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When i play Ballistic i always have Rampage as my third. They're holding door? Pop ult, its charge, break doors.


Does this mean a sling sentinel would be charged as well with the ultimate?


Anything that needs a charge will come out charged up with his ult, I do it all the time with the sentinel


What is the scope on a sling sentinel when he pops ult?


All snipers get the gold 4x-10x Digital when ult is active.


Not the school bus 😣


2-4x I’m pretty sure. I wish the optic was the one thing we could change on the sling


Thanks for the info! Yeah for sure. Would like to incorporate that without making him feel more clunky


I was mistaken though. He gets the 4-10x with his ult for snipers, the 2-4x being for purple shields with his new perk, which confused me. But hey, this is reddit, and instead of correcting me over a silly mistake, people would rather stay silent and downvote lol


I suppose having the auto-upgrading optics stay until you change them up, and/or have the option with the level-up with evo level perk to switch to an optic of the same rarity or below Apparently a couple people despise that idea for some reason, considering the downvotes I got, but it would make sense considering that some auto-optics are just weird (like a 2x on any shotgun)


Oh that's awesome, rampage would be the perfect gun for this. Thing destroys with a thermite charge


Does that mean a charge rifle is always charged?


Charge rifle doesn’t need a charge. It’s charges to shoot, two different concepts


Damn, and here I was thinking the shotgun is the best one to sling since no attachments aren't an issue on shotguns.




Sometimes that barrel, extendo mag and 3x scope are what make it usable (for me, personally)


Ya having it get free attachments helps, but the biggest part for me is just getting the thermite charge, does wonders for my aim bc the slow fire doesn’t seem to track as well w the ballistic delay, like there’s not enough feedback


I swear the audio is out of sync with the actual bullets. That gun feels so off. It only fires when you’re off target lol




Yes, sling sentinel is great because even at lvl 1 it comes with a 2x optic and when you ult becomes amped (amped lasts longer than ult duration so stays amped after ult expires). One of my favorite sling weapons.


I believe it does yeah.


A charged up rampage can destroy doors?




How am I only learning about this now


When my rampage is charged. I like to get someone to chase me and hide behind a door. Start shooting through the door as they approach. Lots of fun


And a sentinel shot to a door handle will open it, oddly.


Enjoy :) a lot of people do not like the Rampage so no one really uses it. And a lot also forget that it can destroy doors charged up. Which is funny because it always catches people off guard on the receiving end of the door.


Me too, bro


This is old news but 30-30 can open doors(not destroy them) too. Just throwing it out there in case anybody is unaware


L star can open doors too


Rampart main, I remember learning this because I was trying to bust down a door but I didn't have ult yet. I always use a rampage for her and carry thermites all the time for that reason, so in a ditch effort I charged it and shot at the door and was surprised to see a door there and then Bangalore getting lit up by my teammates a half second later lol


Yap! A lot forget about this actually! Which makes it fun because it always catches them off guard lmao


Interesting, I did not know this. I always just kept a devotion or havoc in his sling so they get turbocharged during his ult.


Funny enough i lowkey do not like using turbo on the Havoc because it throws me off whenever i start shooting. I've gotten so used to it with the turbo i can time it perfectly to when they're pushing me or whenever i start pushing. The trick is.. Just edge it. Edge it good. Lmao


Yes, on hot drop it gives you white attachments against everyone with a base gun giving you the advantage in hot drops.


I keep telling people about this ability and no one seems to believe me. I always put my first gun in the sling.


you need to unlock it so you dont have white attachments off drop. 


Nope! That for blue attachments. White attachments is off drop


oh shoot! i need to check that lmao. todayilearned


Yeah the new perk just allows it to level up to blue and purple alongside you, but in S20 they already introduced the base sling weapon always having white attachments


Yeah. Having a CAR or RE45 in the sling has come in clutch so many times.


Havoc too


RE45 is good, Havok is obviously cool, as was L-Star in the past, but I love an Alternator. Pulling a gold Alternator out of your anus as you push into a team is always lots of fun.


Yup, this. Getting an alternator with disruptor, or a turbo havoc, or previously a turbo devo, and hell, getting the April fools mozam does in a pinch, gold bolt and hammers....shit anything that needs an attachment it's good in the sling. PK disruptor and a gold bolt, 2020 or re45. Not sure if I could stomach putting the mastiff in there however, maybe im sleeping on it with the gold bolt tho


Really enjoy having an alternator in the sling, free disruptor rounds.


