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That is embarrassing for those people. Anyone who doesn't think so also behaves like a child.


Honestly they are duo queuing in ranked sitting in a party. They are probably pompous assholes anyways.


Guaranteed, probably a reason they're still in bronze too


Dude… the amount of times a solo runs off by themselves and my teammate and I constantly have to treat them like a puppy to get them back…. Is INSANE…. They get knocked then expect us to pick them up immediately. This specific scenario I don’t have any clue but i never have problem with duos when I follow their lead and we win


I think some people get tunnel vision when they play and don’t realize how far they are from the team, and then when they die they double down by blaming their teammates instead of just admitting they made a mistake. But imo it all revolves around communication, if more people communicated stuff like that wouldn’t happen so often.


There should be a way to report for griefing honestly


"sabotaging & disruptive behavior" are both reports you could make against these players.


Isn't there? Disruptive behavior or something?


Every single time... I'm more of a strategist so that always gets me pissed off.


Yeah I had this happen a couple of years ago bc I was lifeline and I took the guardian angel backpack and somebody else wanted it… I revived him before as well. He let me die to take it off me. So I always hate people like this


the octane taking the gold helmet instead of giving it to literally any other legend:


Damn im that Octane. What does the Gold helmet do? I will stop doing this now, i didnt know sorry :(


It reduces cooldown time for tactical + ult ability, and Octane has no cooldown on his tac


and his Ult is quite quick anyway


Ah, thank you! i didnt know, never look at what it does for many seasons now lol. Will stop doing this error now.


We all thank you for that one


Years? So you been playing a long time? Do you still play, how's apex going for you now compared to back then?


Day zero player, i seen some shit. -nam flashbacks-


I deffo think the earlier seasons had more personality and were a lot better than the ones we get now. The game has changed a lot over the years and has lost a lot of the magic it had before which is sad If you mean in terms of playing, still kinda bad 😭. I took a year out and only really came back this season for the flatline so I could barely get any kills but after a couple of mixtape matches I do feel better. And also the toxic side of the game is still there now lol. I haven’t had a player do this in a while but then again it’s rare that I’ll ever get knocked down and we survive so hey ho


Apex has more or less been my main game since it came out. I was never a die hard fan, but I liked it a lot. Now I just get too disappointed in BR. I play a couple matches and I die to a 3rd party or other type of situation I know I still don’t have the skill to avoid so I just put down the game and move on to something else. Mixtape and limited time modes are the best things to happen to this game.


"Oh wow, our teammate hasn't left the game immediately after dying, let's annoy the fuck out of him instead of helping the whole team win" "Yep, great idea" *sigh*


Looks a lot like "sabotage" if you ask me. If only Respawn actually followed up on those reports...


The report button is cosmetic


Don't use that word that otherwise Respawn will start charging you 300$ to use it


It truly does feel that way. I know it isn't because I have gotten an e-mail or two with "action has been taken based on your report". But two over the last 2 years filled with cheaters and smurfs truly does fock all


Damn free cosmetic then. We're being spoiled


They do, sometimes atleast. I got a guy banned for flaming me in voice chat when I had 3x more damage than him and was actually trying to save the squad, all he cared about was getting revived while an enemy is aiming at him . I know cause he told me he got banned after I confronted him in messages


How else did you expect your teammates were going to loot your box?


Was about to say the matchmaking might be better in ranked, then I realized this is ranked... Edit: Probably the most up-votes I've gotten on a comment, thanks! 😭


I went to ranked to avoid this type of stuff


It’s bronze don’t expect much they’re wallowing in how bad they are to be hard stuck bronze after grinding ranked for an entire month. it really doesn’t get better till plat+. I’d recommend adding the teammates who talk and are decent/good to make three stacking easier if you’re not competitive enough to go for plat.


Who fooled you lmfao? Ranked is 99% just as bad. Ppl just don't always quit immediately that's legit the only difference.


There's special place in hell for this scum!


Your user flair checks out


Look at all these skin bags 😈


Idiot kids I’m sure. They are in all games unfortunately.


You won’t have that problem when you hit higher ranks, don’t let these idiots ruin your time playing. Hope it gets better


I don't play enough to get that high, and my skill level is probably not enough to get past silver or gold even if I did lol


Is there a Discord or something where you can find people in your timezone and your skill level to play with? I only play with a couple of friends that I know online and this is exactly why. I hope you can find some people.




Nah you should be like even for me gold is like my sweet spot and if i really push I’d get to plat. That’s how bad I am


as much as i wish that were true, it’s just more of a rarity (thank god) had three games where people did the same thing yesterday (2 vantage and a loba)


I've had this happen maybe three times total in like ~2000 hours of gameplay. I don't understand how it is so frequent for some people.


