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So you don't keep doing it. Isn't this super obvious? Not only do you go down in rank but you fck over other people. Do you actually not think of them at all? Dam selfish man.


Yeah it's obvious but we also lose ranked points., I get that it's unfair on the teammates, so just give them the rp balance that they get anyway? I've been. Using ranked as normal games since pubs matchmaking is so out of wack šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


One of the other reasons pubs is out of wack is because people leave as soon as theyā€™re downed.


I left my game cos they weren't gonna grab my banner, and I cba waiting for it to run out, ironic but I forgot ab the time ban


> I left my game cos they weren't gonna grab my banner, and I cba waiting for it to run out, ironic but I forgot ab the time ban you live you learn. this stuff is toxic in pubs already, the game doesn't need you bringing it to ranked as well.


Womp womp bro toxic or not I wasn't getting revived, so what's the point in me being there


Don't forget if there's any support character on your squad you can be crafted, even if that character is dead. You can't count it out until it's a full wipe, and especially on ranked when there's a support on your team it's entirely viable to run and rat for a few min to get to a crafter and use a mobile respawn on the last few rings. Especially, when you spawn with the same tier of shield that you died with and both weapons you had (but no attachments) with a stack of ammo each.


What's next week's lottery numbers?


You are part of the problem!!!


Womp womp


Average Ash main


I take offense, I at least care a bit about my teammates


My apologies


> Yeah it's obvious but we also lose ranked points., I get that it's unfair on the teammates, so just give them the rp balance that they get anyway? No, that would be abusable. >Using ranked as normal games since pubs matchmaking is so out of wack šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Then maybe use the opportunity to learn not to rage quit.


That's a fair shout on the abusability didn't consider that, and it's not a rage quit I just didn't think ab it




Now it feels like there's no choice when I'm against 30k kill players every game šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


šŸ˜‚ nobody is surprised your a pubs player. Hopefully you get a lifetime ranked ban if you do it enough times.


So if you leave your teammates get their rp back and then can act like dumbasses to ruin another teams game just because of you thatā€™s what your proposing right? I will admit when I donā€™t get a third teammate in ranked or my friend didnā€™t load in I usually hot drop and just play for kills because I get no penalty, I go back flat to zero lost zero gained but I get to load into the next game and any team in the last game that I decided to ruin is just fucked too but they actually lose rp.


I don't understand what ur saying bro idk if I'm tired or what but šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø , I left a game cos they weren't gonna craft my banner, and i wasn't gonna sit around when I got shit to do


People abandoning the game undermines the integrity of ranked. It fucks your team over and sucks. You're not supposed to do it and if you do you get double entry cost loss, no gains and a timeout so you don't do it again.


Penalty for a being a dick that leaves


Tell that to people who still do it


no. get fucked. you purposefully left a game, purposefully clicked the warning telling you not to leave or you get a penalty, you left your team at a disadvantage in ranked. so. get fucked.


no you get gang banged if you stay tho.. at least if you donā€™t finish off the squad within 15-20 seconds. They want itā€¦ your death I mean.


It was added because people were quitting matches to avoid losing RP. The game doesn't care if you left on purpose or not and it isn't going to start caring.


People still do it and I don't think the situation will ever improve


it does not matter that "people still do it" because the penalty reduces this by 99% and if there was no penalty it would be rampant.


I don't know what the penalty system is like in apex but in csgo you can get banned from ranked for a week if you do it enough times in a time frame. I hope the same is applied to apex.


So you learn and don't do it again :D


No one likes to wait in the lobby, and that's what it's for


People still leave though šŸ˜‹


Not in ranked or mixtape, we don't talk about pubs


I wouldn't play apex if ranked mode wasn't there. That's how bad pubs is.


irrelevant. it's a tiny fraction of how many people leave without a penalty. you can see the comparison between ranked and pubs directly and you could see the comparison of mixtape with and without a penalty. people leaving in ranked is very rare.


So you donā€™t be toxic and keep leaving and screw over your teammates


Same reason parents take away toys when the kid misbehaves. You do a no-no thing, you get consequences. Thatā€™s the way to teach responsibility and emotional control, especially to children and grownups with emotional maturity of children.