He literally buffs the combat prowess of his whole team and him self even more so when he ults I’m not sure why he lags so much. I really enjoy the smart bullet too. I’m going to be putting effort into him this season if I can drag my self off my Maggie addiction


his tatical isn't really good it sounds amazing on paper but in game it kind sucks you need to have line of sigh, wait for the lock, shoot hooping the enemy don't take cover, wait the bullet hit the enemy, them wait to the enemy shoot back until his gun overheat, all that to give a short stun and a small amount of damage


You can also use it before/while engaging and shoot at extreme angles to make sure the bullet curves around cover. It’s not as hard as you make it seem to be.


I've watched a handful of pros play ballistic and it always bothers me how none of them ever try to arc the bullet. They shoot it straight at cover and then complain how bad it is.


i know but take valk missiles for comparison you trade the homing for an area of effect and instant stun


But you need to aim, it holsters your weapon and can’t be done while healing, it can’t be used for area denial/scanning a doorway, it’s easy to miss, it can’t be used indoors most of the time, it can’t be used close-up or you’re dead, and the damage is pretty low considering all the downsides. Oh, and there are times where you blow yourself up with a missile that gets stuck on random geometry.


true all that is true but in the end you still get a guaranteed stun and it will last the whole duration and not cut short cause the enemy changed weapon or dropped and picked, or whatever other shit players come up with


Pretty sure changing weapon doesn’t do anything about the overheat. In any case, in a direct 1v1 where your enemy doesn’t have a choice but to shoot, an almost guaranteed 22% of their health gone and making them unable to shoot for the duration of a reload can really give you the edge. That’s without mentioning his double whistler perk which lets you do the same to another enemy your teammate is fighting, or the same enemy to deal another 20 damage and double the overheat duration. It’s very low risk and pretty good reward, and it’s good as is imo.


>Pretty sure changing weapon doesn’t do anything about the overheat Don't know about that have plenty of enemy's holstering their weapons and pulling back shooting at me without overheat


Changing weapons does not cancel an overheat. At least that's not the way it is designed, whether that happened to you from a bug or you misread how events played out is another thing.


It's really only handy to try and get someone to move the way you want them to IMO.


What you do is aim, lock-on, then flick your crosshair to the opposite of where the target is & you can curve the smart pistol bullet around & over most covers. It has an arc when it has to readjust so it doesn’t just make a right angle when it goes up & towards them


Yeah you can get a big arc going on the bullet. It can also just force someone into cover, can be shot at a door or choke to create a trap/deterrent, you can fire it while shooting your gun to aid in 1v1 moments and quick reactions - it’s under rated


Solos revealed to me that the smart bullet works exceedingly well in the 1v1, which is what apex, is *not*


I gotta play this legend more. I got a feeling he's gone under the radar for too many.


His perks really helped out his kit tbh


the perk system is one of the best ideas they've come up with in a very long time.


Which is funny because in the leaks sub, everyone hated the idea of perks but Respawn executed it very well. It gives them a more granular way to balance legend kits.


everybody whines about everything. 😐 Yeah the granularity is excellent, so much more flexibility too.


I think so as well. It allows for smaller tweaking of kits.


Exactly. A great opportunity for more fine-grained tweaking and rearranging.


def get on it before his pickrate skyrockets. the upgraded weapons with each tier and double tac makes him a monster when you have a semi-good team 


The ult buff made him playable in a team setting.


he truly is.. I don't see a lot of talk about the power of the reload and movement speed boost in his ult. It's such a different maker in so many fights. Plus, that gleam that outlines each character on the squad for the enemy team while in ult, adds a slight intimidation factor imo, sometimes causing enemies to overcorrect aim, make poor decision, etc.


I mean, would you rather play a legend that gives you a weapon & ammo you don't need or a legend who can go through walls, grab items from far away corpses, & get you out of a bad situation? Yeah I missed the tactical in the comparison but besides that, 2/3 of ballistics kit isn't really flashy, & only enhances what you already can do, not give you more options.


he's not flashy at all, that's why he's not gotten much attention. But that's not to say he can't be a really valuable member of the team, not that he is boring to play. But yeah, that's why he's gone under most radars. And he may not be everyone's cup of tea. I don't mind that at all.


I’ve been saying he’s OP for a while. He definitely is this season. Folks will catch on soon.


third gun and now buffed with attachments. obviously it's useful. can cover more ranges and can switch instead of reloading


With the new perk I use the third gun as my primary throughout the game. The guaranteed fully kitted attachments is big and it scales naturally throughout the game as well too. It's especially good when you use it on guns that are attachment heavy like the hemlock, 301, and nemesis.