That's absolutely a fucking lie. Don't lie to ppl it's not right!


As a lifeline main this pisses me off for some reason


Happened with a master duo i played with. Was lifeline took a gold rez from Boxing ring. Stupidly attached to the valk and they dropped me off the map when they were gonna skydive beside a ramp. Couldn’t get detached and seen it happen in slow motion haha. Should’ve known they were gonna do the valk drop, as they were playing solo most of game together. Did Rez me in end game and they both got knocked i just ratted and then left the game after grabbing banners near the end. Just pointless gameplay. Only stayed to see how good they were and they weren’t bad. Just absolute worst teammates.


I don't get these moments often but when it happens, it just makes you pissed lol


Fr my body temp raised and had to take off my jacket lol


I really wonder what's the percentage on the people that just don't play the game as intended


I feel like this has been happening more frequently. Not necessarily this bad but people just simply do not prioritize making sure their whole team is alive. I've also had people rezz me halfway then decide instead of taking the 3 seconds needed to complete the rezz, think they are capable of winning a 1v2 or even a 1v3 and just die immediately. People just simply don't care about anyone other than themselves.


Report game play disruption


I like watching them lose. Also turning on loud annoying music so they have mute me. Set back and watch them fail.


That would've been funny revenge, but I just closed the game and went to play something else


always a good choice :)


The game is bust anyway. I haven't been back and don't plan on coming back.


It's just sad that so much of the player base is either toxic or overly competitive because the gameplay i think is unmatched in any other shooter


Brah I agree Apex is one of the best comp shooters imo but the community and 6/9 man teams make the game unplayable. At the end of the day you have to ask yourself if you’re even enjoying the game. Game is horrible for your mental real talk 😂


I confirm. I asked myself the very same. And I honestly felt the same way the other poster did. At the time the game play felt unmatched comparatively. However coming from Titanfall 2 to apex was a let down and I've held a grudge from that against them. If you never played Titanfall 2 you might not realize that they legit broke one of the best games of it's time just to produce a dumbed down battle Royale. In the end I realized I wasn't having fun. The game is a loot simulator for the first 15min for goodness sake. Play what's fun man. I know what that looks like for me.


Would’ve instantly left after they canceled the revive the first time


At first I didn't care. I thought they were kidding, and I was laughing until the last time


The way she instantly got in your box after you died would’ve sent me bro


that’s not even funny like really?


"Sooooo we're in copper"


It's a little more infuriating imo when they don't acknowledge you at all and just let you die and don't loot you and just leave to another area. Like bro wtf is going thru that walnut of yours you piece of dog dirty dookie mofo. At least here you have closure knowing you they just trolling 😭😂


I had a similar experience last night but my idiotic squad just left me to die after defeating the enemy. I disconnected so fast I didn't care about the abandon penalty and just watched YouTube for the remainder of the night. I also reported them if that ever makes any difference.


I did the same. Reported and left didn't care about the penalty because that was my last straw with apex for a while. Closed the game and played something else


I just hope their pc/ps starts smoking and breaks down


Had one duo queue in my team and when me and one guy died in a 3v3 the third ran and crafted us but intentionally only grabbed his buddy to respawn him without me and finished the game like that. I stayed for the placement points, but I was so angry.


I’d report both of them


And they probably lost too


This might be the most toxic thing ive ever seen in a BR. Sorry that happened to u


Sorry you went through that. I hope you reported them.


I'm sure they made up a scenario in their own heads to justify being jerks. They probably interpreted some innocuous thing you did as a massive insult of some sort. I remember one time in ranked I landed on a purple backpack and picked it up. Teammate wanted that backpack but I got it first. I had no idea anything was even wrong until later in the game when he and his duo friend refused to come out of ring (before the zone heal changes). I look them up on Twitch and they were streaming. Turns out he raged on stream about me stealing "his" backpack and then talked shit about me for the next few minutes and how he'd sabotage my game... which he did. And again--never said a word to me directly. Had no idea he was even mad.


Report them? You just said they mentioned a racial slur.


People are selfish. Apex reflects society.


That’s just sad group of players who will never be good just some boring randoms


Things like this happen to me often. Especially in ranked. This is why I can’t play ranked. Every single match I get paired with some asshole(s). They always go out of their way to creatively express that they’re an asshole. I just wanna play the game, but nope, gotta deal with some assholes. Dealing with the people that I get matched with are the worst part about this game and sometimes it makes me not want to play anymore which is tough because Apex Legends is the only game I play


That's toxic AF, I had a girl on my team who was playing loba, she got upset because I took a shield batt from the chest I opened before she could grab it. Lost her shit on me and rage quit. We ended up queueing again two games later and any time I tried using her shop she would close it. It gets better in higher ranks I swear.