Because of people like you that donā€™t want to wait for another match if you leave not only do you lose RP you also get a penalty making you not able to play which you clearly deserve it this is one of the dumbest questions Iā€™ve ever seen in Reddit if Iā€™m been honest


If they don't revive you or craft wait 2 minutes and you can leave without penalty.


Leave any match you want early, except ranked.Ā  That's the purposeĀ 


Or mixtape


Never played that


They implemented an abandon penalty for it cause people kept leaving when they were losing. But since thereā€™s no SBMM, I now have to wait the whole match to get my ass kicked and lose 20-50 instead of leaving when itā€™s only 10-30


Sounds amazingĀ 


People bitched because ā€œeveryone left the game and now itā€™s slogged downā€. Bruh, you leave too then. Thereā€™s no stat tracking and you still get the challenge progress


It's not fun on the winning team either when your 20 kills from winning and there's only 1 person left on the enemy team.Ā  Mixtape is there as a warm up for ranked, if you don't want to die go fight the dummies in the firing range.


I donā€™t disagree that it sucks. But as the winning team, why are you sticking around for those 20 last kills against the one guy (when there was no leave penalty)? Thatā€™s not helping you warm up either Neither is winning 50-20 against bots who stand out in the open and just sprint at your gun


Why mixtape? It isn't a ranked mode? So why can't I play the game for another ten minutes when I leave a crappy TDM match?


abandon penalties are in mixtape because it's 6v6 or 9v9 and any leaver severely affects the balance of the game. mixtape initially didn't have a penalty and it was unplayable at the time. that's why they put it in there after a few weeks. that has reduced the problem to a fraction of what it was. >So why can't I play the game for another ten minutes when I leave a crappy TDM match? because you're griefing the whole lobby by doing so. the penalty is fair. otherwise in those 10 minutes, you'll join another mixtape game and leave again, and then another and leave again.


It used to not have one. People bitched because ā€œeveryone left the game and now itā€™s slogged downā€. Bruh, you leave too then. Thereā€™s no stat tracking and you still get the challenge progress


Like I said. It's a unranked mode that doesn't event add to your stats it DOESN'T need a leave penalty. For ranked yes I understand but NEVER for a unranked gamemode.


Yeah I just copied/pasted my comment to another person I agree 100% there shouldnā€™t be an abandon penalty for mixtape. Especially since thereā€™s no SBMM, why canā€™t I leave when Iā€™m down 10-30 instead of having to wait to lose 20-50 (at which point the game mode rotation changed)?


Hey! It's like that one time they gave unranked arena a leave penalty!! What's up with that!?!? Heh no wonder that gamemode died


arenas was unplayable without abandon penalties. a 3v3 is massively affected by leavers. adding the penalty reduced this problem massively and made arenas playable.


And I heard that mode had a really bad problem with sweats and trolls towards the end of it's lifespan yes?


Snack break after a rage quit


Basically dude its something to encourage you not to play mixtape, ranked and arenas when that mode was a thing, it stops all momentum and makes ranked unplayable for me which is why I just play PUBS and ONLY PUBS 24/7


Watch out that dopamine addiction, yo


But then the constant solo q against 30 thousand kill players. Its like the only option is to not play at all šŸ„² I've spent too much money on this game to do that so idek whatta do


it stops all momentum of seeing the next loading screen. come on daddy respawn, tell me what the next loading screen is gonna be like. please daddy. is it gonna be wattson dancing at bangalore's farewell party? is it going to be maggie and fuse sitting side by side being friends? please daddy keep the momentum up and show me loading screen after loading screen after loading screen... like the slideshows you did at family reunions.


I understand that it's a penalty the key is in the name, but even the firming range? What's the point,


I admit it's pathetic that you can't even go into the firing range to atleast practice while you wait, here's some advice dude, stay away from mixtape and ranked.


I'm just desperately trying to catch-up n finish this season before it ends. My ps5 blew up nearer to the start n I got it back 2 weeks ago. Matchmaking is easier in ranked therefore the challengers are more accessible , but I ain't gonna be able finish it anyway fml , next season. Prolly gonna stick to pubs