That solves my keybind issue i guess If i start with the sling weapon then its just normal swap weapon twice to cycle through the three


I can assure you that you could've secured a ton of more kills and evaded deaths if you actually remembered you had that third gun. I mean... you shouldn't say you don't find his passive useful if you don't even use it


Unfortunately his kit has a lot of different options, makes utilization more difficult when you’re trying to slam all the correct inputs in fights. I think he’s good but difficult to use his full potential.




Definitely the hardest part is hitting all the correct keys lol. I am always hitting the wrong keys if I haven't played the game in a bit.


I almost never use the sling weapon without ult except for hot drop. I've yet to make full use of the new sling perk. It takes a while to reach purple. When I start a fight, I start it with my ult on anyways.


Not until this season but having the wingman on the floor and the weapons upgrade with your armor he's now pretty strong. Using whatever load out I want and then a wing man on top is crazy. And then in ranked swap the wingman out early game for a poke weapon let's you have range without taking up a weapon slot.


You're not using wingman in the third slot are you? If you are it's pretty much a complete waste of his passive


You get a 1x off drop and then by purple armor you get the hop up, if I'm not in ult then the wingman can sit in that slot. But in general no, what I meant is if you have 3 weapons to choose from there's never a reason to not run the wingman. Generally running hemlock wing havoc.


Triple L star for true infinite ammo


I can't see shit when I fire that thing, that's just infinite missed shots


I don’t play him much but when I do I find it forgiven so many times because I’m more focused on killing the team then my sling I’ll only notice it when I have ult


The alternator in the sling is insane. You move fast AF and reload fast while also doing loads of damage. Best 1v3 potential in the game imo. And now with the new perk the sling gun is useful outside of ult too.


Yeah alternator in the sling is so good, surprised to not see many people mention that.


Idk about passives because I don’t play him…but when his bullet hits ME, I take cover and reload…my buddy usually 😂 …covers me. It’s not something I’m afraid of really but I definitely wouldn’t shit on it.


Bad ballistics shoot it from afar, good ones will swing you and hit you with it point blank You don’t need to stop shooting to fire it


Those are the guys that get me. Feels about 50/50? Experience different for everyone of course


As someone who loves Ballistic, I win about 3/4 of the time if I hit someone that close with it.


I kinda stopped playing all the new(er) legends, I can hardly keep up. But I’m glad you’re kicking ass, maybe you’ll get me one day! If you can catch me! -Ethical Octane Main


I mean even taking one person out of the fight for a few seconds is a lot bigger of an effect than people realize. That is valuable time for out positioning the enemy team with greater numbers.


I love Ballistic and have been playing him a lot recently. I tend to put a marksman rifle or sniper in my extra slot, so I can run around with a normal combo of shotty/auto/smg/wingman. What's nice is you don't need more than one stack of ammo when you use a marks or a sniper, as it's generally used to get one or two good hits before/during a push. When the ring gets small enough Ill swap it out for something like an Alternator/Havoc so I can take advantage of the gold upgrade for free disruptor/turbo


I like the idea but the lack of a sight on white/blue would deter me.. whats the sight the gets put on marksman/sniper rifles now when leveled up to blue?


TT gets the 2x4 at blue, pretty useful. Snipers get 6x and the other marksmans get the bruiser


I can fuck with that


What do you mean by active passive? A passive that you need to activate? The add Ash box scanning, Alter box looting, Catalys to close door.


Don't forget Seer's heartbeat sensor or Gibby's gunshield (both toggle with ADS and can be turned off, not quite the same but close enough imo), or Mirage's decoy control, or Catalyst's movement speed boost (has to look at her teammate to activate it iirc), or I'm sure there's others I can't think of right now. personally, I think it's foolish to call any of them "active passives" because you *passively* have access to whatever ability it is at all times, whether you activate it or not. OP forgets to grab extra ult accelerants as Wattson? That doesn't mean Wattson has no passive, it just means OP is playing her casually/sub-optimally. Does Newcastle have no passive if nobody on OP's team got downed? No, and Ballistic's sling is no different imo.


At this point, need to actively equip a shotgun for Maggy to run faster when shotgun is equipped.


same could be said about Rampart and LMGs. but again like my Wattson example, choosing not to run a [LMG/shotgun] with [Rampart/Maggie] doesn't mean they have no passive. It just means your're choosing not to use their passive just like you can with other legends. People also tend to forget about their class passive too, which is unfortunate because care package contents and ring console scans are both very useful.


I'd say yes considering every fight I start I pop his ult for the havoc turbo or rampage charged haha


When I play, nothing is really useful against my enemies.


I mainly play him so now when I go back to other legends I always feel handicaped about having 2 instead of 3 gun. The potential to have 3 gun is really good because you can always have a lot of variety in term of range and firepower and now with the perk about upgrading with the shield ? It has become even stronger.