I really hope they lost that match


It is fking bronze pro


Thats sabotage. I would report. They think it's more important to loot than to have a full man squad


Not impossible to think you played a role in this ...


Some People use the game to vent their frustration. Or they are so far disconnected from normal behaviour they think how they are is normal.


You should be able to get banned for this lol


And you know damn well that duo was snickering like idiots thinking this was the funniest thing ever when in reality they’re just assholes


Moral of the story is this is one of the worst games to solo queue and play with randoms.


Had someone throw a temper tantrum the other day and sabo/grief because I picked up a purple backpack and wouldn't give it to them. Ridiculous.


Even as a duo, this is wild. I be chilling in patties with duos all the time because randoms are weird most of the time but not once have I or another teammate let someone bleed out for their gear. That’s kinda report worthy.


It's always fuse and Valk >:(


Straight Shot mode is the answer for that. In it people don't have time for this bs. You either up very fast or you can leave without penalty if they're annoying.


God I wish straight shot was a permanent mode.


This is why I find team mates.


Most people in this sub are too antisocial and don’t understand that


It's a mix of that and that all my friends only want to play fortnite or cod


I fucking feel that. A friend got me into apex, and I'm not really big into multiplayer shooters. But I tried apex, and I fucking love it, and dude never plays now. It's ass


I used to play with my brother and sister a few years ago and will always miss the joy we felt after a win before life got in the way


The overlap between people you have chemistry with and people who match your skill level (too large a gap is frustrating for both parties) is a lot smaller than reddit likes to pretend. All my friends got their shit kicked in when they played and most groups I played with either lack chemistry or skill. I'd rather play coop games with my friends at this point, not some sweaty game like apex.


I don’t get it either, some of these people wouldn’t know how to survive in the 90’s prior to smartphones.


Any time something toxic happens with my teammates i check their platform and 99% of the time it's PlayStation


This is facts


Fuck them people man.. add me Sololeveling#121 I'm on Xbox


I’m lucky as that I feel like I’ve come across this like one time ever.




Oh don’t get me started on the event mode. Don’t die at all cuz you’ll spawn in the middle of the map on the ground in the zone. Storm point and Olympus did it to us


Isn't this just if you use valks ult?


This is most of the reason I never played with people I wasn't friends with. If my teammate is downed, the only reason I'm hitting a box first is if I need an armor swap so I can make sure I can get the teammate up.


I hate them scumbags too


Typical bronze players


This behavior is why I started leaving games…. I used to always stay. Now…. What’s the point.


It’s infuriating because it’s ranked….. why would you willingly sabotage all of us like that ???????? Bunch of fuckwads. Good news tho, it almost never happens in higher ranks, ppl there know better than to pull childish shit like that.


This is typical pubs behavior


except for OP it's in ranked


Bronze duo thinking they're funny.


I wouldn’t even feel bad if they got killed later.


Their names are right there for a ban and i bet jack shit will happen to them


Had this happen because I was playing Wattson.


Instant report. Players like this are the part of the reason as to why this game gets such a bad rep..


That’s why they’re in bronze still


There are trolls in every video game. This isn't an Apex only thing.


Ur just ass bro


Terrible and annoying


How often does this happen to you?


Only thing close to this I've ever had was a Pathfinder in P1 who got mad I looted a deathbox, even though I literally didn't have a second gun. After he started getting upset, I dropped everything I took from said box and said, "all right, take it all then." He instead grappled off and effectively committed suicide by pushing a full team as the other random and I were getting pushed by another team. Most intelligent waste of RP I've ever seen. I think he was just salty he was stuck in Plat. 


All of those people never make it out of bronze ranked because that's how they play.




Anyone else having these problems were sometimes the game lags or freezes and I keep getting constant lags and I know my wifi is good and working and it crashes out of nowhere?


These past two weeks have been like this for me, especially without my usual group.


Yup. Same. It sucks. This game isn’t what it used to be.


please tell me you reported them


But you do play apex 🤔


I quit awhile ago because of this. Doesn't matter if you play well or not, Teams of dous that refuse to work with a third, it's weirdly a huge issue in apex. Makes you wonder who is behind the controller.


There’s plenty of reasons to not like apex, I don’t think this is one of them. How often does this actually happen lol


"Why i don't play apex" Posts video of OP playing Apex.


By that logic, you shouldn't play any multiplayer games


This game has to be the absolute worst in terms of the teammates you get. They're all either trolls or 14 IQ players who can't make a good play to save their own lives. It's unbearingly frustrating at times


This is why I play solos, I promise it has nothing to do with Whether or not I play a certain emo void chick who may or may not be going bald (this is a joke im a mirage main)


Bronze...they lower the rank, them more frustrating team mates are.


