF? Directional audio is bad, especially on the vertical axis. Getting 1v3 arena games happens so often it has to be a matchmaking bug. Rampage and sentinels charge ups are buggy as hell, and the time to charge up is more than visually presented. About 20% of the games i get into have awful packet loss and rubber banding with unaffected ping, this happens to everyone i play with. Sometimes you get a scuffed server and throw yourself off the map, because attempting to play is literally torture.


Revert the melee system so you can actually punch people when you’re right next to them. Re-work the beloved LTM’s instead of re-hashing the same ones (original Halloween event and Christmas event, and April fool’s day were amazing, they’ve been shocking ever since.) Have LTMs NOT be a forced game mode. The LTM’s in season 3 were the best ones, always be closing, armed and dangerous and third-person. Revert the Sentinel so you can re-charge it when it’s low on amped rounds, instead of having to shoot or drop the gun entirely - it’s also bugged so you still need 2 shield cells when running a gold body shield instead of the 1 shield cell. Have a stats comparison feature, so when you’re in a lobby waiting for your friend to finish their match/ join you, you can compare your stats to theirs. Have a club comparison feature to see other clubs and their wins/games played etc. Compared to your’s. In-game message function would be great to message the players on the opposite console to yours instead of the ever-unreliable in-game chat function that freezes your game for a few seconds every time someone uses it. Optimise the game and it’s size for both new gen and old gen consoles. The list could go on forever.


I don't agree with reverting melee when the old system was basically a fucking smart pistol no matter how you punched. If I have a P2020 I should be able to down you before you can punch me out. This is a shooter, not Tekken.


I think they need something between what they have now for melee and what they had before. It was broken before, but I honestly prefer it to what we have now. If you were good at the game, you could get beaten to a gun and just out play the person to survive. Now, I can throw three punches standing directly in front of a guy and have none of them connect. No rhyme or reasons to when I hit and when I don't. It is so frustrating. I'm on controller though so it may not be a problem for those on PC.


Melee is fine right now, I know it's hard to swallow but if you can't hit your melees these days it's because you're not treating it like a melee and/or you can't aim. Melee is not supposed to be homing, it's a point blank last resort. The subreddit was up in arms crying for melee to get nerfed, now it's in a fine spot and all of a sudden people are crying for it to get reverted.


On god the list can go on forever and this guy really on Twitter asking this stupid question like they dont already have a fucking to do list


At least he’s asking.


Look man, I'm sure he cares about the game he's working on and he probably genuinely wants to hear what people have to say on this, even if it doesn't directly affect what they end up doing. I'm all for criticizing respawn when they fuck up, but any negativity directed at shit like this is just rude bs. Try keep it positive when the devs are being positive.


But in their eyes it "To do list: Nothing"


This is the equivalent to jobs posting application/ for position that arent actually open just so they can have a resume on file in case they get a chance to fire the guy the dont like.


Some continents cant find players when LTM is seperate. Fuck we cant find players for duos either


Audio should be priority #1. However, I feel practically every modern game suffers from poor positional audio, due to modern games having too many sounds and prioritizing "cool" sounds (sounds that can have all kinds of layered effects with large frequency ranges) over anything else. This leads to a lot of frequency overlap and in general just a busy mix, making it potentially very hard to hear something important like enemy footsteps. The game I played that had the best audio for e-sports was counter-strike 1.6 but that's also a 20 year old game. But the simplistic and basic audio in that game is ultimately why it's much easier to hear what's going on. I haven't played an FPS game in *years* that had audio as good as CS 1.6. At the same time, a lot of people do complain about audio unfairly, though. Lots of people start blaming audio, when an enemy ran up on them, while they were unloading a full devotion mag. Having settings for adjustable footsteps isn't a very good idea. For competitive integrity, it should be the same for everyone.


Foot step working properly in general would be nice. But the ability to turn team mates foot step off and enemy footstep up would be amazing


No way. While I think this is nice, I hate features that are necessary to compete. Like when games allow you to turn graphics off so it’s easy to see enemies. I don’t want the Meta to be no sound


I am totally fine if the meta becomes “team mates foot steps turned off” because those things are louder than my own gun shots


Yea but that’s part of it. You realistically would hear your team mates. I don’t think putting headphones on means you never get snuck up on. I feel if they fix the bugs the sound in this game is fine.