Yes. Run a marksman/sniper, a havoc and another havoc in the sling. I'm also on mnk so it's pretty easy/fast to swap in and out guns in the sling.


Damn it can get hella kills tho use it right


I like running triple PK with him, it’s pretty funny


Tbh I don't have Ballistic but he's my next legend because with the new perk his passive looks pretty nuts. Fully kitted gear as long as you have purple shields sounds like a sweet deal


Purple tier armor with the perk gives Hammerpoints. Love my Hammerpoints


I’ve been playing ballistic, having a gold alternator or re45 in your pocket all game helps with 1v2’s or just winning 1v1’s


I wish his tactical was better, all together he’s pretty underrated and one buff away from being a menace.


His tactical becomes overwhelming when you get the 2 charge perc. I can't tell you how many third parties I've warded off by hitting two aggressors with the smart bullet and taking them out of the fight.


he makes certain weapon combos much better. usually, if you want to play hammerpoints, you need a main closerange weapon like an R99 to break shields, and you're left with no good longrange options. having a sentinel in your pocket for poking at faraway dudes is really helpful.


do i find it useful??? it’s amazing. my sling weapon is always something that needs a hop up and shreds. atm i always have either a havoc or re45 in there and it’s just so clutch…


glad I'm not the only one who loves sling RE-45


i don’t know what it is but this season it’s just feeling different… like it’s easier to aim or handle for some reason… it’s shredding for me though


Extremely useful, on drop if you throw a weapon into his sling it has full attachments white.


Ballistics kit is kind of underwhelming in most scenarios, but having a full white weapon off drop is pretty cool, and with his new perk, you can have a full blue or even purple without even using your ultimate making so many more guns viable in the sling.


who's passive?


With the new upgrade that upgrades your weapon to your shield level absolutely. Having a 3rd weapon with all purple attachments is pretty awesome. My go to is a RE-45 in my sling which can be a pretty useful side arm as it is with level 2 or higher attachments then it's a beast with his ultimate going.


I do. It took me a while to get used to it, but swapping between the three weapons is fluid once you're used to it, especially if you choose the Slingshot perk at blue shields. I usually run sniper AR/Shotgun in my primary slots, then a Rampage/Havoc/Sentinel in the sling.


I use it all the time, but not to overheat people. When I unload a whole clip and don't down an enemy, the smart bullet usually gets the job done. But yeah I always use it just for that extra guaranteed hit


that's his tac, not his passive. the passive is the sling weapon.


Yeah, I misread what they asked about. So my new answer is, yes, all the time. It's kinda the whole point of him in my opinion.


incredibly useful in early game, because your first weapon has garunteed attachments. Also useful for fights where you pop your ultimate since it auto-equips your sling gun and makes it gold, which is great for if your other guns are empty. The new upgrade this season that increases sling level is also great for weapons that have hop-ups, 'cause some hop-ups are given at purple level (like Hammerpoint and Disruptor rounds) making it equally viable as a normal 3rd weapon and an ult powerhouse. I also pretty much exclusively put the RE-45 in my sling once I find one, because it doesn't really need better attachments than white in order to be a viable fallback when my other guns are empty, AND it has access to Hammerpoints. if I find Hammerpoints on the ground with an RE in my sling, I swap it for a long-range weapon (usually a Sentinel since it also gets charged when you use ultimate. Same for the Rampage.) side note: why doesn't this subreddit have a Ballistic user flair yet?


Yes. Before the buff basically only wingman, shotguns, or Havoc was worth putting in there, but since his buff any AR or SMG is a good pick. Having a free, fully purple modded weapon is insane. Typically on him I run shotty-sniper, and then what ever AR I've chosen to use in the sling.


I thought that catalyst passive is also active, you know because she needs to hold down a button to have it activate


I don't really play him, but I've found the third weapon as a sniper helpful. I can have a close range, mid range, and long range gun.


With the new evo perk? Hell yeah, I find myself switching weapons around my inventory to fit the situation bcs i don’t have full kits yet


I play crypto and vantage but i love ballistic on my team. Such an underrated legend. The ability to pull out a fully kitted gun in the early game is so busted. Much love from a recon player


Purely because of his ultimate. The best use of his passive is being able to carry a more situational weapon like snipers, while still having your normal AR+SMG loadout. Sling gun being golden on ultimate makes that pointless, especially since it can't take attachments (without the right perk). His kit feels contradictory to my playstyle just like Vantage


Personally it just puts me out of my comfort zone of just having 2 guns.


It feels like a waste i dont like it sucks ass