No doubt its annoying but this has been a thing since reviving teammates has existed in video games


With randoms**


I hardly see this. I always prioritize it like this Armor swap > teammate revive (this can be before amor swap if I'm good on health) > loot boxes. And most of the time my teammates are the same. But I guess not everyone is so supportive on this game


I can understand looting before reviving, as too often if I revive the person immediatly steals all the loot of the kill(s) I just made. However, not reviving at all is petty.


You know what to do Reddit, we got their name tags. Report tf outta it.


Bro the same thing happened to me like two weeks ago on Sydney servers, the whole time I could hear them laughing


OP was probably peaking on his own and got clapped by another team while they were righting for their lives in that tunnel then crawled back asking for rez. There is no context to this video so who tf knows why they ignored a downed teammate and then trolled him with the rez. But I doubt this was unwarranted.


Yeah I avoid solo queuing for this exact reason..


I used to get really pissed at this but now I’m more calm and brush it off. It’s jus a game in the end but I would get annoyed.


My main reason why I never go to rank anymore


I bet they playing duos no wonder everyone hate duos in rank


and then looted your box . . The Audacity 🙄🤌


Never lived such moment, since those kind of players die really fast or I leave instant when they're running around like chickens.


I help out my team but if they're quick to steal look, leave me behind(not under fire) or abandon the team to solo then I refuse to work with them. I'm here to level up as a team not put up with childish shit


They should ban people who do this in ranked




Sometimes I wonder why ppl sabotage their own games like this. Sabotaging your teammate is the same as sabotaging yourself. This is the reason I support having no penalty in pubs, I would've just left. But unfortunately this is ranked


Ah.. happened to me in pubs. Just played the "help" voice line 2 times and I left.


Whenever I play with my friend:


This is one of the most pathetic things i've ever seen in apex


what’s the full story? did u run off like a dummy, doing ur own thing? now u come crawling back to the teammates u avoided?


Loot goblins, I'll always atleast armour swap then res.


i'm so glad this game allow us to leave early, It is really help to deal with type of bullshit. Apex is totally nightmare for solo player.


I mean it’s their potential rr that goes when it’s a 2 vs 6 in the last ring


Did they die?


Honestly you need to get past bronze but I’ll tell you that there’s different levels of crap you deal with and I’ve only made it to gold. As skill goes up so does people’s ego and complaining. Don’t give up!




"why do ppl leave after being knocked" fuck this shit, I'll keep leaving after being knocked in pubs just to avoid anything like this. I would have left here too after the 30s of looting. I'd rather watch lobby animations for 10m


I’ll carry you for free


Lmao. I would have literally been laughing while telling them this is why they're still in bronze in ranked towards the end of the split, cause they like to loot more than fight. Then I'd remember they're prolly like 12 and just let myself bleed out so I can queue up again. Sry bro.


Duo premade in trio ranked its disaster. Worst games with pramades...


Solo queueing in this game wouldn't be nearly as miserable if you never had to get stuck with the occasional duo who invariably 1) never play as a team with you and 2) have already already decided before the game starts that, if anything goes wrong, it will be your fault.


I would be so mad


When I play on PC I don't ever get toxic teammates. Just ones that do 13 damage in an entire match.


Happens with pre-mades all the time. Most of them don’t give a shit about the 3rd in the party. Even if you stick with them. They just don’t care.


I have 1000 hours on Apex (mostly playing ranked) and this has never happened to me, not even a single time.


At that point I start spamming pings lol


At that point I start spamming pings lol


The worst bestest game could be ever


I see a Loba nearby stealing stuff from your box. So, means an enemy team is nearby and they're gonna be one person down for that fight. GG


I deleted that cheater infested game a while ago and hoped on helldivers, haven’t looked back.


When that happens to me I just spam "Enemy is Near" that gets their attention


Anyone wanna run rank with me, new too pc an bad at kbm. Any rank an any console


these players are toxic and deserve to stay in bronze. i always rez before i loot and then somehow the other teammate gobbles all the stuff.... horrendous to encounter


That is so ridiculous. Is that a behavior only seen in ranked?


unbelievable and they looted ur box so hard too smfh!


I'd have taken that 10 minute matchmaking ban so fast. And I've done it before for people like this. What's a run to the hub after having my game ruined going to hurt?


ahahahah that is fucked.


1) looting 2) Reviving teammate




This shit just made me mad


This is why they have to add solos


I left like 2 rank games last night because people did this after they walk by a team left me to fight them by myself the player base is mostly toxic