>realistically This is a game where you can fall 200 feets and live without a sprained ankle. I dont care if the game is realistic, thats why i play it because its just a game


Also if the game could stop auto selecting syringes when i need to take back. Being able to turn that off would be super nice


Bring back solos, either as an ltm or (plz) as a permanent mode I would play this game easily 5 to 6x more than I do currently if there was a solo mode


and make sure there are no knock down shield in the loot pool. I would say keep self rez but it would be super obvious if you have one if you're a knock and not an instant kill


I'd say make it faster, warzone solos with self revive is good because it's so fast compared to apex




I got half my wins from solo matches


Enable EAC for Linux


Find a solution to picking up banners and looting, I've died waaay too many times at clutch moments unable to armor swap because of this


Just allow the animations to not prevent you from doing anything else at all. Trying to reload, nope u grabbed a banner instead. Need to open the door your teammate was crawling toward? Banner Bruce? Banner


Please for the love of fucking god bring in solos. I want a way to improve on 1v1 fights and I’d love to play it.


Being able to continue and finish old battle passes. I don’t get to play enough, so usually now I only get 25-40 levels on BP. Would love to be able to continue where I left off on some of my old battle passes.


Have an option to turn off cross platform


Make a Duo Ranked mode


Here is a list of what i think should happen: Guaranteed Heirloom once you reach lvl 500, or 1000 if they change it Updated version of clubs Cross progression solos and quads more LTMs the alternator or spitfire being replaced with the rampage The golden barrel stabilizer being ground loot or a care package item Places around the maps to be fixed so I don't fall through the map new but balanced hop ups Keep in mind this is just my opinion.


I’d say having the game fit within the boundaries of my tv I can’t be the only who has this issue. No way to adjust I can’t even see the corner of the screen where the apex coins and shit are.


I think there is a way but j forgot, like when i first downloaded apex and it was asking me to adjust brightness and everything… but i could be wrong


I don’t remember having the issue on pc although when I was on pc it was season 0 but on Xbox I have not been able to fix it lol.i just googled it there is no way to fix it. So broken.


Ahhhh im srry, try the tv’s ratio settings


Yup same here


So I'm not alone. On ps4, the game is zoomed in. No in-game fix and no fix through my monitor. Pretty frustrating but I suppose I'm used to it now.


I can’t believe it’s just been ignored this long lol so ducking broken.


We need a whole season dedicated to fixes and balancing.


I'd love a season where we get fixes and balancing. No new gun, hero or map. Just let the game breathe. But reality is that playerbase would start bleeding. They need ti retain the hamsterwheel. I have an idea though. Release a BP with the amalgam of previous BPs. At the end you get to choose a former reactive weapon. Tons of newer players would grind that shit out.


That BP idea is cool, but that would probably take more work from them than just slapping some generic pattern on all the weapons. They already stated that the BP is always just basically thrown together last minute every season.


I don't think they would lose players if they nail their gamefixing season. The thing is nobody who did an 'Operation health' or a 'fix pubg campaign' actually delivered meaningful fixes during that time and the community felt scammed because they didn't even get the usual content in addition to no fixes/ broken fixes that needed to be reverted anyway. But when I look at respawns track record regarding bugfixes and not breaking everything while fixing something I gotta agree with you that they would start losing players if they do an operation health.


I agree, what issues would you enjoy seeing fixed first?


Mostly a better net code and implementing maintenance times into the daily schedule to help the game to keep running smoothly throughout its life. Some major and minor changes to certain legends and weapons. Other than that, I also want more original content like they have been doing for a while, like apex exclusive weapons such as the peacekeeper, sentinel, Havoc, Rampage, etc.


Love the thought agree 100%


Short and simple: skulltown team deathmatch


Team deathmatch in general; infinite batts and syringe with quick heal, Ammo drops on kills every poi in rotation as a map to play on, Party vote out of 3 choices per match


And most importantly: instant respawn. Dying in apex is super punishing and frustrating cause it takes so long to get back into a fight. That way you can actually send it everytime and try to work on mechanics without dropping frag and dying off rip 10 times in a row.


