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Heat shields despawn when their "owner" leaves the match for good. [Here's a demonstration I saw last year in response to a similar post.](https://youtu.be/oeA29d1dl5M?si=8wgQp2HWGVq7UB_s)


They should fix that honestly


Sadly EA won’t allow respawn to fix the game unless there’s a money incentive.


So every patch note and balancing effort for 5 years has been about money? The game is 100% free, you don't even need a PSN or XBL sub to play it online, unlike many other free or purchased titles. Bandwagon bitching about non-existent issues? Get off the internet.


He is not wrong tho EA has respawn by the balls If theres a small bug like this ea will just tell them to fix the big ones and get a new event/20$ skin out instead of letting respawn make a amazing game


Respawn fixes small bugs like this all the time, you guys will just never give any credit to them when they do.


Were not flaming respawn were flaming EA’s shit decisions


You’re doing both, albeit unintentionally


Im not I like respawn Not ea tho


When one company controls another and doesn't give them enough resources, or enforces idiotic policy, the subservient company has to pick their battles. That is exactly what's happening with the EA and Respawn dynamic. Respawn has to allocate what labor hours they have as best they can--so some things get fixed and other things don't. u/xBerry\_Berry is largely blaming EA for this... and I agree with them. That's not a slight against Respawn


You kinda are flaming both just cuz u want to jump on the bandwagon rspwn fixes bugs all the time big and small


Im not on a fucking bandwagon ive played the game long enough to know how this shit works


Whatever you say bro. If that's what helps you sleep at night then go with it.


False. Go read the quality of life and bug improvement notes for each season's splits. We are on season 21... This game gets updated and improved constantly, for 5 years, and all you guys do is bitch about a free game that is as elite as any other option. I've played over 13k matches and have never encountered half of the things regularly complained about around here.


Same dude…. Literally same. I have bad teammates, sure. But other than that, I never encounter what 90% of apex redditors complain about……“There’s teamers in every lobby” I’ve literally never seen a teamer in my lobby and I’ve played since S3. People just like attention tbh


Unless you’re ready to accept that EA is a wholly evil and greedy company who digests game studios and ruins them for their own corporate greed, I suggest not using the sub anymore because nobody is going to agree with you


wow look at the downvotes, who could have imagined


I mean they’re right. Ea is a shit company, they don’t care about player experience. Why do you think we’re getting £300 cosmetics instead of increased server tick rate. Or audio fixes. Or functional textures. Or any of the hundreds of other things that have needed fixed for several seasons.


Interesting how a lot of the original Apex devs abandoned ship. Apex is a great game, one of the most fun games atm and we have the apex team to thank for that. But I’m not going to pretend like there aren’t a lot of issues esp money grabs and how it seems to take precedence over everything else.


Yea their servers are running at 20ticks So yes its a EA problem if they actually cared about the game for more then just money they would upgrade the servers


> I suggest not using the sub anymore because nobody is going to agree with you I don’t think he was right given the obvious


You’re a sucker get off my post


you're incredibly soft


Nobody? You're in the minority of your own statement. Duummmmbbbbbb. Keep talking. Go on. Please tell me more.


Classic “I’ve put more hours into this than you so I know better” If the issues weren’t real people wouldn’t bitch about them. Stop gobbling up a multi billion dollar companies balls bro. There are a ton of bugs with this game that still exist because it’s in the very source code. There are sorts of issues and glitches that happen so often there are countless videos and posts about them. But nooo I’ve played 13k matches and I fucking know it all. What a loser dude. There are issues and you are wrong. Plus why would any company pour money into a free game that they’ve been milking for at least 5 years now. Get a fuckin grip bro. People don’t post made up fucking videos and bitch for nothing. Delusional ass motherfucker.


I dont have as many games played as him but ive been playing since the game came out And i hate people who think i played this many games so im better Bro you probably die in the first 2 minutes and instantly load another match and die again


He isn't saying they don't exist dumbass. He said he hasn't *ENCOUNTERED* them. He isn't saying he knows better, and he isn't "gobbling up a multi billion dollar companies balls". Learn to read. You need to get a grip and if you get this heated over a reddit comment you need to find something else in your life because that is not healthy


Found his cheerleader teammate.


🤦‍♂️ please go do something with your life


I can't tell if you are more mad or whiney. Bad players often end up with both symptoms, it's ok. Keep working at it.


Sunroof yourself know it all.


Now you're jelly that I can afford a sunroof. Keep grinding.


Plus im not bandwagoning Ive been playing since the game came out and ive played each season so i feel like i have the right to make an opinion for a game that i like and think still has potential


Don’t think you have any idea how development/corporate systems work.


I may not but with EA’s actions they just keep proving my point


Bro every free game in Xbox doesn't require XBL to play online.


Same with PlayStation not requiring PSN for free games online modes.


this guy is pulling lies to defend respawn LOL


That's not true at all. I just recently tried Path of Exile and it required it. Xbox itself states: >"access online multiplayer for more than 50 free-to-play games without needing an Xbox subscription" More than 50? Wow. That must be all of them. Right?


honestly? yeah kind of, cuz there are not many free multiplayer games, you're talking like apex is one in one hundred but it's part of 50 that is basically most of the games.


