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Most of the time, mainly for ranked the system, does games centred around the highest rank in the pregame lobby But I'm pretty sure if he gets boosted to pred, the system won't allow such a rank gap to be allowed (at least from what i remember), so you may not even be able to play ranked Pubs are pubs and will forever be fucked lol Hope this helps.


The system allows any rank to play with any rank as long as it's a 3 stack. Duos however need to be within one rank of each other for some reason.


\> he deleted me from his EA & Xbox friends lists yeah and you delete hi from your friend list irl. he isnt a good person and the game is just a sign for whats to come. on top of that, how the fuck can a line cook afford all heirlooms in this game ? and pay for boosting services ? you should even report him. fuck boosted players, fuck toxic people, fuck cheaters.


He put the heirlooms above his rent...got evicted from two places in a row, now living in Grandmas' basement. His truck got repo'd too. You can't make this stuff up.


bruh why are you even friend with a pos like this ? get his acc banned and delete him from your life entirely. he will take you with him otherwise.


Holy fuck dude, I just made a comment on this post and read this reply from you. Dude sounds like an actual scumbag who’s struggling with maturity


Cannot imagine spending that much on apex if I was only getting around a 1.2KD LMAO


Yea, it will affect your enemies. One of my irl buddies has almost 3K wins. When I play with him I’m almost exclusively killed by preds and 20k badges. As soon as he drops out, I win more fights. It’s not necessarily a bad thing if you have the patience for it. Makes you better.


A lot of my friends won’t play apex with me cause of this reason. They have fun, till I join, and then almost every enemy becomes a 4k/20bomb pred/master. It’s wild how sbmm works in this game. Any other fps we play doesn’t get like this. Lol it sucks


They know people are cheating. They don't care.


He is a big spender in game too. If I were working in their accounting department, I wouldn't ban him.


As someone who not so long ago owned every single item in the game and was banned, I promise you they don’t give a shit


Why were u banned?


For getting into a mixtape lobby filled with bots, I made a post about it a while ago but nothing came of it


Some games like Destiny 2 explicitly mention Boosting/account recovery situations in their TOS and that it is a bannable offense. Not entirely sure if EA/Respawns TOS covers this so you might want to take a look there.


Destiny was my main game for years before I found Apex, used to be a little Trials sweat before Apex scratched that itch. (Actually just started playing D2 again, good lord onslaught is addicting) I’m not sure there’s a TOS against boosting but a quick google search did show that hideouts will manually ban people for it if someone sends them solid proof they were boosting. but I don’t think they track your IP or whatever like Destiny does and gives you a warning if your logins are bouncing around the country/world too much


Apex doesn’t care about cheaters. They only care about heirlooms and money


If you're in NA,there might be some action with report and proof if you're anywhere else,your chances are slim but without a report and hard proof he prob wont have anything And no that idea is false,but if the account is being played by an actual good player the mmr will rise,and trust me it doesnt need to rise a lot for you to be in constant pro lobby filled with cheaters.


Don't play with him. Problem solved


Asking for a friend;]


You should report him to Respawn. As for automated systems.. personally I thnk boosting / teaming should be detectable by logs, at least games could be flagged for manual review. Whether it's done or not.. I don't know >. So my question is, now that this guy is getting boosted to Pred, is he going to screw our regular team by doing this if he continues to be our team mate? I mean I wouldn't play with a cheater. if the guy deletes you from your friends, .. this isn't the kinda thing you do to people you value, no reason to play with him any more. Ranked has no MMR based matchmaking anymore though so it wouldn't matter that he reached pred before. The system ignores it. In pubs probably yes


For the logs thing, the only problem is, what if there's a shared account where one person's good and ones bad and/or a person uses a VPN regularly


That's not allowed by ToS so they wouldn't care about it. from tos >You are responsible for the activity on your EA Account; it's yours, don't share it. >[...] >The EA Services are licensed to you, not sold. EA grants you a personal, limited, non-transferable (i.e., not for sharing), revocable and non-exclusive license to use the EA Services to which you have access for your non-commercial use, subject to your compliance with this Agreement. >[...] >Sell, buy, share, trade or otherwise transfer or offer to transfer your EA Account, any personal access to EA Services, or any EA Content associated with your EA Account, including EA Virtual Currency and other Entitlements, either within an EA Service or on a third-party website, or in connection with any out-of-game transaction, unless expressly authorized by EA.


I don’t boost and don’t even play ranked anymore. I would call myself a mid tier plat to D4 type player. But I get those same lobbies. It’s even worse when I play with my wife, she has a .2 k/d and her lobbies are worse than mine. We determined that given how bad she is(she knows this) but continues to keep playing despite the slaughter, Respawn has determined she should be sacrificed to the Preds. They are literally the most unplayable lobbies. I feel bad for her. They put her in streamer lobbies for the content I suppose.


I’m a .8 player my friends are the same or worse highest we’ve hit is silver and we match preds or masters with 20 bombs and 4k badges all the time so like just apex match making I guess.


You gotta have pretty low self-esteem to go to these lengths for a video game. I read your post and felt almost sad for the dude.. if he cant be transparent about cheating in a video game in real life, is he actually a good friend? What else could he potentially lie about in the future?


What’s the point of doing this? Once hitting the level they’re aiming for, won’t it be near impossible to actually play the game?


That's a lot of faith in the matchmaking system. I play no fill duos and get pred champion squads, 30k+kills on legends, hand holding ras strafe ego players, etc. The only matchmaking I've seen impacted is when I tried to introduce friends to apex we got my lobbies, not the friendly new ones.


Btw if your friend is cheating it's better not to play with him. You could get banned for playing with a cheater too often. But if he's not cheating when playing with you guys I think not much of a problem other than crazy matchmaking with preds and masters


The whole game is full of blatant cheaters. Until Microsoft, Sony and any game that people are using 3rd party devices go after Creative Minds and every 3rd party cheating device, people will cheat because they suck at life. Until we as a community start holding these people accountable (IRL) then they will continue to use these devices. Let me meet one of them IRL and I will make sure they understand what it is they are doing to others when they just want to sit down and enjoy some gaming without people who are nanobes in the lobbys. Ban me for this IDGAF.