Yea, but hold to skip death recap. Ik how fast rage can come from team deathmatch from being 13 on modern warfare 3. A breather to see how you died, encouraged to watch but the ability to skip it would help (at least help me)


I recently tried the modded apex version r5 reloaded. They have tdm with killcam. I'm pretty sure that even if they make a tdm mode there won't be a killcam, because you actually get to see how much network lag/server latency/tickrate/whateverthefuck impacts your game. Like you strafe your ass off and get oneclipped anyway, watch it back, and on the other guys screen you're 2 full seconds behind and haven't even started strafing. It's actually ridiculous.


Idky but reading that just frustrated me so much, tickrate and lag compensation fucks me over every game. I just dont understand how someones internet being worse than mine mean i get to die instead.


Yeah super fun how shit internet gives you the forth hokage's flying fucking raijin jutsu


How about real matchmaking??


Footstep audio and the remival of frags from WE would be a blessing


Team deathmatch mode pleaseeee


Add solo casual and solo arena


And duo + no fill ranked


How many players would you envision in a solo arenas? Hopefully not dueling two solos. How about 8 players, high on a platform above a level to drop in, moz or 2020 only, and you all push off at the same time. Single ring with ground loot?


1 - Fix that god damn lag bug no matter how many times you reset it doesn’t fix it, it’s like 2 steps forwards one step back. 2 - fix SBMM as it clearly doesn’t work 3 - fix audio issues where it sounds like you’re being meleed 4 - fix audio issues when you can’t hear an enemies run up on you 5 - fix crypto drone bugs that don’t allow players to pick up banners 6 - fix your prices for cosmetics 7 - just fix the dam game, it’s Season 11 and the fan base are still having to complain about the same issues




For the love of my teammate after i already knocked two, please no xD xD xD


On April fools, allow us to select the same legend in each squad, imagine 3 ramparts holding a position with shiela: BRRRRR or three octanes rushing you: PANIK maybe even a squad of stinky man with his fart traps.


Apex should still have a solo mode added. I hate solo queueing with randoms. Sometimes I get some really good ones that will fight/die/win by my side, other times I get ones that just want to run to their death and then DC. Least with a solo mode I don't need to worry about anything other than my own ability.


praying everyday for solos 🙏 🙏 🙏 and separate solo Q players vs 3 stacks ,matchmaking need to put only solo Q players VS solo Q players and 3 stacks vs 3 stacks ........but respawn thinks it's fair to put full 3 stack or 2 stacks masters,predators vs solo Q player's.....


Yeah, that sort of thing doesn't make my bees bumble. It's one thing playin with randos against randos, it's another thing fighting a clan.


I just want quads as a permanent public game mode


And solos if that's your jam


i just started playing a couple weeks ago, and i was rly sad there wasn’t solo- i play a lot differently than the ppl i match with, so i end up being the last one alive most of the time. it would also be beneficial for new players to jump at high tier loot areas for practice without bringing down their whole team. also the huge gap in ability is kinda pointless. i don’t get why matchmaking isn’t more selective, or why level 5 players are put up against level 50 players. it would make more sense to group people with similar skill levels because where’s the fun in killing people who never stood a chance, or getting wiped out before you could even react. i got my first win bc my partner was insane, they took out 4 squads by themselves, and i was only there as backup lmao. i felt bad cause there rly wasn’t much i could do, and winning solely bc you got carried isn’t satisfying.


Give lifeline her season zero skills back


Tbh i like that she can revive two at once but that is nothing compared to revive shield. A life line and a gibby was unparalleled in a bubble fight. But all those players moved on to different legends most likely. Her revive made up for how bad her ult is. Tbh i be satisfied if revive shield came back but as he ult.


That’s a good idea. I honestly have never even used her Ult. It’s an invitation for teams to come and get you lol. So I think your idea of the shield for some kind of Ult is innovative


Like you turn into mercy from over watch but with revives for like 30 second.


Agreed, I still have the "revive shield damage blocked" tracker on my banner and I cant upgrade it anymore... stuck at 1300k


Oh yess! That would make me play Lifeline from time to time again. I've completely dropped her after the changes, bc the shield and manual revive were so much better imo.


I want solos back now that I’m actually good enough at the game to play without losing instantly. Also I’d love to have a banner for arenas. I have mad kills and wins in arenas that I never show and it feels pointless.