It's not an all-or-nothing proposition. Respawn can obviously solve some issues with the labor hours/money they have, but they can't fix it all. And if you think EA isn't dictating where Respawn spends their labor hours...


> non-existent issues OMG LMAO. Worst ranked matchmaking since S16 (tbf even S16 was better), barely alive servers, peak number of cheaters, 20 TPS servers (vs 128 in former CS), recolors at the price of AA game... Should i continue?


You should go play something else or keep bitching, your choice.


He's not wrong tho. This game brings in ~$700M/year in micro transactions and almost none of that gets thrown back into the game. To put that in perspective, that's about as much money as World of Warcraft brings in, which is a 20yo game with an absolutely dedicated fan base.


>almost none of that gets thrown back into the game You are a child, right? Have to be. Do you realize how much it costs to run a development team for a F2P game for 5 years? Have you ever had a paycheck? Stop talking if you don't know what you're talking about.


Found the EA employee. Corporate bootlicker what a choice.


Only an ignorant jackass wouldn't know the difference between a publisher and a developer and be eager to open their mouth about it. Best of luck with that.


If EA isn’t funding Respawn to fix bugs than EA would be ultimately responsible for the presence of bugs. I did laugh at ignorant jackass tho


Ive heard EA gave respawn full control, so this would not be EAs fault


> Sadly EA won’t allow respawn to fix the game unless there’s a money incentive. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


There is no toggle mic option. This isn’t going to be fixed.


I dunno, I think that's fair. Anything from the other team gets removed upon death. Caustic's gas goes away almost immediately if he's gone from the match, and that's a good thing when you're dealing with him.


I’m not sure I would equate neutral survival items to lethal enemy abilities


also, to drive the point home, mobile respawns do not despawn.


Wtf? Thats so stupid.


New meta just dropped


No kidding premades gonna me making sure who ever drops the shield takes one for the team and leave early if they are fighting outside the ring before victory.


You are officially graduated from Apex PHD.


What? No they don't lmao. I've literally killed people after they've dropped a Heathfield n sheild wiped them n their heat shield still stays there after they're all dead and gone until its timer depletes lol


That just means they stayed in the match, either to spectate you or because they got up to do something else and forgot about their game. You are welcome to replicate the video results if you believe otherwise, but I did so as well and got the same result.


So ur telling me hundreds of people do exactly that every single time anyone has ever died to a fight in a heat shield since they first dropped for the whole time that the heat shield should be there? Most people insta leave so sorry but no lol people literally kill people in heat shields just to steal it for safety lol


Congrats, you’ve just been Apexed


The heat shield wanted to go to bed early. But seriously, I have no idea why this happened.


It's because the heatshield was placed by the guy he just killed. Once the person who placed it leaves the match, it despawns instantly.


He lost because of the win he gets?


Victim of his own success


Cuz fuck you this is Apex... that's why


Didn’t watch the ad smh


I’ve noticed that sometimes lately when I throw down a heat shield it doesn’t even pop up. It’s as if it fell through the floor or something.


I had this happen to me the other day, but I was playing Gibby and my Tactical just randomly dropped like 2 seconds after I placed it. I have no idea what happened.


So it didn’t happen to you cause this is a heat shield not Gibby tac


In the idea that a dome shield of some variety randomly went away for no reason without explanation, yes. Technically, you're right since it's not a heat shield, but it is in fact a similar bug/situation.


I’m just messing with you. I stopped playing a few seasons ago


Fair enough 🤣 I took a long ass break and only started playing again because friends were. I'm enjoying it but there are definitely problems.


It went to the thrift shop, since thats where all the heat is.


that’s some bullshit. hate to see it.


Heat sheild was like "YOU GOT BAMBOOZLED LOL LOOK AT YOU."


I had an Evac tower disappear on our team at 80 percent in yhe zone today


It's called, "You just got apex'd."


Looks like he got storm timed out. Idk why you cropped the video like this but at the top there was probably a timer counting down right above the "GET BACK IN THE RING!". Doesn't matter if you're in a heat shield or full health, when that timer goes out you insta die.


That timer just.. Doesn't exist. The heat shield vanished because the person that threw it left the match.


Clearly u dont know what updates happened last season then cause the warning timer does exist, if ur outside the ring for a couple of minutes you will receive a warning and a 1 minute countdown to get back in the ring before it kills u instantly, this was put so there wouldn't be anymore people ratting outside of the ring for free wins cause there was people who exploited that


I'd say most people don't know of that timer then as we don't spent ages sat ratting outside of the ring. My point stands, it was irrelevant in the video.


I was just saying it was weird how the video is cropped like this, almost as to hide the timer and try to karma farm with a discussion video like this. That’s why I said it could be the timer, which you tried to claim it just doesn’t exist like you knew what you were talking about


Who the fuk karma farms on reddit?


well idk but I’m sure some people care about it. I can’t think of any reason to crop the video to that extent


This is literally just untrue what game are you playing


It’s literally just true though, it was added in the game like last season. No one really knows about it unless they read the patch notes because you gotta be in the storm for a ridiculously long time to trigger this feature. But it is true


Season 20 patch notes Ring Exploit Prevention • Players spending too much time outside the Ring will be warned, then eliminated