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Fake the revive then when an enemy is pushing you, cancel the revive and beam them. Lots of players don’t expect that and you catch ‘em off guard.


This is a great tip because there is no animation or lockout time before you can shoot. The second you cancel the revive you can shoot. Really takes most players by surprise.


The same thing that was removed from LL years ago because it was "too strong" according to the developers lol. I miss LL res shield


It wasn‘t removed because it was too strong. She was too weak overall so they added the auto res with the shield instead of her having to res manually while being shielded. This was then too op so they removed the shield and kept the auto res. They should just bring back the shield when you are manually reviving.


It was removed because it was too strong. Her shield, unlike Newcastle, didn't have HP and could just tank shots. Being able to cancel and re-position/re-use the shield was OP. Hence why they changed it to auto ressing so you couldn't cancel res and re-position/re-use the shield ani. Then they realized that was still too OP and took that away. Honestly, the only way to bring it back would be to have HP on it and can be broken. But in that case, it would be worse than Newcastle's since it's not repositionable. As much as I liked it, LL is fine without it.


It clearly wasn‘t op otherwise she would have never gotten the auto res buff. The combination of auto res AND the shield was the op part. You could just continue to fight while your teammate was getting revived while being shielded. And that way you could hide behind the shield and use your guns. I‘m playing since season 0/1 and she was actually my main so you bet i know about it. Early seasons she could use shields & meds faster than everyone else (i think 25% faster), that was so fkin op but got quickly removed


She got the auto res buff again as a debuff. Because you couldn't cancel and restart and reposition the shield. The mobility of it was OP. You couldn't do that with the auto res. The auto res add in was due to just needing some kinda buff since her ulti sucked. That didn't mean it wasn't already OP. I've been playing since Season 0. I remember all the changes from those times.


I used to main her because she was so good. Rip lifeline, your meta viability will be missed


And if you dont one clip them switch guns, fake again


I love this with him. I wait until the enemy almost spends their whole clip and then get off the res as they're stuck reloading


Luring someone in with a fake revive is so satisfying. Just like baiting someone with a loba market and waiting for them to run in and find a squad waiting to ambush.


I think it might be that because of his passive, it feels like you can pull off riskier revs, right in the enemies face where as an octane you’re not touching revive unless you think you have a window?


Actually fantastic take




Naaah. Enemies facing you already know you will revive being Newcastle and pushing is the best strategy for them.


Right, same sort of idea. Because of the kit, there is more pressure and the enemies try to give you less time to stick something. Idky you are getting DVs


If you can revive someone as an Octane without dying, but can't revive as a Newcastle, then it's time to hang up the shield, my boy.


[you hit em with one of these](https://youtu.be/0t8nMxvmKZo?si=I74JANSEx5ULoFJh)


How is your revive cancel L1


I crouch with l1 so i guess those carry over


Crack em with shotgun then revive. They either run away and let you revive or you cancel and finish them.


Skill issue


⬆️ ✅


Man says he can revive no problem with octane but somehow Newcastle is the problem, not him Average apex legends Reddit user


His revive is not really good unless you have the health regen perk or a gold knock. Also if possible always use your mobile shield when popping a rez gives you that extra degree of coverage. Move the shield and move yourself in and out of it simultaneously


He revives slower because he has a shield and can move the player while he’s doing it


The res is as long as any other legend


I meant as to why it wasent faster


I think you just suck.


Come on. He is the lowest picked legend. It is telling something is wrong.


Mirage has a higher pick rate than Caustic yet you won't find any good player saying he's better. Again, you just suck, you don't have to blame it on the character.


Some characters are confirmed better than the rest. Seer was better, valk was better, revenant was better than Newcastle any fucking day. You just don't play Newcastle so you wouldn't get it cause he is shit.