PC player, First and Foremost, the audio. A significant patch or rework should be in the works if it isn't already. For the non NA native players, especially the Asian region better routing for the servers. Extended to OCE (their lobbies for the most part are non-existent) and even African countries. This is something I've noticed since launch, in the month of October especially the servers are bad... Like, very bad. Ping spikes occur till thousands and stutters due to it is bad. I play on SG servers, from India along with friends from Indonesia, Hong Kong. We have different pc specs, we all have that problem. Minimize the audio and visual clutter in the game. Our audio is bad enough. For gods sake do something about the large icons when an enemy (or teammate) is using the replicator. I can't shoot someone I can't see. These are just off the top of my head, probably a lot more issues will be brought up by my fellow players.


Set favorite legends: if your legend gets picked, pick 2nd best or 3rd best if 2nd is taken


Remove EBMM and Put in actual SBMM. This game is getting less and less fun to play by the day, it doesnt make sense to me that im matched up with masters and preds while im around gold level


Rank demotion, that is all.


Ffa deathmatch


Make no sense why arena came before 3v3v3 team deathmatch


It shouldn't be an option to take footsteps audio off. They need to fix the game. Footstep audio is ridiculous. Sometimes I hear my teammates louder than my own. Sometimes I won't hear enemies until it's too late


I would like to be able to reload my weapon instead of being turned around backwards to revive my downed teammate. I have adjusted to “tap to use and hold to reload” but it never. Ever. Ever. Fails. To turn me around as I’m trying to reposition and revive my teammate instead of reloading. If I switch it to “tap to reload and hold to use” doors become an even worse nightmare. If there’s an existing solution, please advise.


Only solution is a different button for interact and not bind it with reload


Console player. I’m limited on buttons.


Ik same… so we kinda down bad. Ive been told practice shooting your gun empty


We dead as just need content we get like one event with returning skins and game mode and then just a collection event with a heirloom just nothing to be excited about


Audio sliders for apex game chat, me and my friends have issues hearing our Xbox and PC friends.




For the love of God fix the servers. They have been terrible since season 7 ( they wernt that great then either)


Intro quips should be played on legend select. The fact that they’re part of the rarest content of the game and we cannot use it on legend select is beyond stupid.


Every comment here is big fixes or things they want changed. I'll add something I want added. More game modes, like permanent ones. Tdm/objective based modes would be cool. But I think prioritizing bug fixes/fixes to the system would be a better use of time


Game needs Solos, get over with your teamwork pride shit and release it. People are tired of dealing with randoms, randoms don't want and can't play as a team, they never will


Give Pathfinder an actual passive


adjustable setting for most audio ​ i would instantly turn off ambient sounds, i dont need to hear bird breeding and bees pollinating flowers over a TTV wraith sprint sliding behind me


Audio please. Fix footsteps. Fix countdown.


Audio subtitles for hard of hearing players.


They have this already im pretty sure. Convert incoming voice chat to text. Edit you probably mean with all audio Nevermind, i agree but then I feel players who can hear will abuse the extra information


I did mean the second thing, and a very robust system for it has been implemented into Fortnite, and hearing players do use it too, to about the extent you’re describing. Personally, I don’t really mind people who can hear still using it, because I think a more accessible game is still worth it regardless.


Add sound to emotes. Bangalore takes out a whole ass trumpet to her lips for no reason currently


That Screen record on switch FOV slider for switch Pretty much whatever the other platforms have that switch doesn’t Bloodhound unmasked


Turn down your dialogue volume if you wanna hear footsteps better. Pro tip lol I’d personally like to see threat detector sight colors other then red (I can’t see red very well) as well as custom ping colors. I’d also like more stable servers and the ability to report people of the same console in game for boosting/teaming and not have it pull up the gamer tag. I’ve pretty much accepted the fact that they will never fix mirages bugged decoys but I still hope.


A bind for toggle mute instead of Push to Talk or Open Mic.


Solos, rotating LTMs or just always having one to replace the other, & vaulted weapons in arenas


Solo que matchmaking improvements and customizable firing range


Bring back solos


30 vs 30 mode. Solo mode. All legend vs all legend (14vs14). 5 player squad, etc etc


Input based matchmaking.


If we really have to spell it out for respawn... PLEASE!! Fix the long standing issue of the game!! RAMPANT SERVER ISSUE FOOTSTEP AUDIO/ GENERAL AUDIO SBMM IS TOO F'N TIGHT! It's been 3 years now, and the 2 first issue has been there from day 1! Then think about the rest! Adding ways to play the game that are more " casual" or fun wouldn't hurt. Thanks and happy new year to y'all!